973 resultados para Multiple defenses -Secondary metabolites


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Harmful algal blooms are mainly caused by marine dinoflagellates and are known to produce potent toxins that may affect the ecosystem, human activities and health. Such events have increased in frequency and intensity worldwide in the past decades. Numerous processes involved in Global Change are amplified in the Arctic, but little is known about species specific responses of arctic dinoflagellates. The aim of this work was to perform an exhaustive morphological, phylogenetical and toxinological characterization of Greenland Protoceratium reticulatum and, in addition, to test the effect of temperature on growth and production of bioactive secondary metabolites. Seven clonal isolates, the first isolates of P. reticulatum available from arctic waters, were phylogenetically characterized by analysis of the LSU rDNA. Six isolates were further characterized morphologically and were shown to produce both yessotoxins (YTX) and lytic compounds, representing the first report of allelochemical activity in P. reticulatum. As shown for one of the isolates, growth was strongly affected by temperature with a maximum growth rate at 15 °C, a significant but slow growth at 1 °C, and cell death at 25 °C, suggesting an adaptation of P. reticulatum to temperate waters. Temperature had no major effect on total YTX cell quota or lytic activity but both were affected by the growth phase with a significant increase at stationary phase. A comparison of six isolates at a fixed temperature of 10 °C showed high intraspecific variability for all three physiological parameters tested. Growth rate varied from 0.06 to 0.19 per day, and total YTX concentration ranged from 0.3 to 15.0 pg YTX/cell and from 0.5 to 31.0 pg YTX/cell at exponential and stationary phase, respectively. All six isolates performed lytic activity; however, for two isolates lytic activity was only detectable at higher cell densities in stationary phase.


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Soft corals of the family Xeniidae are particularly abundant in Red Sea coral reefs. Their success may be partly due to a strong defense mechanism against fish predation. To test this, we conducted field and aquarium experiments in which we assessed the antifeeding effect of secondary metabolites of 2 common xeniid species, Ovabunda crenata and Heteroxenia ghardaqensis. In the field experiment, the metabolites of both investigated species reduced feeding on experimental food pellets in the natural population of Red Sea reef fishes by 86 and 92% for O. crenata and H. ghardaqensis, respectively. In the aquarium experiment, natural concentration of crude extract reduced feeding on experimental food pellets in the common reef fish Thalassoma lunare (moon wrasse) by 83 and 85%, respectively. Moon wrasse feeding was even reduced at extract concentrations as low as 12.5% of the natural concentration in living soft coral tissues. To assess the potential of a structural anti-feeding defence, sclerites of O. crenata were extracted and mixed into food pellets at natural, doubled and reduced concentration without and in combination with crude extract at 25% of natural concentration, and tested in an aquarium experiment. The sclerites did not show any effect on the feeding behavior of the moon wrasse indicating that sclerites provide structural support rather than antifeeding defense. H. ghardaqensis lacks sclerites. We conclude that the conspicuous abundance of xeniid soft coral species in the Red Sea is likely a consequence of a strong chemical defence, rather than physical defences, against potential predators.


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The marine fungus Microascus brevicaulis strain LF580 is a non-model secondary metabolite producer with high yields of the two secondary metabolites scopularide A and B, which exhibit distinct activities against tumour cell lines. A mutant strain was obtained using UV mutagenesis, showing besides higher production levels faster growth and differences in pellet formation. Comparative proteomics were applied to gain deeper understanding of the regulation of production and of the physiology of this fungus and its mutant. For this purpose, an optimised protein extraction protocol was established. Here, we show the first proteome study of a marine fungus. In total, 4759 proteins were identified. The central metabolic pathway of LF580 could be mapped by using KEGG pathway analysis and GO annotation. Using iTRAQ labelling, 318 proteins were shown to be significantly regulated in the mutant strain: 189 were down- and 129 upregulated. Proteomics are a powerful tool for the understanding of regulatory aspects: The differences on proteome level could be attributed to a limited nutrient availability in wild type strain due to a strong pellet formation. This information can be applied to optimisation on strain and process level. The linkage between nutrient limitation and pellet formation in the non-model fungus M. brevicaulis is in consensus with the knowledge on model organisms like Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum.


