941 resultados para METAL-ION IMPLANTATION
To study the stoichiometry dependence of irradiation e ects in fluorite-type mixed oxide nuclear fuel (UPuO2), ion implantation in La doped ceria was used. Cerium dioxide single crystals with 0 mol%, 5 mol% and 25 mol% La concentration were irradiated with 1 MeV Kr ions at 800 C. In-situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) was utilized to observe the the damage process and defects created by the ion beam irradiation. Dislocation loops were observed after irradiation and were determined to be on {111} planes, but not on {220} or {200} planes. Ab substantial difference in the average size of dislocation loops for 0 %, 5% and 25% cases was observed at several doses.The growth rate of dislocation loops and the oxygen vacancy di usivity were found to be inversely correlated.
Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear)
Ethylene is an essential plant hormone involved in nearly all stages of plant growth and development. EIN2 (ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2) is a master positive regulator in the ethylene signaling pathway, consisting of an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal domain. The EIN2 N-terminal domain localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and shows sequence similarity to Nramp metal ion transporters. The cytosolic C-terminal domain is unique to plants and signals downstream. There have been several major gaps in our knowledge of EIN2 function. It was unknown how the ethylene signal gets relayed from the known upstream component CTR1 (CONSTITUTIVE RESPONSE1) a Ser/Thr kinase at the ER, to EIN2. How the ethylene signal was transduced from EIN2 to the next downstream component transcription factor EIN3 (ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3) in the nucleus was also unknown. The N-terminal domain of EIN2 shows homology to Nramp metal ion transporters and whether EIN2 can also function as a metal transporter has been a question plaguing the ethylene field for almost two decades. Here, EIN2 was found to interact with the CTR1 protein kinase, leading to the discovery that CTR1 phosphorylates the C-terminal domain of EIN2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using tags at the termini of EIN2, it was deduced that in the presence of ethylene, the EIN2 C-terminal domain is cleaved and translocates into the nucleus, where it could somehow activate downstream ethylene responses. The EIN2 C-terminal domain interacts with nuclear proteins, RTE3 and EER5, which are components of the TREX-2 mRNA export complex, although the role of these interactions remains unclear. The EIN2 N-terminal domain was found to be capable of divalent metal transport when expressed in E. coli and S. cerevisiae leading to the hypothesis that metal transport plays a role in ethylene signaling. This hypothesis was tested using a novel missense allele, ein2 G36E, substituting a highly conserved residue that is required for metal transport in Nramp proteins. This G36E substitution did not disrupt metal ion transport of EIN2, but the ethylene insensitive phenotype of this mutant indicates that the EIN2 N-terminal domain is important for positively regulating the C-terminal domain. The defect of the ein2 G36E mutant does not prevent proper expression or subcellular localization, but might affect protein modifications. The ein2 G36E allele is partially dominant, mostly likely displaying haploinsufficiency. Overexpression of the EIN2 N-terminal domain in the ein2 G36E mutant did not rescue ethylene insensitivity, suggesting the N-terminal domain functions in cis to regulate the C-terminal domain. These findings advance our knowledge of EIN2, which is critical to understanding ethylene signaling.
Actualmente, la física de plasmas constituye una parte importante de la investigación en física que está siendo desarrollada. Su campo de aplicación varía desde el estudio de plasmas interestelares y cósmicos, como las estrellas, las nebulosas, el medio intergaláctico, etc.; hasta aplicaciones más terrenales como la producción de microchips o los dispositivos de iluminación. Resulta particularmente interesante el estudio del contacto de una superficie metálica con un plasma. Siendo la razón que, la dinámica de la interfase formada entre un plasma imperturbado y una superficie metálica, resulta de gran importancia cuando se trata de estudiar problemas como: la implantación iónica en una oblea de silicio, el grabado por medio de plasmas, la carga de una aeronave cuando atraviesa la ionosfera y la diagnosis de plasmas mediante sondas de Langmuir. El uso de las sondas de Langmuir está extendido a través de multitud de aplicaciones tecnológicas e industriales como método de diagnosis de plasmas. Algunas de estas aplicaciones han sido mencionadas justo en el párrafo