920 resultados para Main team
Après une revue de la littérature concernant les médias utilisés dans le cadre de campagne de prévention, le matériel d'exposition est présenté. Le contenu et les moyens mis en oeuvre ne sont traités que dans la mesure où ils influencent directement la présentation du matériel. Enfin pour clore ce travail, une discussion concernant les possibilités et difficultés d'évaluation de ces actions de diffusion de l'information. [Auteur, p. 2]
Hypnosis for burn care was introduced in 2004 in the CHUV burn center showing great benefit for burned patients. Whereas advantages of hypnosis for the patient are well established, the impact on the medical staff remains poorly assessed. This manuscrit reviews current attested benefits of hypnosis for patients, specially for burned patients. The results of a recent study assessing the impact of hypnosis on the staffs level of stress caused by burn treatment, will also be introduced.
Diplomityössä käsitellään ne toimet, jotka Esa Lehtipaino Oy:ssä tarvitsee tehdä kunnossapidon kehittämiseksi sanomalehtipainoprosessin kunnossapidossa. Työssä käytettiin luotettavuuskeskeisen ja kokonaisvaltaisen tuottavuuskeskeisen kunnossapidon strategioiden osia sekä PSK Standardisoinnin PSK 5705:2006standardin mukaista menetelmää määrittämään kunnossapidon kannalta tärkeimmät kohteet ja osa-alueet. PSK 5705:2006 on kunnonvalvonnan värähtelymittausten mittaustoiminnan suunnitteluun luotu standardi, jonka perusteella rakennettiin sanomalehtipainoprosessiin sopiva tuotantolaitteiston luokitusjärjestelmä. Luokituksenperusteella kohdennetaan kunnossapidon resurssit tuotantojärjestelmän luotettavuuden kannalta oikeisiin, tuottavimpiin kohteisiin. Tuotantohenkilöstön kunnossapitohenkilökunnalle tekemien vikailmoitusten välitykseen rakennettiin Microsoft Access -pohjainen Vikaloki-lomake. Kunnossapitotoiminnan kehityksen tuloksien seuraamiseksi määritettiin PSK 6201:2003 standardin mukainen tuotannon kokonaistehokkuutta kuvaava KNL-luku. KNL-luvusta luotiin ennuste kunnossapidon kehittämistarpeista regressioanalyysin avulla. Kehitysmalli esittää, että kohdeyrityksessä tulee toiminnan kehittäminen aloittaa päivittämällä tietokonepohjainen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä, johon lisätään ennakoivat suunnitellut kunnossapitotoimet. Toimet määriteltiin yllämainitun kriittisyysluokituksen perusteella.
Background: The desire to improve the quality of health care for an aging population with multiple chronic diseases is fostering a rapid growth in inter-professional team care, supported by health professionals, governments, businesses and public institutions. However, the weight of evidence measuring the impact of team care on patient and health system outcomes has not, heretofore, been clear. To address this deficiency, we evaluated published evidence for the clinical effectiveness of team care within a chronic disease management context in a systematic overview. Methods: A search strategy was built for Medline using medical subject headings and other relevant keywords. After testing for perform- ance, the search strategy was adapted to other databases (Cinhal, Cochrane, Embase, PsychInfo) using their specific descriptors. The searches were limited to reviews published between 1996 and 2011, in English and French languages. The results were analyzed by the number of studies favouring team intervention, based on the direction of effect and statistical significance for all reported outcomes. Results: Sixteen systematic and 7 narrative reviews were included. Diseases most frequently targeted were depression, followed by heart failure, diabetes and mental disorders. Effective- ness outcome measures most commonly used were clinical endpoints, resource utilization (e.g., emergency room visits, hospital admissions), costs, quality of life and medication adherence. Briefly, while improved clinical and resource utilization endpoints were commonly reported as positive outcomes, mixed directional results were often found among costs, medication adherence, mortality and patient satisfaction outcomes. Conclusions: We conclude that, although suggestive of some specific benefits, the overall weight of evidence for team care efficacy remains equivocal. Further studies that examine the causal interactions between multidisciplinary team care and clinical and economic outcomes of disease management are needed to more accurately assess its net program efficacy and population effectiveness.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää kuinka moninaisuus ja sen johtaminen näkyvät voittoa tavoittelemattoman järjestön tiimityössä, kuinka moninaisuus ja tiimityö pystyvät selittämään motiiveja työskennellä voittoa tavoittelemattomassa järjestössä ja mitä tulisi huomioida tiimityön ja tiimin johtajuuden osalta, kun moninaisuus ja voittoa tavoittelemattoman järjestön luonne otetaan huomioon. Tämä tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty yhdeksää teemahaastattelua, edellisen tutkimuksen tuloksia (Astikainen, 2005) sekä havainnointia. Tutkimuksen perusteellavoidaan todeta, että voittoa tavoittelemattoman järjestön luonne, tiimityö tai moninaisuus eivät sinällään merkitse paljoakaan tulosten kannalta, vaan niiden keskinäiset yhteydet. Nämä yhdessä, oikein hyödynnettynä, vaikuttavat työntekijöiden motivaatioon ja sitä kautta organisaation tuloksiin.
