843 resultados para Lean body mass


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RESUMO: Ao longo das últimas décadas a redistribuição etária da população mundial tem vindo a apresentar um aumento do número de pessoas com 65 ou mais anos, integrando um grupo populacional comummente designado por população idosa. Importa aprofundar mecanismos fisiológicos que conduzem ao envelhecimento e de que forma podem condicionar não só aspetos clínicos, como também nutricionais, entre outros, com a perspetiva da sua origem no aparecimento de doenças crónicas. Com esse enfoque, a desnutrição na pessoa idosa é hoje considerada pela European Nutrition for Health Alliance(ENHA) um problema de saúde pública. Está descrito que a sua prevalência ronda os 60% a nível de instituições hospitalares, 40% em unidades residenciais e 5 a 10% na pessoa idosa a residir em domicílio próprio ou de familiares, e na sua maioria permanece por diagnosticar e tratar. Assim, foi objetivo deste estudo caracterizar e estimar a prevalência da desnutrição e do risco de desnutrição na pessoa idosa, nas primeiras 72 horas de admissão hospitalar. Aplicou-se um estudo observacional, analítico, transversal, quantitativo e correlacional, cujos dados foram recolhidos por entrevista ao próprio e por observação. O estudo desenvolveu-se em duas vertentes de investigação, uma focada na caracterização da desnutrição em pessoas idosas institucionalizadas em hospitais portugueses da zona centro e sul do Continente e Madeira, nos períodos de julho/agosto de 2009, abril/junho de 2010, maio/julho de 2011, através do MNA®. A outra, uma avaliação nutricional detalhada, efetuada no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central – Hospital de Santa Marta, EPE, entre o início de janeiro de 2009 e o fim de janeiro de 2010, sendo a amostra recrutada de entre os idosos de ambos os sexos, internados. Foram estudados dados sociodemográficos, de saúde e feita uma avaliação nutricional extensa. A avaliação nutricional constou de colheita de parâmetros laboratoriais (hematológicos e bioquímicos) e antropométricos (índice de massa corporal (IMC), prega cutânea tricipital(PCT), prega cutânea subescapular (PCSE), perímetro braquial (PB), adequação do perímetro braquial (APB), área muscular braquial (AMB) e perímetro Geminal (PG), análise da composição corporal (Massa Gorda Corporal (MGC), Massa Isenta de Gordura (MIG)),caracterização de um dia alimentar tipo e questionário Mini Nutritional Assessment Long Form®– MNA LF®. Dos dados obtidos em hospitais portugueses, destaca-se que dos 402 idosos avaliados, 53% eram do sexo masculino, tinham uma idade média de 75,8 + 6,52 (65 – 100) e segundo o MNA® 57,5% encontravam-se Desnutridos ou em Risco de Desnutrição.Na amostra, dos dados obtidos, a nível sociodemográfico salienta-se que 50% dos doentes eram do sexo masculino, a idade média rondava os 75,5 + 7,22 (65 – 100) anos, 55% eram naturais de Lisboa e 80% residiam em Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, 38% não tiveram estudos formais e 43% fizeram-no apenas até ao 4º ano de escolaridade. Em relação aos dados de saúde, a maioria dos doentes foi admitida através do Serviço de Urgência do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central – Hospital de São José e foram internados no Serviço de Medicina (38%) e no Serviço de Cardiologia (30%), por patologia médica (38%) e patologia do sistema circulatório (56%). Nos hábitos de vida, quanto à mobilidade, um terço dos doentes estavam acamados e os restantes deambulavam ou tinham uma mobilidade normal, 74% não apresentaram hábitos etanólicos regulares, 19% apresentavam um consumo elevado (> 30g de etanol/dia); 95% dos doentes não apresentavam hábitos tabágicos. Relativamente à caracterização nutricional, os valores médios encontrados em relação aos parâmetros laboratoriais revelaram-se inferiores aos valores padrão para a idade e sexo e eram inferiores no sexo feminino. Na caracterização antropométrica verificaram-se os seguintes achados: o cálculo do IMC mostrou-se pouco sensível na identificação de doentes desnutridos; a PCT e a PCSE revelaram valores de massa gorda dentro do intervalo considerado normal;segundo o PB, 88% não apresentavam valor indicativo de desnutrição e 8% estavam desnutridos; a APB identificou 50% de doentes desnutridos; a AMB, revelou que 97% dos homens e 95% das mulheres apresentavam deficit da massa magra e segundo o PG, 18% apresentavam um valor inferior a 31cm descritor de desnutrição. Na análise da composição corporal verificou-se que ambos os sexos apresentavam uma percentagem de MGC classificada como demasiado alta e