998 resultados para Marshall Plan.


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In this investigation, the seismic torsional response of a multi-storey concentrically braced frame (CBF) plan irregular structure is evaluated numerically and experimentally through a series of hybrid tests. CBF structures have become popular in seismic design because they are one of the most efficient types of steel structures to resist earthquake loading. However, their response under plan irregular conditions has received little focus mostly in part
due to their complex behaviour under seismic loading conditions. The majority of research on the seismic response of plan irregular structures is based purely on numerical investigations. This paper provides much needed experimental investigation of the seismic response of a CBF plan irregular structure with the aim of characterising the response of this class of structure. The effectiveness of the Eurocode 8 torsional effects provision as a method of designing for
low levels of mass eccentricity is evaluated. Results indicate that some of the observations made by purely numerical models are valid in that; torsionally stiff structures perform well and the stiff side of the structure is subjected to a greater ductility demand compared to the flexible side of the structure. The Eurocode 8 torsional effects provision is shown to be adequate in terms of ductility and interstorey drift however the structure performs poorly
in terms of floor rotation. Importantly, stiffness eccentricity occurs when the provision is applied to the structure when no mass eccentricity exists and results in a significant increase in floor rotations.


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This paper presents a seismic response investigation into a code designed concentrically braced frame structure that is subjected to but not designed for in-plan mass eccentricity. The structure has an accidental uneven distribution of mass in plan resulting in an increased torsional component of vibration. The level of inelasticity that key structural elements in plan mass asymmetric structures are subjected to is important when analysing their ability to sustain uneven seismic demands. In-plan mass asymmetry of moment resisting frame and shear wall type structures have received significant investigation, however, the plan asymmetric response of braced frame type structures is less well understood. A three-dimensional non-linear time history analysis (NLTHA) model is created to capture the torsional response of the plan mass asymmetric structure to quantify the additional ductility demand, interstorey drifts and floor rotations. Results show that the plan mass asymmetric structure performs well in terms of ductility demand, but poorly in terms of interstorey drifts and floor rotations when compared to the plan mass symmetric structure. New linear relationships are developed between the normalised ductility demand and normalised slenderness of the bracing on the sides of the plan mass symmetric/asymmetric structures that the mass is distributed towards and away from.


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Correctly modelling and reasoning with uncertain information from heterogeneous sources in large-scale systems is critical when the reliability is unknown and we still want to derive adequate conclusions. To this end, context-dependent merging strategies have been proposed in the literature. In this paper we investigate how one such context-dependent merging strategy (originally defined for possibility theory), called largely partially maximal consistent subsets (LPMCS), can be adapted to Dempster-Shafer (DS) theory. We identify those measures for the degree of uncertainty and internal conflict that are available in DS theory and show how they can be used for guiding LPMCS merging. A simplified real-world power distribution scenario illustrates our framework. We also briefly discuss how our approach can be incorporated into a multi-agent programming language, thus leading to better plan selection and decision making.


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When an agent wants to fulfill its desires about the world, the agent usually has multiple plans to choose from and these plans have different pre-conditions and additional effects in addition to achieving its goals. Therefore, for further reasoning and interaction with the world, a plan selection strategy (usually based on plan cost estimation) is mandatory for an autonomous agent. This demand becomes even more critical when uncertainty on the observation of the world is taken into account, since in this case, we consider not only the costs of different plans, but also their chances of success estimated according to the agent's beliefs. In addition, when multiple goals are considered together, different plans achieving the goals can be conflicting on their preconditions (contexts) or the required resources. Hence a plan selection strategy should be able to choose a subset of plans that fulfills the maximum number of goals while maintaining context consistency and resource-tolerance among the chosen plans. To address the above two issues, in this paper we first propose several principles that a plan selection strategy should satisfy, and then we present selection strategies that stem from the principles, depending on whether a plan cost is taken into account. In addition, we also show that our selection strategy can partially recover intention revision.


