916 resultados para Mosaico de paisagens


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A FGV-DAPP esteve presente na shortlist da 11ª Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico da Associação dos Designers Gráficos do Brasil (ADG), que destaca os melhores trabalhos de design do país. A indicação ficou entre os trabalhos de visualização de dados (Mosaico Orçamentário, Geologia Orçamentária, O Pulso do País e Monitor de Temas) na categoria Webdesign; e a revista DAPP Estudos Estratégicos, na categoria Projeto Gráfico de Revista.


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RIO — A Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas (DAPP/FGV) lança hoje duas ferramentas de transparência política: o Mosaico Eleitoral e a Câmara Transparente. O banco de dados interativo é público e pode ser consultado por qualquer pessoa na internet (http://dapp.fgv.br).


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O objetivo deste trabalho é colocar luz sobre a conta que vem ganhando cada vez mais importância frente ao orçamento tradicional do ano. Na primeira seção vamos consolidar um dicionário para cada tipo de Restos a Pagar, mostrando como se articulam entre si. Na segunda seção, faremos um mapeamento para identificar onde se concentram os Restos a Pagar analisados por Natureza de Despesa, Função e Órgão a partir dos dados obtidos da plataforma SIGA Brasil, do Senado Federal. Nessa seção apresentaremos a visualização do “Mosaico” e da “Geologia Orçamentária”, comparando a distribuição do orçamento total do ano com o orçamento específico da conta estudada. A terceira seção mostra como se dá a evolução da conta de Restos a Pagar como percentual do PIB e do orçamento, bem como sua execução ao longo do período estudado (referente às leis orçamentárias de 2001 a 2014). A quarta e última seção traz as principais conclusões da análise.


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A ferramenta “Câmara Transparente” tem como objetivo desvelar as influências econômicas feitas sobre os atuais ocupantes da Câmara dos Deputados. Os dados utilizados retratam as receitas de campanha dos deputados federais que atualmente fazem parte da Câmara dos Deputados e as suas designações para Comissões Temáticas. O banco de receitas eleitoral é o mesmo utilizado na ferramenta “Mosaico Eleitoral”, os dados de receita dos candidatos em 2014, e os dados de composição da Câmara e de pertencimento a comissões temáticas são atualizados periodicamente a partir do portal Dados Abertos da Câmara dos Deputados. Essa ferramenta, que foca em lobby e financiamento de campanha, é dividida em quatro visualizações diferentes.


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O Programa de Verticalização da Pequena Produção Rural - Prove foi criado em Brasília, durante a gestão Cristovam Buarque, pelo então Secretário de agricultura do Distrito Federal, João Luiz Homem de Carvalho. O programa, que pretendia disponibilizar mecanismos para a verticalização dos pequenos agricultores, logo ganhou visibilidade e credibilidade se tornando modelo para outros estados. A Escola Livre de Desenvolvimento Solidário do Centro de Estudos em Administração Pública e Governo percorreu os estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e Distrito Federal atrás das agroindústrias contando a história do Prove através de um rico mosaico de histórias de sucessos e fracassos


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Apresenta a definição e descrição de células procarióticas e eucarióticas com o auxílio de figuras ilustrativas. Inicialmente detalha-se a célula procariótica e suas estruturas: parede celular, membrana celular, citoplasma, ribossomos, estruturas externas, região nuclear, plasmídeo, endósporo, morfologia celular e divisão celular. A seguir apresenta-se a célula eucariótica e suas estruturas: organelas, retículo endoplasmático, ribossomos, lisossomos, núcleo celular, mitocôndrias, cloroplasto e complexo de Golgi. No decorrer da descrição enfatizam-se as semelhanças e diferenças entre as células procarióticas e eucarióticas, apresenta-se a Teoria endossimbiótica e a árvore filogenética (Bacteria, Archaea e Eucarya).


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O transporte, neste caso o transporte aéreo para a Madeira, assume particular importância na atividade turística, para mais sendo esta uma região insular e ultraperiférica da Europa, em que a realidade socioeconómica tem como pedra basilar o Turismo que, por si só, representa 25% do PIB. Frequentemente são apontados como “culpados” pelas cíclicas crises no sector, a promoção (ou a falta dela) e as opções tomadas, a concorrência de destinos mais baratos, o peso das taxas aeroportuárias, os fenómenos climáticos, os incentivos às companhias aéreas e aos operadores, o estímulo à operação low cost, as unidades hoteleiras e as camas disponíveis, a distância (tempo de voo) deste destino em relação ao norte da Europa e ao outro lado do Atlântico, a existência ou não de ligações aéreas diretas, um sem número de “razões” em que, provavelmente, todas elas, em maior ou menor percentagem, darão o seu contributo. As infraestruturas aeroportuárias, outrora também “culpadas” por não permitirem operações de longo curso, estão hoje habilitadas para receber voos intercontinentais. A Madeira, não deixou de ser a “Pérola do Atlântico”, com um clima ameno e profilático, com as levadas e a floresta Laurissilva, com o Vinho Madeira; com a Festa do Fim do Ano, o Carnaval e a Festa da Flor, com as Paisagens únicas, o Mar e a Montanha, o Golf, o Rali da Madeira, atrativos que deveriam ser suficientes para ultrapassar os fatores “negativos” citados. Sê-lo-ão? Sem a presunção de encontrar soluções milagrosas para algo que vem sendo estudado por profissionais e consultores, pretende-se possibilitar um olhar sob uma outra perspetiva, deixando pistas para uma abordagem diversa, em que se investigam os efeitos dos voos não diretos, o peso das operações low cost e se desenha um benchmarking com o destino concorrencial das Canárias.