que esta era superior nas mulheres em relação aos homens. Ao analisar a ingestão nutricional verificou-se que esta era inferior às Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) para a ingestão hídrica (p=0,00), energética (p=0,00), proteica (p=0,00), lipídica (p=0,01), MUFA (p=0,00), PUFA (p=0,00), e glícidos (p=0,00), fibra (p=0,02), potássio (p=0,00), cálcio (p=0,00), magnésio (p=0,00), fósforo (p=0,00), zinco (p=0,00), vitamina D (p=0,00), vitamina E (p=0,00) e folato (p=0,00). No que diz respeito ao MNA®, a sua aplicação permitiu identificar 62% de situações de risco nutricional ou de desnutrição já instalada. Valores de MNA® indicativos de desnutrição ou risco estavam associados a níveis de escolaridade mais baixos (r=0,32; p=0,00). Verificou-se correlação entre o MNA® e a PCT (r=0,30;p=0,00), PCSE (r=0,19;p=0,03) e PG (r=0,27;p=0,00). Na análise da amostra por sexo e escalão etário, apenas se distinguiram as mulheres mais velhas, que apresentaram situação de IMC indicador de risco de desnutrição (IMC <23,5 + 2,9, (r=0,42;p=0,02)), e de valores médios de PB de 25,6+3,84cm (r=0,42;p=0,01), em situações de menor mobilidade caraterizados pelo MNA®. Os homens maisvelhos apresentaram correlação entre o MNA® e PCSE (r=0,41;p=0,02), APMB (r=0,57;p=0,00)e PG (r=0,55;p=0,00), e as mulheres mais velhas apenas com a PCT (r=0,39;p=0,02). A análise multivariada do MNA® em função do sexo e do escalão etário, revelou que estes são independentes. Os homens apresentaram valores médios de MNA® superiores às mulheres e à medida que a idade aumenta, os valores de MNA® em ambos os sexos diminuem, sendo indicativos de risco de desnutrição. Consideramos que, tendo em conta a natureza e objetivos do presente estudo, foi possível caracterizar e estimar a prevalência da desnutrição e do risco de desnutrição em pessoas idosas nas primeiras 72 horas de admissão hospitalar. Os resultados obtidos sinalizam a sua elevada prevalência e alertam para a necessidade de procedimentos protocolados de avaliação e intervenção nutricional da população idosa na admissão hospitalar. Para este efeito a aplicação do MNA® provou a sua aplicabilidade, assim como a medição e cálculo da AMB, que poderão ser muito precocemente aplicados e contribuir para potenciar melhorias do estado de saúde e diminuir o tempo de internamento, nomeadamente de pessoas idosas. Em relação ao padrão alimentar, este estudo contribuiu para uma chamada de atenção dos profissionais de saúde que a população idosa pode apresentar carências nutricionais na admissão, e que estas se não forem devidamente sinalizadas e colmatadas tendem a agravar-se durante o internamento podendo contribuir para o aumento da morbilidade.-------------ABSTRACT:Over the last decades the age redistribution group of the population worldwide has been presenting an increasing number of people aged 65 years or more, incorporating a population group commonly referred to as the elderly population. It´s important to further analyze the physiological mechanisms that lead to aging and how they might influence not only clinical aspects, but also nutritional, among others, with the perspective of their origin in the onset of chronic diseases. With this approach, malnutrition in the elderly is now considered by the European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) a public health problem. It is reported that its prevalence is around 60% at the level of hospital units, 40% in residential units and 5 to 10% in the elderly living in their own home or family's, and mostly remains to diagnose and treat. The aim of this study was to characterize and estimate the prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in the elderly, in the first 72 hours of hospital admission. We applied an observational, analytical, cross-sectional and correlacional quantitative type of study and data were collected by interview and observation itself. The study was developed in two lines of research: one focused on the characterization of malnutrition in elderly institutionalized in Portuguese hospitals, in the central and southern mainland and Madeira, in the periods between July - August 2009, April - June 2010, May - July 2011, through the MNA®; and the other: a detailed nutritional assessment, conducted in Hospital Lisbon Center - Hospital de Santa Marta, EPE, between early January 2009 and late January 2010, and the sample was recruited from among the elderly of both sexes at hospital admission. We studied intensively sociodemographic, health and nutritional assessment done extensive. Nutritional evaluation consisted of harvesting different parameters: