945 resultados para MEDICAL CARE
Objective: To assess the waiting time for eye care identifying the number of patients with each complaint; to investigate how the waiting time may worsen the patient's condition; to check the screening of urgent cases for effectiveness; and to devise means of increasing the medical-surgical care capacity. Methods: A retrospective descriptive survey was conducted using data obtained on 12 occasions during collaborative team visits to provide eyecare services. These initiatives were designed to decrease the waiting time and to treat urgent cases that occurred on each occasion; eyecare services were provided every Saturday, in the period from June to August 2006, in 16 cities of the region covered by Conderg (Consortium for the Development of the Sao Joao da Boa Vista Administrative Region). Results: Referrals used 1,743 (87.1%) of the 2,000 places available. The most frequent diagnoses were refractive errors, with 683 cases, corresponding to 39.1% of the total, followed by cataracts, with 296 cases, corresponding to 20.9%. Of the 238 surgeries indicated, 54.6% were phakectomies. Thirty-five (2.0%) cases were considered urgent. Conclusion: The most common diagnoses made during the team visits to manage the excess demand for eyecare were refractive errors and cataracts, which, together, accounted for the majority of the cases. The Divinolandia Hospital has the necessary human and material resources to meet the demand left unattended by the local SUS network. Immediate referral of urgent cases by the primary units' screeners proved effective.
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS) is a rare autosomal, dominantly-inherited, hamartoma syndrome with distinct phenotypic features. Mutations in the PTEN gene have been identified in PTEN hamartoma tumor syndromes. Our aim was to determine the correlation of phenotype-genotype relationships in a BRRS case. We have evaluated a PTEN mutation in a patient with vascular anomalies and the phenotypic findings of BRRS. We described an 8-year-old girl with the clinical features of BRRS, specifically with vascular anomalies. The mutation in the PTEN gene was identified by DNA sequencing. In our patient, we defined a de novo nonsense R335X (c. 1003 C>T) mutation in exon 8, which results in a premature termination codon. Due to vascular anomalies and hemangioma, the patient's left leg was amputated 1 year after the hemangioma diagnosis. Bannayan - Riley - Ruvalcaba syndrome patients with macrocephaly and vascular anomalies should be considered for PTEN mutation analysis and special medical care.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the waiting time for eye care identifying the number of patients with each complaint; to investigate how the waiting time may worsen the patient's condition; to check the screening of urgent cases for effectiveness; and to devise means of increasing the medical-surgical care capacity. METHODS: A retrospective descriptive survey was conducted using data obtained on 12 occasions during collaborative team visits to provide eyecare services. These initiatives were designed to decrease the waiting time and to treat urgent cases that occurred on each occasion; eyecare services were provided every Saturday, in the period from June to August 2006, in 16 cities of the region covered by Conderg (Consortium for the Development of the São João da Boa Vista Administrative Region). RESULTS: Referrals used 1,743 (87.1%) of the 2,000 places available. The most frequent diagnoses were refractive errors, with 683 cases, corresponding to 39.1% of the total, followed by cataracts, with 296 cases, corresponding to 20.9%. Of the 238 surgeries indicated, 54.6% were phakectomies. Thirty-five (2.0%) cases were considered urgent. CONCLUSION: The most common diagnoses made during the team visits to manage the excess demand for eyecare were refractive errors and cataracts, which, together, accounted for the majority of the cases. The Divinolândia Hospital has the necessary human and material resources to meet the demand left unattended by the local SUS network. Immediate referral of urgent cases by the primary units' screeners proved effective.
Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) is the periodic reduction or cessation of airflow during sleep. The syndrome is associated whit loud snoring, disrupted sleep and observed apnoeas. Surgery aims to alleviate symptoms of daytime sleepiness, improve quality of life and reduce the signs of sleep apnoea recordered by polysomnography. Surgical intervention for snoring and OSAHS includes several procedures, each designed to increase the patency of the upper airway. Procedures addressing nasal obstruction include septoplasty, turbinectomy, and radiofrequency ablation (RF) of the turbinates. Surgical procedures to reduce soft palate redundancy include uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with or without tonsillectomy, uvulopalatal flap, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, and RF of the soft palate. More significant, however, particularly in cases of severe OSA, is hypopharyngeal or retrolingual obstruction related to an enlarged tongue, or more commonly due to maxillomandibular deficiency. Surgeries in these cases are aimed at reducing the bulk of the tongue base or providing more space for the tongue in the oropharynx so as to limit posterior collapse during sleep. These procedures include tongue-base suspension, genioglossal advancement, hyoid suspension, lingualplasty, and maxillomandibular advancement. We reviewed 269 patients undergoing to osas surgery at the ENT Department of Forlì Hospital in the last decade. Surgery was considered a success if the postoperative apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) was less than 20/h. According to the results, we have developed surgical decisional algorithms with the aims to optimize the success of these procedures by identifying proper candidates for surgery and the most appropriate surgical techniques. Although not without risks and not as predictable as positive airway pressure therapy, surgery remains an important treatment option for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), particularly for those who have failed or cannot tolerate positive airway pressure therapy. Successful surgery depends on proper patient selection, proper procedure selection, and experience of the surgeon. The intended purpose of medical algorithms is to improve and standardize decisions made in the delivery of medical care, assist in standardizing selection and application of treatment regimens, to reduce potential introduction of errors. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) is the recommended therapy for patients with moderate to severe OSAS. Unfortunately this treatment is not accepted by some patient, appears to be poorly tolerated in a not neglible number of subjects, and the compliance may be critical, especially in the long term if correctly evaluated with interview as well with CPAP smart cards analysis. Among the alternative options in Literature, surgery is a long time honoured solution. However until now no clear scientific evidence exists that surgery can be considered a really effective option in OSAHS management. We have design a randomized prospective study comparing MMA and a ventilatory device (Autotitrating Positive Airways Pressure – APAP) in order to understand the real effectiveness of surgery in the management of moderate to severe OSAS. Fifty consecutive previously full informed patients suffering from severe OSAHS were enrolled and randomised into a conservative (APAP) or surgical (MMA) arm. Demographic, biometric, PSG and ESS profiles of the two group were statistically not significantly different. One year after surgery or continuous APAP treatment both groups showed a remarkable improvement of mean AHI and ESS; the degree of improvement was not statistically different. Provided the relatively small sample of studied subjects and the relatively short time of follow up, MMA proved to be in our adult and severe OSAHS patients group a valuable alternative therapeutical tool with a success rate not inferior to APAP.
La bioetica è il luogo ideale per cercare risposte ai grandi interrogativi concernenti la vita, la morte e la cura dell'essere umano. I recenti dibattiti sull'uso, ed il temuto abuso, del corpo umano in medicina hanno messo in evidenza la necessità di una discussione approfondita sul potere di scelta che l'individuo può esercitare sulla propria mente e sul proprio corpo. Spinta dal desidero di indagare l'estensione di tale potere di scelta ho voluto analizzare le tematiche riguardanti “il corpo”, “l'individuo”, “la proprietà” e “l'autodeterminazione”. L'analisi è stata condotta individuando alcuni dei differenti significati che questi termini assumono nei diversi ambiti che la bioetica lambisce e mostrando, in particolare, la visione di tale realtà attraverso le lenti del giurista. A chi appartiene il corpo? Chi ha il potere di decidere su di esso? Il potere di scelta valica gli antichi i confini legati al corpo del paziente e coinvolge tessuti, organi e cellule staccati dal corpo umano, parti che un tempo erano considerati scarti operatori sono oggi divenuti tesori inestimabili per la ricerca. L'importanza assunta dai campioni biologici ha portato alla creazione di biobanche nelle quali sono raccolti, catalogati e il DNA studiato in campioni biologici Le biobanche riflettono le tensioni della bioetica e del biodititto. Lo studio delle biobanche riguarda, tra l'altro, la riceca dell'equilibrio tra le diverse esigenze meritevoli di tutela: in primo luogo il diritto alla privacy, diritto a che le “proprie informazioni” non vengano divulgate ed il diritto a non essere discriminato ed in secondo luogo le necessità dettate dalla ricerca e dalla scienza medica. Nel 2009 la rivista Times messo biobanche tra le 10 idee in grado di cambiare il mondo anche in considarazione della medicina personalizzata e del fatto che costituiscono una la speranza per la ricerca contro le malattie attuali e future.
Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Untersuchung steht die Nutzung von Medizinalpflanzen vor dem Hintergrund einer zurückgehenden Phytodiversität in Nordbenin. Die Dissertation ba-siert auf ethnologischen Forschungen, die in das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt BIOTA (Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in Africa) eingebunden sind. Das BIOTA-Projekt untersucht die Wirkung menschlichen Handelns (insbesondere Nutzung) auf die Biodiversi-tät und versucht aus diesen Erkenntnissen Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt abzuleiten. Die vorliegende Studie basiert auf einem 13-monatigen Feldforschungsaufenthalt im Zeitraum von April 2004 bis August 2006 in der nordbeninischen Gemeinde Ouassa-Pehunco. Meine Informanten sind überwiegend traditionelle Heiler, mit denen ich standardi-sierte und offene Interviews durchführte, deren Behandlungsverfahren und Heilzeremonien ich teilnehmend beobachtete sowie dokumentierte und auf deren Initiative hin ich mich bei dem Aufbau eines Medizinalpflanzengartens einbrachte (cf. Kap. 1). In diesem Forschungsfeld situiere ich mich mit der Frage nach dem Einfluss einer verän-derten Pflanzenvielfalt auf die traditionelle medizinische Versorgung der Baatombu Nordbe-nins. Die Beantwortung dieser Frage erfolgt in mehreren Schritten. 1. Die Phytodiversität nimmt, wie von naturwissenschaftlicher Seite bestätigt, in der Region ab. 2. Lokale Heilkun-dige nehmen diesen Rückgang an verfügbaren Heilpflanzen ebenso wahr. 3. Die Abnahme der Pflanzenbestände führen die Heiler vor allem auf den Baumwollanbau und die demogra-fischen Entwicklungen der Region zurück - dies entspricht ebenfalls den Auffassungen von Naturwissenschaftlern, die eine Verdichtung der landwirtschaftlichen Bodennutzung fest-stellten. 4. Heilkundige und Heilpflanzenverkäuferinnen vermerken eine zunehmende Nach-frage nach lokaler Pflanzenmedizin aufgrund der steigenden Bevölkerungszahlen. 5. Die pflanzenbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung der lokalen Bevölkerung ist jedoch relativ gesi-chert, da die Heiler sich alternativ wirkender Medizinalpflanzen bedienen, ihre Therapiefor-men der veränderten Lage anpassen (z.B. geringere Dosierungen) und sie regelmäßig genutz-te Pflanzen im Medizinalpflanzengarten Guson wieder anpflanzen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt der Arbeit ist, dass die Heilpraktiken der Baatombu nicht allein auf naturheilkundlichem Erfahrungswissen beruhen, sondern in magisch-religiöse Vorstellungen eingebettet sind (cf. Kap. 2). Demzufolge untersuche ich die lokalen Krankheits- und Ge-sundheitsvorstellungen und die symbolischen Klassifikationen von Heilpflanzen und Krank-heiten (cf. Kap. 3). Ich stellte fest, dass nach Auffassung von Heilkundigen soziokulturelle Faktoren wie der Zeitpunkt und der Ort einer Sammlung sowie entsprechende Ernte-Rituale die medizinische Wirksamkeit von Pflanzen maßgeblich bedingen (cf. Kap. 5). Die Umwelt-klassifikation der Heiler (Landschafts- und Vegetationstypen) richtet sich demzufolge nach dem medizinischen Wert, den sie einer Heilpflanze zuschreiben (cf. Kap.4). Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurde von einigen engagierten Heilern und mit Un-terstützung von BIOTA, der GTZ und der Deutschen Botschaft der Medizinalpflanzengarten Guson eingerichtet, der eine Antwort auf die regionale Ressourcenverknappung darstellt und in seiner Anlage dem lokalen ökologischen und heilkundlichen Wissen der Heiler entspricht (cf. Kap. 6). Den Anwendungsbezug der Forschung nutzten die Heiler, um sich als Interes-sensgemeinschaft für den Erhalt der benötigten pflanzlichen Ressourcen einzusetzen.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è rilevare se e quanto i medical dramas abbiano contribuito a ridefinire conoscenze, aspettative e pratiche dei telespettatori/pazienti rispetto a questioni concernenti la salute e il loro ruolo all’interno della relazione medico-paziente. Grazie ad un lavoro di campo, fatto di questionari e interviste con utenti, operatori della sanità di Centro e Nord Italia e studenti di Medicina, sono state poi registrate le modalità di interazione che i protagonisti della scena della cura dichiarano di sperimentare quotidianamente. Ciò ha permesso di rendere conto delle trasformazioni più recenti della professione medica e di come viene elaborato oggi il sapere sulla malattia da parte dei soggetti implicati, fra tecnicismi, atteggiamenti difensivi, sfiducia e affidamento. La tesi restituisce anche alcune modalità sperimentali di interazione fra pazienti e medici, messe in atto in contesti locali, che testimoniano l’esigenza di approdare a un sapere partecipato delle relazioni di cura. Infine, raccogliendo la sfida posta dalle medical humanities, immagina un utilizzo del medical drama nella formazione degli studenti di medicina per l’apprendimento di competenze narrative necessarie ad una pratica medica più umana e efficace.