anterior. Es más, su uso también es muy popular en la investigación en física de plasmas, por ser una de las pocas técnicas de diagnosis que proporciona información local sobre el plasma. El equipamiento donde es habitualmente implementado varía desde plasmas de laboratorio de baja temperatura hasta plasmas de fusión en dispositivos como tokamaks o stellerators. La geometría más popular de este tipo de sondas es cilíndrica, y la principal magnitud que se usa para diagnosticar el plasma es la corriente recogida por la sonda cuando se encuentra polarizada a un cierto potencial. Existe un interes especial en diagnosticar por medio de la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda, puesto que produce una perturbación muy pequeña del plasma en comparación con el uso de la corriente electrónica. Dada esta popularidad, no es de extrañar que grandes esfuerzos se hayan realizado en la consecución de un modelo teórico que explique el comportamiento de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma. Hay que remontarse a la primera mitad del siglo XX para encontrar las primeras teorías que permiten diagnosticar parámetros del plasma mediante la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda de Langmuir. Desde entonces, las mejoras en estos modelos y el desarrollo de otros nuevos ha sido una constante en la investigación en física de plasmas. No obstante, todavía no está claro como los iones se aproximan a la superficie de la sonda. Las dos principales, a la par que opuestas, aproximaciones al problema que están ampliamente aceptadas son: la radial y la orbital; siendo el problema que ambas predicen diferentes valores para la corriente iónica. Los experimentos han arrojado resultados de acuerdo con ambas teorías, la radial y la orbital; y lo que es más importante, una transición entre ambos ha sido recientemente observada. La mayoría de los logros conseguidos a la hora de comprender como los iones caen desde el plasma hacia la superficie de la sonda, han sido llevados a cabo en el campo de la dinámica de fluidos o la teoría cinética. Por otra parte, este problema puede ser abordado mediante el uso de simulaciones de partículas. La principal ventaja de las simulaciones de partículas sobre los modelos de fluidos o cinéticos es que proporcionan mucha más información sobre los detalles microscópicos del movimiento de las partículas, además es relativamente fácil introducir interacciones complejas entre las partículas. No obstante, estas ventajas no se obtienen gratuitamente, ya que las simulaciones de partículas requieren grandísimos recursos. Por esta razón, es prácticamente obligatorio el uso de técnicas de procesamiento paralelo en este tipo de simulaciones. El vacío en el conocimiento de las sondas de Langmuir, es el que motiva nuestro trabajo. Nuestra aproximación, y el principal objetivo de este trabajo, ha sido desarrollar una simulación de partículas que nos permita estudiar el problema de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma y que está negativamente polarizada con respecto a éste. Dicha simulación nos permitiría estudiar el comportamiento de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir, así como arrojar luz sobre la transición entre las teorías radiales y orbitales que ha sido observada experimentalmente. Justo después de esta sección introductoria, el resto de la tesis está dividido en tres partes tal y como sigue: La primera parte está dedicada a establecer los fundamentos teóricos de las sondas de Langmuir. En primer lugar, se realiza una introducción general al problema y al uso de sondas de Langmuir como método de diagnosis de plasmas. A continuación, se incluye una extensiva revisión bibliográfica sobre las diferentes teorías que proporcionan la corriente iónica recogida por una sonda. La segunda parte está dedicada a explicar los detalles de las simulaciones de partículas que han sido desarrolladas a lo largo de nuestra investigación, así como los resultados obtenidos con las mismas. Esta parte incluye una introducción sobre la teoría que subyace el tipo de simulaciones de partículas y las técnicas de paralelización que han sido usadas en nuestros códigos. El resto de esta parte está dividido en dos capítulos, cada uno de los cuales se ocupa de una de las geometrías consideradas en nuestras simulaciones (plana y cilíndrica). En esta parte discutimos también los descubrimientos realizados relativos a la transición entre el comportamiento radial y orbital de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir. Finalmente, en la tercera parte de la tesis se presenta un resumen del trabajo realizado. En este resumen, se enumeran brevemente los resultados de nuestra investigación y se han incluido algunas conclusiones. Después de esto, se enumeran una serie de perspectivas futuras y extensiones para los códigos desarrollados.
