975 resultados para Lower urinary tract dysfunction
Las Infecciones Urinarias son causa de frecuente morbilidad, afecta a amplios sectores de la población, conllevan la utilización de antibióticos, afectan más a las mujeres, siendo un significativo problema de salud debido a su incidencia durante el embarazo que es del l0%1, diagnosticándose en la primera visita del control prenatal. Aproximadamente el 15% de las mujeres, tendrán una infección urinaria en alguna época durante su vida, con riesgos a largo plazo y calidad de vida. Amerita la detección temprana, el tratamiento oportuno y eficaz, el estudio y seguimiento posteriores.
Método: En el Complejo Calle 100 en Bogotá, en el periodo de Julio a Diciembre de 2013 se revisaron los Urocultivos positivos, de pacientes menores de 16 años con diagnóstico clínico de IVU, procedentes de la comunidad. Consultamos las historias clínicas para documentar antibiótico empírico dado y episodios previos de infección. Se describieron los gérmenes aislados y las resistencias antibióticas. Discusión: Las cefalosporinas de primera generación tienen tasas de resistencias superiores al 37%, similar a lo reportado en la literatura, y son usadas como primera línea; ésta conducta debe ser reevaluada. Los aminoglucósidos, la nitrofurantoína y la cefuroxima son alternativas terapéuticas recomendables. La prevalencia de E coli BLEE de origen comunitario genera preocupación, debe incitar a realizar manejo antibiótico dirigido y concienzudo.
Introducción: El objetivo principal de la selección del donante es disminuir la posibilidad de transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas o neoplásicas en el receptor. De forma cruda se calcula que aproximadamente el 50% de los potenciales donantes son contraindicados, la mayoría por infección. La alta demanda de órganos obliga a revalorar las contraindicaciones que hasta hace poco eran absolutas, el reto es diferenciar el SIRS del donante por Muerte Encefálica con el SIRS por infecciones. Método: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo; que busca evaluar la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (SIRS) como predictor de infección en pacientes con trasplante renal en el primer mes pos trasplante. Resultados: El contraste de hipótesis proporciono una significancia bilateral (P= 0,071). La pruebas de hipótesis aceptaron la hipótesis nula (P= 0,071), que no existe asociación entre la presencia de SIRS en el donante con la incidencia de infección en el primer mes del pos trasplante renal. La estimación del riesgo de no reingreso por infección al primer mes pos trasplante renal es de 0.881 veces para los donantes con SIRS (IC 0.757 – 1.025). Conclusión: A pesar de no encontrar significancia estadística: el SIRS en el donante no se asocia con un aumento en la incidencia de infección en el primer mes postrasplante. Para encontrar la significancia se propone un estudio con un tamaño de muestra mayor.
Introducción: El incremento de la resistencia antibiótica se considera un problema de salud pública con consecuencias clínicas y económicas, por lo tanto se determinará la prevalencia de resistencia antibiótica en Infección del Tracto Urinario (ITU, el perfil microbiológico y los patrones de susceptibilidad en una población pediátrica atendida en la Fundación Cardioinfantil. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional de corte transversal, retrospectivo, entre 1 mes a 18 años de edad, con diagnóstico de ITU comunitaria atendidos entre Enero de 2011 y Diciembre de 2013. Se excluyeron pacientes con dispositivos en la vía urinaria, instrumentación quirúrgica previa, trayectos fistulosos entre la vía urinaria y sistema digestivo, ITU luego de 48 horas de hospitalización y recaída clínica en tratamiento. Se estableció la prevalencia de ITU resistente y se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la información. Resultados: Se evaluaron 385 registros clínicos, con una mediana de 1.08 años (RIQ 0.8 – 4.08), el 73.5% eran niñas. La fiebre predominó (76.5%), seguido de emesis (32.0%), disuria (23.7%) y dolor abdominal (23.1%). El uropatógeno más frecuente fue E.coli (75%), seguido de Proteus mirabilis (8.5%) y Klebsiella spp. (8.3%). La Ampicilina, el Trimetropim sulfametoxazol, la Ampicilina sulbactam y el ácido nalidixico tuvieron mayor tasa de resistencia. La prevalencia de BLEE fue 5.2% y AmpC 3.9%. La prevalencia de resistencia antimicrobiana fue de 11.9%. Conclusiones: La E.coli es el uropatogeno más frecuentemente aislado en ITU, con resistencia a la ampicilina en 60.2%, cefalosporinas de primera generación en 15.5%, trimetropin sulfametoxazol en 43.9%, cefepime 4.8%. La prevalencia de resistencia antimicrobiana fue de 11.9%.
