472 resultados para Luukkanen, Arto


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Creazione di un protocollo tramite il pacchetto software SMART-D BTS per l'analisi della dinamica dell'arto superiore durante il servizio del tennis e comparazione dei risultati ottenuti di tre atleti normodotati e di un atleta con disabilità


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Lo studio si prefigge di verificare la fattibilità di un nuovo meccanismo per l'azionamento di una mano protesica e inoltre di costruirne un prototipo. Questo nuovo meccanismo andrebbe a sostituire le molle azionate da tiranti delle attuali protesi cinematiche, evitando all'amputato vistosi movimenti del corpo atti ad azionare la mano protesica. Tramite confronto tra le forze calcolate tramite modellazione del meccanismo e quelle realmente fornite dal paziente, si può dichiarare che il meccanismo funziona correttamente. Il prototipo costruito inoltre rispetta i vincoli dimensionali che deve avere una protesi per arto superiore.


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La brain computer interface sono state create per sopperire ai problemi motori e di linguistica nei pazienti che, a causa di malattie neurodegenerative o in seguito a traumi, sono paralizzate o non riescono a parlare. Vengono prese in questione le caratteristiche di un sistema per le BCI analizzando ogni blocco funzionale del sistema. Si fa visione delle applicazioni tra le quali la possibilità di far muovere un arto bionico a una donna tetraplegica e la possibilità di far scrivere una parola su uno schermo a un paziente non in grado di comunicare verbalmente. Si mettono in luce i problemi annessi a questo campo e i possibili sviluppi.


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L’analisi del movimento umano mira alla raccolta di informazioni quantitative riguardo la meccanica del sistema muscolo-scheletrico durante l’esecuzione di un compito motorio. All’interno di questo contesto, la cinematica del passo rappresenta uno strumento d’indagine tra i più usati. Tra i diversi protocolli di analisi cinematiche si è affermato recentemente l’uso di sensori magnetico-inerziali. Il principale vantaggio di questi dispositivi rispetto alla tecnica tradizionalmente impiegata (la stereofotogrammetria) è che possono essere utilizzati al di fuori di un ambiente di laboratorio, rendendo meno vincolante la scelta del task motorio da analizzare. Lo stato dell’arte offre una molteplicità di studi basati sull’analisi del cammino e della corsa di atleti, professionisti o dilettanti, utilizzando sensori inerziali; nulla, però, è stato dedicato alla corsa con stampelle. In questo lavoro di tesi è stata dunque analizzata la corsa su stampelle di soggetti amputati (in particolare di atleti della Nazionale Italiana di Calcio Amputati). Dalla letteratura sono stati individuati tre metodi, ideati principalmente per la corsa di soggetti normodotati e in questa situazione riadattati per la corsa di soggetti con amputazione/malformazione di un arto inferiore, con i quali è stato possibile ricavare parametri temporali relativi al ciclo del passo; è stato inoltre progettato un nuovo metodo che permette di ricavare parametri temporali della corsa attraverso le fasi delle stampelle. L’elemento che contraddistingue questo studio è la presenza di un gold standard, dato da un riferimento video, con il quale sarà possibile determinare con più affidabilità quale metodo risulti più adeguato per l’analisi di questo tipo di corsa.


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This study aimed to develop a new linguistic based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)-sentence decision task that reliably detects hemispheric language dominance.


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The impact of interictal epileptic activity (IEA) on driving is a rarely investigated issue. We analyzed the impact of IEA on reaction time in a pilot study. Reactions to simple visual stimuli (light flash) in the Flash test or complex visual stimuli (obstacle on a road) in a modified car driving computer game, the Steer Clear, were measured during IEA bursts and unremarkable electroencephalography (EEG) periods. Individual epilepsy patients showed slower reaction times (RTs) during generalized IEA compared to RTs during unremarkable EEG periods. RT differences were approximately 300 ms (p < 0.001) in the Flash test and approximately 200 ms (p < 0.001) in the Steer Clear. Prior work suggested that RT differences >100 ms may become clinically relevant. This occurred in 40% of patients in the Flash test and in up to 50% in the Steer Clear. When RT were pooled, mean RT differences were 157 ms in the Flash test (p < 0.0001) and 116 ms in the Steer Clear (p < 0.0001). Generalized IEA of short duration seems to impair brain function, that is, the ability to react. The reaction-time EEG could be used routinely to assess driving ability.


