991 resultados para Leptostraca, Fossil


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The extant lungfish, including three genera, the Australian, South American and African lungfishes, retain a dentition that appeared first in the Devonian, in some of the oldest members of this group. The dentition consists of permanent tooth plates with persistent cusps that appear early in development of the fish. The cusps, separate early in development, form ridges that are arranged in a radiating pattern, and fusion of the cusps to each other and to the underlying jaw bone produces a tooth plate. The lungfish dentition is based on a template of mantle dentine that surrounds bone trabeculae enclosed in the tooth plate. The mantle layer is covered by enamel. In most derived dipnoans, this framework encloses two further forms of dentine, known as interdenteonal and circumdenteonal dentines. The tooth plates grow in area and in depth without evidence of macroscopic resorption of dentines or of enamel. Increase in size and changes in shape of lungfish tooth plates is actually achieved by a process involving microscopic remodelling of the bone contained within the margin of each tooth plate, and the later addition of new dentines and enamel within and around the bone. This is accomplished without creating weakness in the structural integrity of the tooth plate and bone complex, and proceeds in line with growth and remodelling of the jaw bones attached to the tooth plates.


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Comparative phylogeography has proved useful for investigating biological responses to past climate change and is strongest when combined with extrinsic hypotheses derived from the fossil record or geology. However, the rarity of species with sufficient, spatially explicit fossil evidence restricts the application of this method. Here, we develop an alternative approach in which spatial models of predicted species distributions under serial paleoclimates are compared with a molecular phylogeography, in this case for a snail endemic to the rainforests of North Queensland, Australia. We also compare the phylogeography of the snail to those from several endemic vertebrates and use consilience across all of these approaches to enhance biogeographical inference for this rainforest fauna. The snail mtDNA phylogeography is consistent with predictions from paleoclimate modeling in relation to the location and size of climatic refugia through the late Pleistocene-Holocene and broad patterns of extinction and recolonization. There is general agreement between quantitative estimates of population expansion from sequence data (using likelihood and coalescent methods) vs. distributional modeling. The snail phylogeography represents a composite of both common and idiosyncratic patterns seen among vertebrates, reflecting the geographically finer scale of persistence and subdivision in the snail. In general, this multifaceted approach, combining spatially explicit paleoclimatological models and comparative phylogeography, provides a powerful approach to locating historical refugia and understanding species' responses to them.


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The first chordates appear in the fossil record at the time of the Cambrian explosion, nearly 550 million years ago. The modern ascidian tadpole represents a plausible approximation to these ancestral chordates. To illuminate the origins of chordate and vertebrates, we generated a draft of the protein-coding portion of the genome of the most studied ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. The Ciona genome contains similar to16,000 protein-coding genes, similar to the number in other invertebrates, but only half that found in vertebrates. Vertebrate gene families are typically found in simplified form in Ciona, suggesting that ascidians contain the basic ancestral complement of genes involved in cell signaling and development. The ascidian genome has also acquired a number of lineage-specific innovations, including a group of genes engaged in cellulose metabolism that are related to those in bacteria and fungi.


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The snap-trap leaves of the aquatic waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda) resemble those of Venus' flytrap (Dionaea), its distribution and habit are reminiscent of bladderworts (Utricularia), but it shares many reproductive characters with sundews (Drosera). Moreover, Aldrovanda has never been included in molecular phylogenetic studies, so it has been unclear whether snap-traps evolved only once or more than once among angiosperms. Using sequences from nuclear 18S and plastid rbcL, atpB, and matK genes, we show that Aldrovanda is sister to Dionaea, and this pair is sister to Drosera. Our results indicate that snap-traps are derived from flypaper-traps and have a common ancestry among flowering plants, despite the fact that this mechanism is used by both a terrestrial species and an aquatic one. Genetic and fossil evidence for the close relationship between these unique and threatened organisms indicate that carnivory evolved from a common ancestor within this caryophyllid clade at least 65 million years ago.