hematological, biochemical and anthropometric (body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold (TSF), sub-scapular skinfold (SSF), arm circumference (AC), arm muscle area (AMA), geminal perimeter (GP), analysis of body composition (Fat Mass (FM), Fat Free Mass (FFM)), characterization of a daily food type and Mini Nutritional Assessment Long Form® questionnaire - MNA LF®. Form the data obtained in Portuguese hospitals, it is noteworthy that of the 402 patients included, 53% were male, had a mean age of 75,8 + 6,52 (65 - 100) and, according to the MNA®, 57,5% were malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. In the sample, from the sociodemographic data obtained, we saw that 50% of patients were male, the average age was around 75,5 + 7,22 years (65-100), 55% were from Lisbon and 80 %lived in Lisbon, 38% had no formal education and 43% did so only until the 4th grade. Regarding health data, the majorities of patients were admitted through the ER of Hospital Lisbon Center - S. José Hospital - and were admitted to the Medicine Unit (38%) and to the Cardiology Unit (30%), by medical pathology (38%) and circulatory system disease (56%). In regard to lifestyle, and considering mobility, one third of patients were bedridden and the rest were ambulating or had a normal mobility. 74% had no regular ethanol habits, 19% had a high intake (> 30 g ethanol / day); 95% of the patients had no smoking habits. Regarding nutritional assessment, the mean values for laboratory parameters proved inferior to standard values for age and sex and were lower in females. In anthropometric assessment these were the findings: BMI calculation showed to be scarcely sensitive in the identification of undernourished patients; the TSF and SSF revealed values of fat mass within the normal range; in AC, 88% did not have an indicative value of malnutrition and 8% were malnourished; in AMA, 97% of men and 95% women had a deficit of lean mass and in GP, 18% had a value of less than the 31cm malnutrition descriptor. In body composition analysis found that both sexes showed a percentage of FM ranked too high and this was higher in women compared to men. By analyzing the nutritional intake was found that this was less than the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for water intake (p=0,00), energy (p=0,00), protein (p=0,00), lipid (p=0,01), MUFA (p=0,00), PUFA (p=0,00), carbohydrates (p=0,00), fiber (p=0,02), potassium (p=0,00), calcium (p=0,00), magnesium (p=0,00), phosphorus (p=0,00), zinc (p=0,00), vitamin D (p=0,00), vitamin E (p=0,00) and folate (p=0,00). Regarding MNA®, its application identified 62% of cases of nutritional risk or malnutrition already installed. MNA® values indicative of malnutrition or risk were associated with lower levels of education (r=0,32; p=0,00). There was a correlation between the MNA ® and TSF (r =0,30, p = 0,00), SFF (r = 0,19, p = 0,03) and GP (r=0,27, p = 0,00). In the analysis of the sample by gender and age group, the highlight was in older women who had BMI status indicator of malnutrition risk (BMI <23,5 + 2,9 (r=0,42;p=0,02)) and mean values of AC 25,6 +3,84cm (r=0,42; p=0,01), in situations characterized by low mobility MNA®. Older men showed a correlation between the MNA® and SFF (r = 0,41; p = 0,02), AMA (r = 0,57; p = 0,00) and GP (r=0,55;p=0,00), and in older women only TSF showed a correlation(r = 0,39; p =0,02). Multivariate analysis of the MNA® by gender and age group, revealed that they are independent. The men had MNA® mean superior to women, and as the age increases, the values of MNA® in both sexes declined, being indicative of risk of malnutrition. We believe that, given the nature and objectives of the present study, it allowed us to characterize and estimate the prevalence of risk of malnutrition and malnutrition in older people during the first 72 hours of hospital admission. The results indicate a high prevalence and point to the need for protocol procedures of nutritional assessment and intervention in the elderly population at hospital admission. For this purpose the application of MNA® has proved its applicability, as well as measuring and calculating AMA, which may be applied in early stages thus contributing to enhance health state improvements and to shorten the time of hospitalization, particularly in elderly people. In relation to dietary pattern, this study contributed to call of attention from health professionals that the elderly may have nutritional deficiencies on admission, and that these are not properly marked and addressed tend to worsen during hospitalization may contribute to increased morbidity.