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To investigate whether alterations in RNA editing (an enzymatic base-specific change to the RNA sequence during primary transcript formation from DNA) of neurotransmitter receptor genes and of transmembrane ion channel genes play a role in human temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), this exploratory study analyzed 14 known cerebral editing sites in RNA extracted from the brain tissue of 41 patients who underwent surgery for mesial TLE, 23 with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE+HS). Because intraoperatively sampled RNA cannot be obtained from healthy controls and the best feasible control is identically sampled RNA from patients with a clinically shorter history of epilepsy, the primary aim of the study was to assess the correlation between epilepsy duration and RNA editing in the homogenous group of MTLE+HS. At the functionally relevant I/V site of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1, an inverse correlation of RNA editing was found with epilepsy duration (r=-0.52, p=0.01) but not with patient age at surgery, suggesting a specific association with either the epileptic process itself or its antiepileptic medication history. No significant correlations were found between RNA editing and clinical parameters at other sites within glutamate receptor or serotonin 2C receptor gene transcripts. An "all-or-none" (≥95% or ≤5%) editing pattern at most or all sites was discovered in 2 patients. As a secondary part of the study, RNA editing was also analyzed as in the previous literature where up to now, few single editing sites were compared with differently obtained RNA from inhomogenous patient groups and autopsies, and by measuring editing changes in our mouse model. The present screening study is first to identify an editing site correlating with a clinical parameter, and to also provide an estimate of the possible effect size at other sites, which is a prerequisite for power analysis needed in planning future studies.


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BACKGROUND Classically, clinical trials are based on the placebo-control design. Our aim was to analyze the placebo effect in Huntington's disease. METHODS Placebo data were obtained from an international, longitudinal, placebo-controlled trial for Huntington's disease (European Huntington's Disease Initiative Study Group). One-hundred and eighty patients were evaluated using the Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale over 36 months. A placebo effect was defined as an improvement of at least 50% over baseline scores in the Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale, and clinically relevant when at least 10% of the population met it. RESULTS Only behavior showed a significant placebo effect, and the proportion of the patients with placebo effect ranged from 16% (first visit) to 41% (last visit). Nondepressed patients with better functional status were most likely to be placebo-responders over time. CONCLUSIONS In Huntington's disease, behavior seems to be more vulnerable to placebo than overall motor function, cognition, and function


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Permission from the ethics committee and informed consent were obtained. The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate a method developed for the noninvasive assessment of muscle metabolites during exercise. Hydrogen 1 magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy peaks were measured during tetanic isometric muscle contraction imposed by supramaximal repetitive nerve stimulation. The kinetics of creatine-phosphocreatine and acetylcarnitine signal changes (P < .001) could be assessed continuously before, during, and after exercise. The control peak (trimethylammonium compounds), which served as an internal reference, did not change. This technique-that is, functional MR spectroscopy-opens the possibility for noninvasive diagnostic muscle metabolite testing in a clinical setting.