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El presente trabajo de Tesis describe la posibilidad de modular la fermentación alcohólica utilizando bloqueadores metabólicos como furfural, o-vainillina, ácido cinámico, glicolaldehído, p-benzoquinona y cobre; para controlar la producción de etanol. El redireccionamiento de la ruta glicolítica en Saccharomyces cerevisiae favorece el descenso del grado alcohólico gracias al aumento de la producción de metabolitos secundarios de interés enológico. La primera parte de la Tesis presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre estudios previos en los que se ha evaluado el efecto de los diferentes bloqueadores metabólicos en la producción de etanol durante la fermentación alcohólica. La segunda parte muestra los resultados experimentales de producción de etanol obtenidos con los bloqueadores metabólicos, observándose una amplia variabilidad en su efecto en función de la naturaleza química de cada bloqueador y de la naturaleza del medio fermentativo utilizado. Finalmente, la tercera parte del trabajo muestra el efecto de los bloqueadores metabólicos sobre los parámetros colorimétricos y la producción de metabolitos secundarios, observándose un importante efecto en la producción de glicerina y en algunos de los compuestos volátiles fermentativos. La principal aplicación de esta tecnología basada en la utilización de bloqueadores metabólicos sería la elaboración de vinos con una menor graduación alcohólica a partir de uva procedente de zonas cálidas. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the possibility of modulating the alcoholic fermentation using metabolic blockers such as furfural, o-vanillin, cinnamic acid, glycolaldehyde, p-benzoquinone and copper. The controlled production of ethanol by redirecting of the glycolytic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is achieved through diverting some of the carbohydrates away from alcohol production into the formation of glycolytic intermediates of interest to the winemaking industry. The first part of this work shows a literature review on previous studies about the effect of different metabolic blockers in order to reduce the ethanol production during alcoholic fermentation. The second part deals about the experimental results of ethanol production obtained with the metabolic blockers, showing a wide variation in the inhibitory effect depending on the chemical nature of each blocker and the nature of the fermentation medium used. Finally, the third part discussed about the effect of the metabolic blockers on colorimetric parameters and production of secondary metabolites, showing a significant effect on the production of glycerol and in some of the volatile fermentative compounds. The main application of this technology based on the use of metabolic blockers could lie in the preparation of reduced-alcohol wines from grapes grown in hot climate regions.