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The BDI architecture, where agents are modelled based on their beliefs, desires and intentions, provides a practical approach to develop large scale systems. However, it is not well suited to model complex Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems pervaded by uncertainty. In this paper we address this issue by extending the operational semantics of Can(Plan) into Can(Plan)+. We start by modelling the beliefs of an agent as a set of epistemic states where each state, possibly using a different representation, models part of the agent's beliefs. These epistemic states are stratified to make them commensurable and to reason about the uncertain beliefs of the agent. The syntax and semantics of a BDI agent are extended accordingly and we identify fragments with computationally efficient semantics. Finally, we examine how primitive actions are affected by uncertainty and we define an appropriate form of lookahead planning.


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The Urban Oasis celebrates Ajman’s history as well as encourages a greater future. Stitching into the existing urban fabric of Ajman and the surrounding cities, the master plan provides an entrance that encases a number of different events. From studying other successful event cities, it became apparent the need for a variety of events over a yearly basis.

Sustainability is another key feature of the master plan. From the way the urban network of streets are formed and orientated to how energy is produced and conserved. Another sustainable aspect that drove the master plan was the retention of the camel track. An important and incredible event in itself, the camel track provides an opportunity to celebrate Ajman’s culture and retain an important part of its history.


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Bioenergy is a key component of the European Union long term energy strategy across all sectors, with a target contribution of up to 14% of the energy mix by 2020. It is estimated that there is the potential for 1TWh of primary energy from biogas per million persons in Europe, derived from agricultural by-products and waste. With an agricultural sector that accounts for 75% of land area and a large number of advanced engineering firms, Northern Ireland is a region with considerable potential for an integrated biogas industry. Northern Ireland is also heavily reliant on imported fossil fuels. Despite this, the industry is underdeveloped and there is a need for a collaborative approach from research, business and policy-makers across all sectors to optimise Northern Ireland’s abundant natural resources. ‘Developing Opportunities in Bio-Energy’ (i.e. Do Bioenergy) is a recently completed project that involved both academic and specialist industrial partners. The aim was to develop a biogas research action plan for 2020 to define priorities for intersectoral regional development, co-operation and knowledge transfer in the field of production and use of biogas. Consultations were held with regional stakeholders and working groups were established to compile supporting data, decide key objectives and implementation activities. Within the context of this study it was found that biogas from feedstocks including grass, agricultural slurry, household and industrial waste have the potential to contribute from 2.5% to 11% of Northern Ireland’s total energy consumption. The economics of on-farm production were assessed, along with potential markets and alternative uses for biogas in sectors such as transport, heat and electricity. Arising from this baseline data, a Do Bioenergy was developed. The plan sets out a strategic research agenda, and details priorities and targets for 2020. The challenge for Northern Ireland is how best to utilise the biogas – as electricity, heat or vehicle fuel and in what proportions. The research areas identified were: development of small scale solutions for biogas production and use; solutions for improved nutrient management; knowledge supporting and developing the integration of biogas into the rural economy; and future crops and bio-based products. The human resources and costs for the implementation were estimated as 80 person-years and £25 million respectively. It is also clear that the development of a robust bio-gas sector requires some reform of the regulatory regime, including a planning policy framework and a need to address social acceptance issues. The Action Plan was developed from a regional perspective but the results may be applicable to other regions in Europe and elsewhere. This paper presents the methodology, results and analysis, and discussion and key findings of the Do Bioenergy report for Northern Ireland.


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El presente estudio ha sido realizado con la finalidad de determinar las causas que inducen a que los procesos administrativos sean lentos e ineficientes en la empresa Avícola Tanda – Quinche, en los años 2004. 2005, 2006 y 2007 y la proyección anual en los procesos administrativos hasta el año 2010. A la vez, se busca identificar en qué magnitud afectan los procesos administrativos lentos e ineficientes, en relación con la productividad del personal y los lineamientos estratégicos que se podrían emprender en el mejoramiento de los procesos administrativos de la empresa, con el fin de disminuir el porcentaje de salida del personal. Para ello es necesario conocer las características generales de la empresa, el contexto en el cual se desarrolla y de este modo realizar un análisis más real y objetivo del problema que la empresa enfrenta.


