982 resultados para Maximum load
An isolated wind power generation scheme using slip ring induction machine (SRIM) is proposed. The proposed scheme maintains constant load voltage and frequency irrespective of the wind speed or load variation. The power circuit consists of two back-to-back connected inverters with a common dc link, where one inverter is directly connected to the rotor side of SRIM and the other inverter is connected to the stator side of the SRIM through LC filter. Developing a negative sequence compensation method to ensure that, even under the presence of unbalanced load, the generator experiences almost balanced three-phase current and most of the unbalanced current is directed through the stator side converter is the focus here. The SRIM controller varies the speed of the generator with variation in the wind speed to extract maximum power. The difference of the generated power and the load power is either stored in or extracted from a battery bank, which is interfaced to the common dc link through a multiphase bidirectional fly-back dc-dc converter. The SRIM control scheme, maximum power point extraction algorithm and the fly-back converter topology are incorporated from available literature. The proposed scheme is both simulated and experimentally verified.
Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (FWLAM), developed in an earlier study, derives the optimal fractional levels, for the base flow conditions, considering the goals of the Pollution Control Agency (PCA) and dischargers. The Modified Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (MFWLAM) developed subsequently is a stochastic model and considers the moments (mean, variance and skewness) of water quality indicators, incorporating uncertainty due to randomness of input variables along with uncertainty due to imprecision. The risk of low water quality is reduced significantly by using this modified model, but inclusion of new constraints leads to a low value of acceptability level, A, interpreted as the maximized minimum satisfaction in the system. To improve this value, a new model, which is a combination Of FWLAM and MFWLAM, is presented, allowing for some violations in the constraints of MFWLAM. This combined model is a multiobjective optimization model having the objectives, maximization of acceptability level and minimization of violation of constraints. Fuzzy multiobjective programming, goal programming and fuzzy goal programming are used to find the solutions. For the optimization model, Probabilistic Global Search Lausanne (PGSL) is used as a nonlinear optimization tool. The methodology is applied to a case study of the Tunga-Bhadra river system in south India. The model results in a compromised solution of a higher value of acceptability level as compared to MFWLAM, with a satisfactory value of risk. Thus the goal of risk minimization is achieved with a comparatively better value of acceptability level.
Background. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the most serious threat to life and health in industrialized countries. Atherosclerosis is the main underlying pathology associated with CVD, in particular coronary artery disease (CAD), ischaemic stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. Risk factors play an important role in initiating and accelerating the complex process of atherosclerosis. Most studies of risk factors have focused on the presence or absence of clinically defined CVD. Less is known about the determinants of the severity and extent of atherosclerosis in symptomatic patients. Aims. To clarify the association between coronary and carotid artery atherosclerosis, and to study the determinants associated with these abnormalities with special regard to novel cardiovascular risk factors. Subjects and methods. Quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and B-mode ultrasound were used to assess coronary and carotid artery atherosclerosis in 108 patients with clinically suspected CAD referred for elective coronary angiography. To evaluate anatomic severity and extent of CAD, several QCA parameters were incorporated into indexes. These measurements reflected CAD severity, extent, and overall atheroma burden and were calculated for the entire coronary tree and separately for different coronary segments (i.e., left main, proximal, mid, and distal segments). Maximum and mean intima-media thickness (IMT) values of carotid arteries were measured and expressed as mean aggregate values. Furthermore, the study design included extensive fasting blood samples, oral glucose tolerance test, and an oral fat-load test to be performed in each participant. Results. Maximum and mean IMT values were significantly correlated with CAD severity, extent, and atheroma burden. There was heterogeneity in associations between IMT and CAD indexes according to anatomical location of CAD. Maximum and mean IMT values, respectively, were correlated with QCA indexes for mid and distal segments but not with the proximal segments of coronary vessels. The values of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity and concentration, respectively, were lower in subjects with significant CAD and there was a significant relationship between PON1 activity and concentration and coronary atherosclerosis assessed by QCA. PON1 activity was a significant determinant of severity of CAD independently of HDL cholesterol. Neither PON1 activity nor concentration was associated with carotid IMT. The