442 resultados para Lucinda Zoe
The benefits of prone position ventilation are well demonstrated in the severe forms of acute respiratory distress syndrome, but not in the milder forms. We investigated the effects of prone position on arterial blood gases, lung inflammation, and histology in an experimental mild acute lung injury (ALI) model. ALI was induced in Wistar rats by intraperitoneal Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 5 mg/kg). After 24 h, the animals with PaO2/FIO2 between 200 and 300 mmHg were randomized into 2 groups: prone position (n = 6) and supine position (n = 6). Both groups were compared with a control group (n = 5) that was ventilated in the supine position. All of the groups were ventilated for 1 h with volume-controlled ventilation mode (tidal volume = 6 ml/kg, respiratory rate = 80 breaths/min, positive end-expiratory pressure = 5 cmH2O, inspired oxygen fraction = 1). Significantly higher lung injury scores were observed in the LPS-supine group compared to the LPS-prone and control groups (0.32 ± 0.03; 0.17 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.04, respectively) (p < 0.001), mainly due to a higher neutrophil infiltration level in the interstitial space and more proteinaceous debris that filled the airspaces. Similar differences were observed when the gravity-dependent lung regions and non-dependent lung regions were analyzed separately (p < 0.05). The BAL neutrophil content was also higher in the LPS-supine group compared to the LPS-prone and control groups (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the wet/dry ratio and gas exchange levels. In this experimental extrapulmonary mild ALI model, prone position ventilation for 1 h, when compared with supine position ventilation, was associated with lower lung inflammation and injury.
New prophylactic and therapeutic treatments to combat pathogenic Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli
Bacterial diarrhoeal diseases have significant influence on global human health, and are a leading cause of preventable death in the developing world. Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), pathogenic strains of E. coli that carry potent toxins, have been associated with a high number of large-scale outbreaks caused by contaminated food and water sources. This pathotype produces diarrhoea and haemorrhagic colitis in infected humans, and in some patients leads to the development of haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which can result in mortality and chronic kidney disease. A major obstacle to the treatment of EHEC infections is the increased risk of HUS development that is associated with antibiotic treatment, and rehydration and renal support are often the only options available. New treatments designed to prevent or clear E. coli infections and reduce symptoms of illness would therefore have large public health and economic impacts. The three main aims of this thesis were: to explore mouse models for pre-clinical evaluation in vivo of small compounds that inhibit a major EHEC colonisation factor, to assess the production and role of two proteins considered promising candidates for a broad-spectrum vaccine against pathogenic E. coli, and to investigate a novel compound that has recently been identified as a potential inhibitor of EHEC toxin production. As EHEC cannot be safely tested in humans due to the risk of HUS development, appropriate small animal models are required for in vivo testing of new drugs. A number of different mouse models have been developed to replicate different features of EHEC pathogenesis, several of which we investigated with a focus on colonisation mediated by the Type III Secretion System (T3SS), a needle-like structure that translocates bacterial proteins into host cells, resulting in a tight, intimate attachment between pathogen and host, aiding colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract. As E. coli models were found not to depend significantly on the T3SS for colonisation, the Citrobacter rodentium model, a natural mouse pathogen closely related to E. coli, was deemed the most suitable mouse model currently available for in vivo testing of T3SS-targeting compounds. Two bacterial proteins, EaeH (an outer membrane adhesin) and YghJ (a putative secreted lipoprotein), highly conserved surface-associated proteins recently identified as III protective antigens against E. coli infection of mice, were explored in order to determine their suitability as candidates for a human vaccine against pathogenic E. coli. We focused on the expression and function of these proteins in the EHEC O157:H7 EDL933 strain and the adherent-invasive E. coli (AIEC) LF82 strain. Although expression of EaeH by other E. coli pathotypes has recently been shown to be upregulated upon contact with host intestinal cells, no evidence of this upregulation could be demonstrated in our strains. Additionally, while YghJ was produced by the AIEC strain, it was not secreted by bacteria under conditions that other YghJ-expressing E. coli pathotypes do, despite the AIEC strain carrying all the genes required to encode the secretion system it is associated with. While our findings indicate that a vaccine that raises antibodies against EaeH and YghJ may have limited effect on the EHEC and AIEC strains we used, recent studies into these proteins in different E. coli pathogens have suggested they are still excellent candidates for a broadly effective vaccine against E. coli. Finally, we characterised a small lead compound, identified by high-throughput screening as a possible inhibitor of Shiga toxin expression. Shiga toxin production causes both the symptoms of illness and development of HUS, and thus reduction of toxin production, release, or binding to host receptors could therefore be an effective way to treat infections and decrease the risk of HUS. Inhibition of Shiga toxin production by this compound was confirmed, and was shown to be caused by an inhibitory effect on activation of the bacterial SOS response rather than on the Shiga toxin genes themselves. The bacterial target of this compound was identified as RecA, a major regulator of the SOS response, and we hypothesise that the compound binds covalently to its target, preventing oligomerisation of RecA into an activated filament. Altogether, the results presented here provide an improved understanding of these different approaches to combating EHEC infection, which will aid the development of safe and effective vaccines and anti-virulence treatments against EHEC.