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Several anomalies occur in the developing neural and visceral head skeleton of young specimens of Neoceratodus forsteri that have been reared under laboratory conditions. These include anomalies of the basicranium and its derivatives, aberrations of the anterior mandible and hyoid apparatus, and abnormalities in the articulation of the jaws and the elements that produce them. Apart from the occasional absence of the basihyal, and failure of the quadrate processes to form, the anomalies are not deficiencies. Most involve malformations of parts of the neurocranium and visceral skeleton, inappropriate articulations or fusions between elements, disunity in structures that are normally fused and the appearance of supernumerary elements. The incidence of chondral anomalies, generally higher than aberrations that occur in the dermal skeleton in juvenile lungfish, ranges from 1-10% in laboratory reared individuals that have not been subjected to experimental interference. The anomalies differ from those found in many amphibian populations, in the field and in the laboratory, because they involve the cranium, and not the limbs, and the lungfish have not been exposed to the factors that cause anomalies in the amphibians. It is unlikely that the existence of those anomalies, if it is reflected in the wild population, places a selective pressure on the lungfish, because, in a normal season, less than 1% of the total number of eggs produced survive to be recruited into the adult population.


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Many lungfish of the tooth plated lineage, both fossil and living, are affected by dental and skeletal pathologies including dental caries, abscesses and cysts within the bone or tooth plate, osteopenia, bone hypertrophy, and malocclusion. These conditions, while influenced in part by structural relationships of soft and hard tissues in the tooth plates, jaw bones and surrounding oral tissues, can also be used as indicators of the kind of environment inhabited by the fish. The disease processes have specific structural consequences, related either to the pathology or to attempts to heal the damage, and usually alter the form and function of the tooth plate or bone. Consequently they can be distinguished from postmortem diagenetic or taphonomic effects, which alter the structure in less specific ways and show no sign of healing. Dental caries, the most common pathological condition in dipnoan dentitions, is recognisable in lungfish from the Devonian of Western Australia, the Tertiary of South Australia and the Northern Territory and from living lungfish in south east Queensland. Other pathologies have a more sporadic occurrence.


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Some long-forgotten fossil evidence reveals that a dicynodont (mammal-like reptile of the infraorder Dicynodontia) inhabited Australia as recently as the Early Cretaceous, ca. 110 Myr after the supposed extinction of dicynodonts in the Late Triassic. This remarkably late occurrence more than doubles the known duration of dicynodont history (from ca. 63 Myr to ca. 170 Myr) and betrays the profound impact of geographical isolation on Australian terrestrial faunas through the Mesozoic. Australia's late-surviving dicynodont may be envisaged as a counterpart of the ceratopians (homed dinosaurs) in Cretaceous tetrapod faunas of Asia and North America.


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The Wollemi pine, Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae), was discovered in 1994 as the only extant member of the genus, previously known only from the fossil record. With fewer than 100 trees known from an inaccessible canyon in southeastern Australia, it is one of the most endangered tree species in the world. We conducted a comparative population genetic survey at allozyme, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci in W. nobilis, Araucaria cunninghatnii and Agathis robusta - representatives of the two sister genera. No polymorphism was detected at 13 allozyme loci, more than 800 AFLP loci or the 20 SSR loci screened in W. nobilis. In Ag. robusta only one of 12 allozyme loci, five of 800 AFLP loci and none of the 15 SSR loci were variable. For A. cunninghamii, 10 of > 800 AFLP loci and five of 20 SSR loci were variable. Thus low genetic diversity characterizes all three species. While not ruling out the existence of genetic variation, we conclude that genetic diversity is exceptionally low in the Wollemi pine. To our knowledge this is the most extreme case known in plants. We conclude that the combination of small population effects, clonality and below-average genetic variation in the family are probable contributing factors to the low diversity. The exceptionally low genetic diversity of the Wollemi pine, combined with its known susceptibility to exotic fungal pathogens, reinforces current management policies of strict control of access to the pines and secrecy of the pine locations.


