911 resultados para Multicultural teamwork
Descripció de les pràctiques de pedagogia i entrevistes realitzades a l’IES Montilivi. L’objectiu és donar eines als professors per poder atendre als alumnes nouvinguts a l’aula ordinària. S’ha detectat que els professors necessiten l’aula d’acollida per a poder derivar alumnes nouvinguts perquè no tenen recursos per ajudar-los dins l’aula. En conseqüència, l’autora ha planificat una acció formativa dirigida als professors del centre, per a conscienciar-los sobre la necessitat d’impulsar nous corrents adaptats a la societat actual, com ara l’educació intercultural i inclusiva
In the present article is presented a portrait of the situation of the environmental health in the administration of Andalusian Goverment; are analyzed implanted management formulations and we believe a reflection space on the professional exercise and the course begun with the organizational process in the Andalusian public health. The public health system has not undergone reconstruction from the process of transferences from the State towards the autonomous Communities. We identified the extrapolation of the model clinicalassistance management to the public health structures without delving what is sufficient in their organization and objectives. Setting of business process management (BMP) has got worse the administrative bureaucracy and the teamwork has not been preceded of alliances and agreements that generate feeling of ownership the same organization to avoid professional conflicts. We bet on strengthening the paper of the environmental health technicians as referring in the identification of this performances within public health system. For this propose we need the implication of all the professionals in the reform of the organization and management of the health public, to evolve in the professional exercise creating a regulated academic specialty and to define the competences maps in their different capabilites areas.
The area of the urgencies and emergencies, assisted from all levels and care settings raises, if possible, patterns of work and ways that collaboration between professionals and teamwork make nurse prescription, often pharmacological, a legislative needs in response to increased scientific evidence and through internationally accepted performance algorithms. Enabling the nurse to act according to these concepts and beyond any "doubt and suspicion" of illegality. Taking a consensus necessary training and development and according to professional specialization and differentiation in this area and as arguments to remove any doubt still remains the subject without enclosing any sense and in many sectors.
The Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) is considering the last time an attempt urgent process management through triage consultation, both hospital and primary care environment and tables situations in which the nurse responsible for these consultations can carry out a final statement of which only she is directly responsible through their independent intervention and referral (Triage Advanced). Pose, at once and consistently to the idea of teamwork, where they can be the limits to that intervention finalist and the circuits to follow. This paper proposes a definition line of one of those situations through triage concepts universally tested, and takes full advantage of advanced practice profile offered by nurses Device Critical Care (DCCU) of the SSPA and any the emerging legal and regulatory framework in terms of standardized collaborative prescription, us know legitimate receivers. This work stems from the vision of professionals and our contribution to that line of institutional work that must be consensus.
Crònica amb valoració personal d'un fet que va generar un fort dèbat social entorn al cas de tres nenes magrebines que varen deixar d'anar a escola
Reflexió sobre la visió que tenen dels gironins, els estrangers que viuen a les comarques gironines
Assessment of eating habits in young children from multicultural backgrounds has seldom been conducted. Our objectives were to study the reproducibility and the results of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) developed to assess changes in eating habits of preschool children with a high migrant population, in the context of a multidisciplinary multilevel lifestyle intervention. Three kindergarten classes (53% from migrant backgrounds) in French-speaking Switzerland were randomly selected and included 16 girls and 28 boys (mean age +/- SD, 5.4 +/- 0.7 years). The FFQ was filled out twice within a 4-week interval by the parents. Spearman rank correlations between the first and the second FFQ for the 39 items of the food questions were as follows: low (r < 0.50) for 8 (7 P < .05 and 1 nonsignificant), moderate (0.50 <or= r < 0.70) for 22 (all P < .01), and high (r >or= 0.70) for 9 (all P < .01). In addition, 28 of 39 intraclass correlation coefficients were high (>0.50, all P < .01). Eighty-six percent of the children ate breakfast at home daily, but only 67% had lunch at home. The percentages of children eating at least once a week in front of the TV were as follows: 50% for breakfast, 33% for lunch, 38% for dinner, and 48% for snacks. Forty percent of children asked their parents to buy food previously seen in advertisements and ate fast food between once a week and once a month. Children generally consumed foods with a high-energy content. The FFQ yielded good test-retest reproducibility for most items of the food questions and gave relevant findings about the eating habits of preschool children in areas with a high migrant population.
