869 resultados para Membrane glycoproteins
Muscle is a major player in metabolism. It uses large amounts of glucose in the absorptive state and changes in muscle insulin-stimulated glucose uptake alter whole-body glucose disposal. Lipid substrates such as fatty acids or ketone bodies are preferentially used by muscle in certain physiological conditions. Muscle is also the main reservoir of amino acids and protein. The activity of many different plasma membrane transporters such as glucose carriers, carnitine, creatine or amino acid transporters maintain muscle metabolism by taking up or releasing substrates or metabolites across the cell surface. The goal of this review is the molecular characterization of muscle membrane transporter proteins and the analysis of their regulatory roles.
Murine cytolytic T cell lines have been analyzed for the expression of two surface glycoproteins called T145 and T130. T145, known to be expressed by activated cytolytic T cells, is also expressed by such lines, but T130, which has been described by a universal T cell marker, is not. Our results suggest a structural relationship between T145 and T130. Vicia villosa lectin, which binds selectively to T145 of activated T cells and which is cytotoxic for cytolytic T cell lines, has been used to select lectin-resistant mutants from these lines. Five independent lectin-resistant mutants have been obtained. All of them are cytolytically active, bind up to 100-fold less lectin than the parental lines, but still express T145 or a closely related glycoprotein.
ABSTRACT. A dual-wavelength digital holographic microscope to measure absolute volume of living cells is proposed. The optical setup allows us to reconstruct two quantitative phase contrast images at two different wavelengths from a single hologram acquisition. When adding the absorbing dye fast green FCF as a dispersive agent to the extracellular medium, cellular thickness can be univocally determined in the full field of view. In addition to the absolute cell volume, the method can be applied to derive important biophysical parameters of living cells including osmotic membrane water permeability coefficient and the integral intracellular refractive index (RI). Further, the RI of transmembrane flux can be determined giving an indication about the nature of transported solutes. The proposed method is applied to cultured human embryonic kidney cells, Chinese hamster ovary cells, human red blood cells, mouse cortical astrocytes, and neurons.
The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) encoded by the Epstein-Barr virus functions as a constitutively activated receptor of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family. LMP1 is a short-lived protein that is ubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome. We have previously shown that LMP1 recruits the adapter protein tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3 (TRAF3) to lipid rafts. To test if TRAFs are involved in LMP1's ubiquitination, we have mutated the LMP1 CTAR1 site that has been identified as a TRAF binding site. We show that the CTAR1 mutant (CTAR1(-)) is expressed after transfection at a similar level to wild-type LMP1, and behaves as wild-type LMP1 with respect to membrane localization. However, CTAR1(-) does not bind TRAF3. We demonstrate that ubiquitination of CTAR1(-) is significantly reduced when compared to wild-type LMP1. In addition, the expression of wild-type LMP1 induces the ubiquitination, an effect that is significantly reduced when the CTAR1(-) is expressed. Taken together, our results suggest that TRAF proteins are involved in the ubiquitination of LMP1, and that their binding to LMP1 may facilitate their own ubiquitination.
Nanoscale electron transport through the purple membrane monolayer, a two-dimensional crystal lattice of the transmembrane protein bacteriorhodopsin, is studied by conductive atomic force microscopy. We demonstrate that the purple membrane exhibits nonresonant tunneling transport, with two characteristic tunneling regimes depending on the applied voltage (direct and Fowler-Nordheim). Our results show that the purple membrane can carry significant current density at the nanometer scale, several orders of magnitude larger than previously estimated by macroscale measurements.
The highly pathogenic Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV) and the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) use α-dystroglycan as a cellular receptor and enter the host cell by an unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the viruses are delivered to acidified endosomes in a Rab5-independent manner bypassing classical routes of incoming vesicular trafficking. Here we sought to identify cellular factors involved in the unusual and largely unknown entry pathway of LASV and LCMV. Cell entry of LASV and LCMV required microtubular transport to late endosomes, consistent with the low fusion pH of the viral envelope glycoproteins. Productive infection with recombinant LCMV expressing LASV envelope glycoprotein (rLCMV-LASVGP) and LCMV depended on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as well as lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), an unusual phospholipid that is involved in the formation of intraluminal vesicles (ILV) of the multivesicular body (MVB) of the late endosome. We provide evidence for a role of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) in LASV and LCMV cell entry, in particular the ESCRT components Hrs, Tsg101, Vps22, and Vps24, as well as the ESCRT-associated ATPase Vps4 involved in fission of ILV. Productive infection with rLCMV-LASVGP and LCMV also critically depended on the ESCRT-associated protein Alix, which is implicated in membrane dynamics of the MVB/late endosomes. Our study identifies crucial cellular factors implicated in Old World arenavirus cell entry and indicates that LASV and LCMV invade the host cell passing via the MVB/late endosome. Our data further suggest that the virus-receptor complexes undergo sorting into ILV of the MVB mediated by the ESCRT, possibly using a pathway that may be linked to the cellular trafficking and degradation of the cellular receptor.
PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and histologic features of a particular form of macular epiretinal membrane. METHODS: The charts of all patients operated for macular epiretinal membrane by a single surgeon (E.H.B.) between June 2001 and January 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with macular epiretinal membrane associated with tearing and folding of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) were identified and the following parameters were recorded when available: age, gender, best-corrected visual acuity before and after vitrectomy; optical coherence tomography; pre-, intra-, and postoperative macular status; intraoperative staining by indocyanine green; histology. RESULTS: Twenty-three of 268 eyes (8.6%) with macular epiretinal membrane were associated with tearing and folding of the ILM, forming a whitish prominent band on the surface of the retina. The mean age of the patients was 68.6 years with a significant female predominance (78.3%). The vitreous was completely detached in 21 eyes. After surgical peeling, the mean visual gain was 3.2 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study lines. No recurrence was observed. CONCLUSION: Tearing and folding of the ILM was associated with macular epiretinal membranes in 8.6% of cases. The ILM was probably torn during posterior hyaloid detachment, but the pathogenesis has not been clearly elucidated. The surgeon should begin to peel the macular epiretinal membrane by grasping the folded ILM to ensure complete removal of the ILM together with the epiretinal membrane. The postoperative visual prognosis was good
We propose a novel mechanism leading to spatiotemporal oscillations in extended systems that does not rely on local bulk instabilities. Instead, oscillations arise from the interaction of two subsystems of different spatial dimensionality. Specifically, we show that coupling a passive diffusive bulk of dimension d with an excitable membrane of dimension d-1 produces a self-sustained oscillatory behavior. An analytical explanation of the phenomenon is provided for d=1. Moreover, in-phase and antiphase synchronization of oscillations are found numerically in one and two dimensions. This novel dynamic instability could be used by biological systems such as cells, where the dynamics on the cellular membrane is necessarily different from that of the cytoplasmic bulk.
GLUT proteins are encoded by the SLC2 genes and are members of the major facilitator superfamily of membrane transporters. Fourteen GLUT proteins are expressed in the human and they are categorized into three classes based on sequence similarity. All GLUTs appear to transport hexoses or polyols when expressed ectopically, but the primary physiological substrates for several of the GLUTs remain uncertain. GLUTs 1-5 are the most thoroughly studied and all have well established roles as glucose and/or fructose transporters in various tissues and cell types. The GLUT proteins are comprised of ∼500 amino acid residues, possess a single N-linked oligosaccharide, and have 12 membrane-spanning domains. In this review we briefly describe the major characteristics of the 14 GLUT family members.
The question concerning whether all membranes fuse according to the same mechanism has yet to be answered satisfactorily. During fusion of model membranes or viruses, membranes dock, the outer membrane leaflets mix (termed hemifusion), and finally the fusion pore opens and the contents mix. Viral fusion proteins consist of a membrane-disturbing 'fusion peptide' and a helical bundle that pin the membranes together. Although SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) complexes form helical bundles with similar topology, it is unknown whether SNARE-dependent fusion events on intracellular membranes proceed through a hemifusion state. Here we identify the first hemifusion state for SNARE-dependent fusion of native membranes, and place it into a sequence of molecular events: formation of helical bundles by SNAREs precedes hemifusion; further progression to pore opening requires additional peptides. Thus, SNARE-dependent fusion may proceed along the same pathway as viral fusion: both use a docking mechanism via helical bundles and additional peptides to destabilize the membrane and efficiently induce lipid mixing. Our results suggest that a common lipidic intermediate may underlie all fusion reactions of lipid bilayers.
In Arabidopsis, interplay between nuclear auxin perception and trans-cellular polar auxin transport determines the transcriptional auxin response. In brevis radix (brx) mutants, this response is impaired, probably indirectly because of disturbed crosstalk between the auxin and brassinosteroid pathways. Here we provide evidence that BRX protein is plasma membrane-associated, but translocates to the nucleus upon auxin treatment to modulate cellular growth, possibly in conjunction with NGATHA class B3 domain-type transcription factors. Application of the polar auxin transport inhibitor naphthalene phthalamic acid (NPA) resulted in increased BRX abundance at the plasma membrane. Thus, nuclear translocation of BRX could depend on cellular auxin concentration or on auxin flux. Supporting this idea, NPA treatment of wild-type roots phenocopied the brx root meristem phenotype. Moreover, BRX is constitutively turned over by the proteasome pathway in the nucleus. However, a stabilized C-terminal BRX fragment significantly rescued the brx root growth phenotype and triggered a hypocotyl gain-of-function phenotype, similar to strong overexpressors of full length BRX. Therefore, although BRX activity is required in the nucleus, excess activity interferes with normal development. Finally, similar to the PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1) auxin efflux carrier, BRX is polarly localized in vascular cells and subject to endocytic recycling. Expression of BRX under control of the PIN1 promoter fully rescued the brx short root phenotype, suggesting that the two genes act in the same tissues. Collectively, our results suggest that BRX might provide a contextual readout to synchronize cellular growth with the auxin concentration gradient across the root tip.
Treponema pallidum PCR (Tp-PCR) is a direct diagnostic method for primary and secondary syphilis, but there is no recommendation regarding the best choice of target gene. In this study, we sequentially tested 272 specimens from patients with sexually transmitted ulcers using Tp-PCR targeting the tpp47 and then polA genes. The two methods showed similar accuracies and an almost-perfect agreement.