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New Zealand has a good Neogene plant fossil record. During the Miocene it was without high topography and it was highly maritime, meaning that its climate, and the resulting vegetation, would be controlled dominantly by zonal climate conditions. Its vegetation record during this time suggests the climate passed from an ever-wet and cool but frostless phase in the Early Miocene in which Nothofagus subgenus Brassospora was prominent. Then it became seasonally dry, with vegetation in which palms and Eucalyptus were prominent and fires were frequent, and in the mid-Miocene, it developed a dry-climate vegetation dominated by Casuarinaceae. These changes are reflected in a sedimentological change from acidic to alkaline chemistry and the appearance of regular charcoal in the record. The vegetation then changed again to include a prominent herb component including Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae. Sphagnum became prominent, and Nothofagus returned, but mainly as the subgenus Fuscospora (presently restricted to temperate climates). This is interpreted as a return to a generally wet, but now cold climate, in which outbreaks of cold polar air and frost were frequent. The transient drying out of a small maritime island and the accompanying vegetation/climate sequence could be explained by a higher frequency of the Sub-Tropical High Pressure (STHP) cells (the descending limbs of the Hadley cells) over New Zealand during the Miocene. This may have resulted from an increased frequency of 'blocking', a synoptic situation which occurs in the region today. An alternative hypothesis, that the global STHP belt lay at a significantly higher latitude in the early Neogene (perhaps 55degreesS) than today (about 30degreesS), is considered less likely because of physical constraints on STHP belt latitude. In either case, the difference between the early Neogene and present situation may have been a response to an increased polar-equatorial temperature gradient. This contrasts with current climate models for the geological past in which the latitude of the High Pressure belt impact is held invariant though geological time. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissociated remains of the acanthodian Poracanthodes punctatus are described from Upper Silurian (Pridoli) limestones of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Pete Hanson Creek, Eureka County, Nevada. The vertebrate microremains in sample residues comprise scales, a dentigerous jaw bone fragment, and a fin spine fragment assigned to P. punctatus, plus one possible acanthothoracid placoderm scale. Some macroremains from the same locality are also assigned to P. punctatus. This taxon has been nominated as, a zone fossil for the Silurian vertebrate biozonal scheme, and its presence has been recorded throughout the circum-Arctic region. Identification of the taxon in Nevada extends its known geographic range.


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Lungfish of the tooth-plated lineage, both fossil and living, may be affected by alterations in the permanent tooth plates and associated jaw bones as they grow. In a few taxa, the unusual structures may be so common that they must be considered as normal for those species, or as a variation of the normal condition. In others the condition is rare, affecting only a few individuals. Variations, or anomalies, may appear in the growing tissues of the lungfish tooth plate at any time in the life cycle, although they usually appear early in development. Once the changes appear, they persist in the dentition. The altered structures include divided or intercalated ridges, short ridge anomaly, changes in the shape, number and position of cusps, pattern loss, and fused ridges or cusps. Criteria used to distinguish alteration from normal conditions are the incidence of the character in the population, the associated changes in the jaw bone, and the position of the altered structure in the tooth plate. The occurrence of similar changes across a wide range of different species suggests that they may have a genetic cause, especially when they are a rare occurrence in most taxa, but common enough to be a part of the normal variation in others. Prevalence of related anomalies throughout the history of the group suggests that dipnoans of the tooth-plated lineage are closely related, despite significant differences in morphology, microstructure, and function of the denfitions.


