463 resultados para Lehto, Sakari T.
Thermal screening masses related to the conserved vector current are determined for the case that the current carries a non-zero Matsubara frequency, both in a weak-coupling approach and through lattice QCD. We point out that such screening masses are sensitive to the same infrared physics as light-cone real-time rates. In particular, on the perturbative side, the inhomogeneous Schrödinger equation determining screening correlators is shown to have the same general form as the equation implementing LPM resummation for the soft-dilepton and photon production rates from a hot QCD plasma. The static potential appearing in the equation is identical to that whose soft part has been determined up to NLO and on the lattice in the context of jet quenching. Numerical results based on this potential suggest that screening masses overshoot the free results (multiples of 2πT) more strongly than at zero Matsubara frequency. Four-dimensional lattice simulations in two-flavour QCD at temperatures of 250 and 340 MeV confirm the non-static screening masses at the 10% level. Overall our results lend support to studies of jet quenching based on the same potential at T ≳ 250 MeV.
Strict next-to-leading order (NLO) results for the dilepton production rate from a QCD plasma at temperatures above a few hundred MeV suffer from a breakdown of the loop expansion in the regime of soft invariant masses M 2 ≪ (πT)2. In this regime an LPM resummation is needed for obtaining the correct leading-order result. We show how to construct an interpolation between the hard NLO and the leading-order LPM expression, which is theoretically consistent in both regimes and free from double counting. The final numerical results are presented in a tabulated form, suitable for insertion into hydrodynamical codes.
We study the strength of the electroweak phase transition in models with two light Higgs doublets and a light SU(3)c triplet by means of lattice simulations in a dimensionally reduced effective theory. In the parameter region considered the transition on the lattice is significantly stronger than indicated by a 2-loop perturbative analysis. Within some ultraviolet uncertainties, the finding applies to MSSM with a Higgs mass mh ≈ 126 GeV and shows that the parameter region useful for electroweak baryogenesis is enlarged. In particular (even though only dedicated analyses can quantify the issue), the tension between LHC constraints after the 7 TeV and 8 TeV runs and frameworks where the electroweak phase transition is driven by light stops, seems to be relaxed.
The analytic continuation needed for the extraction of transport coefficients necessitates in principle a continuous function of the Euclidean time variable. We report on progress towards achieving the continuum limit for 2-point correlator measurements in thermal SU(3) gauge theory, with specific attention paid to scale setting. In particular, we improve upon the determination of the critical lattice coupling and the critical temperature of pure SU(3) gauge theory, estimating r0Tc ≃ 0.7470(7) after a continuum extrapolation. As an application the determination of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient from a correlator of colour-electric fields attached to a Polyakov loop is discussed.
We present NLO results for thermal imaginary-time correlators in the vector and scalar channels as a function of the quark mass. The range of quark masses for which a non-relativistic approximation works in the temperature range considered is estimated, and charm quarks turn out to be a borderline case. Comparing with simulation data from fine lattices, we find good agreement in the vector channel but a substantial discrepancy in the scalar one. An explanation for the discrepancy is suggested in terms of physics of the quark-antiquark threshold region. Perturbative predictions for the bottom scalar spectral function around the threshold are also briefly reviewed.
After reviewing how simulations employing classical lattice gauge theory permit to test a conjectured Euclideanization property of a light-cone Wilson loop in a thermal non-Abelian plasma, we show how Euclidean data can in turn be used to estimate the transverse collision kernel, C(k⊥), characterizing the broadening of a high-energy jet. First results, based on data produced recently by Panero et al, suggest that C(k⊥) is enhanced over the known NLO result in a soft regime k⊥ < a few T. The shape of k3⊥ C(k⊥) is consistent with a Gaussian at small k⊥.
The production rate of right-handed neutrinos from a Standard Model plasma at a temperature above a hundred GeV has previously been evaluated up to NLO in Standard Model couplings (g ~ 2/3) in relativistic (M ~ πT) and non-relativistic regimes (M ≫ πT), and up to LO in an ultrarelativistic regime (M ≲ gT). The last result necessitates an all-orders resummation of the loop expansion, accounting for multiple soft scatterings of the nearly light-like particles participating in 1↔2 reactions. In this paper we suggest how the regimes can be interpolated into a result applicable for any right-handed neutrino mass and at all temperatures above 160GeV. The results can also be used for determining the lepton number washout rate in models containing right-handed neutrinos. Numerical results are given in a tabulated form permitting for their incorporation into leptogenesis codes. We note that due to effects from soft Higgs bosons there is a narrow intermediate regime around M ~g 1/2 T in which our interpolation is phenomenological and a more precise study would be welcome.
Static and non-static thermal screening states that couple to the conserved vector current are investigated in the high-temperature phase of QCD. Their masses and couplings to the current are determined at weak coupling, as well as using two-flavor lattice QCD simulations. A consistent picture emerges from the comparison, providing evidence that non-static Matsubara modes can indeed be treated perturbatively. We elaborate on the physical significance of the screening masses.
In the range of temperatures reached in future heavy ion collision experiments, hadronic pair annihilations and creations of charm quarks may take place within the lifetime of the plasma. As a result, charm quarks may increase the bulk viscosity affecting the early stages of hydrodynamic expansion. Assuming thermalisation, we estimate the charm contribution to bulk viscosity within the same effective kinetic theory framework in which the light parton contribution has been computed previously. The time scale at which this physics becomes relevant is related to the width of the transport peak associated with the trace anomaly correlator and is found to be ≲20 fm/c for T≳600 MeV.
Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) have the potential of revolutionizing medicine due to their ability to manipulate gene function for therapeutic purposes. ASOs are chemically modified and/or incorporated with nanoparticles to enhance their stability and cellular uptake; however, one of the biggest challenges is the poor understanding of their uptake mechanism, which is needed for designing better ASOs with high activity and low toxicity. Here, we study the uptake mechanism of three therapeutically relevant ASOs (peptide-conjugated phosphorodiamidate morpholino (P-PMO), 2?Omethyl phosphorothioate (2?OMe) and phosphorothioated tricyclo DNA (tcDNA) that have been optimized to induce exon skipping in models of Deuchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). We show that P-PMO and tcDNA have high propensity to spontaneously self-assemble into nanoparticles. P-PMO forms micelles of defined size and their net charge (zeta potential) is dependent on the medium and concentration. In biomimetic conditions and at low concentrations P-PMO obtains net negative charge and its uptake is mediated by class A scavenger receptor subtypes (SCARAs) as shown by competitive inhibition and RNAi silencing experiments in-vitro. In-vivo, the activity of P-PMO was significantly decreased in SCARA1 knock-out mice compared to wild-type animals. Additionally, we show that SCARA1 is involved in the uptake of tcDNA and 2?OMe as shown by competitive inhibition and co-localization experiments. Surface plasmon resonance binding analysis to SCARA1 demonstrated that P-PMO and tcDNA have higher binding profiles to the receptor compared to 2?OMe. These results demonstrate receptor-mediated uptake for a range of ASO chemistries, a mechanism that is dependent on their self-assembly into nanoparticles.
Because of physical processes ranging from microscopic particle collisions to macroscopic hydrodynamic fluctuations, any plasma in thermal equilibrium emits gravitational waves. For the largest wavelengths the emission rate is proportional to the shear viscosity of the plasma. In the Standard Model at 0T > 16 GeV, the shear viscosity is dominated by the most weakly interacting particles, right-handed leptons, and is relatively large. We estimate the order of magnitude of the corresponding spectrum of gravitational waves. Even though at small frequencies (corresponding to the sub-Hz range relevant for planned observatories such as eLISA) this background is tiny compared with that from non-equilibrium sources, the total energy carried by the high-frequency part of the spectrum is non-negligible if the production continues for a long time. We suggest that this may constrain (weakly) the highest temperature of the radiation epoch. Observing the high-frequency part directly sets a very ambitious goal for future generations of GHz-range detectors.
We explore a method developed in statistical physics which has been argued to have exponentially small finite-volume effects, in order to determine the critical temperature Tc of pure SU(3) gauge theory close to the continuum limit. The method allows us to estimate the critical coupling βc of the Wilson action for temporal extents up to Nτ∼20 with ≲0.1% uncertainties. Making use of the scale setting parameters r0 and t0−−√ in the same range of β-values, these results lead to the independent continuum extrapolations Tcr0=0.7457(45) and Tct0−−√=0.2489(14), with the latter originating from a more convincing fit. Inserting a conversion of r0 from literature (unfortunately with much larger errors) yields Tc/ΛMS¯¯¯¯¯=1.24(10).
Even though the Standard Model with a Higgs mass mH = 125GeV possesses no bulk phase transition, its thermodynamics still experiences a "soft point" at temperatures around T = 160GeV, with a deviation from ideal gas thermodynamics. Such a deviation may have an effect on precision computations of weakly interacting dark matter relic abundances if their mass is in the few TeV range, or on leptogenesis scenarios operating in this temperature range. By making use of results from lattice simulations based on a dimensionally reduced effective field theory, we estimate the relevant thermodynamic functions across the crossover. The results are tabulated in a numerical form permitting for their insertion as a background equation of state into cosmological particle production/decoupling codes. We find that Higgs dynamics induces a non-trivial "structure" visible e.g. in the heat capacity, but that in general the largest radiative corrections originate from QCD effects, reducing the energy density by a couple of percent from the free value even at T > 160GeV.
Next-to-leading order analyses of the dilepton production rate from a hot QCD plasma are reviewed. In general, the photon invariant mass is taken to be in the range K2∼(πT)2, permitting thereby for an interpolation between an OPE computation in a hard regime K2≫(πT)2 and an LPM resummed computation in a soft regime 0
The putative recent indication of an unidentified 3.55 keV X-ray line in certain astrophysical sources is taken as a motivation for an improved theoretical computation of the cosmological abundance of 7.1 keV sterile neutrinos. If the line is interpreted as resulting from the decay of Warm Dark Matter, the mass and mixing angle of the sterile neutrino are known. Our computation then permits for a determination of the lepton asymmetry that is needed for producing the correct abundance via the Shi-Fuller mechanism, as well as for an estimate of the non-equilibrium spectrum of the sterile neutrinos. The latter plays a role in structure formation simulations. Results are presented for different flavour structures of the neutrino Yukawa couplings and for different types of pre-existing lepton asymmetries, accounting properly for the charge neutrality of the plasma and incorporating approximately hadronic contributions.