994 resultados para Lucio Mansilla


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de transferência de resistência aos antimicrobianos entre bactérias normais da microbiota de frangos e Salmonella Enteritidis. Utilizamos amostras de Lactobacillus spp. (L. spp.), Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) e Escherichia coli (E. coli) previamente isolados de frangos, selecionados após prova de sensibilidade antimicrobiana in vitro conforme metodologia padrão (Comitê Nacional para Padrões Clínicos de Laboratório). Utilizamos aqueles com resistência e sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos indutores, chamados de bactérias doadoras e receptoras, respectivamente. Os antimicrobianos indutores foram utilizados para estimular a transferência de resistência aos antimicrobianos entre as bactérias. A possibilidade de transferência foi verificada da E. coli resistente para a SE e L. spp. Também foi verificada a transferência de uma amostra de L. spp resistente aos antimicrobianos indutores para a SE. Só foi possível verificar a transferência da resistência aos antimicrobianos indutores quando a bactéria doadora foi a E. coli e a bactéria receptora foi a SE. No presente estudo concluímos que a transferência de resistência aos antimicrobianos entre bactérias é possível, mas nem todas as bactérias participam desse evento, não transmitindo e nem adquirindo esta resistência.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avian salmonellosis is a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella that can cause three distinct diseases in birds: pullorum diseases, fowl typhoid, and paratyphoid infection. Various wildlife species are susceptible to infections by Salmonella, regardless of whether they live in captivity or freely in the wild. The present study verified the presence of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in three captive specimens of Amazona aestiva. The study involved a total of 103 birds undergoing rehabilitation to prepare for living in the wild, after having been captured from animal traffickers and delivered to the Centrofauna Project of the Floravida Institute in São Paulo, Brazil. This is the first report of Salmonella Enteritidis isolation in A. aestiva that originated from capture associated with animal trafficking; Salmonella was detected during the study by the serologic method of rapid serum agglutination on a plate with bacterial isolate. The antimicrobial profile exam of the isolated samples demonstrated sensitivity to ampicillin, cefaclor, ciprofloxacin, and cloranfenicol. The three samples also presented resistance to more than four antibiotics. The presence of the genes invA and spvC was verified by PCR technique and was associated with virulence and absence of class 1 integron, a gene related to antimicrobial resistance. The commercial antigen for pullorum disease was shown to be a useful tool for rapid detection in the screening of Salmonella of serogroup D(1) in Psittaciformes. New studies on Salmonella carriage in birds involved in trafficking must be performed to better understand their participation in the epidemiologic cycle of salmonellosis in humans and other animals.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of potentially zoonotic intestinal protozoan infections in exotic and wildlife Brazilian birds. Fecal samples from 207 birds of 45 species were examined. Infections by Balantidium sp., Entamoeba sp., and Blastocystis sp. were observed in 17 individuals (8.2%) of Gnorimopsar chopi, Oryzoborus angolensis, Sporophila caerulescens, Ramphastos toco, Aratinga leucophtalmus, and Pavo cristatus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present article relates the occurrence of Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD) in a 20 years old blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva). The bird was raised in captivity and was examined at the Ornitopathology Laboratory of São Paulo State University's Veterinarian Hospital, São Paulo State, Brazil. The parrot clinically presented regurgitation, tremors and dyspnea. This is the first case of PDD followed by megaesophagus in a blue-fronted amazon parrot (A. aestiva). This pathological case was not described in birds at all.