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O Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC) através do seu Quarto Relatório de Avaliação das Mudanças Climáticas Globais (IPCC-AR4), publicado em 2007, atribui as emissões de gases de efeito estufa como a principal causa do aumento médio das temperaturas e alerta para uma elevação entre 1,8 ºC e 6,4 ºC até 2100, podendo modificar assim a aptidão climática para as culturas agrícolas em diversas regiões do planeta. Diante disso, existe a necessidade de substituição dos combustíveis fósseis por fontes renováveis e limpas de energia, como o etanol. A cana-de-açúcar apresenta-se, portanto, como uma cultura estratégica na produção do etanol. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos: 1) avaliar o desempenho dos Modelos Climáticos Globais (MCGs) do IPCC-AR4 na simulação de dados climáticos de temperatura do ar e precipitação pluviométrica para o período anual e mensal; 2) elaborar o zoneamento agroclimático da cana-de-açúcar para a América do Sul considerando o clima referência e o futuro para as décadas de 2020, 2050 e 2080 em função do cenário de emissão A1B considerado pessimista e que usa um equilíbrio entre todas as fontes de energia. Para a avaliação do desempenho dos MCGs, foram utilizados dados climáticos médios mensais observados de precipitação e temperatura do ar provenientes do Climatic Research Unit (CRU) e dados simulados oriundos dos 22 MCGs do IPCC (cenário 20c3m) compreendidos entre o período de 1961-1990, além do Multimodel (ensemble) – MM que é a média da combinação dos dados de todos os modelos. O desempenho dos MCGs foi avaliado pelos índices estatísticos: desvio padrão, correlação, raiz quadrada da média do quadrado das diferenças centralizadas e o “bias” dos dados simulados com os observados, que foram representados no diagrama de Taylor. Para a etapa da elaboração do zoneamento agroclimático procedeu-se o cálculo dos balanços hídricos (referência e futuros) da cultura, pelo método de Thornthwaite & Mather (1955). Para o cenário referência, utilizaram-se dados das médias mensais da precipitação e temperatura provenientes do CRU, enquanto que para as projeções futuras, dados provenientes das anomalias do Multimodel (ensemble) – MM para as décadas de 2020, 2050 e 2080, que foram ajustados, obtendo-se assim as projeções futuras para cada período analisado. Baseado nos mapas temáticos reclassificados de deficiência hídrica anual, temperatura média anual, excedente hídrico anual e no índice de satisfação das necessidades de água (ISNA), realizou-se uma sobreposição dessas informações obtendo assim, os mapas finais do zoneamento agroclimático da cana-de-açúcar. Posteriormente ao zoneamento, realizou-se a análise das transições (ganhos, perdas e persistências) entre as classes de aptidão climática da cultura. Os resultados mostram que o Multimodel (ensemble) – MM para o período mensal apresenta o melhor desempenho entre os modelos analisados. As áreas inaptas correspondem a maior parte da América do Sul e uma expressiva transição entre as classes de aptidão climática da cultura.


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Purpose Achieving sustainability by rethinking products, services and strategies is an enormous challenge currently laid upon the economic sector, in which materials selection plays a critical role. In this context, the present work describes an environmental and economic life cycle analysis of a structural product, comparing two possible material alternatives. The product chosen is a storage tank, presently manufactured in stainless steel (SST) or in a glass fibre reinforced polymer composite (CST). The overall goal of the study is to identify environmental and economic strong and weak points related to the life cycle of the two material alternatives. The consequential win-win or trade-off situations will be identified via a Life Cycle Assessment/Life Cycle Costing (LCA/LCC) integrated model. Methods The LCA/LCC integrated model used consists in applying the LCA methodology to the product system, incorporating, in parallel, its results into the LCC study, namely those of the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Results In both the SST and CST systems the most significant life cycle phase is the raw materials production, in which the most significant environmental burdens correspond to the Fossil fuels and Respiratory inorganics categories. The LCA/LCC integrated analysis shows that the CST has globally a preferable environmental and economic profile, as its impacts are lower than those of the SST in all life cycle stages. Both the internal and external costs are lower, the former resulting mainly from the composite material being significantly less expensive than stainless steel. This therefore represents a full win-win situation. As a consequence, the study clearly indicates that using a thermoset composite material to manufacture storage tanks is environmentally and economically desirable. However, it was also evident that the environmental performance of the CST could be improved by altering its End-of-Life stage. Conclusions The results of the present work provide enlightening insights into the synergies between the environmental and the economic performance of a structural product made with alternative materials. Further, they provide conclusive evidence to support the integration of environmental and economic life cycle analysis in the product development processes of a manufacturing company, or in some cases even in its procurement practices.