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Un porcentaje importante de las pérdidas de la producción agrícola se deben a las enfermedades que causan en los cultivos los hongos necrótrofos y vasculares. Para mejorar la productividad agrícola es necesario tener un conocimiento detallado de las bases genéticas y moleculares que regulan la resistencia de las plantas a este tipo de patógenos. En Arabidopsis thaliana la resistencia frente a patógenos necrótrofos, como el hongo Plectosphaerella cucumerina BMM (PcBMM), es genéticamente compleja y depende de la activación coordinada de distintas rutas de señalización, como las reguladas por las hormonas ácido salicílico (SA), ácido jasmónico (JA), etileno (ET) y ácido abscísico (ABA), así como de la síntesis de compuestos antimicrobianos derivados del Triptófano y de la integridad de la pared celular (Llorente et al., 2005, Hernández-Blanco et al., 2007; Delgado-Cerezo et al., 2012). Uno de los componentes claves en la regulación de la resistencia de las plantas a patógenos (incluidos hongos necrótrofos y biótrofos) es la proteína G heterotrimérica, un complejo proteico formado por tres subunidades (Gα, Gβ y Gγ), que también regula distintos procesos del desarrollo vegetal. En Arabidopsis hay un gen que codifica para la subunidad α (GPA1), otro para la β (AGB1), y tres genes para la subunidad γ (AGG1, AGG2 y AGG3). El complejo GPA1-AGB1-AGG (1-3) se activa y disocia tras la percepción de una señal específica, actuando el dímero AGB1-AGG1/2 como un monómero funcional que regula las respuestas de defensa (Delgado-Cerezo et al., 2012). Estudios transcriptómicos y análisis bioquímicos de la pared celular en los que se comparaban los mutantes agb1-2 y agg1 agg2, y plantas silvestres (Col-0) revelaron que la resistencia mediada por Gβ-Gγ1/2 no es dependiente de rutas de defensa previamente caracterizadas, y sugieren que la proteína G podría modular la composición/estructura (integridad) de la pared celular (Delgado-Cerezo et al., 2012). Recientemente, se ha demostrado que AGB1 es un componente fundamental de la respuesta inmune mediada por Pathogen- Associated Molecular Patterns (PTI), ya que los mutantes agb1-2 son incapaces de activar tras el tratamiento con PAMPs respuestas de inmunidad, como la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS; Liu et al., 2013). Dada la importancia de la proteína G heterotrimérica en la regulación de la respuestas de defensa (incluida la PTI) realizamos un escrutinio de mutantes supresores de la susceptibilidad de agb1-2 al hongo necrótrofo, PcBMM, para identificar componentes adicionales de las rutas de señalización reguladas por AGB1. En este escrutinio se aislaron cuatro mutantes sgb (suppressors of agb1-2 susceptibility to pathogens), dos de los cuales, sgb10 y sgb11, se han caracterizado en la presente Tesis Doctoral. El mutante sgb10 es un segundo alelo nulo del gen MKP1 (At3g55270) que codifica la MAP quinasa-fosfatasa 1 (Bartels et al., 2009). Este mutante presenta lesiones espontáneas en plantas adultas y una activación constitutiva de las principales rutas de defensa (SA, JA y ET, y de metabolitos secundarios, como la camalexina), que explicaría su elevada resistencia a PcBMM y Pseudomonas syringae. Estudios epistáticos sugieren que la resistencia mediada por SGB10 no es dependiente, si no complementaria a la regulada por AGB1. El mutante sgb10 es capaz de restablecer en agb1-2 la producción de ROS y otras respuestas PTI (fosforilación de las MAPK6/3/4/11) tras el tratamiento con PAMPs tan diversos como flg22, elf18 y quitina, lo que demuestra el papel relevante de SGB10/MKP1 y de AGB1 en PTI. El mutante sgb11 se caracteriza por presentar un fenotipo similar a los mutantes irregular xylem (e.g. irx1) afectado en pared celular secundaria: irregularidades en las células xilemáticas, reducción en el tamaño de la roseta y altura de planta, y hojas con un mayor contenido de clorofila. La resistencia de sgb11 a PcBMM es independiente de agb1-2, ya que la susceptibilidad del doble mutante sgb11 agb1-2 es intermedia entre la de agb1-2 y sgb11. El mutante sgb11 no revierte la deficiente PTI de agb1-2 tras el tratamiento con flg22, lo que indica que está alterado en una ruta distinta de la regulada por SGB10. sgb11 presenta una sobreactivación de la ruta del ácido abscísico (ABA), lo que podría explicar su resistencia a PcBMM. La mutación sgb11 ha sido cartografiada en el cromosoma III de Arabidopsis entre los marcadores AthFUS6 (81,64cM) y nga6 (86,41cM) en un intervalo de aproximadamente 200 kb, que comprende genes, entre los que no se encuentra ninguno previamente descrito como IRX. El aislamiento y caracterización de SGB11 apoya la relevancia de la proteína G heterotrimérica en la regulación de la interconexión entre integridad de la pared celular e inmunidad. ABSTRACT A significant percentage of agricultural losses are due to diseases caused by necrotrophic and vascular fungi. To enhance crop yields is necessary to have a detailed knowledge of the genetic and molecular bases regulating plant resistance to these pathogens. Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to necrotrophic pathogens, such as Plectosphaerella cucumerina BMM (PcBMM) fungus, is genetically complex and depends on the coordinated activation of various signaling pathways. These include those regulated by salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene (ET) and abscisic acid (ABA) hormones and the synthesis of tryptophan-derived antimicrobial compounds and cell wall integrity (Llorente et al., 2005, Hernández-Blanco et al., 2007; Delgado-Cerezo et al., 2012). One key component in the regulation of plant resistance to pathogens (including biotrophic and necrotrophic fungi) is the heterotrimeric G-protein. This protein complex is formed by three subunits (Gα, Gβ and Gγ), which also regulates various plant developmental processes. In Arabidopsis only one gene encodes for subunits α (GPA1) and β (AGB1), and three genes for subunit γ (AGG1, AGG2 y AGG3). The complex GPA1- AGB1-AGG(1-3) is activated and dissociates after perception of an specific signal, AGB1- AGG1/2 acts as a functional monomer regulating defense responses (Delgado-Cerezo et al., 2012). Comparative transcriptomic studies and biochemical analyses of the cell wall of agb1-2 and agg1agg2 mutant and wild plants (Col-0), showed that Gβ-Gγ1/2-mediated resistance is not dependent on previously characterized defense pathways. In addition, it suggests that G protein may modulate the composition/structure (integrity) of the plant cell wall (Delgado-Cerezo et al., 2012). Recently, it has been shown that AGB1 is a critical component of the immune response mediated by Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PTI), as agb1-2 mutants are unable to activate immune responses such as oxygen reactive species (ROS) production after PAMPs treatment (Liu et al., 2013). Considering the importance of the heterotrimeric G protein in regulation of defense responses (including PTI), we performed a screening for suppressors of agb1-2 susceptibility to the necrotrophic fungus PcBMM. This would allow the identification of additional components of the signaling pathways regulated by AGB1. In this search four sgb mutants (suppressors of agb1-2 susceptibility to pathogens) were isolated, two of which, sgb10 and sgb11, have been characterized in this PhD thesis. sgb10 mutant is a second null allele of MKP1 gene (At3g55270), which encodes the MAP kinase-phosphatase 1 (Bartels et al., 2009). This mutant exhibits spontaneous lesions in adult plants and a constitutive activation of the main defense pathways (SA, JA and ET, and secondary metabolites, such as camalexin), which explains its high resistance to Pseudomonas syringae and PcBMM. Epistatic studies suggest that SGB10- mediated resistance is not dependent, but complementary to the regulated by AGB1. The sgb10 mutant is able to restore agb1-2 ROS production and other PTI responses (MAPK6/3/4/11 phosphorylation) upon treatment with PAMPs as diverse as, flg22, elf18 and chitin, demonstrating the relevant role of SGB10/MKP1 and AGB1 in PTI. sgb11 mutant is characterized by showing a similar phenotype to irregular xylem mutants (e.g. irx1), affected in secondary cell wall: irregular xylems cells, rosette size reduction and plant height, and higher chlorophyll content on leaves. The resistance of sgb11 to PcBMM is independent of agb1-2, as susceptibility of the double mutant agb1-2sgb11 is intermediate between agb1-2 and sgb11. The sgb11 mutant does not revert the deficient PTI response in agb1-2 after flg22 treatment, indicating that is altered in a pathway different to the one regulated by SGB10. sgb11 presents an over-activation of the abscisic acid pathway (ABA), which could explain its resistance to PcBMM. The sgb11 mutation has been mapped on chromosome III of Arabidopsis, between AthFUS6 (81.64 cM) and nga6 (86.41 cM) markers, in 200 kb interval, which does not include previously known IRX genes. The isolation and characterization of SGB11 supports the importance of heterotrimeric G protein in the regulation of the interconnection between the cell wall integrity and immunity.