concentration of triglycerides (TGs), triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs), oxidized LDL (oxLDL), and the cholesterol content of remnant lipoprotein particle (RLP-C) were significantly increased at 6 hours after intake of an oral fatty meal as compared with fasting values. The mean peak size of LDL remained unchanged 6 hours after the test meal. The correlations between total TGs, TRLs, and RLP-C in fasting and postprandial state were highly significant. RLP-C correlated with oxLDL both in fasting and in fed state and inversely with LDL size. In multivariate analysis oxLDL was a determinant of severity and extent of CAD. Neither total TGs, TRLs, oxLDL, nor LDL size were linked to carotid atherosclerosis. Insulin resistance (IR) was associated with an increased severity and extent of coronary atherosclerosis and seemed to be a stronger predictor of coronary atherosclerosis in the distal parts of the coronary tree than in the proximal and mid parts. In the multivariate analysis IR was a significant predictor of the severity of CAD. IR did not correlate with carotid IMT. Maximum and mean carotid IMT were higher in patients with the apoE4 phenotype compared with subjects with the apoE3 phenotype. Likewise, patients with the apoE4 phenotype had a more severe and extensive CAD than individuals with the apoE3 phenotype. Conclusions. 1) There is an association between carotid IMT and the severity and extent of CAD. Carotid IMT seems to be a weaker predictor of coronary atherosclerosis in the proximal parts of the coronary tree than in the mid and distal parts. 2) PON1 activity has an important role in the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis. More importantly, the study illustrates how the protective role of HDL could be modulated by its components such that equivalent serum concentrations of HDL cholesterol may not equate with an equivalent, potential protective capacity. 3) RLP-C in the fasting state is a good marker of postprandial TRLs. Circulating oxLDL increases in CAD patients postprandially. The highly significant positive correlation between postprandial TRLs and postprandial oxLDL suggests that the postprandial state creates oxidative stress. Our findings emphasize the fundamental role of LDL oxidation in the development of atherosclerosis even after inclusion of conventional CAD risk factors. 4) Disturbances in glucose metabolism are crucial in the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis. In fact, subjects with IR are comparable with diabetic subjects in terms of severity and extent of CAD. 5) ApoE polymorphism is involved in the susceptibility to both carotid and coronary atherosclerosis.
This article analyzes the effect of devising a new failure envelope by the combination of the most commonly used failure criteria for the composite laminates, on the design of composite structures. The failure criteria considered for the study are maximum stress and Tsai-Wu criteria. In addition to these popular phenomenological-based failure criteria, a micromechanics-based failure criterion called failure mechanism-based failure criterion is also considered. The failure envelopes obtained by these failure criteria are superimposed over one another and a new failure envelope is constructed based on the lowest absolute values of the strengths predicted by these failure criteria. Thus, the new failure envelope so obtained is named as most conservative failure envelope. A minimum weight design of composite laminates is performed using genetic algorithms. In addition to this, the effect of stacking sequence on the minimum weight of the laminate is also studied. Results are compared for the different failure envelopes and the conservative design is evaluated, with respect to the designs obtained by using only one failure criteria. The design approach is recommended for structures where composites are the key load-carrying members such as helicopter rotor blades.
This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact performance of axially loaded concrete-filled double-skin tube (CFDST) columns. These columns have desirable structural and constructional properties and have been used as columns in building, legs of off shore platforms and as bridge piers. Since they could be vulnerable to impact from passing vessels or vehicles, it is necessary to understand their behaviour under lateral impact loads. With this in mind, an experimental method employing an innovative instrumented horizontal impact testing system (HITS) was developed to apply lateral impact loads whilst the column maintained a static axial pre-loading to examine the failure mechanism and key response parameters of the column. These included the time histories of impact force, reaction forces, global lateral deflection and permanent local buckling profile. Eight full scale columns were tested for key parameters including the axial load level and impact location. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, impact duration, peak reaction forces, reaction force duration, column maximum and residual global deflections and column local buckling length, depth and width under varying conditions are analysed and discussed. It is evident that the innovative HITS can successfully test structural columns under the combination of axial pre-loading and impact loading. The findings on the lateral impact response of the CFDST columns can serve as a benchmark reference for their future analysis and design.