As infecções do trato urinário (ITU’s) são doenças infecciosas frequentes na prática clínica veterinária, sendo fundamental uma correta antibioterapia, principalmente pelo crescente desenvolvimento de resistências bacterianas aos antibióticos. Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo, englobando 86 animais admitidos no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, submetidos a urocultura, com o objetivo de caracterizar as ITU’s microbianas neste hospital, avaliando a sua epidemiologia e susceptibilidade antibiótica das bactérias isoladas. Da totalidade das uroculturas realizadas (n=86), 28 foram positivas, 18 em canídeos e 10 em felídeos, sem predisposição racial, mais em fêmeas nos canídeos e em machos nos felídeos. A idade média dos animais com ITU foi 8 anos nos canídeos e 10 anos nos felídeos. Todas as ITU´s foram monobacterianas, sendo o microorganismo mais frequentemente isolado a Escherichia coli. Verificou-se multirresistência em 10 das 28 bactérias isoladas. A gentamicina foi o antibiótico com melhor perfil de sensibilidade global e o que apresentou mais resistências foi a tetraciclina. O antibiótico mais prescrito de forma empírica foi a enrofloxacina. Este estudo, especialmente se realizado de forma periódica, poderá ser um contributo para a elaboração de guias institucionais de antibioterapia adequada e minimização do aparecimento de resistências bacterianas.
O hiperadrenocorticismo canino consiste no conjunto de alterações físicas e bioquímicas resultantes da exposição prolongada e inapropriada, do organismo, a elevadas concentrações de cortisol. Esta dissertação teve como principal objectivo o estudo de vinte casos de hiperadrenocorticismo no cão, com base na recolha e interpretação de dados clínicos, laboratoriais e de imagem, efectuados durante o período de dois anos, entre Março de 2010 e Março de 2012, no Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ/UNESP em Botucatu. Constatou-se que a maioria das características individuais (idade, peso, raça e sexo), sinais clínicos e alterações laboratoriais (hemograma, bioquímicas sanguíneas e urianálise) comuns desta doença estavam presentes. Os cães do nosso estudo eram na sua maioria geriátricos, de raça miniatura como o caniche, com peso inferior a 20 Kg e do sexo feminino; estes apresentavam habituais sinais clínicos como poliúria, polidipsia, distensão abdominal, polifagia, fraqueza muscular, alterações respiratórias, cutâneas e neurológicas, e habituais alterações laboratoriais como trombocitose, linfopenia, eosinopenia, neutrofilia, aumento da fosfatase alcalina sérica, alanina aminotransferase, colesterol e triglicéridos. Alguns destes cães apresentaram ainda três das complicações mais comuns do hiperadrenocorticismo como hipertensão arterial, infecção do tracto urinário inferior e diabetes mellitus. Para chegar ao diagnóstico final realizou-se o teste de supressão de dexametasona a baixas doses em associação com a avaliação das glândulas adrenais através de ecografia, o qual nos permitiu obter a nossa amostra final, os vinte cães com hiperadrenocorticismo. Este estudo contribuiu para aprofundar o conhecimento relativamente às alterações clínicas, laboratoriais e de imagem presentes nos cães com hiperadrenocorticismo e demonstrou que a informação daí retirada é fundamental para chegar ao seu diagnóstico.
As infeções do trato urinário (ITU’s) são doenças infeciosas frequentes na prática clínica veterinária, sendo fundamental uma correta antibioterapia, principalmente pelo crescente desenvolvimento de resistências bacterianas aos antibióticos. Realizou-se um estudo retrospetivo, englobando 86 animais admitidos no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, submetidos a urocultura, com o objetivo de caracterizar as ITU’s microbianas neste hospital, avaliando a sua epidemiologia e suscetibilidade antibiótica das bactérias isoladas. Da totalidade das uroculturas realizadas (n=86), 28 foram positivas, 18 em canídeos e 10 em felídeos, sem predisposição racial, mais em fêmeas nos canídeos e em machos nos felídeos. A idade média dos animais com ITU foi 8 anos nos canídeos e 10 anos nos felídeos. Todas as ITU´s foram monobacterianas, sendo o microorganismo mais frequentemente isolado a Escherichia coli. Verificou-se multirresistência em 10 das 28 bactérias isoladas. A gentamicina foi o antibiótico com melhor perfil de sensibilidade global e o que apresentou mais resistências foi a tetraciclina. O antibiótico mais prescrito de forma empírica foi a enrofloxacina. Este estudo,especialmente se realizado de forma periódica, poderá ser um contributo para a elaboração de guias institucionais de antibioterapia adequada e minimização do aparecimento de resistências bacterianas.
