984 resultados para Medical diagnostic


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Com a reforma da Administração Pública, implementada de forma mais integrada e abrangente pelo Governo socialista de José Sócrates (XVII Governo Constitucional), foi iniciada a reformulação das carreiras dos profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente a carreira médica e a carreira de enfermagem, continuando-se a aguardar a reformulação das carreiras dos técnicos superiores de saúde e dos técnicos de diagnóstico e terapêutica. As inúmeras mudanças que decorrem destas reformulações têm criado por sua vez um clima de receio e expectativa junto dos profissionais de saúde, o que aliado a um período de contingência e recessão económica, tem causado uma certa instabilidade. Embora fosse de reconhecimento geral que a anterior forma como se geria as carreiras dos profissionais de saúde, utilizando como critérios de progressão mecanismos automatizados com foco na antiguidade, não fosse a mais correcta, uma vez que não cumpria princípios de justiça e meritocracia, são agora levantadas inúmeras dúvidas com estas reformulações. A questão principal é se efectivamente virão dar resposta à necessidade de uma maior flexibilidade na evolução profissional, mais adequada aos contributos de cada colaborador, potenciando o desenvolvimento de competências. Concluiu-se então que as reformulações efectuadas nas carreiras dos profissionais de saúde não incentivam totalmente o desenvolvimento de competências ao longo da carreira, mas permitem de alguma forma uma maior flexibilidade na evolução profissional; possibilitando que esta se desenvolva de acordo com os contributos de cada colaborador, apesar de grandes entraves na aplicação à prática. A verdade é que não se conseguem atingir resultados somente através de resoluções por decreto, falta a transformação deste sistema meritocrático, existente no plano formal, numa prática social meritocrática. Para isso em todas as reformulações que ocorram deve-se, primeiro de tudo, sensibilizar os colaboradores para essa necessidade, informar e esclarecer dúvidas, ouvir as suas sugestões e incluí-los no processo de mudança. Só dessa forma se irá conseguir a sua aceitação, o seu apoio e implementar efectivamente novas práticas. Nesse sentido, espera-se que este trabalho contribua para um maior conhecimento acerca da gestão de carreiras, gestão de competências, avaliação de desempenho e meritocracia, bem como das alterações legislativas que têm vindo a ocorrer, sensibilizando para a necessidade de se efectuarem realmente reformulações nas carreiras dos profissionais de saúde, mas também promovendo o desenvolvimento de uma atitude pró-activa para que estas sejam mais meritocráticas.


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The increasing use of ionizing radiation for medical purposes emphasizes the concern about safety and justification of using ionizing radiation. This is linked with the use of new and high-dose X-ray technology (particularly CT). According to the UNSCEAR 2010 Report the total number of diagnostic medical examinations (both medical and dental) is estimated to have risen from 2.4 billion (period 1991–1996) to 3.6 billion (period 1997– 2008) - a marked increase in collective doses. An appropriate use of technology aiming diagnostic or therapy and respecting the ALARA principle is a mandatory requisite to safely perform any radiological procedure. Radiation protection is thus, a concern of all specialists in the radiology field ( radiologists, radiographers, medical physicists, among other professional groups). The importance of education and training of these professionals in reducing patients’ doses while maintaining the desired level of quality in medical exposures, as well as precise therapeutic treatments is well recognized. Education, training and continuing professional development (CPD) constitute a triad pointing towards the radiographers’ development of competences in the radiation protection field. This presentation excludes the radiographer role and competences in the fields of ultrasonography and MRI.


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PURPOSE: Fatty liver disease (FLD) is an increasing prevalent disease that can be reversed if detected early. Ultrasound is the safest and ubiquitous method for identifying FLD. Since expert sonographers are required to accurately interpret the liver ultrasound images, lack of the same will result in interobserver variability. For more objective interpretation, high accuracy, and quick second opinions, computer aided diagnostic (CAD) techniques may be exploited. The purpose of this work is to develop one such CAD technique for accurate classification of normal livers and abnormal livers affected by FLD. METHODS: In this paper, the authors present a CAD technique (called Symtosis) that uses a novel combination of significant features based on the texture, wavelet transform, and higher order spectra of the liver ultrasound images in various supervised learning-based classifiers in order to determine parameters that classify normal and FLD-affected abnormal livers. RESULTS: On evaluating the proposed technique on a database of 58 abnormal and 42 normal liver ultrasound images, the authors were able to achieve a high classification accuracy of 93.3% using the decision tree classifier. CONCLUSIONS: This high accuracy added to the completely automated classification procedure makes the authors' proposed technique highly suitable for clinical deployment and usage.