Reverse osmosis is the dominant technology utilized for desalination of saline water produced during the extraction of coal seam gas. Alternatively, ion exchange is of interest due to potential cost advantages. However, there is limited information regarding the column performance of strong acid cation resin for removal of sodium ions from both model and actual coal seam water samples. In particular, the impact of bed depth, flow rate, and regeneration was not clear. Consequently, this study applied Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) models to reveal that increasing sodium ion concentration and flow rates diminished the time required for breakthrough to occur. The loading of sodium ions on fresh resin was calculated to be ca. 71.1 g Na/kg resin. Difficulties in regeneration of the resin using hydrochloric acid solutions were discovered, with 86% recovery of exchange sites observed. The maximum concentration of sodium ions in the regenerant brine was found to be 47,400 mg/L under the conditions employed. The volume of regenerant waste formed was 6.2% of the total volume of water treated. A coal seam water sample was found to load the resin with only 53.5 g Na/kg resin, which was consistent with not only the co-presence of more favoured ions such as calcium, magnesium, barium and strontium, but also inefficient regeneration of the resin prior to the coal seam water test.
A d-dimensional box is a Cartesian product of d closed intervals on the real line. The boxicity of a graph is the minimum dimension d such that it is representable as the intersection graph of d-dimensional boxes. We give a short constructive proof that every graph with maximum degree D has boxicity at most 2D2. We also conjecture that the best upper bound is linear in D.
The insulation in a dc cable is subjected to both thermal and electric stress at the same time. While the electric stress is generic to the cable, the temperature rise in the insulation is, by and large, due to the Ohmic losses in the conductor. The consequence of this synergic effect is to reduce the maximum operating voltage and causes a premature failure of the cable. The authors examine this subject in some detail and propose a comprehensive theoretical formulation relating the maximum thermal voltage (MTV) to the physical and geometrical parameters of the insulation. The heat flow patterns and boundary conditions considered by the authors here and those found in earlier literature are provided. The MTV of a dc cable is shown to be a function of the load current apart from the resistance of the insulation. The results obtained using the expressions, developed by the authors, are compared with relevant results published in the literature and found to be in close conformity.
Sormen koukistajajännevamman korjauksen jälkeisen aktiivisen mobilisaation on todettu johtavan parempaan toiminnalliseen lopputulokseen kuin nykyisin yleisesti käytetyn dynaamisen mobilisaation. Aktiivisen mobilisaation ongelma on jännekorjauksen pettämisriskin lisääntyminen nykyisten ommeltekniikoiden riittämättömän vahvuuden vuoksi. Jännekorjauksen lujuutta on parannettu kehittämällä monisäieommeltekniikoita, joissa jänteeseen tehdään useita rinnakkaisia ydinompeleita. Niiden kliinistä käyttöä rajoittaa kuitenkin monimutkainen ja aikaa vievä tekninen suoritus. Käden koukistajajännekorjauksessa käytetään yleisesti sulamattomia ommelmateriaaleja. Nykyiset käytössä olevat biohajoavat langat heikkenevät liian nopeasti jänteen paranemiseen nähden. Biohajoavan laktidistereokopolymeeri (PLDLA) 96/4 – langan vetolujuuden puoliintumisajan sekä kudosominaisuuksien on aiemmin todettu soveltuvan koukistajajännekorjaukseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää välittömän aktiivisen mobilisaation kestävä ja toteutukseltaan yksinkertainen käden koukistajajännekorjausmenetelmä biohajoavaa PLDLA 96/4 –materiaalia käyttäen. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin viiden eri yleisesti käytetyn koukistajajänneompeleen biomekaanisia ominaisuuksia staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa ydinompeleen rakenteellisten ominaisuuksien – 1) säikeiden (lankojen) lukumäärän, 2) langan paksuuden ja 3) ompeleen konfiguraation – vaikutuksen selvittämiseksi jännekorjauksen pettämiseen ja vahvuuteen. Jännekorjausten näkyvän avautumisen todettiin alkavan perifeerisen ompeleen pettäessä voima-venymäkäyrän myötöpisteessä. Ydinompeleen lankojen lukumäärän lisääminen paransi ompeleen pitokykyä jänteessä ja suurensi korjauksen myötövoimaa. Sen sijaan paksumman (vahvemman) langan käyttäminen tai ompeleen konfiguraatio eivät vaikuttaneet myötövoimaan. Tulosten perusteella tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia lisätä ompeleen pitokykyä jänteestä yksinkertaisella monisäieompeleella, jossa ydinommel tehtiin kolmen säikeen polyesterilangalla tai nauhamaisen rakenteen omaavalla kolmen säikeen polyesterilangalla. Nauhamainen rakenne lisäsi merkitsevästi ompeleen pitokykyä jänteessä parantaen myötövoimaa sekä maksimivoimaa. Korjauksen vahvuus ylitti aktiivisen mobilisaation jännekorjaukseen kohdistaman kuormitustason. PLDLA 96/4 –langan soveltuvuutta koukistajajännekorjaukseen selvitettiin tutkimalla langan biomekaanisia ominaisuuksia ja solmujen pito-ominaisuuksia staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa verrattuna yleisimmin jännekorjauksessa käytettävään punottuun polyesterilankaan (Ticron®). PLDLA –langan todettiin soveltuvan hyvin koukistajajännekorjaukseen, sillä se on polyesterilankaa venymättömämpi ja solmujen pitävyys on parempi. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin PLDLA 96/4 –langasta valmistetulla kolmisäikeisellä, nauhamaisella jännekorjausvälineellä tehdyn jännekorjauksen kestävyyttä staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa sekä syklisessä kuormituksessa, joka simuloi staattista testausta paremmin mobilisaation toistuvaa kuormitusta. PLDLA-korjauksen vahvuus ylitti sekä staattisessa että syklisessä kuormituksessa aktiivisen mobilisaation edellyttämän vahvuuden. Nauhamaista litteää ommelmateriaalia ei aiemmin ole tutkittu tai käytetty käden koukistajajännekorjauksessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa ommelmateriaalin nauhamainen rakenne paransi merkitsevästi jännekorjauksen vahvuutta, minkä arvioidaan johtuvan lisääntyneestä kontaktipinnasta jänteen ja ommelmateriaalin välillä estäen ompeleen läpileikkautumista jänteessä. Tutkimuksessa biohajoavasta PLDLA –materiaalista valmistetulla rakenteeltaan nauhamaisella kolmisäikeisellä langalla tehdyn jännekorjauksen vahvuus saavutti aktiivisen mobilisaation edellyttämän tason. Lisäksi uusi menetelmä on helppokäyttöinen ja sillä vältetään perinteisten monisäieompeleiden tekniseen suoritukseen liittyvät ongelmat.
This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact response of axially loaded concrete filled double skin tube (CFDST) columns. A total of four test series are being conducted at Queensland University of Technology using a novel horizontal impact-testing rig. The test results reported in this paper are from the first test series, where the columns are pinned at both ends and impacted at mid-span. In the next three series, effects of support conditions, impact location and repeated impact will be treated. The main objectives of the current paper are to describe the innovative testing procedure and provide some insight into the lateral impact behavior and failure of simply supported axially pre-loaded CFDST columns. The results include time histories of impact forces, reaction forces, axial force and global lateral deflection. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, peak reaction forces, maximum deflection and residual deflection, with and without axial load, are analyzed and discussed. The findings of this study will serve as a benchmark reference for future analysis and design of CFDST columns.
Electricity generation is vital in developed countries to power the many mechanical and electrical devices that people require. Unfortunately electricity generation is costly. Though electricity can be generated it cannot be stored efficiently. Electricity generation is also difficult to manage because exact demand is unknown from one instant to the next. A number of services are required to manage fluctuations in electricity demand, and to protect the system when frequency falls too low. A current approach is called automatic under frequency load shedding (AUFLS). This article proposes new methods for optimising AUFLS in New Zealand’s power system. The core ideas were developed during the 2015 Maths and Industry Study Group (MISG) in Brisbane, Australia. The problem has been motivated by Transpower Limited, a company that manages New Zealand’s power system and transports bulk electricity from where it is generated to where it is needed. The approaches developed in this article can be used in electrical power systems anywhere in the world.
