912 resultados para Mutual


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Redactada en nom dels molts consorcis de biblioteques de tot el món que participen a l'ICOLC, aquesta declaració té dos propòsits. Té la intenció d'ajudar als editors i altres proveïdors de contingut amb els quals tenim accés als recursos d'informació electrònica (d'ara en endavant simplement anomenats editors) a entendre millor com l'actual crisi econòmica única afecta a la comunitat de la informació de tot el món. El segon propòsit és suggerir un ventall de propostes que creiem són de benefici comú per a les biblioteques i els proveïdors de serveis d'informació.


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Redactada en nombre de los muchos consorcios de bibliotecas de todo el mundo que participan en ICOLC, esta declaración tiene dos propósitos. Tiene la intención de ayudar a los editores y otros proveedores de contenido con los cuales tenemos acceso a los recursos de información electrónica (de ahora en adelante simplemente llamados editores) a entender mejor cómo la actual crisis económica única afecta a la comunidad de la información de todo el mundo. El segundo propósito es sugerir un abanico de propuestas que creemos son de beneficio común para las bibliotecas y los proveedores de servicios de información.


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Nearly half of all ant species form polygyne societies (cohabitation of more than a single egg-laying queen). These queens are generally smaller and store fewer fat reserves than queens from monogyne colonies. Most queens in polygyne colonies (70-100 pour 100) are inseminated, although this proportion varies among species, and even among populations of the same species. They exhibit mutual tolerance and they all contribute to the reproductive effort of the colony. Nevertheless, their individual fecundity is considerably reduced compared with that of queens from monogyne colonies. This reduction in fecundity seems to be due to some form of mutual inhibition, in some cases the secretion by each female of a substance suppressing egg production in other queens has been implicated. In a few species, queens are organized into a hierarchy such that certain queens lay more eggs than others or even monopolize egg-laying (functional monogyny). Polygyny is linked to a particular life history. It rarely results from the association of several foundresses (primary polygyny). Usually, it is due to the adoption of young queens by an established nest just after a nuptial flight. This secondary polygyny means that the dispersal of the species is limited and is achieved by the budding of a mother nest. Thus colony founding is dependent; with workers accompanying young queens in establishing new colonies. Observation of closely related species exhibiting different social organizations, some monogyne and others polygyne, shows a possible link between queen number and ecological conditions: polygyne forms are more frequent in unstable habitats susceptible to rapid change, such as that caused by human activity. The existence of polygyne societies is an intriguing evolutionary mystery. Research into the origin and maintenance of polygyny focuses on patterns of speciation in relation to queen number and the different theories put forth for the evolution of eusociality, mainly kin selection and mutualism.


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Interaction, the act of mutual influence between two or more individuals, is an essential part of daily life and economic decisions. Yet, micro-foundations of interaction are unexplored. This paper presents a first attempt to this purpose. We study a decision procedure for interacting agents. According to our model, interaction occurs since individuals seek influence for those issues that they cannot solve on their own. Following a choice-theoretic approach, we provide simple properties that aid to detect interacting individuals. In this case, revealed preference analysis not only grants the underlying preferences but also the influence acquired. Our baseline model is based on two interacting individuals, though we extend the analysis to multi-individual environments.


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The biological literature contains many examples of mutual influences between different species of parasites, especially with respect to concomitant helminth infections. Several situations are known in wich the association of infection by Shistosoma mansoni with other pathogens in the same host results in a type of disease wich differs from the simple summation of the individual effects of each infection. The present study concerns concomitant infections involving S. mansoni and enterobacteriaceae; S. mansoni and other helmints such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostomids, Toxocara canis and species of the genus Hymenolepis; S. mansoni and different protozoa such as Trypanosoma cruzi, T. brucei, Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium berghei. The interaction between hepatitis B virus and S. mansoni, leading to prolonged viremia and worsening of liver damage, is also discussed. The paper also treats the simultaneous occurrence of schistosomiasis and other aggravating factors such as malnutrition and neoplasias wich may alter the host's response to the trematode.


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Redactada en nom dels molts consorcis de biblioteques de tot el món que participen a l'ICOLC, aquesta declaració té dos propòsits. Té la intenció d'ajudar als editors i altres proveïdors de contingut amb els quals tenim accés als recursos d'informació electrònica (d'ara en endavant simplement anomenats editors) a entendre millor com l'actual crisi econòmica única afecta a la comunitat de la informació de tot el món. El segon propòsit és suggerir un ventall de propostes que creiem són de benefici comú per a les biblioteques i els proveïdors de serveis d'informació.


