945 resultados para Mean Squared Error
We introduce, for the first time, a new class of Birnbaum-Saunders nonlinear regression models potentially useful in lifetime data analysis. The class generalizes the regression model described by Rieck and Nedelman [Rieck, J.R., Nedelman, J.R., 1991. A log-linear model for the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. Technometrics 33, 51-60]. We discuss maximum-likelihood estimation for the parameters of the model, and derive closed-form expressions for the second-order biases of these estimates. Our formulae are easily computed as ordinary linear regressions and are then used to define bias corrected maximum-likelihood estimates. Some simulation results show that the bias correction scheme yields nearly unbiased estimates without increasing the mean squared errors. Two empirical applications are analysed and discussed. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the variation of solar radiation data between different data sources that will be free and available at the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC). The comparison between data sources will be carried out for two locations: Stockholm, Sweden and Athens, Greece. For the desired locations, data is gathered for different tilt angles: 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° facing south. The full dataset is available in two excel files: “Stockholm annual irradiation” and “Athens annual irradiation”. The World Radiation Data Center (WRDC) is defined as a reference for the comparison with other dtaasets, because it has the highest time span recorded for Stockholm (1964–2010) and Athens (1964–1986), in form of average monthly irradiation, expressed in kWh/m2. The indicator defined for the data comparison is the estimated standard deviation. The mean biased error (MBE) and the root mean square error (RMSE) were also used as statistical indicators for the horizontal solar irradiation data. The variation in solar irradiation data is categorized in two categories: natural or inter-annual variability, due to different data sources and lastly due to different calculation models. The inter-annual variation for Stockholm is 140.4kWh/m2 or 14.4% and 124.3kWh/m2 or 8.0% for Athens. The estimated deviation for horizontal solar irradiation is 3.7% for Stockholm and 4.4% Athens. This estimated deviation is respectively equal to 4.5% and 3.6% for Stockholm and Athens at 30° tilt, 5.2% and 4.5% at 45° tilt, 5.9% and 7.0% at 60°. NASA’s SSE, SAM and RETScreen (respectively Satel-light) exhibited the highest deviation from WRDC’s data for Stockholm (respectively Athens). The essential source for variation is notably the difference in horizontal solar irradiation. The variation increases by 1-2% per degree of tilt, using different calculation models, as used in PVSYST and Meteonorm. The location and altitude of the data source did not directly influence the variation with the WRDC data. Further examination is suggested in order to improve the methodology of selecting the location; Examining the functional dependence of ground reflected radiation with ambient temperature; variation of ambient temperature and its impact on different solar energy systems; Im pact of variation in solar irradiation and ambient temperature on system output.
The rapid development of data transfer through internet made it easier to send the data accurate and faster to the destination. There are many transmission media to transfer the data to destination like e-mails; at the same time it is may be easier to modify and misuse the valuable information through hacking. So, in order to transfer the data securely to the destination without any modifications, there are many approaches like cryptography and steganography. This paper deals with the image steganography as well as with the different security issues, general overview of cryptography, steganography and digital watermarking approaches. The problem of copyright violation of multimedia data has increased due to the enormous growth of computer networks that provides fast and error free transmission of any unauthorized duplicate and possibly manipulated copy of multimedia information. In order to be effective for copyright protection, digital watermark must be robust which are difficult to remove from the object in which they are embedded despite a variety of possible attacks. The message to be send safe and secure, we use watermarking. We use invisible watermarking to embed the message using LSB (Least Significant Bit) steganographic technique. The standard LSB technique embed the message in every pixel, but my contribution for this proposed watermarking, works with the hint for embedding the message only on the image edges alone. If the hacker knows that the system uses LSB technique also, it cannot decrypt correct message. To make my system robust and secure, we added cryptography algorithm as Vigenere square. Whereas the message is transmitted in cipher text and its added advantage to the proposed system. The standard Vigenere square algorithm works with either lower case or upper case. The proposed cryptography algorithm is Vigenere square with extension of numbers also. We can keep the crypto key with combination of characters and numbers. So by using these modifications and updating in this existing algorithm and combination of cryptography and steganography method we develop a secure and strong watermarking method. Performance of this watermarking scheme has been analyzed by evaluating the robustness of the algorithm with PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and MSE (Mean Square Error) against the quality of the image for large amount of data. While coming to see results of the proposed encryption, higher value of 89dB of PSNR with small value of MSE is 0.0017. Then it seems the proposed watermarking system is secure and robust for hiding secure information in any digital system, because this system collect the properties of both steganography and cryptography sciences.