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Actualmente, la gestión de sistemas de Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) en cultivos hortícolas tiene por objetivo priorizar los métodos de control no químicos en detrimento del consumo de plaguicidas, según recoge la directiva europea 2009/128/CE ‘Uso Sostenible de Plaguicidas’ (OJEC, 2009). El uso de agentes de biocontrol como alternativa a la aplicación de insecticidas es un elemento clave de los sistemas MIP por sus innegables ventajas ambientales que se utiliza ampliamente en nuestro país (Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). En la región de Almería, donde se concentra el 65% de cultivo en invernadero de nuestro país (47.367 ha), MIP es la principal estrategia en pimiento (MAGRAMA, 2014), y comienza a serlo en otros cultivos como tomate o pepino. El cultivo de pepino, con 8.902 ha (MAGRAMA, 2013), tiene un protocolo semejante al pimiento (Robledo et al., 2009), donde la única especie de pulgón importante es Aphis gossypii Glover. Sin embargo, pese al continuo incremento de la superficie de cultivo agrícola bajo sistemas MIP, los daños originados por virosis siguen siendo notables. Algunos de los insectos presentes en los cultivos de hortícolas son importantes vectores de virus, como los pulgones, las moscas blancas o los trips, cuyo control resulta problemático debido a su elevada capacidad para transmitir virus vegetales incluso a una baja densidad de plaga (Holt et al., 2008; Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). Las relaciones que se establecen entre los distintos agentes de un ecosistema son complejas y muy específicas. Se ha comprobado que, pese a que los enemigos naturales reducen de manera beneficiosa los niveles de plaga, su incorporación en los sistemas planta-insecto-virus puede desencadenar complicadas interacciones con efectos no deseables (Dicke y van Loon, 2000; Jeger et al., 2011). Así, los agentes de biocontrol también pueden inducir a que los insectos vectores modifiquen su comportamiento como respuesta al ataque y, con ello, el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de las virosis que transmiten (Bailey et al., 1995; Weber et al., 1996; Hodge y Powell, 2008a; Hodge et al., 2011). Además, en ocasiones el control biológico por sí solo no es suficiente para controlar determinadas plagas (Medina et al., 2008). Entre los métodos que se pueden aplicar bajo sistemas MIP están las barreras físicas que limitan la entrada de plagas al interior de los invernaderos o interfieren con su movimiento, como pueden ser las mallas anti-insecto (Álvarez et al., 2014), las mallas fotoselectivas (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub y Berlinger, 2004; Díaz y Fereres, 2007) y las mallas impregnadas en insecticida (Licciardi et al., 2008; Martin et al., 2014). Las mallas fotoselectivas reducen o bloquean casi por completo la transmisión de radiación UV, lo que interfiere con la visión de los insectos y dificulta o impide la localización del cultivo y su establecimiento en el mismo (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub, 2009). Se ha comprobado cómo su uso puede controlar los pulgones y las virosis en cultivo de lechuga (Díaz et al., 2006; Legarrea et al., 2012a), así como la mosca blanca, los trips y los ácaros, y los virus que estos transmiten en otros cultivos (Costa y Robb, 1999; Antignus et al., 2001; Kumar y Poehling, 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007a; Legarrea et al., 2010). Sin embargo, no se conoce perfectamente el modo de acción de estas barreras, puesto que existe un efecto directo sobre la plaga y otro indirecto mediado por la planta, cuya fisiología cambia al desarrollarse en ambientes con falta de radiación UV, y que podría afectar al ciclo biológico de los insectos fitófagos (Vänninen et al., 2010; Johansen et al., 2011). Del mismo modo, es necesario estudiar la compatibilidad de esta estrategia con los enemigos naturales de las plagas. Hasta la fecha, los estudios han evidenciado que los agentes de biocontrol pueden realizar su actividad bajo ambientes pobres en radiación UV (Chyzik et al., 2003; Chiel et al., 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007b; Legarrea et al., 2012c). Otro método basado en barreras físicas son las mallas impregnadas con insecticidas, que se han usado tradicionalmente en la prevención de enfermedades humanas transmitidas por mosquitos (Martin et al., 2006). Su aplicación se ha ensayado en agricultura en ciertos cultivos al aire libre (Martin et al., 2010; Díaz et al., 2004), pero su utilidad en cultivos protegidos para prevenir la entrada de insectos vectores en invernadero todavía no ha sido investigada. Los aditivos se incorporan al tejido durante el proceso de extrusión de la fibra y se liberan lentamente actuando por contacto en el momento en que el insecto aterriza sobre la malla, con lo cual el riesgo medioambiental y para la salud humana es muy limitado. Los plaguicidas que se emplean habitualmente suelen ser piretroides (deltametrina o bifentrín), aunque también se ha ensayado dicofol (Martin et al., 2010) y alfa-cipermetrina (Martin et al., 2014). Un factor que resulta de vital importancia en este tipo de mallas es el tamaño del poro para facilitar una buena ventilación del cultivo, al tiempo que se evita la entrada de insectos de pequeño tamaño como las moscas blancas (Bethke y Paine, 1991; Muñoz et al., 1999). Asimismo, se plantea la necesidad de estudiar la compatibilidad de estas mallas con los enemigos naturales. Es por ello que en esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea la necesidad de evaluar nuevas mallas impregnadas que impidan el paso de insectos de pequeño tamaño al interior de los invernaderos, pero que a su vez mantengan un buen intercambio y circulación de aire a través del poro de la malla. Así, en la presente Tesis Doctoral, se han planteado los siguientes objetivos generales a desarrollar: 1. Estudiar el impacto de la presencia de parasitoides sobre el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de pulgones y las virosis que éstos transmiten. 