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Redactada en nombre de los muchos consorcios de bibliotecas de todo el mundo que participan en ICOLC, esta declaración tiene dos propósitos. Tiene la intención de ayudar a los editores y otros proveedores de contenido con los cuales tenemos acceso a los recursos de información electrónica (de ahora en adelante simplemente llamados editores) a entender mejor cómo la actual crisis económica única afecta a la comunidad de la información de todo el mundo. El segundo propósito es sugerir un abanico de propuestas que creemos son de beneficio común para las bibliotecas y los proveedores de servicios de información.


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Four West Malaysian shrew populations of the genus Crocidura were investigated through their karyotype and allozyme variations, and, in part, by interfertility experiments. Two different karyotypes characterize these shrews. The first, restricted to the Cameron Highlands (Peninsular Malaysia), invariably has 2n = 40 chromosomes but a varying fundamental number (FN = 54-58). The second karyotype shows a fundamental number of 62-68 and a polymorphic chromosomal number of 2n = 38, 39 or 40, a rare event in the genus Crocidura. Thus both can be distinguished by either a low or a higher number of meta- and submetacentric elements. In heterospecific breeding experiments, mutual avoidance was observed suggesting prezygotic barriers, whereas intraspecific pairs produced 13 liters (mean 2.1 young). Furthermore, our biochemical results indicate that both karyotypes correspond to a relatively ancient separation (Nei's D = 0.354), an amount of genetic differentiation comparable to the distance separating them from the West Palearctic C. russula (D = 0.429-0.583). In contrast, conspecific island and mainland Malaysian shrews possessing the second karyotype had only one fixed allelic difference over the 35 loci surveyed. The problem of naming the two biological species remains unsolved and requires further comparative investigations.


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In 2002 in the Ivory Coast three months of armed conflict ended with the division of the country. Two regions were separated by an interposition line controlled by the French Forces Licorne. This significant peace process was maintained over time, but characterized for lack of mutual confidence and political immobility, which led to an impasse and the continuation of Laurent Gbagbo in the presidency. Moreover, the peace building process was less successful because the different political agreements failed to address some of the main national problems, such as land property and identity issues. The following paper aims first to analyze the main facts and causes that instigated the conflict since the coup d’état in 2002. Secondly, the paper will analyze the peace process and point out the key elements of the Ouagadougou Peace Agreement (2007): the creation of a new and unique armed forces structure, as well as the identification of the population and implementation of an electoral process. The main goal is to provide the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) a working tool in order to send an electoral observation mission to this African country by November 2009.


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The ribonucleotide reductase gene tandem bnrdE/bnrdF in SPbeta-related prophages of different Bacillus spp. isolates presents different configurations of intervening sequences, comprising one to three of six non-homologous splicing elements. Insertion sites of group I introns and intein DNA are clustered in three relatively short segments encoding functionally important domains of the ribonucleotide reductase. Comparison of the bnrdE homologs reveals mutual exclusion of a group I intron and an intein coding sequence flanking the codon that specifies a conserved cysteine. In vivo splicing was demonstrated for all introns. However, for two of them a part of the mRNA precursor molecules remains unspliced. Intergenic bnrdE-bnrdF regions are unexpectedly long, comprising between 238 and 541 nt. The longest encodes a putative polypeptide related to HNH homing endonucleases.


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Two contiguous villages in Tracunhaém county (State of Pernambuco), endemic for schistosomiasis, were studied: Itapinassu (138 inhabitants) and São Joaquim (91 inhabitants). Agriculture predominates in the former region while ceramics is the main activity in the latter. Although no statistical difference was found regarding prevalence, severe infection (>400 epg) predominated in Itapinassu, probably related to the kind of occupation. No association was found between parasite burden and severity of disease, in spite of the high infection rates for Schistosoma mansoni in both communities (approx. 60%). Typical epidemiological features of schistosomiasis such as age-related prevalences and intensities of infection (high in children, low in adults) were also mutual characteristics. Nutritional status determined through anthropometric evaluation was carried out by measuring specific anthropometric indicators. A deficit of energy intake, as well as vitamin A and riboflavin deficiencies were detected. The prevalence of moderate or severe undernutrition in patients under 18 years old was 21.9% in Itapinassu and 24.1% in São Joaquim. In this group an association was found between prevalence of schistosomiasis and chronic undernutrition. Similarly, for patients over 18 year old the prevalence of undernutrition was higher than 20%. However, in this case no association between nutritional status and either prevalence of schistosomiasis or parasite burden could be detected. The two communities had not been treated for eight years.


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Joint-stability in interindustry models relates to the mutual simultaneous consistency of the demand-driven and supply-driven models of Leontief and Ghosh, respectively. Previous work has claimed joint-stability to be an acceptable assumption from the empirical viewpoint, provided only small changes in exogenous variables are considered. We show in this note, however, that the issue has deeper theoretical roots and offer an analytical demonstration that shows the impossibility of consistency between demand-driven and supply-driven models.