Buchheit, M, Al Haddad, H, Millet GP, Lepretre, PM, Newton, M, and Ahmaidi, S. Cardiorespiratory and cardiac autonomic responses to 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test in team sport players. J Strength Cond Res 23(1): xxx-xxx, 2009-The 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT) is an attractive alternative to classic continuous incremental field tests for defining a reference velocity for interval training prescription in team sport athletes. The aim of the present study was to compare cardiorespiratory and autonomic responses to 30-15IFT with those observed during a standard continuous test (CT). In 20 team sport players (20.9 +/- 2.2 years), cardiopulmonary parameters were measured during exercise and for 10 minutes after both tests. Final running velocity, peak lactate ([La]peak), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were also measured. Parasympathetic function was assessed during the postexercise recovery phase via heart rate (HR) recovery time constant (HRRtau) and HR variability (HRV) vagal-related indices. At exhaustion, no difference was observed in peak oxygen uptake (&OV0312;o2peak), respiratory exchange ratio, HR, or RPE between 30-15IFT and CT. In contrast, 30-15IFT led to significantly higher minute ventilation, [La]peak, and final velocity than CT (p < 0.05 for all parameters). All maximal cardiorespiratory variables observed during both tests were moderately to well correlated (e.g., r = 0.76, p = 0.001 for &OV0312;o2peak). Regarding ventilatory thresholds (VThs), all cardiorespiratory measurements were similar and well correlated between the 2 tests. Parasympathetic function was lower after 30-15IFT than after CT, as indicated by significantly longer HHRtau (81.9 +/- 18.2 vs. 60.5 +/- 19.5 for 30-15IFT and CT, respectively, p < 0.001) and lower HRV vagal-related indices (i.e., the root mean square of successive R-R intervals differences [rMSSD]: 4.1 +/- 2.4 and 7.0 +/- 4.9 milliseconds, p < 0.05). In conclusion, the 30-15IFT is accurate for assessing VThs and &OV0312;o2peak, but it alters postexercise parasympathetic function more than a continuous incremental protocol.
Process development will be largely driven by the main equipment suppliers. The reason for this development is their ambition to supply complete plants or process systems instead of single pieces of equipment. The pulp and paper companies' interest lies in product development, as their main goal is to create winning brands and effective brand management. Design engineering companies will find their niche in detail engineering based on approved process solutions. Their development work will focus on increasing the efficiency of engineering work. Process design is a content-producing profession, which requires certain special characteristics: creativity, carefulness, the ability to work as a member of a design team according to time schedules and fluency in oral as well as written presentation. In the future, process engineers will increasingly need knowledge of chemistry as well as information and automation technology. Process engineering tools are developing rapidly. At the moment, these tools are good enough for static sizing and balancing, but dynamic simulation tools are not yet good enough for the complicated chemical reactions of pulp and paper chemistry. Dynamic simulation and virtual mill models are used as tools for training the operators. Computational fluid dynamics will certainlygain ground in process design.
Chirurgie des syndactylies : étude effectuée dans le cadre des malformations congénitales de la main