2. Conocer el efecto directo de ambientes pobres en radiación UV sobre el comportamiento de vuelo de plagas clave de hortícolas y sus enemigos naturales. 3. Evaluar el efecto directo de la radiación UV-A sobre el crecimiento poblacional de pulgones y mosca blanca, y sobre la fisiología de sus plantas hospederas, así como el efecto indirecto de la radiación UV-A en ambas plagas mediado por el crecimiento de dichas planta hospederas. 4. Caracterización de diversas mallas impregnadas en deltametrina y bifentrín con diferentes propiedades y selección de las óptimas para el control de pulgones, mosca blanca y sus virosis asociadas en condiciones de campo. Estudio de su compatibilidad con parasitoides. ABSTRACT Insect vectors of plant viruses are the main agents causing major economic losses in vegetable crops grown under protected environments. This Thesis focuses on the implementation of new alternatives to chemical control of insect vectors under Integrated Pest Management programs. In Spain, biological control is the main pest control strategy used in a large part of greenhouses where horticultural crops are grown. The first study aimed to increase our knowledge on how the presence of natural enemies such as Aphidius colemani Viereck may alter the dispersal of the aphid vector Aphis gossypii Glover (Chapter 4). In addition, it was investigated if the presence of this parasitoid affected the spread of aphid-transmitted viruses Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumovirus) and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV, Polerovirus) infecting cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). SADIE methodology was used to study the distribution patterns of both the virus and its vector, and their degree of association. Results suggested that parasitoids promoted aphid dispersal in the short term, which enhanced CMV spread, though consequences of parasitism suggested potential benefits for disease control in the long term. Furthermore, A. colemani significantly limited the spread and incidence of the persistent virus CABYV in the long term. The flight activity of pests Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), and natural enemies A. colemani and Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Weidemann) under UV-deficient environments was studied under field conditions (Chapter 5). One-chamber tunnels were covered with cladding materials with different UV transmittance properties. Inside each tunnel, insects were released from tubes placed in a platform suspended from the ceiling. Specific targets were located at different distances from the platform. The ability of aphids and whiteflies to reach their targets was diminished under UV-absorbing barriers, suggesting a reduction of vector activity under this type of nets. Fewer aphids reached distant traps under UV-absorbing nets, and significantly more aphids could fly to the end of the tunnels covered with non-UV blocking materials. Unlike aphids, differences in B. tabaci captures were mainly found in the closest targets. The oviposition of lepidopteran T. absoluta was also negatively affected by a UV-absorbing cover. The photoselective barriers were compatible with parasitism and oviposition of biocontrol agents. Apart from the direct response of insects to UV radiation, plant-mediated effects influencing insect performance were investigated (Chapter 6). The impact of UV-A radiation on the performance of aphid M. persicae and whitefly B. tabaci, and growth and leaf physiology of host plants pepper and eggplant was studied under glasshouse conditions. Plants were grown inside cages covered by transparent and UV-A-opaque plastic films. Plant growth and insect fitness were monitored. Leaves were harvested for chemical analysis. Pepper plants responded directly to UV-A by producing shorter stems whilst UV-A did not affect the leaf area of either species. UV-A-treated peppers had higher content of secondary metabolites, soluble carbohydrates, free amino acids and proteins. Such changes in tissue chemistry indirectly promoted aphid performance. For eggplants, chlorophyll and carotenoid levels decreased with supplemental UVA but phenolics were not affected. Exposure to supplemental UV-A had a detrimental effect on whitefly development, fecundity and fertility presumably not mediated by plant cues, as compounds implied in pest nutrition were unaltered. Lastly, the efficacy of a wide range of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. This strategy aimed to prevent aphids and whiteflies to enter the greenhouse by determining the optimum mesh size (Chapter 7). This new approach is based on slow release deltamethrin- and bifenthrin-treated nets with large hole sizes that allow improved ventilation of greenhouses. All LLITNs produced high mortality of M. persicae and A. gossypii although their efficacy decreased over time with sun exposure. It was necessary a net with hole size of 0.29 mm2 to exclude B. tabaci under laboratory conditions. The feasibility of two selected nets was studied in the field under a high insect infestation pressure in the presence of CMV- and CABYV-infected cucumber plants. Besides, the compatibility of parasitoid A. colemani with bifenthrin-treated nets was studied in parallel field experiments. Both nets effectively blocked the invasion of aphids and reduced the incidence of both viruses, however they failed to exclude whiteflies. We found that our LLITNs were compatible with parasitoid A. colemani. As shown, the role of natural enemies has to be taken into account regarding the dispersal of insect vectors and subsequent spread of plant viruses. The additional benefits of novel physicochemical barriers, such as photoselective and insecticide-impregnated nets, need to be considered in Integrated Pest Management programs of vegetable crops grown under protected environments.