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La Asociación de Productores de Plantas Medicinales de Chimborazo se crea en abril de 2001, mediante Acuerdo Ministerial N-202-MSB-CH, reconocida legalmente por el Ministerio de Bienestar Social de la provincia de Chimborazo. Una vez que los miembros de la Asociación de Productores de Plantas Medicinales de Chimborazo empezaron a producir y transformar las plantas medicinales de manera más planificada y a tener mayor demanda, se comenzó con la búsqueda de un espacio físico que pueda adaptarse para la realización de este proceso y gracias a la cooperación de organizaciones externas y la mano de obra con la que aportaron los socios, se empieza con la construcción de la fábrica. En el año 2003, Jambi Kiwa se registra como marca y nombre en el Instituto Ecuatoriano de Propiedad Intelectual (IEPI) con el propósito de precautelar los derechos sobre sus productos. Jambi Kiwa es la fábrica y marca de los productos de la Asociación de Productores de Plantas Medicinales de Chimborazo, que se encarga de procesar las plantas medicinales orgánicas y comercializar los productos finales.


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La investigación que se presenta a continuación esta fundamentada en la necesidad que muestra la empresa PC- HOUSE S.A. por mejorar su estructura administrativa y estratégica las cuales servirán para definir los lineamientos indispensables a seguir en el futuro. Mediante la recopilación de información y entrevistas con los ejecutivos de la empresa se pudo determinar el diseño de tres aspectos importantes dentro de la organización que son: la elaboración de un Plan Estratégico, un Manual Orgánico Funcional y un Plan de Publicidad. Estos tres proyectos cuentan con el apoyo indiscutible del directorio de la empresa para su diseño y ejecución inmediata; los tiempos, responsables y costos de dichos proyectos ya quedan establecidos dentro del presente trabajo de investigación. Con la ayuda de la herramienta FODA se pudo establecer y cuantificar los parámetros más importantes con los que cuenta la empresa actualmente y así mejorar los aspectos relevantes y disminuir los factores de riesgo existentes. La prevención es fundamental es este sentido, ya que permitirá tener un control permanente de los mismos y de esta manera tomar las respectivas acciones correctivas si fuere el caso. El diseño propuesto de la visión y misión están correctamente enmarcadas en las necesidades y requerimientos de la empresa, están dirigidas a todos los miembros de la organización, logrando con esto el compromiso general hacia la consecución de los objetivos planteados.


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Al momento existe una crisis administrativa y económica en el Centro de Negocios generada por la pérdida de imagen de la institución frente al público, lo que se refleja en bajos ingresos económicos y falta de recursos para la inversión en mejoramientos y pago de servicios básicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es direccionar a la institución, en la toma de decisiones en el año 2005, para lograr su éxito y permanencia en el mercado en que se desenvuelve, logrando mejorar el trabajo del área administrativa y la competitividad frente a los demás Centros Comerciales. Para lo cual se plantea proyectos y mejoras del servicio que se fomenten desde la Administración . El edificio Unicornio II se crea en el año 1992 bajo el régimen de propiedad horizontal, antes de concluida la edificación, la empresa constructora se declara en banca rota, creando un problema para sus tres área que son: departamentos, oficinas y locales comerciales. La administración del Centro de Negocios está descentralizada de las demás áreas del edificio. En el año 2004 la cartera por cobrar es de 75,757.59 dólares y apenas una cancelación de 31,768.81 dólares; causando que para el mes de abril del 2005 las deudas por alícuotas puedan llegar a los 176, 907 dólares. Debido a la notoria falta de recursos, la Administración difícilmente puede cubrir los gastos mensuales por concepto de servicios básicos comunales, por lo que existe una imagen de descuido que crea inconformidad entre los pocos copropietarios que cumplen y una perdida de competitividad que pone en peligro la existencia de las unidades de negocio. La falta de recursos impide que la administración pueda realizar adecuaciones y mantenimientos que mejoren la apariencia y servicio que reciben los clientes, causando una falta de competitividad respecto de los centros comerciales competidores y de mantenerse las cosas como están el Centro de Negocios corre el riesgo de desaparecer y generar pérdidas económicas para quienes han realizado sus actividades comerciales en el Unicornio por varios años.