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This study, which involved a target population comprised by 292 workers of different industrial areas (metalmechanics, foundry, chemical, wood, food), aimed to verify the association between energy expenditure-EE, physical activity level-PAL and body composition (Body Mass Index-BMI, Waist-Hip Ratio-WHR and Waist To Height Ratio, WTHR) of participants. The work was completed with the description of the variables relating to the gender of the individuals (male and female) and the activities carried out in the two sectors of industrial work (administrative sector and productive sector). In this research, the statistical technique of principal components analysis (PCA) and the hierarchical analysis of clusters (HCA) were used. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data were collected as well as the level of physical activity and energy expenditure were assessed. The vast majority of individuals who spend greater energy expenditure and has more intense physical activity were male. Most of these workers are in the production sector. We can confirm that that both, gender and labor activity, are factors that have influence on the EE and the PAL.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the lipid profile and to verify its relationship with cardiovascular disease risk factors in students at a public university in São Paulo. METHODS: After obtaining clinical, anthropomorphic, and lipid profile data from 118 students, variables of the lipid profile were related to other risk factors. RESULTS: The mean age of the students was 20.3 years (SD=1.5). The risk of cardiovascular disease was characterized by a positive family history of ischemic heart disease in 38.9%; sedentariness in 35.6%; limiting and increased total and LDL-C cholesterol levels in 17.7% and 10.2%, respectively; decreased HDL-C levels in 11.1%; increased triglyceride levels in 11.1%; body mass index >25 in 8.5%, and smoking in 6.7% of the subjects. Students' diet was found to be inadequate regarding protein, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, and fiber contents. A statistically significant association between cholesterol and contraceptive use, between HDL-C and contraceptive use, age and percent body fat, and triglycerides and percent lean weight was observed. CONCLUSION: A high prevalence of some risk factors of cardiovascular disease as well as the association between these factors with altered lipid profiles was observed in the young population studied.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate left ventricular mass (LVM) index in hypertensive and normotensive obese individuals. METHODS: Using M mode echocardiography, 544 essential hypertensive and 106 normotensive patients were evaluated, and LVM was indexed for body surface area (LVM/BSA) and for height² (LVM/h²). The 2 indexes were then compared in both populations, in subgroups stratified according to body mass index (BMI): <27; 27-30; > or = 30kg/m². RESULTS: The BSA index does not allow identification of significant differences between BMI subgroups. Indexing by height² provides significantly increased values for high BMI subgroups in normotensive and hypertensive populations. CONCLUSION: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has been underestimated in the obese with the use of LVM/BSA because this index considers obesity as a physiological variable. Indexing by height² allows differences between BMI subgroups to become apparent and seems to be more appropriate for detecting LVH in obese populations.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the heart weight and the heart weight/body weight coefficient of adults with and without chronic malnutrition. METHODS: In an initial case series of 210 autopsies performed in adults, we recorded body and heart weights and calculated the heart weight/body weight coefficients (HW/BW x 100). The exclusion criteria were as follows: positive serology for Chagas' disease, edema, obesity, heart diseases, hepatopathies, nephropathies, and systemic arterial hypertension. Malnutrition was characterized as a body mass index <18.5kg/m². Differences with p<0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Individuals in the malnourished (n=15) and control (n=21) groups were statistically different, respectively, in regard to body mass index (15.9±1.7 versus 21.3±2.5kg/m²), heart weight (267.3±59.8 versus 329.1±50.4g), and the HW/BW coefficient (0.64±0.12 versus 0.57±0.09%). A positive and significant correlation was observed between heart weight and body mass index (r=0.52), and between heart weight and body weight (r=0.65). CONCLUSION: Malnourished individuals have lighter hearts and a greater HW/BW coefficient than non-malnourished individuals do. These findings indicate a possible preservation of the myocardium in relation to the intensity of weight loss associated with the probable relative increase in cardiac connective tissue and heart blood vessels.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of skeletal muscle mass on ventilatory and hemodynamic variables during exercise in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). METHODS: Twenty-five male patients underwent maximum cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill with a ramp protocol and measurement of the skeletal muscle mass of their thighs by using magnetic resonance imaging. The clinically stable, noncachectic patients were assessed and compared with 14 healthy individuals (S) paired by age and body mass index, who underwent the same examinations. RESULTS: Similar values of skeletal muscle mass were found in both groups (CHF group: 3863 ± 874 g; S group: 3743 ± 540 g; p = 0.32). Significant correlations of oxygen consumption in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.39; P= 0.02 and S: r = 0.14; P = 0.31) and of oxygen pulse also in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.49; P = 0.01 and S: r =0.12; P = 0.36) were found only in the group of patients with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: The results obtained indicate that skeletal muscle mass may influence the capacity of patients with CHF to withstand submaximal effort, due to limitations in their physical condition, even maintaining a value similar to that of healthy individuals. This suggests qualitative changes in the musculature.