Un matériau semi-conducteur utilisé lors de la fabrication d’antennes térahertz (THz), le quaternaire InGaAsP (E_g = 0,79 eV), subit une implantation ionique de Fe suivi d’un recuit thermique rapide (RTA) dans le but d’améliorer ses propriétés d’émission. Le recuit est nécessaire afin de recristalliser la couche amorphisée lors de l’implantation, donnant lieu à un polycristal rempli de défauts de recristallisation. On constate cependant que les matériaux implantés Fe offrent de meilleures performances que ceux simplement endommagés au Ga. Dans le but de départager l’effet des défauts de recristallisation et des impuretés de Fe, des mesures de spectroscopie transitoire des niveaux profonds (DLTS) et de DLTS en courant (I-DLTS), ainsi que de spectrométrie de masse d’ions secondaires par temps de vol (ToF-SIMS) ont été effectuées sur des échantillons non implantés et d’autres recristallisés. Les mesures DLTS et I-DLTS ont pour but de caractériser les niveaux profonds générés par ces deux procédures postcroissance, tout en identifiant le rôle que jouent les impuretés de Fe sur la formation de ces niveaux profonds. De plus, le voisinage des atomes de Fe dans le matériau recristallisé a été étudié à l’aide des mesures ToF-SIMS. Les mesures DLTS sur matériau recristallisé sont peu concluantes, car la mesure de capacité est faussée par la haute résistivité du matériau. Par contre, les mesures I-DLTS sur matériau recristallisé ont permis de conclure que les impuretés de Fe sont responsables de la formation d’une grande variété de niveaux d’énergie se trouvant entre 0,25 et 0,40 eV, alors que les défauts de structure induisent des niveaux de moins de 0,25 eV. La concentration de Fe est élevée par rapport au seuil de solubilité du Fe dans le matériau recristallisé. Il serait donc plausible que des agrégats de Fe se forment. Toutefois, cette hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence de pic aux masses correspondant à la molécule ^(56)Fe_2^+ sur les spectres ToF-SIMS. De plus, un modèle simple est utilisé afin d’estimer si certaines masses présentes sur les spectres ToF-SIMS correspondent à des liaisons non induites par la mesure dans le matériau recristallisé. Bien qu’aucune liaison avec le Ga et l'As n’est détectable, ce modèle n’exclut pas la possibilité de liens préférentiels avec l’In.
Un matériau semi-conducteur utilisé lors de la fabrication d’antennes térahertz (THz), le quaternaire InGaAsP (E_g = 0,79 eV), subit une implantation ionique de Fe suivi d’un recuit thermique rapide (RTA) dans le but d’améliorer ses propriétés d’émission. Le recuit est nécessaire afin de recristalliser la couche amorphisée lors de l’implantation, donnant lieu à un polycristal rempli de défauts de recristallisation. On constate cependant que les matériaux implantés Fe offrent de meilleures performances que ceux simplement endommagés au Ga. Dans le but de départager l’effet des défauts de recristallisation et des impuretés de Fe, des mesures de spectroscopie transitoire des niveaux profonds (DLTS) et de DLTS en courant (I-DLTS), ainsi que de spectrométrie de masse d’ions secondaires par temps de vol (ToF-SIMS) ont été effectuées sur des échantillons non implantés et d’autres recristallisés. Les mesures DLTS et I-DLTS ont pour but de caractériser les niveaux profonds générés par ces deux procédures postcroissance, tout en identifiant le rôle que jouent les impuretés de Fe sur la formation de ces niveaux profonds. De plus, le voisinage des atomes de Fe dans le matériau recristallisé a été étudié à l’aide des mesures ToF-SIMS. Les mesures DLTS sur matériau recristallisé sont peu concluantes, car la mesure de capacité est faussée par la haute résistivité du matériau. Par contre, les mesures I-DLTS sur matériau recristallisé ont permis de conclure que les impuretés de Fe sont responsables de la formation d’une grande variété de niveaux d’énergie se trouvant entre 0,25 et 0,40 eV, alors que les défauts de structure induisent des niveaux de moins de 0,25 eV. La concentration de Fe est élevée par rapport au seuil de solubilité du Fe dans le matériau recristallisé. Il serait donc plausible que des agrégats de Fe se forment. Toutefois, cette hypothèse est infirmée par l'absence de pic aux masses correspondant à la molécule ^(56)Fe_2^+ sur les spectres ToF-SIMS. De plus, un modèle simple est utilisé afin d’estimer si certaines masses présentes sur les spectres ToF-SIMS correspondent à des liaisons non induites par la mesure dans le matériau recristallisé. Bien qu’aucune liaison avec le Ga et l'As n’est détectable, ce modèle n’exclut pas la possibilité de liens préférentiels avec l’In.
As α-carboxy nucleoside phosphonates (α-CNPs) have demonstrated a novel mode of action of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibition, structurally related derivatives were synthesized, namely the malonate 2, the unsaturated and saturated bisphosphonates 3 and 4, respectively and the amide 5. These compounds were evaluated for inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in cell-free assays. The importance of the α-carboxy phosphonoacetic acid moiety for achieving reverse transcriptase inhibition, without the need for prior phosphorylation, was confirmed. The malonate derivative 2 was less active by two orders of magnitude than the original α-CNPs, while displaying the same pattern of kinetic behavior; interestingly the activity resides in the “L”-enantiomer of 2, as seen with the earlier series of α-CNPs. A crystal structure with an RT/DNA complex at 2.95 Å resolution revealed the binding of the “L”-enantiomer of 2, at the polymerase active site with a weaker metal ion chelation environment compared to 1a (T-α-CNP) which may explain the lower inhibitory activity of 2.