A lo largo de este trabajo voy a intentar reflexionar sobre cuáles han sido las causas de que un fenómeno como es la agrupación de jóvenes de las mismas nacionalidades (aunque en la actualidad existe una tendencia hacia lo multicultural) y con edades similares, se haya unido y convertido en lo que coloquialmente se conoce como bandas latinas y la repercusión que tiene en la ciudad de Lleida y la zona de Ponent. El objetivo principal de esta investigación, es analizar y comprender el fenómeno de las bandas latinas en la zona de Ponent, comprensión de su realidad, naturaleza y características esenciales: - Analizar en profundidad y de manera colectiva las manifestaciones de esta realidad, las bandas latinas en la zona de Ponent (Lleida y Tàrrega). - Elaborar propuestas de actuación para responder a estas situaciones y mejorar la intervención, promoviendo las acciones coordinadas y la implicación del mayor número de actores mediante un plan de acción. Se pretende realizar una aproximación al tema lo más operativa posible, analizar los conceptos un tanto imprecisos y difusos que suelen aparecer cuando se habla de bandas latinas y encuadrar estos conceptos en marcos de referencia más explicativos. ¿Se está germinando el fenómeno de las bandas latinas en Lleida? Explicaré su incidencia y en concreto restringirlo a la zona de Ponent (Lleida y Tàrrega). La clase de información que habría de obtenerse, dados los objetivos del trabajo, tendría que abarcar los siguientes puntos: 1. Génesis y frecuencia de la formación de los grupos/bandas juveniles. 2. Diferentes actividades de los grupos. 3. Aspectos psicosociales y delictivos. 4. Estabilidad, estructura, organización formal. 5. Normas y control social internas del grupo.
Si decimos que los seres humanos sólo son capaces de vivir como tales mediante la reconstrucción narrativa de sus experiencias, estamos teniendo en cuenta conceptos e ideas que recuerdan a algunos autores contemporáneos (Ricoeur, Gadamer) que defienden la importancia de ser reconocido como una creatura hecha de palabras. En la medida en que son interpretadas, traducidas, contextualizadas y ordenadas por los profesionales, la situación dialogal significativa cobra importancia. Desde esta perspectiva hemos planteado las asignaturas: Habilidades Sociales, Técnicas de Entrevista y Gestión de Situación de Crisis diseñadas para integrar los diferentes modelos teóricos y las variables que se presentan en la relación comunicativa con el usuario y en particular en la situación de entrevista. Se mostrará también el modo cómo en nuestro proceso formativo, basado en la simulación de situaciones, se fomenta el compromiso con el trabajo en equipo, la autocomprensión y enseña a crear un clima de trabajo cooperativo en el que se hace más eficaz la relación de ayuda. A través de la presentación en clase de un caso práctico en el cual se describen todos los procedimientos y las fases del que se compone el ejercicio de la práctica profesional –paso a paso-, se busca poner de manifiesto las competencias adquiridas, los modelos empleados y las habilidades sociales que han sido necesarias para afrontar con éxito la situación de urgencia social. Finalmente se deja abierta la cuestión sobre la manera en que incide y beneficia este aprendizaje en las futuras situaciones de manejo del estrés profesional (burn out).
This report is prepared pursuant to Iowa Code Section 19B.5. This Section required The Department of Administrative Services shall submit a report on the condition of affirmative action, diversity, and multicultural programs in state agencies covered by subsection 1 by September 30 of each year to the governor and the general assembly. Subsection 1 requires the head of each state agency to submit annual report of the affirmative action accomplishments of that agency to the Department of Administrative services.
This report is prepared pursuant to Iowa Code Section 19B.5, requiring the Department of Administrative Services to submit a report on the condition of affirmative action, diversity, and multicultural programs in state agencies by September 30 of each year to the governor and the general assembly. Additionally, the report summarizes the annual reports of the affirmative action accomplishments submitted to the Department of Administrative Services by agency directors.
