987 resultados para Manuscritos ilustrados
O livro expõe a trajetória de Stephen Gray (1666‑1736), cientista inglês que dedicou sua vida à Astronomia e à Física, especificamente na área da Eletricidade, e realizou uma série de experimentos que levaram a conclusões inéditas para a época. Sua principal descoberta foi perceber que existem dois tipos de substâncias com propriedades elétricas muito distintas, hoje conhecidas como condutores e isolantes. A obra mostra que Gray foi o primeiro cientista da história a atribuir aos metais e outros condutores a propriedade de atrair corpos leves colocados em suas proximidades, fenômeno que atualmente é conhecido como indução ou polarização elétrica. E também o pioneiro na criação de eletretos, substâncias que apresentam uma eletrização de longa duração, mostrando ainda como preservar temporalmente a eletrização dos corpos. Os autores apresentam uma breve biografia do cientista Stephen Gray, que apesar de sua importância permanece bastante desconhecido dos pesquisadores contemporâneos, principalmente brasileiros, uma vez que seus escritos e experimentos carecem de divulgação no país. Por conta dessa condição, a obra traz a tradução de seus dez artigos sobre eletricidade. Os experimentos de Gray são contextualizados, ilustrados com figuras didáticas e explicados com base nos conhecimentos atuais da Física. O livro mostra também como reproduzir os principais experimentos do cientista inglês com a utilização de materiais de baixo custo. De acordo com os autores, com o objetivo de motivar outros cientistas a se aprofundarem nessas pesquisas e a desenvolverem a obra de Gray de forma que seja utilizada no ensino, o livro busca “resgatar a memória desse grande pesquisador, que tinha um olhar afiado, era bastante preciso em suas explicações, criativo em suas ideias e muito claro em seus textos”
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the addition of discharge standard illustrated cards improves understanding of patients in the emergency room. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, interventional study with 228 patients discharged from the emergency department. All patients were interviewed and tested for the level of understanding of discharge instructions. Some of them received the intervention, with the standard cards, and another did not, constituting the control group. RESULTS: The average of followed discharge guidelines of the group that received the cards was higher than the control group, with statistical significance (p=0.009). When segregated by age, the group between 16 and 35 years of both sexes had the best average of followed guidelines, statistically, than the average of the control group (p=0.01). The difference between the mean orientations between the control group and the card for patients undergoing procedures was statistically significant (p=0.02); as for the stratification according to the number of procedures, the significance increases when that is equal to 1 (p=0.001) and decreased the more procedures were carried out. CONCLUSION: The introduction of discharge standard orientation cards was associated with improvement in the understanding of patients. Without replacing the verbal directions, which establishes dialogue and doctor-patient bonding, cards appear as auxiliary elements, facilitating understanding and care guidelines.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Brazilian Journal of Special Education was first published in 1992 and has been continuously evaluated internally by scholars of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Special Education, and externally, by Capes and ANPEd. The last evaluation made by Capes indicated a Qualis A2 for the Brazilian Journal of Special Education. The aim of this article is to discuss these evaluations in order to improve the quality of the journal. The proposed evaluation focused on qualitative parameters presented by the Anped assessment, and statistical parameters available by SciELO. The result of this analysis is that the Brazilian Journal of Special Education has similar parameters to journals qualified as A1, and sometimes even higher than those. Discussion of quality improvement of the journal indicated: 1) the need to receive articles via internet through its peer review system; 2) assignment of coeditors to ensure the evaluation flow of submitted manuscripts; 3) investment in infrastructure, such as purchase of computers and software to improve editing and publishing.
A pesquisa propõe-se a listar, relacionar e analisar a partir de documentos, manuscritos e relatos orais, de que forma se constituíram os meios e modos de habitação das vilas ferroviárias em Bauru até meados do século XX. Como a ferrovia trouxe consigo uma infra-estrutura necessária ao seu funcionamento, busca-se estabelecer as relações entre a chegada da ferrovia e a cidade de Bauru, e de que forma essa estrutura interferiu na lógica urbanizadora. Assim, pretende-se resgatar a memória da cidade de Bauru relacionando-a a chegada da ferrovia, através do período que compreende os primeiros cinqüenta anos do século vinte abrangendo a chegada dos três ramais ferroviários que serviram à cidade, sua ascensão (fase na qual encontram-se a maioria dos edifícios estudados) e o seu declínio. Para ser implantada em uma cidade, a ferrovia precisava ter uma infra-estrutura básica, necessária ao seu funcionamento, como os armazéns, as estações, as oficinas, os pátios, inclusive as moradias construídas para os funcionários. Esse conjunto é denominado “complexo ferroviário”. Durante o presente trabalho, tem por objetivo aprofundar-se nos estudos das residências construídas pelas companhias ferroviárias. Segundo Eva Blay, vila é o conjunto de casas construídas no interior de um terreno. Mas será que todas as vilas construídas pela mesma Companhia ferroviária possuem o mesmo padrão arquitetônico? Ou o mesmo padrão de loteamento? Como era a arquitetura das casas nas vilas? Através de pesquisas, procuramos responder a esses e outros questionamentos. Como estão hoje as vilas? Quem são seus moradores?Aconteceram alterações na arquitetura das vilas?