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The aim of this thesis was to evaluate historical change of the landscape of Madeira Island and to assess spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. In current research diverse “retrospective techniques”, such as landscape repeat photography, dendrochronology, and research of historical records were used. These, combined with vegetation relevés, aimed to gather information about landscape change, disturbance history, and vegetation successional patterns. It was found that landscape change, throughout 125 years, was higher in the last five decades manly driven by farming abandonment, building growth and exotic vegetation coverage increase. Pristine vegetation was greatly destroyed since early settlement and by the end of the nineteenth century native vegetation was highly devastated due to recurrent antropogenic disturbances. These actions also helped to block plant succession and to modify floristical assemblages, affecting as well as species richness. In places with less hemeroby, although significant growth of vegetation of lower seral stages was detected, the vegetation of most mature stages headed towards unbalance between recovery and loss, being also very vulnerable to exotic species encroachment. Recovery by native vegetation also occurred in areas formerly occupied by exotic plants and agriculture but it was almost negligible. Vegetation recovery followed the successional model currently proposed, attesting the model itself. Yet, succession was slower than espected, due to lack of favourable conditions and to recurrent disturbances. Probable tempus of each seral stage was obtained by growth rates of woody taxa estimated through dendrochronology. The exotic trees which were the dominant trees in the past (Castanea sativa and Pinus pinaster) almost vanished. Eucalyptus globulus, the current main tree of the exotic forest is being replaced by other cover types as Acacia mearnsii. The latter, along with Arundo donax, Cytisus scoparius and Pittosporum undulatum are currently the exotic species with higher invasive behaviour. However, many other exotic species have also proved to be highly pervasive and came together with the ones referred above to prevent native vegetation regeneration, to diminish biological diversity, and to block early successional phases delaying native forest recovery.


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Recent studies concerning the landscape have investigated the most important activities that contribute for its modification and have tried to better understand the society through the marks left by its quotidian. It is understood that singular landscapes constitute the cultural patrimonies of the cities, once they are part of the daily life of the citizens and are present in their social representations. Some contemporary authors defend the preservation of the natural and urban landscape trying, specially, to keep its importance for the local population. Natal is a city where the ambient qualities are well defined and known by the beauty of the area where it is located. Situated just between a river and the sea, the city grew following its geographic characteristics. The Potengi River, the Atlantic Ocean and the vast dunes ecosystem represented natural limits to the urban expansion; at the same time they have favored the development of a landscape pattern marked by the dialectic between the natural elements and the human interventions. However, this relationship changed after the intensification of the high rising development process that took place since the 1960s. The urban legislation tried to preserve the features of the local landscape delimiting Areas for Controlling Building High , destined to protect the scenic value of some parts of the city. On the other hand, the civil construction sector has made constant pressure in sense to abolish or to modify this legal instrument, aiming profits that have increased, in the 1990s, because of the consumption and the qualification of the urban space for tourist activities. It is necessary the raising of new elements to stimulate the quarrel about the landscape preservation, the process of the urban space production and the best way for the legislation implementation. This work tries to raise elements about the subject at local level, in sense to use Natal City experience to contribute for the formulation of indicators to raise the question about the lack of measure for subjective values, for example the cultural and affective value of the landscape. The natural elements inserted in the urban profile, represent strong visual references and supply identity to the town; they are part of the collective imaginary and are detached in the social context of the city. Then, why the preservation of the landscape, that estimates the improvement in the quality of life, is not enough to justify the controlling building high already previewed as part of Natal City Legislation? These questions send us to the approach of the landscape, as a community patrimony, alerting that some of its significant esthetics attributes must be preserved as a legacy for the future generations