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This paper presents work in progress, to develop an efficient and economic way to directly produce Technetium 99metastable (99mTc) using low-energy cyclotrons. Its importance is well established and relates with the increased global trouble in delivering 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine Departments relying on this radioisotope. Since the present delivery strategy has clearly demonstrated its intrinsic limits, our group decided to follow a distinct approach that uses the broad distribution of the low energy cyclotrons and the accessibility of Molybdenum 100 (100Mo) as the Target material. This is indeed an important issue to consider, since the system here presented, named CYCLOTECH, it is not based on the use of Highly Enriched (or even Low Enriched) Uranium 235 (235U), so entirely complying with the actual international trends and directives concerning the use of this potential highly critical material. The production technique is based on the nuclear reaction 100Mo (p,2n) 99mTc whose production yields have already been documented. Until this moment two Patent requests have already been submitted (the first at the INPI, in Portugal, and the second at the USPTO, in the USA); others are being prepared for submission on a near future. The object of the CYCLOTECH system is to present 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine radiopharmacists in a routine, reliable and efficient manner that, remaining always flexible, entirely blends with established protocols. To facilitate workflow and Radiation Protection measures, it has been developed a Target Station that can be installed on most of the existing PET cyclotrons and that will tolerate up to 400 μA of beam by allowing the beam to strike the Target material at an adequately oblique angle. The Target Station permits the remote and automatic loading and discharge of the Targets from a carriage of 10 Target bodies. On other hand, several methods of Target material deposition and Target substrates are presented. The object was to create a cost effective means of depositing and intermediate the target material thickness (25 - 100μm) with a minimum of loss on a substrate that is able to easily transport the heat associated with high beam currents. Finally, the separation techniques presented are a combination of both physical and column chemistry. The object was to extract and deliver 99mTc in the identical form now in use in radiopharmacies worldwide. In addition, the Target material is recovered and can be recycled.


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The basic function of the human hand is the manipulation and grasping of various objects in all daily activities, including work activities. This is greatly influenced by strength and manual dexterity. However age, gender and other contexts such as work or leisure activities could influence strength. Handgrip strength, a measure of maximum voluntary force of the hand, has proved to be reliable and valid as an objective parameter to evaluate the functional integrity of the hand as part of the musculoskeletal system. It correlates highly with strength in other muscular groups and is therefore considered as a good indicator of overall muscular strength and functional stress and could be used as a predictor of physical disability. Handgrip strength assessment is simple and reliable and used commonly by several investigators and health professionals, in different contexts (medical, nutritional, rehabilitation, professional settings, engineering, etc.) and with different purposes (research, diagnostic, assessment, etc.). In clinical and rehabilitation settings is of vital importance in the determination of effectiveness of several interventions and for monitoring evolution of diseases. Various ways (methods, techniques and equipments) of collecting information on grip strength have been reported. This chapter will review basic concepts on handgrip function, methodologies of assessment, contexts of application and correlates, such as physical activity, health or nutritional status. Several populations and reference values as also the relationships between handgrip and clinical status, aging, risk of disability and diseases, will be discussed.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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OBJECTIVE: To assess direct medical costs associated with schizophrenia relapses in mental health services. METHODS: The study was conducted in three health facilities in the city of São Paulo: a public state hospital; a Brazilian National Health System (SUS)-contracted hospital; and a community mental health center. Medical records of 90 patients with schizophrenia who received care in 2006 were reviewed. Information on inpatient expenditures was collected and used for cost estimates. RESULTS: Mean direct medical cost of schizophrenia relapses per patient was US$ 4,083.50 (R$ 8,167.58) in the public state hospital; US$ 2,302.76 (R$ 4,605.46) in the community mental health center; and US$ 1,198.50 (R$ 2,397.74) in the SUS-affiliated hospital. The main component was daily inpatient room rates (87% - 98%). Medication costs varied depending on the use of typical or atypical antipsychotic drugs. Atypical antipsychotic drugs were more often used in the community mental health center. CONCLUSIONS: Costs associated with schizophrenia relapses support investments in antipsychotic drugs and strategies to reduce disease relapse and the need for mental health inpatient services. Treating patients in a community mental health center was associated with medium costs and added the benefit of not depriving these patients from family life.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde- Ramo de especialização: Terapia com Radiações