The FE ('fixed effects') estimator of technical inefficiency performs poorly when N ('number of firms') is large and T ('number of time observations') is small. We propose estimators of both the firm effects and the inefficiencies, which have small sample gains compared to the traditional FE estimator. The estimators are based on nonparametric kernel regression of unordered variables, which includes the FE estimator as a special case. In terms of global conditional MSE ('mean square error') criterions, it is proved that there are kernel estimators which are efficient to the FE estimators of firm effects and inefficiencies, in finite samples. Monte Carlo simulations supports our theoretical findings and in an empirical example it is shown how the traditional FE estimator and the proposed kernel FE estimator lead to very different conclusions about inefficiency of Indonesian rice farmers.
O objetivo desta tese consistiu em avaliar a influência da espacialização de propriedades físicas de bacias hidrográficas, relacionadas à topografia, ao uso do solo, à litologia e à tectônica, e os efeitos na resposta hidrológica. Tais elementos foram desagregados em unidades de resposta hidrológica através de uma estrutura vetorial, com base em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e sistemas de informação geográfica, que facilitou a modelagem, contemplando os processos hidrológicos verticais e laterais envolvidos. Diferentes níveis de agregação e desagregação espacial alicerçaram a aplicação do hidrograma de Clark para a transformação de chuva em vazão com base nos valores da precipitação efetiva, a partir da utilização do método curva número - CN. A bacia hidrográfica do Rio Ibirapuitã, localizada no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, com área de 5.976 km2, constituiu o estudo de caso, cuja espacialização envolveu um pixel de um km e a utilização do conceito de hidrotopos. As características geológicas evidenciaram a incidência de rochas vulcânicas basálticas (72%), arenitos (24%) e siltito-folhelho (4%), e lineamentos tectônicos, espacializados sob a forma de freqüência, com ocorrência de 47% para a classe forte, 35% para a classe média, 12% para a classe muito forte e o restante 6 % para a classe fraca. A topografia evidenciou um relevo em que as cotas topográficas indicaram valores entre 70 e 230 m. O uso do solo é caracterizado por seis classes, com destaque para campos e pastagens que cobrem cerca de 60% da área, seguindo-se a cultura de arroz irrigado (27%) e matas (11%). Às simulações hidrológicas iniciadas com a influência da litologia, seguiram-se com a incorporação sucessiva dos efeitos da tectônica, da desagregação em duas sub-bacias, da desagregação em cinco sub-bacias. Os resultados obtidos pelas simulações hidrológicas e avaliados pelo coeficiente de eficiência R2 de Nash e Sutcliffe pelo erro médio absoluto (Mean Absolute Error – MAE) e pelos seus incrementos indicaram: a) que os efeitos da variabilidade espacial da litologia constituiu a influência mais significativa (R2 = 0,489, MAE = 0,32); b) que a tectônica foi o segundo fator em importância (R2 = 0,569, MAE = 0,25).; que a desagregação em duas sub-bacias foi a menos importante.(R2 = 0,582, MAE = 0,24); que a desagregação em cinco sub-bacias foi o terceiro fator mais importante (R2 = 0,725, MAE = 0,24).
Neste trabalho analisamos alguns processos com longa dependência sazonais, denotados por SARFIMA(0,D, 0)s, onde s é a sazonalidade. Os estudos de estimação e previsão estão baseados em simulações de Monte Carlo para diferentes tamanhos amostrais e diferentes sazonalidades. Para estimar o parâmetro D de diferenciação sazonal utilizamos os estimadores propostos por Geweke e Porter-Hudak (1983), Reisen (1994) e Fox e Taqqu (1986). Para os dois primeiros procedimentos de estimação consideramos seis diferentes maneiras de compor o número de regressores necessários na análise de regressão, com o intuito de melhor comparar seus desempenhos. Apresentamos um estudo sobre previsão h-passos à frente utilizando os processos SARFIMA(0,D, 0)s no qual analisamos o erro de previsão, as variâncias teórica e amostral, o vício, o pervício e o erro quadrático médio.
