676 resultados para Manchas blancas dentales


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of the Dental Sculpture and Anatomy discipline is to introduce undergraduate students to the study of the anatomic and morphological characteristics of permanent and primary human dentition, through classes, books and cognitive and psychomotor activities. This discipline supports the teaching of specific knowledge necessary for a more extensive education, involving interdisciplinarity as a means of knowledge exchange among several areas of dentistry, to achieve comprehensive professional education. Students must recognize the dental morphology from samples of preserved teeth, and reproduce the morphology through three-dimensional models made of stone or wax blocks. In this article, the authors describe the process for producing teeth collars and macro dental models made of stone, their importance and benefits of utilization. The purpose of the study was to encourage the teaching of Dental Sculpture and Anatomy toundergraduate students of the Bauru School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, through activities that would associate theory, practice and the development of manual skills.


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This work was based to study the influence of the storage temperature (cold and room temperature) in the quality of inflorescences strelitzia. The scapes were selected, labeled and there were zero problems concerning mechanical damage, disease and/or plagues. Subsequently this period, the scapes were moved randomly to recipients with water, in which two postharvest trials were conducted. In experiment 1, the flower scapes were placed in buckets with water from public supply and sanitation department and taken to a cold room at temperature of 7.5 degrees C and RH of 90%, for a twelve day period. For the experiment 2, were kept under the same conditions but at room temperature for a period of six days. In both experiments, the visual analysis: color, gloss, stains (by assigning notes), opening and drop florets (count) were evaluated at intervals of four days in cold and every 48 hours at ambient temperature conditions. In both experiments, the visual analysis: color, gloss, stains (by assigning notes), opening and drop florets (count) were evaluated at intervals of four days in cold and every 48 hours at ambient temperature conditions. The sepal is the organ that showed greater loss in coloration. The variable gloss showed the same pattern for the two experiments. Incidences of stains on the inflorescences occurred in patches at room temperature. The scapes increased number of florets open in cold. This tendency did not occur at room temperature. No were observed differences in the fall of florets. Conclude that the storage temperature does not contribute to postharvest quality of strelitzia.


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The purpose of this literature review was to evaluate the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. Materials and Methods: A literature search of Medline-PubMed for articles published, describing the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry was performed and articles were critically reviewed. Results: The literature review reveals clinical trials and experimental studies with regard to the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. This material consists of 2 components: highly purified, freeze-dried human fibrinogen with factor XIII and a starter solution containing human thrombin. Clotting factor XIII is admitted for reinforcement of the fibrin network. The components are reconstituted before use and when mixed form a clot by mimicking the terminal phase of the physiological clotting cascade. Several studies showed that fibrin tissue adhesive is fully absorbed by macrophages within 2 weeks of application. Adhesive fibrin tissue may be used for to prevent bone loss, to create contour in the periimplant soft tissue and osseous tissue, to sculpt emergence profile for prosthetic components and to mimic tissue architecture. In the last years fibrin tissue adhesive also find use as material for the controlled delivery of drugs and biologics. Conclusions: The fibrin tissue adhesive presents good properties such as biocompatibility, hemostatic properties and ability to break down like the physiologic clot. This material, alone or associated with other materials, can be used with the implants immediately after extraction. In this condition it brings the necessary anchoring and efficient maintenance of osseous/mucosal contour, which it is important for the clinical success.


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The increased prevalence of diabetic individuals has become a public health problem. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in plasma glucose levels. It impairs the physiological equilibrium in utilization of carbohydrate by tissues. The persistent hyperglycemia can produce deleterious effects on bone formation due the microvascular complication. The present paper reviews the bibliography linking the impact of glycemic control at complications associated at diabetes mellitus on osseointegration. In experimental models of diabetes it was observed a reduced level of bone-implant contact. This failure can be reduced by means of hyperglycemia control. Also, several studies point the beneficial effect of coated implant on osseointegration process. It is necessary to take special care into account for the placement of implants in diabetic patient and improve the percentages of implant survival. A rigorous control of plasma glycaemia, together with other measures, like as absence of chronic complications, good oral hygiene and regular medical follow-up has been related to rising the percentages of successful in diabetic patients.


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The dissatisfaction of the treatment with mandibular complete dentures in edentulous patients has been a constant problem in Dentistry. Often, the absence of stability and retention, resultants of a physiologic condition and alveolar ridge resorption, bring reduction of chewing force, speech problems and social life interference. In these cases, the rehabilitation over osseointegrated implants can be an effective and safe alternative of treatment. When it is not possible to put implants in appropriate number and disposition, it is necessary to make a simple and low costing prosthetic planning, which makes resurge the overdentures. Various implant supported attachment systems for overdentures have been developed in the dental market. Thus, intending to facilitate the professional choice, this study review the literature about attachment systems O’ring and bar- clip in its following aspect: retention level, stress distribution, hygiene complications and patient satisfaction.