DIC.CAT es centra en les contribucions a la ciutadania que realitzen les dones immigrants marroquines, sobre les quals recauen forts estereotips i imatges que, sovint, les vinculen a la passivitat i a la submissió. Partint d'aquest fet, el projecte analitza el paper d'aquetes dones com a generadores de noves formes de ciutadania a Catalunya, a partir de les seves accions en les esferes pública i privada. El projecte contribueix, d'una banda a ampliar el coneixement teòric sobre la noció de ciutadania, incorporant la dimensió del gènere i partint de la realitat multicultural actual; i de l'altra a aprofundir sobre el rol que estan exercint les doens marroquines estudiades, com agents actius de xsocialització i generadores de canvis en els formes d'exercir la ciutadania en la societat catalana. Destaquen les accions que desenvolupen des de la seva quotidianitat en relació a aspectes com el procés de reagrupació, la incorporació al mercat laboral, la transmissio de valores dins la familia, la relació amb la comunitat d'origen, les motivacions, aspiracions o els projectes professionals i personals propis. Alhora, el projecte vincula aquestes accions amb les que desenvolupen des dels espais públics en els que participen, especialment dins l'àmbit associatiu.
Two important challenges that teachers are currently facing are the sharing and the collaborative authoring of their learning design solutions, such as didactical units and learning materials. On the one hand, there are tools that can be used for the creation of design solutions and only some of them facilitate the co-edition. However, they do not incorporate mechanisms that support the sharing of the designs between teachers. On the other hand, there are tools that serve as repositories of educational resources but they do not enable the authoring of the designs. In this paper we present LdShake, a web tool whose novelty is focused on the combined support for the social sharing and co-edition of learning design solutions within communities of teachers. Teachers can create and share learning designs with other teachers using different access rights so that they can read, comment or co-edit the designs. Therefore, each design solution is associated to a group of teachers able to work on its definition, and another group that can only see the design. The tool is generic in that it allows the creation of designs based on any pedagogical approach. However, it can be particularized in instances providing pre-formatted designs structured according to a specific didactic method (such as Problem-Based Learning, PBL). A particularized LdShake instance has been used in the context of Human Biology studies where teams of teachers are required to work together in the design of PBL solutions. A controlled user study, that compares the use of a generic LdShake and a Moodle system, configured to enable the creation and sharing of designs, has been also carried out. The combined results of the real and controlled studies show that the social structure, and the commenting, co-edition and publishing features of LdShake provide a useful, effective and usable approach for facilitating teachers' teamwork.
In much of the western world, and particularly in Europe, there is a widespread perception that multiculturalism has ‘failed’ and that governments who once embraced a multicultural approach to diversity are turning away, adopting a strong emphasis on civic integration. This reaction, we are told, “reflects a seismic shift not just in the Netherlands, but in other European countries as well” (JOPPKE 2007). This paper challenges this view. Drawing on an updated version of the Multiculturalism Policy Index introduced earlier (BANTING and KYMLICKA 2006), the paper presents an index of the strength of multicultural policies for European countries and several traditional countries of immigration at three points in time (1980, 2000 and 2010). The results paint a different picture of contemporary experience in Europe. While a small number of countries, including most notably the Netherlands, have weakened established multicultural policies during the 2000s, such a shift is the exception. Most countries that adopted multicultural approaches in the later part of the twentieth century have maintained their programs in the first decade of the new century; and a significant number of countries have added new ones. In much of Europe, multicultural policies are not in general retreat. As a result, the turn to civic integration is often being layered on top of existing multicultural programs, leading to a blended approach to diversity. The paper reflects on the compatibility of multiculturalism policies and civic integration, arguing that more liberal forms of civic integration can be combined with multiculturalism but that more illiberal or coercive forms are incompatible with a multicultural approach.
It has been found that the symbolic elites have a prominent role in the discursive reproduction of racism in society, because they control the public discourse through which many ethnic prejudices are spread and shared. This special position of the mass media requires that the professional education of journalists, also featuring such topics as ethnic studies, diversity and racism, is optimally adapted to the multicultural societies in Europe, North America and Australia. This paper reports about an extensive research project examining ethnic education of journalists in these white-dominated countries, by examining the websites of many journalism and communication departments. Consistent with the general finding that white symbolic elites primarily deny or ignore (their) racism in society, none of the academic programs, anywhere in the world, mentions special classes on racism in the mass media. Finally, a practical proposal is made for a course on ethnic reporting in multicultural societies.