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Introdução – O melanoma maligno cutâneo (MMC) é considerado uma das mais letais neoplasias e no seu seguimento recorre-se, para além dos exames clínicos e da análise de marcadores tumorais, a diversos métodos imagiológicos, como é o exame Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões/Tomografia Computorizada (PET/CT, do acrónimo inglês Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography) com 18fluor-fluorodeoxiglucose (18F-FDG). O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a utilidade da PET/CT relativamente à análise da extensão e à suspeita de recidiva do MMC, comparando os achados imagiológicos com os descritos em estudos CT. Metodologia – Estudo retrospetivo de 62 estudos PET/CT realizados em 50 pacientes diagnosticados com MMC. Excluiu-se um estudo cujo resultado era duvidoso (nódulo pulmonar). As informações relativas aos resultados dos estudos anatomopatológicos e dos exames imagiológicos foram obtidas através da história clínica e dos relatórios médicos dos estudos CT e PET/CT. Foi criada uma base de dados com os dados recolhidos através do software Excel e foi efetuada uma análise estatística descritiva. Resultados – Dos estudos PET/CT analisados, 31 foram considerados verdadeiros positivos (VP), 28 verdadeiros negativos (VN), um falso positivo (FP) e um falso negativo (FN). A sensibilidade, especificidade, o valor preditivo positivo (VPP), o valor preditivo negativo (VPN) e a exatidão da PET/CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 96,9%, 96,6%, 96,9%, 96,6% e 96,7%. Dos resultados da CT considerados na análise estatística, 14 corresponderam a VP, 12 a VN, três a FP e cinco a FN. A sensibilidade, especificidade, o VPP e o VPN e a exatidão da CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 73,7%, 80,0%, 82,4%, 70,6% e 76,5%. Comparativamente aos resultados CT, a PET/CT permitiu uma mudança na atitude terapêutica em 23% dos estudos. Conclusão – A PET/CT é um exame útil na avaliação do MMC, caracterizando-se por uma maior acuidade diagnóstica no estadiamento e na avaliação de suspeita de recidiva do MMC comparativamente à CT isoladamente.


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The discovery of X-rays was undoubtedly one of the greatest stimulus for improving the efficiency in the provision of healthcare services. The ability to view, non-invasively, inside the human body has greatly facilitated the work of professionals in diagnosis of diseases. The exclusive focus on image quality (IQ), without understanding how they are obtained, affect negatively the efficiency in diagnostic radiology. The equilibrium between the benefits and the risks are often forgotten. It is necessary to adopt optimization strategies to maximize the benefits (image quality) and minimize risk (dose to the patient) in radiological facilities. In radiology, the implementation of optimization strategies involves an understanding of images acquisition process. When a radiographer adopts a certain value of a parameter (tube potential [kVp], tube current-exposure time product [mAs] or additional filtration), it is essential to know its meaning and impact of their variation in dose and image quality. Without this, any optimization strategy will be a failure. Worldwide, data show that use of x-rays has been increasingly frequent. In Cabo Verde, we note an effort by healthcare institutions (e.g. Ministry of Health) in equipping radiological facilities and the recent installation of a telemedicine system requires purchase of new radiological equipment. In addition, the transition from screen-films to digital systems is characterized by a raise in patient exposure. Given that this transition is slower in less developed countries, as is the case of Cabo Verde, the need to adopt optimization strategies becomes increasingly necessary. This study was conducted as an attempt to answer that need. Although this work is about objective evaluation of image quality, and in medical practice the evaluation is usually subjective (visual evaluation of images by radiographer / radiologist), studies reported a correlation between these two types of evaluation (objective and subjective) [5-7] which accredits for conducting such studies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of exposure parameters (kVp and mAs) when using additional Cooper (Cu) filtration in dose and image quality in a Computed Radiography system.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the exploratory relationship between determinants of health, life satisfaction, locus of control, attitudes and behaviors and health related quality of life in an adult population. METHODS Observational study (analytical and cross-sectional) with a quantitative methodological basis. The sample was composed oy 1,214 inhabitants aged ≥ 35 in 31 civil parishes in the County of Coimbra, Portugal, 2011-2012. An anonymous and voluntary health survey was conducted, which collected the following information: demographic, clinical record, health and lifestyle behaviors; health related quality of life (Medical Outcomes Study, Short Form-36); health locus of control; survey of health attitudes and behavior, and quality of life index. Pearson’s Linear Correlation, t-Student, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney; One-way ANOVA; Brown-Forsythe’s F; Kruskal-Wallis; Multiple Comparisons: Tukey (HSD), Games-Howell and Conover were used in the statistical analysis. RESULTS Health related quality of life was shown to be lower in females, in older age groups, in obese/overweight individuals, widows, unassisted, those living alone, living in rural/suburban areas, those who did not work and with a medium-low socioeconomic level. Respondents with poor/very poor self-perceived health (p < 0.0001), with chronic disease (p < 0.0001), who consumed < 3 meals per day (p ≤ 0.01), who were sedentary, who slept ≤ 6 h/day and had smoked for several years revealed the worst health results. Health related quality of life was positively related with a bigger internal locus, with better health attitudes and behaviors (physical exercise, health and nutritional care, length of dependence) and with different areas of life satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS Better health related quality of life was associated with certain social, psychological, family and health characteristics, a satisfactory lifestyle, better socioeconomic conditions and a good internal locus of control over health attitudes and behaviors.