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A actual dependência mundial dos combustíveis fósseis e a crescente necessidade de redução do seu consumo têm culminado em novas directrizes de gestão de recursos de energia. A utilização de recursos energéticos renováveis apresenta-se como um caminho vital para o desenvolvimento sustentável da nossa sociedade. Assim sendo, a energia das ondas surge como potencial fonte de energia que muitos autores afirmam como sendo um dos sectores com maior potencial energético por metro quadrado de área. Contudo, esta ainda é uma tecnologia muito recente, que ainda evidencia uma grande diversidade de conceitos e que ainda se encontra numa fase inicial de demonstração. É neste contexto que foi criado o projecto CORES que visa desenvolver uma turbina de impulso com pás guia de posição variável, no âmbito do desenvolvimento de novos dispositivos e componentes para produção de energia através das ondas do mar. Neste trabalho será desenvolvido um sistema de accionamento de pás móveis para a turbina de impulso, tendo como principal objectivo o fabrico de um protótipo. Assim sendo, será realizado o desenvolvimento, dimensionamento e análise dos seus elementos móveis, bem como do sistema de actuação que melhor se adeqúe e permita um correcto funcionamento do conjunto.


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A área de comercialização de energia eléctrica conheceu uma profunda mudança após a liberalização do sector eléctrico, que levou à criação de algumas entidades, as quais gerem os mercados de electricidade europeus. Relativamente a Portugal e Espanha, durante esse processo de liberalização, deu-se também um acordo que os levou à criação de um mercado conjunto, um mercado Ibérico (MIBEL). Dentro deste mercado estão contemplados dois operadores, sendo que um deles representa o pólo Português (OMIP) e o outro representa o pólo Espanhol (OMEL). O OMIP contempla os mercados a prazo, ou futuros, normalmente apresenta contratos de energia comercializada com durabilidade de semanas, meses, trimestres, semestres ou mesmo anos. Diariamente estes contratos poderão vencer no OMEL, que engloba os mercados, diário e intradiário. Este, ao contrário do OMIP negoceia para o dia seguinte (mercado diário) ou para uma determinada altura do dia (mercado intra diário). O mercado diário será o exemplo usado para a criação do simulador interactivo do mercado de energia eléctrica. Este será composto por diversos utilizadores (jogadores), que através de uma plataforma HTML irão investir em centrais de energia eléctrica, negociar licitações e analisar o funcionamento e resultados deste mercado. Este jogo subdividir-se-á então em 3 fases: 1. Fase de investimento; 2. Fase de venda (licitações); 3. Fase de mercado. Na fase do investimento, o jogador terá a possibilidade de adquirir unidades de geração de energia eléctrica de seis tipos de tecnologia: 1. Central a Carvão; 2. Central de Ciclo Combinado; 3. Central Hídrica; 4. Central Eólica; 5. Central Solar; 6. Central Nuclear. Com o decorrer das jogadas o jogador poderá aumentar a sua capacidade de investimento, com a venda de energia, sendo o vencedor aquele que mais saldo tiver no fim do número de jogadas previamente definidos, ou aquele que mais depressa atingir o saldo definido como limite pelo administrador do jogo. A nível pedagógico este simulador é muito interessante pois para além de o utilizador ficar a conhecer as tecnologias em causa e as vantagens e desvantagens das centrais de energia renovável e das centrais a combustíveis fósseis, este ganha igualmente uma sensibilidade para questões de nível ambiental, tais como o aumento dos gases de estufa e o degelo resultante do aquecimento global provocado por esses gases. Para além do conhecimento adquirido na parte de energia eléctrica este jogo dará a conhecer ao utilizador o funcionamento do mercado da energia eléctrica, bem como as tácticas que este poderá usar a seu favor neste tipo de mercado.