Covariation in the structural composition of the gut microbiome and the spectroscopically derived metabolic phenotype (metabotype) of a rodent model for obesity were investigated using a range of multivariate statistical tools. Urine and plasma samples from three strains of 10-week-old male Zucker rats (obese (fa/fa, n = 8), lean (fal-, n = 8) and lean (-/-, n = 8)) were characterized via high-resolution H-1 NMR spectroscopy, and in parallel, the fecal microbial composition was investigated using fluorescence in situ hydridization (FISH) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) methods. All three Zucker strains had different relative abundances of the dominant members of their intestinal microbiota (FISH), with the novel observation of a Halomonas and a Sphingomonas species being present in the (fa/fa) obese strain on the basis of DGGE data. The two functionally and phenotypically normal Zucker strains (fal- and -/-) were readily distinguished from the (fa/fa) obese rats on the basis of their metabotypes with relatively lower urinary hippurate and creatinine, relatively higher levels of urinary isoleucine, leucine and acetate and higher plasma LDL and VLDL levels typifying the (fa/fa) obese strain. Collectively, these data suggest a conditional host genetic involvement in selection of the microbial species in each host strain, and that both lean and obese animals could have specific metabolic phenotypes that are linked to their individual microbiomes.
The inaugural meeting of the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) was held May 3 to May 5 2002 in London, Ontario, Canada. A group of 63 academic and industrial scientists from around the world convened to discuss current issues in the science of probiotics and prebiotics. ISAPP is a non-profit organization comprised of international scientists whose intent is to strongly support and improve the levels of scientific integrity and due diligence associated with the study, use, and application of probiotics and prebiotics. In addition, ISAPP values its role in facilitating communication with the public and healthcare providers and among scientists in related fields on all topics pertinent to probiotics and prebiotics. It is anticipated that such efforts will lead to development of approaches and products that are optimally designed for the improvement of human and animal health and well being. This article is a summary of the discussions, conclusions, and recommendations made by 8 working groups convened during the first ISAPP workshop focusing on the topics of: definitions, intestinal flora, extra-intestinal sites, immune function, intestinal disease, cancer, genetics and genomics, and second generation prebiotics. Humans have evolved in symbiosis with an estimated 1014 resident microorganisms. However, as medicine has widely defined and explored the perpetrators of disease, including those of microbial origin, it has paid relatively little attention to the microbial cells that constitute the most abundant life forms associated with our body. Microbial metabolism in humans and animals constitutes an intense biochemical activity in the body, with profound repercussions for health and disease. As understanding of the human genome constantly expands, an important opportunity will arise to better determine the relationship between microbial populations within the body and host factors (including gender, genetic background, and nutrition) and the concomitant implications for health and improved quality of life. Combined human and microbial genetic studies will determine how such interactions can affect human health and longevity, which communication systems are used, and how they can be influenced to benefit the host. Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.1 The probiotic concept dates back over 100 years, but only in recent times have the scientific knowledge and tools become available to properly evaluate their effects on normal health and well being, and their potential in preventing and treating disease. A similar situation exists for prebiotics, defined by this group as non-digestible substances that provide a beneficial physiological effect on the host by selectively stimulating the favorable growth or activity of a limited number of indigenous bacteria. Prebiotics function complementary to, and possibly synergistically with, probiotics. Numerous studies are providing insights into the growth and metabolic influence of these microbial nutrients on health. Today, the science behind the function of probiotics and prebiotics still requires more stringent deciphering both scientifically and mechanistically. The explosion of publications and interest in probiotics and prebiotics has resulted in a body of collective research that points toward great promise. However, this research is spread among such a diversity of organisms, delivery vehicles (foods, pills, and supplements), and potential health targets such that general conclusions cannot easily be made. Nevertheless, this situation is rapidly changing on a number of important fronts. With progress over the past decade on the genetics of lactic acid bacteria and the recent, 2,3 and pending, 4 release of complete genome sequences for major probiotic species, the field is now armed with detailed information and sophisticated microbiological and bioinformatic tools. Similarly, advances in biotechnology could yield new probiotics and prebiotics designed for enhanced or expanded functionality. The incorporation of genetic tools within a multidisciplinary scientific platform is expected to reveal the contributions of commensals, probiotics, and prebiotics to general health and well being and explicitly identify the mechanisms and corresponding host responses that provide the basis for their positive roles and associated claims. In terms of human suffering, the need for effective new approaches to prevent and treat disease is paramount. The need exists not only to alleviate the significant mortality and morbidity caused by intestinal diseases worldwide (especially diarrheal diseases in children), but also for infections at non-intestinal sites. This is especially worthy of pursuit in developing nations where mortality is too often the outcome of food and water borne infection. Inasmuch as probiotics and prebiotics are able to influence the populations or activities of commensal microflora, there is evidence that they can also play a role in mitigating some diseases. 