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This paper presents an application of AMMI models - Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction model - for a thorough study about the effect of the interaction between genotype and environment in multi-environments experiments with balanced data. Two methods of crossed validation are presented and the improvement of these methods through the correction of eigenvalues, being these rearranged by the isotonic regression. A comparative study between these methods is made, with real data. The results show that the EASTMENT & KRZANOWSKI (1982) method selects a more parsimonious model and when this method is improved with the correction of the eigenvalues, the number of components are not modified. GABRIEL (2002) method selects a huge number of terms to hold back in the model, and when this method is improved by the correction of eigenvalue, the number of terms diminishes. Therefore, the improvement of these methods through the correction of eigenvalues brings a great benefit from the practical point of view for the analyst of data proceeding from multi-ambient, since the selection of numbers of multiplicative terms represents a profit of the number of blocks (or repetitions), when the model AMMI is used, instead of the complete model.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Genetic variation in the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) causes and contributes risk for oral clefting disorders. We hypothesized that genes regulated by IRF6 are also involved in oral clefting disorders. We used five criteria to identify potential IRF6 target genes; differential gene expression in skin taken from wild-type and Irf6-deficient murine embryos, localization to the Van der Woude syndrome 2 (VWS2) locus at 1p36-1p32, overlapping expression with Irf6, presence of a conserved predicted-binding site in the promoter region, and a mutant murine phenotype that was similar to the Irf6 mutant mouse. Previously, we observed altered expression for 573 genes; 13 were located in the murine region syntenic to the VWS2 locus. Two of these genes, Wdr65 and Stratifin, met 4 of 5 criteria. Wdr65 was a novel gene that encoded a predicted protein of 1,250 amino acids with two WD domains. As potential targets for Irf6 regulation, we hypothesized that disease-causing mutations will be found in WDR65 and Stratifin in individuals with VWS or VWS-like syndromes. We identified a potentially etiologic missense mutation in WDR65 in a person with VWS who does not have an exonic mutation in IRF6. The expression and mutation data were consistent with the hypothesis that WDR65 was a novel gene involved in oral clefting. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Parasite virulence genes are usually associated with telomeres. The clustering of the telomeres, together with their particular spatial distribution in the nucleus of human parasites such as Plasmodium falciparum and Trypanosoma brucei, has been suggested to play a role in facilitating ectopic recombination and in the emergence of new antigenic variants. Leishmania parasites, as well as other trypanosomes, have unusual gene expression characteristics, such as polycistronic and constitutive transcription of protein-coding genes. Leishmania subtelomeric regions are even more unique because unlike these regions in other trypanosomes they are devoid of virulence genes. Given these peculiarities of Leishmania, we sought to investigate how telomeres are organized in the nucleus of Leishmania major parasites at both the human and insect stages of their life cycle. We developed a new automated and precise method for identifying telomere position in the three-dimensional space of the nucleus, and we found that the telomeres are organized in clusters present in similar numbers in both the human and insect stages. While the number of clusters remained the same, their distribution differed between the two stages. The telomeric clusters were found more concentrated near the center of the nucleus in the human stage than in the insect stage suggesting reorganization during the parasite's differentiation process between the two hosts. These data provide the first 3D analysis of Leishmania telomere organization. The possible biological implications of these findings are discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Keloids are considered to be benign hyperproliferative growths of dense fibrous tissue and overabundant deposition of disorganized, thick, hyalinized collagen that result from an abnormal tissue response to cutaneous injury. Keloids do not have a specific cause, although genetic predisposition is heavily implicated. We present a case report of a patient with an earlobe keloid that was treated with carbon dioxide laser radiation (CO2) with an 0.8-mm focus, 7 W, a power density of 2.5 W/cm(2), in a continuous mode. The patient was seen for follow-up 6 months later. An intact hole for placement of an earring was observed with a very good esthetic and functional result.


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In this clinical study, we proposed to observe the efficacy of the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT) by carbon dioxide (CO2) laser surgery. Twelve patients with SCCT were treated with excisional surgery using the CO2 laser with a spot size of 0.8 mm, 10 W, power density of 2.5 W/cm(2) in continuous mode, and under constant vacuum removal of the plume. The post surgical clinical evaluations were done every day until the sutures were removed and then every 7 days up to 1 month postoperatively. Subjects were re-examined quarterly until the fifth year post surgery. After 5 yr of follow-up for all subjects, there was no recurrence of the SCCT at the involved sites. The functional and aesthetic results observed were excellent. It is concluded that CO2 laser ablation of SCCT is an extremely useful surgical technique that can provide a clean field and is capable of providing surgical results consistent with accepted principles of oncological surgery. (C) 2012 Laser Institute of America.