689 resultados para Martial. Epigrammata
We evaluated the musculoskeletal fitness changes in 18 children enrolled in the Montana Tech Fall Judo Camp (test sample) and 12 children from a 3rd grade class at a local elementary school in Butte, Montana (control sample). The musculoskeletal fitness tests included push-up test, pull-up test, and one-minute timed sit-ups for the test sample and push-ups and one minute timed sit-ups for the control sample, with five minutes of rest between each test. The test sample increased their performances in pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups by 07, 3.7, and 6.6 repetitions, respectively. The control sample decreased in their sit-up performance by 1.3 repetitions, and improved their push-up performance by 0.2 repetitions. These results show that the test sample improved their musculoskeletal fitness as measured fitness as measured by these tests.
The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C (TNC) is a major component of the cancer-specific matrix, and high TNC expression is linked to poor prognosis in several cancers. To provide a comprehensive understanding of TNC's functions in cancer, we established an immune-competent transgenic mouse model of pancreatic β-cell carcinogenesis with varying levels of TNC expression and compared stochastic neuroendocrine tumor formation in abundance or absence of TNC. We show that TNC promotes tumor cell survival, the angiogenic switch, more and leaky vessels, carcinoma progression, and lung micrometastasis. TNC downregulates Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) promoter activity through the blocking of actin stress fiber formation, activates Wnt signaling, and induces Wnt target genes in tumor and endothelial cells. Our results implicate DKK1 downregulation as an important mechanism underlying TNC-enhanced tumor progression through the provision of a proangiogenic tumor microenvironment.
Over the past two decades the demand for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the general population has continuously increased in Switzerland and is frequently implemented in medical teaching. Together with Qigong, Taiji is commonly regarded as a mind-body practice integrating TCM principles of health and longevity. This form of slow intentional body movements is rooted in ancient Chinese martial arts and aims to strengthen and relax the physical body and mind, enhance the natural flow of qi, and improve health, personal development, and self-defense. In the West, as the preventive and therapeutic benefits of Taiji practice are gaining empirical support, the popularity of this form of low impact mind-body practice is increasing. The present article aims to provide a brief overview of the development and current status of Taiji practice in Switzerland with an outlook on future perspectives.
We report a new analysis of data from a multi-year study, some of which were previously published in the current journal. A longitudinal sample of 380 computer specialists was followed over two years, yielding three measures each of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions, as well as actual turnover, and reasons for leaving, at Times 2 and 3. Career paths were more diverse than the classical distinction between stayers and leavers implies. Furthermore, although the largest single group of leavers cited “push” reasons, conforming to the classical withdrawal model, a sizable number were attracted to another job (“pull motivation”). In a three-wave structural equation model, job (dis)satisfaction predicted turnover, while organizational commitment exerted its influence only via its association with job satisfaction. As expected, however, attitudes predicted turnover only for participants with push motivation. Quitting, in turn, predicted an improvement in both satisfaction and commitment, indicating that it paid off for the individual. The necessity to study consequences of turnover and to distinguish between different subgroups of stayers and leavers is emphasized.
El presente estudio se interroga sobre la paradoja que plantea la representación de la guerra en el espacio escénico. Espacio bélico y espacio escénico son difícilmente reconciliables dadas sus características intrínsecas (entre otras, la tendencia centrífuga del primero y la centrípeta del segundo). Para salvar esta paradoja, los dramaturgos han desarrollado estrategias poético -retóricas como el uso de la metáfora, la metonimia y el fuera de escena. Por otra parte, el escenario a la vez que se instituye como espacio de una representación, se comunica con un espacio exterior que está más allá, pero que no se manifiesta siempre necesariamente. En virtud de esta vinculación, la representación de la guerra es atravesada por una serie de mediaciones. En primer lugar, la circulación de aquello que "flota" entre el escenario y el afuera del escenario, que los tropos (metáfora, metonimia) permiten recuperar al menos virtualmente. En segundo, el vestigio del episodio guerrero, inscrito en la Historia, que, en tanto vestigio, oscila entre la presencia y la ausencia. Finalmente, las restricciones del teatro mismo y sus principios éticos y estéticos, que trasforman la guerra en sus modos de manifestación espontáneos. El presente trabajo analiza la articulación de estas instancias en obras de Esquilo, Shakespeare y Genêt.
El presente trabajo se propone: 1. Determinar las distintas formas de testar que adoptó el derecho romano, a lo largo de su evolución histórica. 2. Caracterizar la captatio testamenti, una profesión insólita y lucrativa cuya existencia se constata ya en la Roma republicana, a través del testimonio de Plauto en el Miles gloriosus y que se difundió notablemente durante los primeros siglos del Imperio, en los que se convirtió en un medio de progreso social. 3. Analizar esta actividad desde diferentes perspectivas de acuerdo con los tipos humanos que participan en ella: los captatores testamentorum o heredipetae y los testatores. El corpus trabajado abarca a Plauto (Miles gloriosus), Horacio (Sátira 2,5), Séneca (De beneficiis y Epist. 95), Marcial (Epigramas), Petronio (Satiricón), Juvenal (Sátira 12), Plinio el Viejo (Hist. Natural), Plinio el Joven (Epist. 2, 20).