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Syncope is defined as an acute, brief and transient loss of consciousness and postural tone with spontaneous and complete recovery. Neurovascular ultrasound has contributed to elucidate the underlying mechanism of different types of syncope. In routine diagnostic work-up of patients with syncope, however, neurovascular ultrasound is not among the first line tools. In particular, an ultrasound search for occlusive cerebro-vascular disease is of limited value because cerebral artery obstruction is a very rare and questionable cause of syncope. Transcranial Doppler sonography monitoring of the cerebral arteries is useful in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspicion of postural related, cerebrovascular, cough and psychogenic syncope, and in some cases for differentiating focal epileptic seizures from transient ischemic attacks and migraine with aura.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Sleep disturbances are prevalent but often overlooked or underestimated. We suspected that sleep disorders might be particularly common among pharmacy customers, and that they could benefit from counselling. Therefore, we described the prevalence and severity of symptoms associated with sleep and wakefulness disorders among Swiss pharmacy customers, and estimated the need for counselling and treatment. METHODS: In 804 Swiss pharmacies (49% of all community pharmacies) clients were invited to complete the Stanford Sleep Disorders Questionnaire (SDQ), and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (EPW). The SDQ was designed to classify symptoms of sleep and wakefulness into the four most prevalent disorders: sleep apnoea syndrome (SAS), insomnia in psychiatric disorders (PSY), periodic leg movement disorders/restless legs (RLS) and narcolepsy (NAR). Data were entered into an internet-linked database for analysis by an expert system as a basis for immediate counselling by the pharmacist. RESULTS: Of 4901 participants, 3238 (66.1%) were female, and 1663 (33.9%) were male. The mean age (SD) of females and males was 52.4 (18.05), and 55.1 (17.10) years, respectively. The percentages of female and male individuals above cut-off of SDQ subscales were 11.4% and 19.8% for sleep apnoea, 40.9% and 38.7% for psychiatric sleep disorders, 59.3% and 46.8% for restless legs, and 10.4% and 9.4% for narcolepsy respectively. The prevalence of an Epworth Sleepiness Scale score >11 was 16.5% in females, and 23.9% in males. Reliability assessed by Cronbach's alpha was 0.65 to 0.78 for SDQ subscales, and for the Epworth score. CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms of sleep and wakefulness disorders among Swiss pharmacy customers were highly prevalent. The SDQ and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score had a satisfactory reliability to be useful for identification of pharmacy customers who might benefit from information and counselling while visiting pharmacies. The internet-based system proved to be a helpful tool for the pharmacist when counselling his customers in terms of diagnostic classification and severity of symptoms associated with the sleeping and waking state.


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This chapter attempts to integrate data from both functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) to elucidate the activation of the cortical areas in musical performance for both execution and imagination of music during string playing. In both fMRI and EEG experiments, playing the music was compared with imagining the music. This allowed separation of the areas mainly involved in motor execution from those involved in imagining, planning, and working memory, thus differentiating musical from purely motor areas.


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What happens in the brain when we reach or exceed our capacity limits? Are there individual differences for performance at capacity limits? We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the impact of increases in processing demand on selected cortical areas when participants performed a parametrically varied and challenging dual task. Low-performing participants respond with large and load-dependent activation increases in many cortical areas when exposed to excessive task requirements, accompanied by decreasing performance. It seems that these participants recruit additional attentional and strategy-related resources with increasing difficulty, which are either not relevant or even detrimental to performance. In contrast, the brains of the high-performing participants "keep cool" in terms of activation changes, despite continuous correct performance, reflecting different and more efficient processing. These findings shed light on the differential implications of performance on activation patterns and underline the importance of the interindividual-differences approach in neuroimaging research.


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SUMMARY: Multimodal imaging was performed in Rasmussen Encephalitis (RE) during episodes of complex-partial and focal motor status epilepticus including independent component analysis of BOLD-fMRI, arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. The active epileptic network and topographically independent brain areas showed regional hyperperfusion and progressive atrophy. The results suggest that hyperperfusion outside of the epileptic network represent active inflammation in RE and the imaging protocol presented here, allows assessing thereby the disease activity non-invasively.


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When a hand-held object is moved, grip and load force are accurately coordinated for establishing grasp stability. In the present work, the question was raised whether patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (TS), who show tic-like movements, are impaired in grip-load force control when executing a manipulative task. To this end, we assessed force regulation during action patterns that required rhythmical unimanual or bimanual (iso-directional/anti-directional) movements. Results showed that the profile of grip-load force ratio was characterized by maxima and minima that were realized at upward and downward hand positions, respectively. TS patients showed increased force ratios during unimanual and bimanual movements, compared with control subjects, indicative of an inaccurate specification of the precision grip. Functional imaging data complemented the behavioural results and revealed that secondary motor areas showed no (or greatly reduced) activation in TS patients when executing the movement tasks as compared with baseline conditions. This indicates that the metabolic level in the secondary motor areas was equal during rest and task performance. At the neuronal level, this observation suggests that these cortical areas were continuously involved in movement preparation. Based on these data, we conclude that the ongoing activation of secondary motor areas may be explained by the TS patients' involuntary urges to move. Accordingly, interference will prevent an accurate planning of voluntary behaviour. Together, these findings reveal modulations in movement organization in patients with TS and exemplify degrading consequences for manual function.