Low back pain (LBP) is the most prevalent health problem in Switzerland and a leading cause of reduced work performance and disability. This study estimated the total cost of LBP in Switzerland in 2005 from a societal perspective using a bottom-up prevalence-based cost-of-illness approach. The study considers more cost categories than are typically investigated and includes the costs associated with a multitude of LBP sufferers who are not under medical care. The findings are based on a questionnaire completed by a sample of 2,507 German-speaking respondents, of whom 1,253 suffered from LBP in the last 4 weeks; 346 of them were receiving medical treatment for their LBP. Direct costs of LBP were estimated at
The 2008 European Football Championship 2008 (Euro 08) is the largest sporting event ever organized in Switzerland. One million visitors came to the city of Berne during the event and the local airport in Bern/Belp registered 261 extra flights. For each football game there were 33,000 fans in the stadium and 100,000 fans in the public viewing zones.The ambulance corps and the Department of Emergency Medicine (ED) at Inselspital, University Hospital Berne, were responsible for basic medical care and emergency medical management. Injuries and illnesses were analyzed by a standardized score (NACA score). The preparation strategy as well as costs and patient numbers are presented in detail.A total of 30 additional ambulance vehicles were used, 4,723 additional working days (one-third medical professionals) were accumulated, 662 ambulance calls were registered and 240 persons needed medical care (62% Swiss, 28% Dutch and 10% other nationalities). Among those needing treatment 51 were treated in 1 of the 4 city hospitals. No injuries with NACA grades VI and VII occurred (NACA I: 4, NACA II: 17, NACA III: 16, NACA IV: 10 and NACA V: 4 patients). The city of Berne compensated the Inselspital Bern with a total of 112,603 Euros for extra medical care costs. The largest amount was spent on security measures (50,300 Euros) and medical staff (medical doctors 22,600 Euros, nurses 29,000 Euros). Because of the poor weather and the exemplary behavior of the fans, the course of events was rather peaceful.
This study seeks to answer whether the availability heuristic leads physicians to utilize more medical care than is economically efficient. Do rare, salient events alter physicians' perceptions about the probability of patient harm? Do these events lead physicians to overutilize certain medical procedures? This study uses Pennsylvania inpatient hospital admissions data from 2009 aggregated at the physician level to investigate these questions. The data come from the 2009 Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4). The study is divided into two parts. In Part I, we examine whether bad outcomes during childbirth (defined as maternal mortality, an obstetric fistula or a uterine rupture) lead physicians to utilize more cesarean sections on future patients. In Part II, we examine whether bad outcomes associated with appendicitis (defined as patient death, a perforated or ruptured appendix or sepsis) lead physicians to perform more negative appendectomies (appendectomies performed when the patient did not have appendicitis) on future patients. Overall the study does not find evidence to support the claim that the availability heuristic leads physicians to overutilize medical care on future patients. However, the study does find evidence that variations in health care utilization are strongly correlated with individual physician practice patterns. The results of the study also imply that physicians' financial incentives may be a source of variation in health care utilization.