Reflections on the value of experimente over project on architecture thinking. An essay on the operativity of the notions of: "Collections"; "Tools"; "Instructions"; "Walks" and "reCollections"
The issues influencing student engagement with high-stakes computer-based exams were investigated, drawing on feedback from two cohorts of international MA Education students encountering this assessment method for the first time. Qualitative data from surveys and focus groups on the students’ examination experience were analysed, leading to the identification of engagement issues in the delivery of high-stakes computer-based assessments.The exam combined short-answer open-response questions with multiple-choice-style items to assess knowledge and understanding of research methods. The findings suggest that engagement with computer-based testing depends, to a lesser extent, on students’ general levels of digital literacy and, to a greater extent, on their information technology (IT) proficiency for assessment and their ability to adapt their test-taking strategies, including organisational and cognitive strategies, to the online assessment environment. The socialisation and preparation of students for computer-based testing therefore emerge as key responsibilities for instructors to address, with students requesting increased opportunities for practice and training to develop the IT skills and test-taking strategies necessary to succeed in computer-based examinations. These findings and their implications in terms of instructional responsibilities form the basis of a proposal for a framework for Learner Engagement with e-Assessment Practices.
O atendimento à saúde da criança é muito importante para o seu desenvolvimento já que garante a todos os recém-nascidos, lactantes e crianças, boas práticas de atenção, embasadas no seguimento do crescimento e desenvolvimento adequados, desde o nascimento até os 72 meses de vida. Mesmo com significativa redução da mortalidade infantil no Brasil nos últimos anos, ainda é necessário garantir atenção à saúde para todas as crianças brasileiras. Uma vez que, toda criança, sem exceção, tem o direito à vida e à saúde. O presente trabalho é um trabalho de intervenção surgido a partir da necessidade de qualificação da atenção à saúde da criança em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) do município de Santo Ângelo/RS. Assim, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi melhorar a saúde de crianças de zero a 72 meses na UBS/ESF Dr. Otávio Dárcio Ferreira, Santo Ângelo/RS. A intervenção visou, também, refletir a atuação da equipe frente à demanda, na busca de aprender a trabalhar com ações programáticas, incluindo permanente educação aos profissionais assim como informações à comunidade. O projeto teve como objetivos específicos ampliar a cobertura da atenção à saúde das crianças entre zero e setenta e dois meses, melhorar a adesão ao programa, melhorar a qualidade do atendimento à saúde da criança, melhorar os registros das informações, mapear as crianças de risco e realizar atividades de promoção e prevenção em saúde. A intervenção foi desenvolvida em 12 semanas com minha presença na unidade de saúde e mais 1 semana pela equipe durante minhas férias. Ou seja, desenvolveu-se no período de fevereiro a junho de 2015. Participaram da intervenção as crianças de 0 a 72 meses de nossa unidade de saúde. Desenvolvemos ações nos 4 eixos temáticos do curso: monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica. Com a implementação da intervenção, foram cadastradas e acompanhadas 168 crianças, atingindo cobertura de 48%. Ressalta-se que, anterior a intervenção, somente 5 crianças eram acompanhadas na unidade de saúde. O projeto contou, ainda, com a qualificação da equipe. Abordaram-se temas como puericultura, cuidados na primeira semana de vida do bebê, a vacinação, os testes do pezinho e triagem auditiva, o aleitamento materno e os indicadores de saúde. Assim, com a intervenção ampliou-se a cobertura da atenção às crianças evidenciando-se aumento de cobertura, se alcançou a melhoria dos registros e da cobertura vacinal, aumento significativo das consultas nos primeiros 7 dias de vida e o projeto propiciou o aumento da adesão ao programa de suplementação de ferro. Neste momento, nosso maior desafio e desejo é prosseguir com esta e outras ações programáticas para assim melhorar a qualidade de vida de nossa população.
A depressão é uma sindrome psiquiátrica caracterizada por humor depressivo ou irritabilidade, ansiedade, angústia e desânimo. Frequência elevada de pessoas com depressão sem adesão ao tratamento tem sido identificada. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em elaborar um plano de intervenção, visando a incentivar a adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso pelos usuários com depressão maior da Estratégia Saúde da Família Sede, no município Fruta de Leite/ Minas Gerais.Para a elaboração do plano de intervenção foi realizada uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema com base em dados eletrônicos de bibliotecas virtuais como SciELO (Scientific Eletronic Library Online) e BIREME (Biblioteca Regional de Medicina). Foi também utilizado o método de planejamento denominado Planejamento Estratégico Situacional (PES), por meio do qual, após processados os problemas identificados no diagnóstico situacional da área de abrangência da ESF Sede, foram propostas operações para enfrentamento do problema identificado como prioritário
O manejo de agravos com baixa mortalidade e alta morbidade, como a deficiência auditiva, constitui um desafio para os sistemas públicos de saúde. Abordá-los com eficiência e de maneira sistematizada na atenção primária à saúde pode otimizar o cuidado ofertado em termos de desfechos clínicos e de custo-efetividade. Objetiva-se com o presente estudo propor estratégias de abordagem da saúde auditiva no contexto da atenção primária, tendo como base a comunidade assistida por uma equipe de saúde da família em Contagem, Minas Gerais. Foram realizadas observação e descrição da assistência municipal à saúde auditiva, revisão bibliográfica e elaboração de projeto de intervenção com base no Método do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional. Como resultado, criou-se um modelo padronizado de cuidados integrais à saúde auditiva na atenção primária, incluindo o desenho das operações e a análise de viabilidade e dos recursos necessários para sua implementação.