That work to separate in three stages. The digital journalistic text and your characteristics, conceit definition to the cibersocial fan fiction phenomenal and to the end, search a journalistic production hybridization using the fictional fans contend
In radiotherapy, computational systems are used for radiation dose determination in the treatment’s volume and radiometric parameters quality analysis of equipment and field irradiated. Due to the increasing technological advancement, several research has been performed in brachytherapy for different computational algorithms development which may be incorporated to treatment planning systems, providing greater accuracy and confidence in the dose calculation. Informatics and information technology fields undergo constant updating and refinement, allowing the use Monte Carlo Method to simulate brachytherapy source dose distribution. The methodology formalization employed to dosimetric analysis is based mainly in the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) studies, by Task Group nº 43 (TG-43) and protocols aimed at dosimetry of these radiation sources types. This work aims to analyze the feasibility of using the MCNP-5C (Monte Carlo N-Particle) code to obtain radiometric parameters of brachytherapy sources and so to study the radiation dose variation in the treatment planning. Simulations were performed for the radiation dose variation in the source plan and determined the dosimetric parameters required by TG-43 formalism for the characterization of the two high dose rate iridium-192 sources. The calculated values were compared with the presents in the literature, which were obtained with different Monte Carlo simulations codes. The results showed excellent consistency with the compared codes, enhancing MCNP-5C code the capacity and viability in the sources dosimetry employed in HDR brachytherapy. The method employed may suggest a possible incorporation of this code in the treatment planning systems provided by manufactures together with the equipment, since besides reducing acquisition cost, it can also make the used computational routines more comprehensive, facilitating the brachytherapy ...
Fairy tales are popular stories that has been narrated for centuries, whether through oral tradition or printed manuscripts, over generations. It is known that fairy tales can, through symbolism, to penetrate the human unconscious, rescuing emotions, feelings and influencing their actions and ways of thinking, and are means of transmitting moral values propagated by particular historical and social contexts for variations that appear in the same story, because it can be modified by the intention of the person who transmits me story and the interpretation of those who read it, at a particular time and situation. Although, these changes, compared to the classic fairy tales of Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Andersen, are marked clearly different, which shows the habits and customs of the time in which they are conveyed, whether in written or oral form. The present work aimed to study the differences between current and classic tales, as well as their influences on implications for the child's mind, from a work by the teacher, which consider the role of context in the situation, the characters and the plot. Thus it is intended that students be induced to question, to understand the values dealtturn in the story and to make inferences, and that logical reasoning be stimulated not only for reading, but for any act of communication to occur
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
The study of the size and composition of the rural household in tradicional societies in transition to modern ones is very useful as a tool in order to understand forms and organizations of the domestic groups and their possibilities of survival, social mobility e developing strategies of material accumulation. The aim of this article is to compare the size and composition of the rural households in the frontier regions of the Americas: the northwest and southwest of U.S.A with the southwest of São Paulo province in Brazil. The findings are surprising in comparative perspective, as the mean size of the American households were very high in relation to the brazilian ones. The sources used in this research are the manuscript census of the U.S.A and Brazil.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
In the first decades of the Republic, the streets of the main Brazilian capital cities, especially of Rio de Janeiro and Recife, recently urbanized based on the Haussmanian Paris and smiled upon by the fever of cosmopolitanism that invested Europe, women had been used as runways where they could exhibit her imitated or imported models, especially in Paris. The iconography of the time and the advertisements conveyed by magazines and illustrated periodicals, such as the Almanach de Pernambuco and the magazine Kosmos, for instance, form the testimonies of the massive presence of the French in Rio and Recife, owners of stores and maisons, interested in fulfill the demands of the republican public. In spite of the Strong adherence of the Brazilians to the sociability models to the imported from Europe, the less-favored classes, through the popular literature, showed some resistance to these changes in the habits and clothing, especially in the Northeast, where traces of the Catholic and patriarchal moral and mentality were still alive.