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The growing demand for sustainable animal production is compelling researchers to explore the potential approaches to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from livestock that are mainly produced by enteric fermentation. Some potential solutions, for instance, the use of chemical inhibitors to reduce methanogenesis, are not feasible in routine use due to their toxicity to ruminants, inhibition of efficient rumen function or other transitory effects. Strategies, such as use of plant secondary metabolites and dietary manipulations have emerged to reduce the methane emission, but these still require extensive research before these can be recommended and deployed in the livestock industry sector. Furthermore, immunization vaccines for methanogens and phages are also under investigation for mitigation of enteric methanogenesis. The increasing knowledge of methanogenic diversity in rumen, DNA sequencing technologies and bioinformatics have paved the way for chemogenomic strategies by targeting methane producers. Chemogenomics will help in finding target enzymes and proteins, which will further assist in the screening of natural as well chemical inhibitors. The construction of a methanogenic gene catalogue through these approaches is an attainable objective. This will lead to understand the microbiome function, its relation with the host and feeds, and therefore, will form the basis of practically viable and eco-friendly methane mitigation approaches, while improving the ruminant productivity.


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The phenylpropanoid pathway provides precursors for the biosynthesis of soluble secondary metabolites and lignin in plants. Ferulate-5-hydroxylase (F5H) catalyzes an irreversible hydroxylation step in this pathway that diverts ferulic acid away from guaiacyl lignin biosynthesis and toward sinapic acid and syringyl lignin. This fact led us to postulate that F5H was a potential regulatory step in the determination of lignin monomer composition. To test this hypothesis, we have used Arabidopsis to examine the impact of F5H overexpression. Arabidopsis is a useful model system in which to study lignification because in wild-type plants, guaiacyl and syringyl lignins are deposited in a tissue-specific fashion, while the F5H-deficient fah1 mutant accumulates only guaiacyl lignin. Here we show that ectopic overexpression of F5H in Arabidopsis abolishes tissue-specific lignin monomer accumulation. Surprisingly, overexpression of F5H under the control of the lignification-associated cinnamate-4-hydroxylase promoter, but not the commonly employed cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, generates a lignin that is almost entirely comprised of syringylpropane units. These experiments demonstrate that modification of F5H expression may enable engineering of lignin monomer composition in agronomically important plant species.