This research evaluated the quality of the management of Brazilian stock funds on the period from January 1997 to October 2006. The analysis was based on the Modern Portfolio Theory measures of performance. In addition, this research evaluated the relevance of the performance measures The sample with 21 funds was extracted from the 126 largest Brasilian stock options funds because they were the only with quotas on the whole period. The monthly mean rate of return and the following indexes were calculated: total return, mean monthly return, Jensen Index, Treynor Index, Sharpe Index, Sortino Index, Market Timing and the Mean Quadratic Error. The initial analysis showed that the funds in the sample had different objectives and limitations. To make valuable comparisons, the ANBID (National Association of Investment Banks) categories were used to classify the funds. The measured results were ranked. The positions of the funds on the rankings based on the mean monthly return and the indexes of Jensen, Treynor, Sortino and Sharpe were similar. All of the ten ACTIVE funds of this research were above the benchmark (IBOVESPA index) in the measures above. Based on the CAPM, the managers of these funds got superior performance because they might have compiled the available information in a superior way. The six funds belonging to the ANBID classification of INDEXED got the first six positions in the ranking based on the Mean Quadratic Error. None of the researched funds have shown market timing skills to move the beta of their portfolios in the right direction to take the benefit of the market movements, at the significance level of 5%.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar para o caso brasileiro uma das mais importantes propriedades esperadas de um núcleo: ser um bom previsor da inflação plena futura. Para tanto, foram utilizados como referência para comparação dois modelos construídos a partir das informações mensais do IPCA e seis modelos VAR referentes a cada uma das medidas de núcleo calculadas pelo Banco Central do Brasil. O desempenho das previsões foi avaliado pela comparação dos resultados do erro quadrático médio e pela aplicação da metodologia de Diebold-Mariano (1995) de comparação de modelos. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o atual conjunto de medidas de núcleos calculado pelo Banco Central não atende pelos critérios utilizados neste trabalho a essa característica desejada.
Many efforts are currently oriented toward extracting more information from ocean color than the chlorophyll a concentration. Among biological parameters potentially accessible from space, estimates of phytoplankton cell size and light absorption by colored detrital matter (CDM) would lead to an indirect assessment of major components of the organic carbon pool in the ocean, which would benefit oceanic carbon budget models. We present here 2 procedures to retrieve simultaneously from ocean color measurements in a limited number of bands, magnitudes, and spectral shapes for both light absorption by CDM and phytoplankton, along with a size parameter for phytoplankton. The performance of the 2 procedures was evaluated using different data sets that correspond to increasing uncertainties: ( 1) measured absorption coefficients of phytoplankton, particulate detritus, and colored dissolved organic matter ( CDOM) and measured chlorophyll a concentrations and ( 2) SeaWiFS upwelling radiance measurements and chlorophyll a concentrations estimated from global algorithms. In situ data were acquired during 3 cruises, differing by their relative proportions in CDM and phytoplankton, over a continental shelf off Brazil. No local information was introduced in either procedure, to make them more generally applicable. Over the study area, the absorption coefficient of CDM at 443 nm was retrieved from SeaWiFS radiances with a relative root mean square error (RMSE) of 33%, and phytoplankton light absorption coefficients in SeaWiFS bands ( from 412 to 510 nm) were retrieved with RMSEs between 28% and 33%. These results are comparable to or better than those obtained by 3 published models. In addition, a size parameter of phytoplankton and the spectral slope of CDM absorption were retrieved with RMSEs of 17% and 22%, respectively. If these methods are applied at a regional scale, the performances could be substantially improved by locally tuning some empirical relationships.