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The control of endemic diseases has not attained the desired level of effectiveness in spite of the use of modern efficient thecnologies. The classic interventionist approach for the control of schistosomiasis is centered on systemic control of the snail hosts combined to large scale medical treatment and is usually carried out without social preocupation due to the assisted communities. It is easy to understand the interest and the ethical compromise of public health research while producing studies in which the biological and social determinants as well as the cultural components should be considered and also encompass the historical dimensions and symbolic representations. In face of the recent political decision in favor of decentralizations of health administration to municipal level, we suggest, in the present paper, an integrated approach for the epidemiological diagnosis of an endemic situation at local level. Theoretical and methodological aspects from both, epidemiology and anthropology are discussed. Epidemiological methods can be used to detect the dependent variables (those related to the human infection) and the independent variables (demographic, economic, sanitary and social). Another methodological approach of anthropological /etnographic nature can be conducted in order to make an articulation of the knowledge on the various dimensions or determinant levels of the disease. Mutual comprehension, between researchers and the people under investigation, on the dynamic transmission process would be relevant for a joint construction, at local level, of programmed actions for the control of endemic diseases. This would extend reflections on the health/disease process as a whole.


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Aspergillus lentulus, an Aspergillus fumigatus sibling species, is increasingly reported in corticosteroid-treated patients. Its clinical significance is unknown, but the fact that A. lentulus shows reduced antifungal susceptibility, mainly to voriconazole, is of serious concern. Heterologous expression of cyp51A from A. fumigatus and A. lentulus was performed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to assess differences in the interaction of Cyp51A with the azole drugs. The absence of endogenous ERG11 was efficiently complemented in S. cerevisiae by the expression of either Aspergillus cyp51A allele. There was a marked difference between azole minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the clones expressing each Aspergillus spp. cyp51A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae clones expressing A. lentulus alleles showed higher MICs to all of the azoles tested, supporting the hypothesis that the intrinsic azole resistance of A. lentulus could be associated with Cyp51A. Homology models of A. fumigatus and A. lentulus Cyp51A protein based on the crystal structure of Cyp51p from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with fluconazole were almost identical owing to their mutual high sequence identity. Molecular dynamics (MD) was applied to both three-dimensional protein models to refine the homology modelling and to explore possible differences in the Cyp51A-voriconazole interaction. After 20ns of MD modelling, some critical differences were observed in the putative closed form adopted by the protein upon voriconazole binding. A closer study of the A. fumigatus and A. lentulus voriconazole putative binding site in Cyp51A suggested that some major differences in the protein's BC loop could differentially affect the lock-up of voriconazole, which in turn could correlate with their different azole susceptibility profiles.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland were asked to submit a paper on 'Cross-border cooperation on healthcare' for a joint meeting between the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children and the Northern Ireland Assembly Health Committee which took place in Leinster House on 1 March 2012. Key points from the submission included: o    The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island organisation which promotes cooperation between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland with the aim of improving population health on the island and tackling health inequalities. IPH work is focused on addressing the causes of ill health rather than the design and delivery of treatment services. o    North/South cooperation on health was mandated under the Belfast Agreement in 1998 in five domains, including health promotion. IPH has supported the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC) in respect of the health promotion strand since inception. o    The Department of Health and Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety North-South Feasibility Study (December 2011) states that mutual benefits are most evident from cooperation in the areas of (i) anticipating trends and illnesses in a collective manner (ii) public health issues (iii) specialised services where the population or activity required to sustain the service cannot be met by either jurisdiction alone and (iv) in relation to those areas adjacent to the border. o    The European Directive on Cross-Border Healthcare will be implemented in the next few years which will have implications in relation to patients travelling for healthcare across the Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland border. o    IPH is supporting the development of new public health strategies in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland which are both due for publication this year. o    There are tangible benefits from cross-border cooperation in the health sector, both in public health and in health service planning and delivery and there are many examples of successful initiatives. However, developments are not occurring in the context of an agreed plan or overall strategic context and tend to be project-based and concentrated in border counties. o    Successful cross-border cooperation requires high level support and integration into departmental policy cycles. The provision of data on an all-island basis supports cross-border cooperation as does the operation of sustainable all-island organisations which can support research, evaluations and programmes. o    In the future, cross-border cooperation in health will be more effective if developed with a strategic planning process intrinsically linked to Departmental priorities. o    North-South cooperation in the areas of alcohol, obesity, tobacco health surveys and rare diseases will be particularly beneficial.