The two-metal-ion architecture is a structural feature found in a variety of RNA processing metalloenzymes or ribozymes (RNA-based enzymes), which control the biogenesis and the metabolism of vital RNAs, including non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). Notably, such ncRNAs are emerging as key players for the regulation of cellular homeostasis, and their altered expression has been often linked to the development of severe human pathologies, from cancer to mental disorders. Accordingly, understanding the biological processing of ncRNAs is foundational for the development of novel therapeutic strategies and tools. Here, we use state-of the-art molecular simulations, complemented with X-ray crystallography and biochemical experiments, to characterize the RNA processing cycle as catalyzed by two two-metal-ion enzymes: the group II intron ribozymes and the RNase H1. We show that multiple and diverse cations are strategically recruited at and timely released from the enzymes’ active site during catalysis. Such a controlled cations’ trafficking leads to the recursive formation and disruption of an extended two-metal ion architecture that is functional for RNA-hydrolysis – from substrate recruitment to product release. Importantly, we found that these cations’ binding sites are conserved among other RNA-processing machineries, including the human spliceosome and CRISPR-Cas systems, suggesting that an evolutionarily-converged catalytic strategy is adopted by these enzymes to process RNA molecules. Thus, our findings corroborate and sensibly extend the current knowledge of two-metal-ion enzymes, and support the design of novel drugs targeting RNA-processing metalloenzymes or ribozymes as well as the rational engineering of novel programmable gene-therapy tools.
Polymerases and nucleases are enzymes processing DNA and RNA. They are involved in crucial processes for cell life by performing the extension and the cleavage of nucleic acid chains during genome replication and maintenance. Additionally, both enzymes are often associated to several diseases, including cancer. In order to catalyze the reaction, most of them operate via the two-metal-ion mechanism. For this, despite showing relevant differences in structure, function and catalytic properties, they share common catalytic elements, which comprise the two catalytic ions and their first-shell acidic residues. Notably, recent studies of different metalloenzymes revealed the recurrent presence of additional elements surrounding the active site, thus suggesting an extended two-metal-ion-centered architecture. However, whether these elements have a catalytic function and what is their role is still unclear. In this work, using state-of-the-art computational techniques, second- and third-shell elements are showed to act in metallonucleases favoring the substrate positioning and leaving group release. In particular, in hExo1 a transient third metal ion is recruited and positioned near the two-metal-ion site by a structurally conserved acidic residue to assist the leaving group departure. Similarly, in hFEN1 second- and third-shell Arg/Lys residues operate the phosphate steering mechanism through (i) substrate recruitment, (ii) precise cleavage localization, and (iii) leaving group release. Importantly, structural comparisons of hExo1, hFEN1 and other metallonucleases suggest that similar catalytic mechanisms may be shared by other enzymes. Overall, the results obtained provide an extended vision on parallel strategies adopted by metalloenzymes, which employ divalent metal ion or positively charged residues to ensure efficient and specific catalysis. Furthermore, these outcomes may have implications for de novo enzyme engineering and/or drug design to modulate nucleic acid processing.
In prokaryotic organisms, lower eukaryotes and plants, some important biological reactions are catalyzed by nickel-dependent enzymes, making this metal ion essential microelement for their life. On the other hand, excessive concentration of nickel into the cell, or prolonged exposure to nickel compounds, has toxic effects in living organisms. In addition, nickel has been classified by IARC as Group I human carcinogen, because of the correlation between its inhalation and increased incidence of nasal and lung cancers. The aim of this work was to investigate the nickel impact on human health, considering both its direct role on human cells and its indirect effect as essential element for human important bacteria. In humans, nickel induces N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) expression, recently proposed as new target in cancer therapy. CD, light scattering and ITC were applied on the recombinant full-length protein and its C-terminal intrinsically disordered domain, for studying the NDRG1 structural and functional properties. In particular, the fold and dynamics of the C-terminal region were examined by NMR spectroscopy and site-directed spin labeling coupled to EPR, showing the features of an intrinsically disordered region. In nickel-dependent bacteria, nickel metabolism is strictly regulated, through the activity of different transcription factors. In Streptomyces griseus the expression of two superoxide dismutases (SODs) is antagonistically regulated by nickel thanks to the transcriptional complex SgSrnR/SgSrnQ. The SgSrnR protein was heterologously expressed and its activity as possible nickel sensor studied. DNaseI footprinting and β-galactosidase gene reporter assays revealed that SgSrnR functions as transcriptional activator, prompting the hypothesis of a new model to describe the activity of this complex. In addition, ITC, NMR and X-ray crystallography demonstrated that SgSrnR presents the fold typical of ArsR/SmtB transcription factors and low metal binding affinity, non compatible with a role as a nickel-sensor, function probably played by its partner SgSrnQ.