5,6 Preliminary support that probiotics and prebiotics may be useful as intervention in conditions including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, allergy, cancer (especially colorectal cancer of which 75% are associated with diet), vaginal and urinary tract infections in women, kidney stone disease, mineral absorption, and infections caused by Helicobacter pylori is emerging. Some metabolites of microbes in the gut may also impact systemic conditions ranging from coronary heart disease to cognitive function, suggesting the possibility that exogenously applied microbes in the form of probiotics, or alteration of gut microecology with prebiotics, may be useful interventions even in these apparently disparate conditions. Beyond these direct intervention targets, probiotic cultures can also serve in expanded roles as live vehicles to deliver biologic agents (vaccines, enzymes, and proteins) to targeted locations within the body. The economic impact of these disease conditions in terms of diagnosis, treatment, doctor and hospital visits, and time off work exceeds several hundred billion dollars. The quality of life impact is also of major concern. Probiotics and prebiotics offer plausible opportunities to reduce the morbidity associated with these conditions. The following addresses issues that emerged from 8 workshops (Definitions, Intestinal Flora, Extra-Intestinal Sites, Immune Function, Intestinal Disease, Cancer, Genomics, and Second Generation Prebiotics), reflecting the current scientific state of probiotics and prebiotics. This is not a comprehensive review, however the study emphasizes pivotal knowledge gaps, and recommendations are made as to the underlying scientific and multidisciplinary studies that will be required to advance our understanding of the roles and impact of prebiotics, probiotics, and the commensal microflora upon health and disease management.
Nocturia is not associated with falls among the elderly: a population study in the city of Sao Paulo
Introduction: the present study aims to evaluate the association between nocturia and falls in a group of community-living elderly men in the city of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Material and methods: under the coordination of the Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization, a multicenter study named Health, Welfare and Aging (SABE Study) is being conducted to evaluate the living and health conditions of older people in Latin America and Caribbean. In Brazil, this study is evaluating the elderly population (60 years or more) in Sao Paulo since 2000. The presence of nocturia was taken as the response ""yes"" to the question ""Do you need to void three times or more at night?"". The presence of falls was also taken as the response ""yes"" to the question ""Did you have any fall during the last 12 months?"" The intergroup analysis used was the logistic regression. Results: total of 865 men was interviewed, mean age 68 years. It was observed high prevalence of nocturia and falls in all groups, with higher prevalence of both in the eldest group (p < 0.001), however, the association of nocturia and falls was not statistically significant in any of the groups (p = 0.45). Conclusion: this is one of the pioneering studies that assess only the male population, showing that nocturia was not significantly associated with falls. Nocturia and falls are highly prevalent conditions in the elderly, but no association was found between both, so that these variables may be correlated to age and other clinical conditions. (C) 2010 AEU. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Objective. To investigate mortality in which paracoccidioidomycosis appears on any line or part of the death certificate. Method. Mortality data for 1985-2005 were obtained from the multiple cause-of-death database maintained by the Sao Paulo State Data Analysis System (SEADE). Standardized mortality coefficients were calculated for paracoccidioidomycosis as the underlying cause-of-death and as an associated cause-of-death, as well as for the total number of times paracoccidioidomycosis was mentioned on the death certificates. Results. During this 21-year period, there were 1950 deaths related to paracoccidioidomycosis; the disease was the underlying cause-of-death in 1 164 cases (59.69%) and an associated cause-of-death in 786 (40.31%). Between 1985 and 2005 records show a 59.8% decline in the mortality coefficient due to paracoccidioidomycosis as the underlying cause and a 53.0% decline in the mortality as associated cause. The largest number of deaths occurred among men, in the older age groups, and among rural workers, with an upward trend in winter months. The main causes associated with paracoccidioidomycosis as the underlying cause-of-death were pulmonary fibrosis, chronic lower respiratory tract diseases, and pneumonias. Malignant neoplasms and AIDS were the main underlying causes when paracoccidioidomycosis was an associated cause-of-death. The decision tables had to be adapted for the automated processing of causes of death in death certificates where paracoccidioidomycosis was mentioned. Conclusions. Using the multiple cause-of-death method together with the traditional underlying cause-of-death approach provides a new angle on research aimed at broadening our understanding of the natural history of paracoccidioidomycosis.
Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the main cause of acute lower respiratory tract infections in infants and children. Rapid diagnosis is required to permit appropriate care and treatment and to avoid unnecessary antibiotic use. Reverse transcriptase (RT-PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) methods have been considered important tools for virus detection due to their high sensitivity and specificity. In order to maximize use-simplicity and minimize the risk of sample cross-contamination inherent in two-step techniques, a RT-PCR method using only a single tube to detect HRSV in clinical samples was developed. Nasopharyngeal aspirates from 226 patients with acute respiratory illness, ranging from infants to 5 years old, were collected at the University Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo (HU-USP), and tested using IFA, one-step RT-PCR, and semi-nested RT-PCR. One hundred and two (45.1%) samples were positive by at least one of the three methods, and 75 (33.2%) were positive by all methods: 92 (40.7%) were positive by one-step RT-PCR, 84 (37.2%) by IFA, and 96 (42.5%) by the semi-nested RT-PCR technique. One-step RT-PCR was shown to be fast, sensitive, and specific for RSV diagnosis, without the added inconvenience and risk of false positive results associated with semi-nested PCR. The combined use of these two methods enhances HRSV detection. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infection, and the most frequent reason for hospitalization among infants throughout the world. In addition to the acute consequences of the disease, RSV bronchiolitis in early childhood is related to further development of recurrent wheezing and asthma. Despite the medical and economic burden of the disease, therapeutic options are limited to supportive measures, and mechanical ventilation in severe cases. Growing evidence suggests an important role of changes in pulmonary surfactant content and composition in the pathogenesis of severe RSV bronchiolitis. Besides the well-known importance of pulmonary surfactant in maintenance of pulmonary homeostasis and lung mechanics, the surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-D are essential components of the pulmonary innate immune system. Deficiencies of such proteins, which develop in severe RSV bronchiolitis, may be related to impairment in viral clearance, and exacerbated inflammatory response. A comprehensive understanding of the role of the pulmonary surfactant in the pathogenesis of the disease may help the development of new treatment strategies. We conducted a review of the literature to analyze the evidences of pulmonary surfactant changes in the pathogenesis of severe RSV bronchiolitis, its relation to the inflammatory and immune response, and the possible role of pulmonary surfactant replacement in the treatment of the disease. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2011; 46:415-420. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Epidemiological and molecular characteristics of human metapneumovirus (hMPV) were compared with human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) in infants and young children admitted for acute lower respiratory tract infections in a prospective study during four consecutive years in subtropical Brazil. GeneScan polymerase chain assays (GeneScan RT-PCR) were used to detect hMPV and hRSV in nasopharyngeal aspirates of 1,670 children during January 2003 to December 2006. hMPV and hRSV were detected, respectively, in 191 (11.4%) and in 702 (42%) of the children admitted with acute lower respiratory tract infections at the Sao Paulo University Hospital. Sequencing data of the hMPV F gene revealed that two groups of the virus, each divided into two subgroups, co-circulated during three consecutive years. It was also shown that a clear dominance of genotype B1 occurred during the years 2004 and 2005, followed by genotype A2 during 2006. J. Med. Virol. 81:915-921,2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a significant cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection in all age groups, particularly in children. Two genetic groups and four subgroups of hMPV have been described. They co-circulate during an epidemic in variable proportions. The aims were to characterize the genotypes of hMPV recovered from children hospitalized for acute lower respiratory tract infection and to establish the molecular epidemiology of strains circulating in Santiago of Chile during a 2-year period. The detection of the N gene by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction was carried out for screening 545 infants hospitalized for acute lower respiratory tract infection in Santiago during 2003-2004. The genetic typing of hMPV was performed by analyzing the fusion gene sequences. hMPV was detected in 10.2% (56/545 cases). Phylogenetic analysis of F gene sequences from 39 Chilean hMPV strains identified the two groups and four subgroups previously described. Strains clustered into group A were split further into the sub lineages A1, A2, and A3. Most Chilean strains clustered into the proposed novel A3 sub lineage (59%). A3 viruses were present in both years, while A1 and A2 circulated just in I year. In conclusion, hMPV is a relevant cause of acute lower respiratory infection in Chilean children and the potential novel cluster of group A emphasize the need for further regional genetic variability studies. J. Med. Virol. 81:340-344, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.