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(The Mark and Recapture Network: a Heliconius case study). The current pace of habitat destruction, especially in tropical landscapes, has increased the need for understanding minimum patch requirements and patch distance as tools for conserving species in forest remnants. Mark recapture and tagging studies have been instrumental in providing parameters for functional models. Because of their popularity, ease of manipulation and well known biology, butterflies have become model in studies of spatial structure. Yet, most studies on butterflies movement have focused on temperate species that live in open habitats, in which forest patches are barrier to movement. This study aimed to view and review data from mark-recapture as a network in two species of butterfly (Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene). A work of marking and recapture of the species was carried out in an Atlantic forest reserve located about 20km from the city of Natal (RN). Mark recapture studies were conducted in 3 weekly visits during January-February and July-August in 2007 and 2008. Captures were more common in two sections of the dirt road, with minimal collection in the forest trail. The spatial spread of captures was similar in the two species. Yet, distances between recaptures seem to be greater for Heliconius erato than for Heliconius melpomene. In addition, the erato network is more disconnected, suggesting that this specie has shorter traveling patches. Moving on to the network, both species have similar number of links (N) and unweighed vertices (L). However, melpomene has a weighed network 50% more connections than erato. These network metrics suggest that erato has more compartmentalized network and restricted movement than melpomene. Thus, erato has a larger number of disconnected components, nC, in the network, and a smaller network diameter. The frequency distribution of network connectivity for both species was better explained by a Power-law than by a random, Poissom distribution, showing that the Power-law provides a better fit than the Poisson for both species. Moreover, the Powerlaw erato is much better adjusted than in melpomene, which should be linked to the small movements that erato makes in the network


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As florestas secundárias e plantações de espécies exóticas estão se expandindo nas paisagens tropicais. No entanto, nossa compreensão sobre o valor destas florestas para a conservação da biodiversidade de invertebrados ainda é incipiente. Neste trabalho, usamos a fauna de formigas de serapilheira para avaliar a diversidade desses insetos entre três florestas de Eucalyptus, sendo uma comercial (quatro anos de idade) e duas abandonadas em diferentes idades de regeneração (16 e 31 anos) e uma área de Mata Atlântica secundária. A riqueza total foi mais alta na floresta secundária e nos plantios de Eucalyptus abandonados há mais tempo. A densidade de espécies na floresta secundária foi significativamente maior quando comparado as plantações de Eucalyptus, mas não difere entre eucaliptais; análise de ordenação revelou diferenças na composição de espécies entre as plantações de Eucalyptus com subbosque ausente e com subbosque desenvolvido ou em desenvolvimento. Ainda, foi constatada uma sobreposição acentuada entre amostras de serapilheira das florestas de eucaliptos abandonadas há mais tempo e a floresta secundária. em geral, plantações de eucalipto foram caracterizadas pela presença de espécies generalistas e de ampla distribuição. Nossos resultados indicam que embora o subbosque de plantações de eucaliptos com maior idade de regeneração suporte um conjunto relativamente alto de espécies generalistas de formigas, é improvável que eucaliptais conservem a maioria das espécies de florestas primárias, especialmente predadores especializados, Dacetini e espécies nômades.


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The overwhelming gear that boosted tourism as the main economic activity of Pipa a district formerly agricultural and fishery, that belongs to the municipality of Tibau do Sul/RN produced significant changes in the social, economic and cultural rights of the native population of the place where social relations were narrow and justified in some cases, the line of kinship in an environment where all residents knew each other. However, we can not observe the emergence of this activity just as voracious disarticulator of old local forms of sociability that in a linear process, destroys the old, replacing it with the new. New compositions are generated by merging elements of past and present. Overcoming opposition to simplistic positive or negative impacts of tourism sought especially in this dissertation, review the history of Pipa (told in narrative form), showing how slowly this district has become a major international tourist destination and how its residents were being swallowed by the "whirlwind" that led to this reality. The research used qualitative methodology and was based on photographic, literature and survey, observation, experience, oral and written reports acquired in the field. We conducted in-depth interviews (oral history) with subjects that are the living memory of the place local residents (mostly natives). We found that before the process of "modernization" resulting from the pressure of globalization itself and the capital investment in tourism resulting from the native population is not passive. On the contrary, natives resist, creating mechanisms of material and symbolic reformulations. The present moment is always dynamic. Because of that, the identity of a place is not the crystallization of its past. Many landscapes still reveal materialities of yesteryear, such as registration of social practices in the construction of the place


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Space reading of Natal City and its reconfiguration from the intensification of tourist activity and the expansion of the services' sector, transiting, primarily, through the geography, the social sciences, the economy, in one main approach that is unaware of science's traditional limitations and recognizes the complexity that involves current world. In face of this agreement it analyzes the social-economic implications that remodel the spaces under the new economic view of services' sector, commanded by the tourism, in an intense process of city's reconfiguration, concentrating in three great axles and their irrigation ways. These changes were about the public-private relation (by the public politics) in the formation of new spaces and in the remodeling of the city's old areas, which, together, had contributed to the tourist activity's appropriation, returning it in a social-economic mosaic that owns obvious reflexes in its space. This fragmentation in the urbane cloth of Natal is expressed by social nature and economic points and, in the scenery, is manifested through the modern forms of city's space occupation by the local elites and services' sector, evidencing their status' district, as well as selecting those areas with bigger capacity to reply to the capital