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Aims of study: 1) Describe the importance of human visual system on lesion detection in medical imaging perception research; 2) Discuss the relevance of research in medical imaging addressing visual function analysis; 3) Identify visual function tests which could be conducted on observers prior to participation in medical imaging perception research.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the coverage of a cervical cancer screening program in a city with a high incidence of the disease in addition to the factors associated with non-adherence to the current preventive program.METHODS A cross-sectional study based on household surveys was conducted. The sample was composed of women between 25 and 59 years of age of the city of Boa Vista, RR, Northern Brazil who were covered by the cervical cancer screening program. The cluster sampling method was used. The dependent variable was participation in a women’s health program, defined as undergoing at least one Pap smear in the 36 months prior to the interview; the explanatory variables were extracted from individual data. A generalized linear model was used.RESULTS 603 women were analyzed, with an mean age of 38.2 years (SD = 10.2). Five hundred and seventeen women underwent the screening test, and the prevalence of adherence in the last three years was up to 85.7% (95%CI 82.5;88.5). A high per capita household income and recent medical consultation were associated with the lower rate of not being tested in multivariate analysis. Disease ignorance, causes, and prevention methods were correlated with chances of non-adherence to the screening system; 20.0% of the women were reported to have undergone opportunistic and non-routine screening.CONCLUSIONS The informed level of coverage is high, exceeding the level recommended for the control of cervical cancer. The preventive program appears to be opportunistic in nature, particularly for the most vulnerable women (with low income and little information on the disease). Studies on the diagnostic quality of cervicovaginal cytology and therapeutic schedules for positive cases are necessary for understanding the barriers to the control of cervical cancer.


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Objective: Summarize all relevant findings in published literature regarding the potential dose reduction related to image quality using Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) compared to Filtered Back Projection (FBP). Background: Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the most used radiographic modalities in clinical practice providing high spatial and contrast resolution. However it also delivers a relatively high radiation dose to the patient. Reconstructing raw-data using Iterative Reconstruction (IR) algorithms has the potential to iteratively reduce image noise while maintaining or improving image quality of low dose standard FBP reconstructions. Nevertheless, long reconstruction times made IR unpractical for clinical use until recently. Siemens Medical developed a new IR algorithm called SAFIRE, which uses up to 5 different strength levels, and poses an alternative to the conventional IR with a significant reconstruction time reduction. Methods: MEDLINE, ScienceDirect and CINAHL databases were used for gathering literature. Eleven articles were included in this review (from 2012 to July 2014). Discussion: This narrative review summarizes the results of eleven articles (using studies on both patients and phantoms) and describes SAFIRE strengths for noise reduction in low dose acquisitions while providing acceptable image quality. Conclusion: Even though the results differ slightly, the literature gathered for this review suggests that the dose in current CT protocols can be reduced at least 50% while maintaining or improving image quality. There is however a lack of literature concerning paediatric population (with increased radiation sensitivity). Further studies should also assess the impact of SAFIRE on diagnostic accuracy.