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Class III malocclusion is less common occlusal relationship, covering less than 5% of the population. There are various forms of treatment in Class III malocclusion. Depending on how the form is expressed Class III and age of the patient, the therapy may be orthopedic and orthodontic surgical orthodontics. The objective was to review the literature of the last 10 years about ways to compensatory treatment of Class III malocclusion. Several articles were published between 04/2003 and 04/2013 in the Pubmed database from the keyword "Class III malocclusion". However, only 19 articles that addressed the compensatory treatment of Class III were selected. Based on the selected items it was concluded that the treatment of Class III malocclusions in children before the peak of pubertal growth has better prognosis with greater effects orthopedic and orthodontic minor effects. The ideal treatment option for this condition is the Rapid maxillary expansion associated with maxillary protraction of the same. The treatment of Class III malocclusion in young people after the peak of pubertal growth is doubtful prognosis. You can opt to treat rapid maxillary expansion and maxillary protraction of the same or fixed appliance, however, orthopedic effects can be the same or smaller than the orthodontic effects, depending on the age of the patient. Depending on the degree of Class III malocclusion in adults, the treatment will consist of dental compensations or orthognathic surgery.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Ciêntífico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Lichenoid lesions are mucocutaneous disease of chronic inflammatory origin. Can produce side effects to drugs, dental materials, affecting 0.5 to 1% of the world population mainly in women in the fourth decade of life. The history and meticulous clinical servation may clarify the reactive nature, but the clinical diagnosis will only be conclusive when associated with tests such as histopathology. Therefore the objective of the study is to report a case of a woman of 55 years old, complaining of "white spots sore". Reported being allergic to metals, chocolate, acidic foods and certain types of clothes. From accurate intraoral clinical examination, white plaques were found in the dorsum of the tongue, hard palate and buccal mucosa, inaccurate and rough limits, and ulcerations throughout the labial edge and upper palate. Histopathology revealed a lichenoid reaction. Was instituted as pharmacological treatment, the use of systemic corticosteroids. Clinical follow-up of one year showed reduction of clinical symptoms, allowing to conclude that the clinical follow-up of this disease is necessary since its dubious malignant potential and diagnostic difficulty. Thus, early recognition of this disease allows instituting appropriate treatment with relief of anxiety of the patient and their family.


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The use of antimicrobial agents has facilitated the dissemination of multi-resistant microorganisms, compromising dental and medical treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of different opportunistic microbial species in patients who suffered head and neck trauma, under temporary maintenance in nosocomial environment, particularly intensive care units, on the occurrence of such microorganisms in the oral cavity of the patients. It was selected 38 patients subjected to head and neck traumas. After emergency surgical procedures, clinical samples of saliva, sub and supragingival biofilms and mucosal surfaces were collected at two different moments: just after stabilization of the patient and soon after patients’ release from medical units. The presence of opportunistic and superinfecting microorganisms was evaluated by culture on selective and non-selective media, and the presence of the family Enterobacteriaceae, as well as genera Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus was assessed by PCR. It was found that the use of antimicrobials, even for short periods of time was sufficient to facilitate colonization by microorganisms of the families Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae, as well as yeasts and enterococci. These results support the concept that medical and dental teams should make a periodically change of antimicrobials used in treatment protocols in hospital for head and neck trauma patients, in order to minimize dissemination of opportunistic or superinfecting microorganisms.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Contexto: É descrita uma síndrome congênita rara e suas manifestações típicas visando seu diagnóstico precoce. Descrição do caso: Pacientedo sexo feminino, com 15 anos de idade, com glaucoma congênito em acompanhamento pelo Serviço de Oftalmologia da UniversidadeEstadual Paulista (Unesp) foi encaminhada ao Serviço de Dermatologia com um ano de idade devido a manchas eritêmato-violáceasextensas distribuídas nos dois terços superiores da hemiface esquerda e em outras localidades do corpo desde o nascimento. A mãerelatava convulsões desde um ano e atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Nos antecedentes familiares, negava casos semelhantes.O diagnóstico da Síndrome de Sturge-Weber foi estabelecido pelo quadro clínico característico e pelos exames complementares quedemonstraram, no sistema nervoso central, atrofia e calcificação corticais, além de alterações oftalmológicas como glaucoma e buftalmo.Discussão: A síndrome de Sturge-Weber ocorre em 1 a cada 20.000 a 50.000 nascidos vivos e é caracterizada por malformações vascularesmanifestadas por manchas eritêmato-violáceas, mais conhecidas como manchas vinho do Porto , localizadas no território do ramooftálmico do nervo trigêmeo, com acometimento neurológico e possível acometimento ocular. O prognóstico depende das complicaçõesneurológicas, as quais não guardam relação com a extensão das lesões cutâneas. Conclusões: Relata-se afecção rara, cujo diagnósticoprecoce direciona o acompanhamento multidisciplinar.