Dentre todas as etapas que permeiam um laudo foliar, ainda a amostragem continua sendo a mais sujeita a erros. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o tamanho de amostras foliares e a variação do erro amostral para coleta de folhas de pomares de mangueiras. O experimento contou com delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis repetições e quatro tratamentos, que constaram da coleta de uma folha, em cada uma das quatro posições cardeais, em 5; 10; 20 e 40 plantas. Com base nos resultados dos teores de nutrientes, foram calculados as médias, variâncias, erros-padrão das médias, o intervalo de confiança para a média e a porcentagem de erro em relação à média, através da semi-amplitude do intervalo de confiança expresso em porcentagem da média. Concluiu-se que, para as determinações químicas dos macronutrientes, 10 plantas de mangueira seriam suficientes, coletando-se uma folha nos quatro pontos cardeais da planta. Já para os micronutrientes, seriam necessárias, no mínimo, 20 plantas e, se considerarmos o Fe, seria necessário amostrar, pelo menos, 30 plantas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Genomewide marker information can improve the reliability of breeding value predictions for young selection candidates in genomic selection. However, the cost of genotyping limits its use to elite animals, and how such selective genotyping affects predictive ability of genomic selection models is an open question. We performed a simulation study to evaluate the quality of breeding value predictions for selection candidates based on different selective genotyping strategies in a population undergoing selection. The genome consisted of 10 chromosomes of 100 cM each. After 5,000 generations of random mating with a population size of 100 (50 males and 50 females), generation G(0) (reference population) was produced via a full factorial mating between the 50 males and 50 females from generation 5,000. Different levels of selection intensities (animals with the largest yield deviation value) in G(0) or random sampling (no selection) were used to produce offspring of G(0) generation (G(1)). Five genotyping strategies were used to choose 500 animals in G(0) to be genotyped: 1) Random: randomly selected animals, 2) Top: animals with largest yield deviation values, 3) Bottom: animals with lowest yield deviations values, 4) Extreme: animals with the 250 largest and the 250 lowest yield deviations values, and 5) Less Related: less genetically related animals. The number of individuals in G(0) and G(1) was fixed at 2,500 each, and different levels of heritability were considered (0.10, 0.25, and 0.50). Additionally, all 5 selective genotyping strategies (Random, Top, Bottom, Extreme, and Less Related) were applied to an indicator trait in generation G(0), and the results were evaluated for the target trait in generation G(1), with the genetic correlation between the 2 traits set to 0.50. The 5 genotyping strategies applied to individuals in G(0) (reference population) were compared in terms of their ability to predict the genetic values of the animals in G(1) (selection candidates). Lower correlations between genomic-based estimates of breeding values (GEBV) and true breeding values (TBV) were obtained when using the Bottom strategy. For Random, Extreme, and Less Related strategies, the correlation between GEBV and TBV became slightly larger as selection intensity decreased and was largest when no selection occurred. These 3 strategies were better than the Top approach. In addition, the Extreme, Random, and Less Related strategies had smaller predictive mean squared errors (PMSE) followed by the Top and Bottom methods. Overall, the Extreme genotyping strategy led to the best predictive ability of breeding values, indicating that animals with extreme yield deviations values in a reference population are the most informative when training genomic selection models.
The objectives of this study were to compare the goodness of fit of four non-linear growth models, i.e. Brody, Gompertz, Logistic and Von Bertalanffy, in West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep. A total of 5274 monthly weight records from birth up to 180 days of age from 889 lambs, collected during 2001 to 2004 in Betecoucou breeding farm in Benin were used. In the preliminary analysis, the General Linear Model Procedure of the Statistical Analysis Systems Institute was applied to the dataset to identify the significant effects of the sex of lamb (male and female), type of birth (single and twin), season of birth (rainy season and dry season), parity of dam (1, 2 and 3) and year of birth (2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004) on the observed birth weight and monthly weight up to 6 months of age. The models parameters (A, B and k), coefficient of determination (112), mean square error (MSE) were calculated using language of technical computing package Matlab(R), 2006. The mean values of A, B and k were substituted into each model to calculate the corresponding Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC). Among the four growth functions, the Brody model has been selected for its accuracy of fit according to the higher R(2), lower MSE and A/C Finally, the parameters A, B and k were adjusted in Matlab(R) 2006 for the sex of lamb, year of birth, season of birth, birth type and the parity of ewe, providing a specific slope of the Brody growth curve. The results of this study suggest that Brody model can be useful for WAD sheep breeding in Betecoucou farm conditions through growth monitoring.