Patients with critical limb ischaemia (CLI) are usually elderly and suffer from several co-morbidities. The goal of surveillance after both endovascular and surgical revascularization for CLI is not only the protection of re-established distal perfusion and sustained ambulation but also the reduction of systemic atherothrombotic risk and mortality by ensuring continued best medical care. However, preferred format and rhythm of structured follow-up programs have remained controversial, mainly because of lack of compelling evidence. This review aims to summarize and to appraise available information critically. Thereby, it underlines the importance of systematic surveillance after both surgical and endovascular revascularization for CLI. Recent European guidelines are considered and areas of uncertainty are highlighted and discussed. According to currently available literature and recent guidelines, the early duplex scan is justified in all patients undergoing endovascular or surgical distal revascularization for CLI. There is no best level evidence supporting continued long term duplex surveillance of revascularizations with normal findings at early duplex scan, whereas those patients with abnormal early duplex scan or high risk revacularization are likely to benefit from continued duplex surveillance. Regular clinical follow-up is suggested and clinical deterioration should trigger duplex scanning to ensure revascularization patency.
INTRODUCTION: Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism as well as for fracture prevention, and a recent review suggested that the optimal serum 25(OH)D lies in the region of 50-80 nmol L-1 (20-32 ng mL-1). A high prevalence of inadequacy has been reported in many studies but the prevalence of inadequacy amongst women with osteoporosis in different regions of the world has not been well characterized. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: A multinational study of 18 countries at various latitudes (range 64N-38S) was conducted in 2004 and 2005 to determine the average levels of serum 25(OH)D and the prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy. A total of 2606 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis (low bone mineral density, history of fragility fracture) seeking routine medical care were enrolled and serum 25(OH)D levels were measured at a single laboratory visit. RESULTS: Mean serum 25(OH)D level was 26.8 ng mL-1 (SE 0.3) and ranged from 7 to 243 ng mL-1. Regional mean values were highest in Latin America (29.6 ng mL-1, SE 0.6) and lowest in the Middle East (20.4 ng mL-1, SE 0.5). Overall, 64% of women had serum levels<30 ng mL-1. Serum parathyroid hormone reached a nadir at serum 25(OH)D levels>35 ng mL-1. In nonequatorial countries, women recruited during the winter months had somewhat lower serum 25(OH)D levels than those recruited during the summer months in some, but not all, countries. CONCLUSIONS: Low levels of serum 25(OH)D are common amongst women with osteoporosis. The results underscore the value of assuring vitamin D adequacy in these women.
Calcium containing renal stones represent a common medical problem and show a high rate of recurrence. Therefore, besides the treatment of acute stone episodes, also the prevention of new stone episodes is of crucial importance in the medical care of stone formers. To avoid stone recurrences, medical as well as dietary measures should be established based on the results of a thorough evaluation and the elaboration of an individual risk profile. This review article describes and discusses the currently established treatment options for the prophylaxis of calcium-containing renal stones.
Infections with varicella zoster virus (VZV) are common viral infections associated with significant morbidity. Diagnosis and management are complex, particularly in immunocompromised patients and during pregnancy. The present recommendations have been established by a multidisciplinary panel of specialists and endorsed by numerous Swiss medical societies involved in the medical care of such patients (Appendix). The aim was to improve the care of affected patients and to reduce complications.
This investigation assessed the applicability of Dr. William Haddon’s strategies for controlling hazards involving materials-handling operations in industrial and mining workplaces. Published over 20 years ago, Haddon’s strategies purport to include all strategies for preventing and mitigating harm to people, property, and the environment. Students in an undergraduate class were assigned to find tactical examples of each of Haddon’s strategies applicable to material handling. Haddon’s tenth strategy involving medical care and rehabilitation was not included. Their classifications were analyzed to identify points of confusion as well as points of general agreement. Students found numerous tactics for strategies involving engineering and behavioral strategies. Fewer tactics were identified for strategies involving damage control through effective and timely response.