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Saponins are glycosylated plant secondary metabolites found in many major food crops [Price, K. R., Johnson, I. T. & Fenwick, G. R. (1987) CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 26, 27–133]. Because many saponins have potent antifungal properties and are present in healthy plants in high concentrations, these molecules may act as preformed chemical barriers to fungal attack. The isolation of plant mutants defective in saponin biosynthesis represents a powerful strategy for evaluating the importance of these compounds in plant defense. The oat root saponin avenacin A-1 fluoresces under ultraviolet illumination [Crombie, L., Crombie, W. M. L. & Whiting, D. A. (1986) J. Chem. Soc. Perkins 1, 1917–1922], a property that is extremely rare among saponins. Here we have exploited this fluorescence to isolate saponin-deficient (sad) mutants of a diploid oat species, Avena strigosa. These sad mutants are compromised in their resistance to a variety of fungal pathogens, and a number of lines of evidence suggest that this compromised disease resistance is a direct consequence of saponin deficiency. Because saponins are widespread throughout the plant kingdom, this group of secondary metabolites may have general significance as antimicrobial phytoprotectants.


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Bacteria communicate with each other to coordinate expression of specific genes in a cell density-dependent fashion, a phenomenon called quorum sensing and response. Although we know that quorum sensing via acyl-homoserine lactone (HSL) signals controls expression of several virulence genes in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the number and types of genes controlled by quorum sensing have not been studied systematically. We have constructed a library of random insertions in the chromosome of a P. aeruginosa acyl-HSL synthesis mutant by using a transposon containing a promoterless lacZ. This library was screened for acyl-HSL induction of lacZ. Thirty-nine quorum sensing-regulated genes were identified. The genes were organized into classes depending on the pattern of regulation. About half of the genes appear to be in seven operons, some seem organized in large patches on the genome. Many of the quorum sensing-regulated genes code for putative virulence factors or production of secondary metabolites. Many of the genes identified showed a high level of induction by acyl-HSL signaling.


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The conserved two-component regulatory system GacS/GacA determines the expression of extracellular products and virulence factors in a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. In the biocontrol strain CHA0 of Pseudomonas fluorescens, the response regulator GacA is essential for the synthesis of extracellular protease (AprA) and secondary metabolites including hydrogen cyanide. GacA was found to exert its control on the hydrogen cyanide biosynthetic genes (hcnABC) and on the aprA gene indirectly via a posttranscriptional mechanism. Expression of a translational hcnA′-′lacZ fusion was GacA-dependent whereas a transcriptional hcnA-lacZ fusion was not. A distinct recognition site overlapping with the ribosome binding site appears to be primordial for GacA-steered regulation. GacA-dependence could be conferred to the Escherichia coli lacZ mRNA by a 3-bp substitution in the ribosome binding site. The gene coding for the global translational repressor RsmA of P. fluorescens was cloned. RsmA overexpression mimicked partial loss of GacA function and involved the same recognition site, suggesting that RsmA is a downstream regulatory element of the GacA control cascade. Mutational inactivation of the chromosomal rsmA gene partially suppressed a gacS defect. Thus, a central, GacA-dependent switch from primary to secondary metabolism may operate at the level of translation.


