640 resultados para Media programs (Education)


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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der grafischen Gestaltung von Mathematiklehrwerken und der damit verbundenen Wirkungen auf die SchülerInnen. Es wurde untersucht, welche Art von Gestaltungsaspekten in Schulbüchern eine positive Auswirkung auf die Lernmotivation hat. Im theoretischen Teil dieser Arbeit wird zunächst erläutert, wie der menschliche Wahrnehmungsapparat nach theoretischen Erkenntnissen aus der Wahrnehmungspsychologie visuelle Elemente wie Farbe und Form verarbeitet. Anhand gestaltpsychologischer und motivationspsychologischer Theorien werden mögliche Einflüsse und in diesem Zusammenhang bedeutungsvolle Aspekte aufgezeigt. Einzelne Funktionen und Wirkungsaspekte der einzelnen Medienbausteine wie Bild, Typografie und Bild-Text-Kombinationen werden anhand von Beispielen aus Mathematiklehrwerken dargestellt. Ein Exkurs über den vermehrten Einfluss der neuen Medien bei Kindern und Jugendlichen verdeutlicht, welche visuellen Medienerfahrungen Kinder und Jugendliche bei der Betrachtung eines Schulbuches mitbringen. Anschließend werden die erarbeiteten theoretischen Grundlagen in einer praktischen Arbeit genutzt. Eine exemplarisch ausgewählte Seite eines Mathematiklehrwerks werde unter verschiedenen gestalterischen Gesichtspunkten umgestaltet, so dass mehreren Varianten entstehen. Diese Entwürfe werden in einer qualitativen Studie mit einzelnen SchülerInnen diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse der aufgezeichneten Interviews wurden durch die Auswertungsmethode des zirkulären Dekonstruierens auf die aufgeworfenen Forschungsfragen untersucht und ausgewertet.


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This dissertation investigated higher education graduate competencies, acquired during their study period and required at work as perceived by the graduates themselves. This study also investigated whether graduates of professional, semiprofessional, and non-professional study programs acquired different levels of competencies during their studies and compared the gaps among the three groups of graduates. The case study is Universitas Kristen Indonesia graduates of graduation years 2001, 2003, and 2005, from the Faculties of Engineering, Economics and English, representing professional, semi-professional and nonprofessional study programs respectively.


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The non-university sector has been part of the Colombian higher education system for more than 50-years. Despite its long years of existence, it has never occupied such an important role within the education system as the one it is having today. Therefore, the aim of this work is to analyze the development of the non-university sector in the framework of the country’s social, educational and economic demands. Likewise, its actual situation and certain aspects of the relationship between its graduates and the world of work, i.e., graduates’ employment characteristics, the relationship of higher education studies and their work, as well as their early career success, are examined. In order to generate the required information, a graduate survey was carried out in Atlántico (Colombia). The target population was graduates from higher education institutions registered in Atlántico who were awarded a technical, technological or professional degree in 2008 from any of the following knowledge areas: Fine Arts, Health Science, Economy-Administration-Accountancy and similar, and Engineering-Architecture-Urban planning and similar. Besides, interviews with academic and administrative staff from non-university institutions were carried out, and higher education related documents were analyzed. As a whole, the findings suggest that the non-university sector is expanding and may help to achieve some of the goals, for which it is widely promoted i.e., access expansion for under-represented groups, enhancement of the higher education system, and the provision of programs pertinent to the needs of the market. Nevertheless, some aspects require further consideration, e.g., the sector’s consolidation within the system and its quality. As for the relationship between non-university higher education and the world of work, it was found to be close; particularly in those aspects related to the use of knowledge and skills in the work, and the relationship between graduates’ studies and their work. Additionally, the analysis of the graduates’ in their early career stages exposes the significant role that the socioeconomic stratum plays in their working life, particularly in their wages. This indicates that apart from education, other factors like the graduates’ economic or social capital may have an impact on their future work perspectives


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The ISSA Pedagogical Standards were first published in 2001 as a network-developed tool that defined quality in teaching practices and the classroom environment and captured the changes that had occurred in the region since 1994 when the Step by Step Program, an initiative to promote democratic principles in early childhood development and education, was launched. The Program was built on belief that each child has the right to receive maximum support for the development of his or her full potential, and this work should be done in partnership and close cooperation with families, communities and professionals


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Esta monografía nace de un cuestionamiento sobre las prioridades que el país tiene o ha definido en el tema educativo a partir de la adopción de los Planes Decenales de Educación y de los Decretos reglamentarios que han sido expedidos en dicho contexto y de cómo tales prioridades corresponden al reconocimiento de multiculturalismo que se hace en la Constitución Política de 1991. No es muy notorio el desarrollo legislativo que ha tenido el multiculturalismo en el país, Tal vez el caso más conocidos es el de la ley 70 de Agosto 27 de 1993 sobre negritudes, que desarrolla el artículo quinto de la Constitución Política de 1991 , en la cual se reconocen los principios de integralidad, diversidad, participación y protección de las comunidades negras dentro del concepto de Nación.


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Education :
Media. A collection of materials uploaded as part of the OER project.


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The Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design and Media highlights historical, contemporary and future roles for art, design and media within globalization. Its members build sustained collaborations with international partners in public service, the creative industries and civil society. Critically concerned with art and design practices of making, thinking and representation, the Winchester Centre actively engages in education and enterprise, exploring the contribution of media, materials and technologies to the improvement of human societies globally. Led by professors Jonathan Harris, Sean Cubitt, and Ryan Bishop, the Winchester Centre will make a decisive contribution to the work of the School and the University in future years. The Centre's inaugural professors would like to invite you now to suggest future research themes and activities. In the coming weeks details regarding the programme and prospective membership of the Winchester Centre will be made available.