Background: The autonomic nervous system plays a central role in cardiovascular regulation; sympathetic activation occurs during myocardial ischemia. Objective: To assess the spectral analysis of heart rate variability during stent implantation, comparing the types of stent. Methods: This study assessed 61 patients (mean age, 64.0 years; 35 men) with ischemic heart disease and indication for stenting. Stent implantation was performed under Holter monitoring to record the spectral analysis of heart rate variability (Fourier transform), measuring the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components, and the LF/HF ratio before and during the procedure. Results: Bare-metal stent was implanted in 34 patients, while the others received drug-eluting stents. The right coronary artery was approached in 21 patients, the left anterior descending, in 28, and the circumflex, in 9. As compared with the pre-stenting period, all patients showed an increase in LF and HF during stent implantation (658 versus 185 ms2, p = 0.00; 322 versus 121, p = 0.00, respectively), with no change in LF/HF. During stent implantation, LF was 864 ms2 in patients with bare-metal stents, and 398 ms2 in those with drug-eluting stents (p = 0.00). The spectral analysis of heart rate variability showed no association with diabetes mellitus, family history, clinical presentation, beta-blockers, age, and vessel or its segment. Conclusions: Stent implantation resulted in concomitant sympathetic and vagal activations. Diabetes mellitus, use of beta-blockers, and the vessel approached showed no influence on the spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Sympathetic activation was lower during the implantation of drug-eluting stents.
Two complex heterometallic salts with formulae Tl-6[Fe(CN)(6)](1) (33)(NO3)(OH) (1) and [Co(bpy)(2)(CN)(2)](2){[Ag(CN)(2)](0) (5)[Fe(CN)(6)](0) (5)} 8H(2)O (2) have been synthesized and fully characterized Single crystal X-ray analyses reveal that compound 1 is comprised of discrete Tl+ cations and [Fe(CN)(6)](3-) anions together with OH- and NO3- anions Compound 2 contains [Co(bpy)(2)(CN)(2)](+) cations and {[Ag(CN)(2)][Fe(CN)(6)]}(-) anions together with eight molecules of water of crystallization Both structures form unprecedented three-dimensional supramolecular networks via non covalent interactions Another important observation is that the stereochemically active inert (lone) pair present on Tl+ plays little role in controlling the structure of 1 The water molecules in 2 play important roles in providing stability organizing a supramolecular network through hydrogen bonding In the syntheses of 1 and 2 Fe(II) is oxidized to Fe(III) and Co(II) to Co(III) respectively facilitating the formation of the salts that are obtained Both compounds exhibit photoluminescence emission in solution near the visible region.
This work involved the development and application of a new analytical procedure for in-situ characterization of the lability of metal species in aquatic systems by using a system equipped with a diffusion membrane and cellulose organomodified with p-aminobenzoic acid groups (DM-Cell-PAB). To this end, the DM-Cell-PAB system was prepared by adding cellulose organomodified with p-aminobenzoic acid groups (Cell-PAB) to pre-purified cellulose bags. After the DM-Cell-PAB system was sealed, it was examined in the laboratory. The in-situ application involved immersing the DM-Cell-PAB system in two different rivers, enabling us to study the relative lability of metal species (Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn, and Ni) as a function of time and quantity of exchanger. The procedure is simple and opens up a new perspective for understanding environmental phenomena relating to the complexation, transport, stability, and lability of metal species in aquatic systems rich in organic matter.
Labile metal species in aquatic humic substances (HSs) were characterized by ion exchange on cellulose phosphate (CellPhos) by applying an optimized batch procedure. The HSs investigated were pre-extracted from humic-rich waters by ultrafiltration and a resin XAD 8 procedure. The HS-metal species studied were formed by complexation with Cd(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Pb(II) as a function of time and the ratio ions to HSs. The kinetics and reaction order of this exchange process were studied. At the beginning (<3 min), the labile metal fractions are separated relatively quickly. After 3 min, the separation of the metal ions proceeds with uniform half-lives of about 12-14 min, revealing rather slow first-order kinetics. The metal exchange between HSs and CellPhos exhibited the following order of metal lability with the studied HSs: Cu > Pb > Mn > Ni > Cd. The required metal determinations were carried out by atomic absorption spectrometry.
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