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Carotenoid pigments in plants fulfill indispensable functions in photosynthesis. Carotenoids that accumulate as secondary metabolites in chromoplasts provide distinct coloration to flowers and fruits. In this work we investigated the genetic mechanisms that regulate accumulation of carotenoids as secondary metabolites during ripening of tomato fruits. We analyzed two mutations that affect fruit pigmentation in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum): Beta (B), a single dominant gene that increases β-carotene in the fruit, and old-gold (og), a recessive mutation that abolishes β-carotene and increases lycopene. Using a map-based cloning approach we cloned the genes B and og. Molecular analysis revealed that B encodes a novel type of lycopene β-cyclase, an enzyme that converts lycopene to β-carotene. The amino acid sequence of B is similar to capsanthin-capsorubin synthase, an enzyme that produces red xanthophylls in fruits of pepper (Capsicum annum). Our results prove that β-carotene is synthesized de novo during tomato fruit development by the B lycopene cyclase. In wild-type tomatoes B is expressed at low levels during the breaker stage of ripening, whereas in the Beta mutant its transcription is dramatically increased. Null mutations in the gene B are responsible for the phenotype in og, indicating that og is an allele of B. These results confirm that developmentally regulated transcription is the major mechanism that governs lycopene accumulation in ripening fruits. The cloned B genes can be used in various genetic manipulations toward altering pigmentation and enhancing nutritional value of plant foods.


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Isochorismate is an important metabolite formed at the end of the shikimate pathway, which is involved in the synthesis of both primary and secondary metabolites. It is synthesized from chorismate in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme isochorismate synthase (ICS; EC We have purified ICS to homogeneity from elicited Catharanthus roseus cell cultures. Two isoforms with an apparent molecular mass of 64 kD were purified and characterized. The Km values for chorismate were 558 and 319 μm for isoforms I and II, respectively. The isoforms were not inhibited by aromatic amino acids and required Mg2+ for enzyme activity. Polymerase chain reaction on a cDNA library from elicited C. roseus cells with a degenerated primer based on the sequence of an internal peptide from isoform II resulted in an amplification product that was used to screen the cDNA library. This led to the first isolation, to our knowledge, of a plant ICS cDNA. The cDNA encodes a protein of 64 kD with an N-terminal chloroplast-targeting signal. The deduced amino acid sequence shares homology with bacterial ICS and also with anthranilate synthases from plants. Southern analysis indicates the existence of only one ICS gene in C. roseus.


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Sinapic acid is an intermediate in syringyl lignin biosynthesis in angiosperms, and in some taxa serves as a precursor for soluble secondary metabolites. The biosynthesis and accumulation of the sinapate esters sinapoylglucose, sinapoylmalate, and sinapoylcholine are developmentally regulated in Arabidopsis and other members of the Brassicaceae. The FAH1 locus of Arabidopsis encodes the enzyme ferulate-5-hydroxylase (F5H), which catalyzes the rate-limiting step in syringyl lignin biosynthesis and is required for the production of sinapate esters. Here we show that F5H expression parallels sinapate ester accumulation in developing siliques and seedlings, but is not rate limiting for their biosynthesis. RNA gel-blot analysis indicated that the tissue-specific and developmentally regulated expression of F5H mRNA is distinct from that of other phenylpropanoid genes. Efforts to identify constructs capable of complementing the sinapate ester-deficient phenotype of fah1 mutants demonstrated that F5H expression in leaves is dependent on sequences 3′ of the F5H coding region. In contrast, the positive regulatory function of the downstream region is not required for F5H transcript or sinapoylcholine accumulation in embryos.


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Sterigmatocystin (ST) and the aflatoxins (AFs), related fungal secondary metabolites, are among the most toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic natural products known. The ST biosynthetic pathway in Aspergillus nidulans is estimated to involve at least 15 enzymatic activities, while certain Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus flavus, and Aspergillus nomius strains contain additional activities that convert ST to AF. We have characterized a 60-kb region in the A. nidulans genome and find it contains many, if not all, of the genes needed for ST biosynthesis. This region includes verA, a structural gene previously shown to be required for ST biosynthesis, and 24 additional closely spaced transcripts ranging in size from 0.6 to 7.2 kb that are coordinately induced only under ST-producing conditions. Each end of this gene cluster is demarcated by transcripts that are expressed under both ST-inducing and non-ST-inducing conditions. Deduced polypeptide sequences of regions within this cluster had a high percentage of identity with enzymes that have activities predicted for ST/AF biosynthesis, including a polyketide synthase, a fatty acid synthase (alpha and beta subunits), five monooxygenases, four dehydrogenases, an esterase, an 0-methyltransferase, a reductase, an oxidase, and a zinc cluster DNA binding protein. A revised system for naming the genes of the ST pathway is presented.