The quality of short-term electricity load forecasting is crucial to the operation and trading activities of market participants in an electricity market. In this paper, it is shown that a multiple equation time-series model, which is estimated by repeated application of ordinary least squares, has the potential to match or even outperform more complex nonlinear and nonparametric forecasting models. The key ingredient of the success of this simple model is the effective use of lagged information by allowing for interaction between seasonal patterns and intra-day dependencies. Although the model is built using data for the Queensland region of Australia, the method is completely generic and applicable to any load forecasting problem. The model’s forecasting ability is assessed by means of the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). For day-ahead forecast, the MAPE returned by the model over a period of 11 years is an impressive 1.36%. The forecast accuracy of the model is compared with a number of benchmarks including three popular alternatives and one industrial standard reported by the Australia Energy Market Operator (AEMO). The performance of the model developed in this paper is superior to all benchmarks and outperforms the AEMO forecasts by about a third in terms of the MAPE criterion.
A membrane with interpenetrating networks between poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(styrene sulfonic acid) (PSSA) coupled with a high proton conductivity is realized and evaluated as a proton exchange membrane electrolyte for a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Its reduced methanol permeability and improved performance in DMFCs suggest the new blend as an alternative membrane to Nafion membranes. The membrane has been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, time-modulated differential scanning calorimetry, and thermogravimetric analysis in conjunction with its mechanical strength. The maximum proton conductivity of 3.3×10−2 S/cm for the PVA–PSSA blend membrane is observed at 373 K. From nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and volume localized spectroscopy experiments, the PVA–PSSA membrane has been found to exhibit a promising methanol impermeability, in DMFCs. On evaluating its utility in a DMFC, it has been found that a peak power density of 90 mW/cm2 at a load current density of 320 mA/cm2 is achieved with the PVA–PSSA membrane compared to a peak power density of 75 mW/cm2 at a load current density of 250 mA/cm2 achievable for a DMFC employing Nafion membrane electrolyte while operating under identical conditions; this is attributed primarily to the methanol crossover mitigating property of the PVA–PSSA membrane.
Nickel rich NiTi films were sputter deposited on p-doped Si left angle bracket1 0 0right-pointing angle bracket substrates maintained at 300 °C. The films were subsequently solution treated at 700 °C for 30 min followed by ageing at 400 and 500 °C for 5 h. The microstructure of the films was examined by TEM and these studies revealed that the NiTi films were mostly amorphous in the as-deposited condition. The subsequent solution treatment and ageing resulted in crystallization of the films with the film aged at 400 °C exhibiting nanocrystalline grains and three phases viz. B2 (austenite), R and Ni3Ti2 whereas the film aged at 500 °C shows micron sized grains and two phases viz. R and Ni3Ti2. Nanoindentation studies revealed that the nature of the load versus indentation depth response for the films aged at 400 and 500 °C was different. For the same load, the indenter penetrated to a much greater depth for the film aged at 400 °C as compared to the film aged at 500 °C. Also the ratio of the residual indentation depth (hf) to maximum indentation depth (hmax) is lower for the film aged at 400 °C as compared to the film aged at 500 °C. This was attributed to the occurrence of stress induced martensitic transformation of the B2 phase present in the film aged at 400 °C during indentation loading which results in a transformation strain in addition to the normal elastic and plastic strains and its subsequent recovery on unloading. The hardness and elastic modulus measured using the Oliver and Pharr analysis was also found to be lower for the film aged at 400 °C as compared to the film aged at 500 °C which was also primarily attributed to the same effect.
Theoretical expressions for stresses and displacements have been derived for bending under a ring load of a free shell, a shell embedded in a soft medium, and a shell containing a soft core. Numerical work has been done for typical cases with an Elliot 803 Digital Computer and influence lines are drawn therefrom.