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Energy balance is the difference between metabolizable energy intake and total energy expenditure. Energy intake is difficult to measure accurately; changes in body weight, for example, are not a good measure of the adequacy of energy intake, because fluctuations in body weight are common even if the overall trend is toward weight loss. It is now customary to assess energy requirements indirectly from total energy expenditure. Total energy expenditure consists of basal metabolism, postprandial thermogenesis, and physical activity. Energy expenditure is related to both body weight and body composition. A reduction in total energy expenditure accompanies weight loss, because basal metabolic rate decreases with the loss of lean tissue mass. Similarly, with weight gain, there is an increase in basal metabolic rate, because lean tissue mass grows to support the increase in fat tissue mass. Excess energy intake over energy expenditure causes weight gain and an accompanying increase in total energy expenditure. Following a period of adaptation, total energy expenditure will match energy intake and body weight will stabilize at a higher level. This same relationship holds for weight loss. Respiratory quotient (measured in steady state) is an indication of the proportion of energy expenditure derived from fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Over long periods of time, fat balance is equivalent to energy balance, as an excess of fat intake over fat oxidation causes fat storage.


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Several studies have reported high levels of inflammatory biomarkers in hypertension, but data coming from the general population are sparse, and sex differences have been little explored. The CoLaus Study is a cross-sectional examination survey in a random sample of 6067 Caucasians aged 35-75 years in Lausanne, Switzerland. Blood pressure (BP) was assessed using a validated oscillometric device. Anthropometric parameters were also measured, including body composition, using electrical bioimpedance. Crude serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) were positively and IL-1β (IL-1β) negatively (P<0.001 for all values), associated with BP. For IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α, the association disappeared in multivariable analysis, largely explained by differences in age and body mass index, in particular fat mass. On the contrary, hsCRP remained independently and positively associated with systolic (β (95% confidence interval): 1.15 (0.64; 1.65); P<0.001) and diastolic (0.75 (0.42; 1.08); P<0.001) BP. Relationships of hsCRP, IL-6 and TNF-α with BP tended to be stronger in women than in men, partly related to the difference in fat mass, yet the interaction between sex and IL-6 persisted after correction for all tested confounders. In the general population, the associations between inflammatory biomarkers and rising levels of BP are mainly driven by age and fat mass. The stronger associations in women suggest that sex differences might exist in the complex interplay between BP and inflammation.


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Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Although smokers tend to have a lower body-mass index than non-smokers, smoking may favour abdominal body fat accumulation. To our knowledge, no population-based studies have assessed the relationship between smoking and body fat composition. We assessed the association between cigarette smoking and waist circumference, body fat, and body-mass index. METHODS: Height, weight, and waist circumference were measured among 6,123 Caucasians (ages 35-75) from a cross-sectional population-based study in Switzerland. Abdominal obesity was defined as waist circumference>=102 cm for men and >=88 cm for women. Body fat (percent total body weight) was measured by electrical bioimpedance. Age- and sex-specific body fat cut-offs were used to define excess body fat. Cigarettes smoked per day were assessed by self-administered questionnaire. Age-adjusted means and odds ratios were calculated using linear and logistic regression. RESULTS: Current smokers (29% of men and 24% of women) had lower mean waist circumference, body fat percentage, and body-mass index compared with non-smokers. Age-adjusted mean waist circumference and body fat increased with cigarettes smoked per day among smokers. The association between cigarettes smoked per day and body-mass index was non-significant. Compared with light smokers, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for abdominal obesity in men was 1.28 (0.78-2.10) for moderate smokers and 1.94 (1.15-3.27) for heavy smokers (P=0.03 for trend), and 1.07 (0.72-1.58) and 2.15 (1.26-3.64) in female moderate and heavy smokers, respectively (P<0.01 for trend). Compared with light smokers, the OR for excess body fat in men was 1.05 (95% CI: 0.58-1.92) for moderate smokers and 1.15 (0.60-2.20) for heavy smokers (P=0.75 for trend) and 1.34 (0.89-2.00) and 2.11 (1.25-3.57), respectively in women (P=0.07 for trend). CONCLUSION: Among smokers, cigarettes smoked per day were positively associated with central fat accumulation, particularly in women.


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OBJECTIVE: The movement of the upper limbs (eg fidgeting-like activities) is a meaningful component of nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). This study examined the relationship between upper limb movements and whole body trunk movements, by simultaneously measuring energy expenditure during the course of the day. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study consisting of 88 subjects with a wide range in body mass index (17.3-32.5 kg/m(2)). The energy expenditure over a 24-h period was measured in a large respiratory chamber. The body movements were assessed by two uniaxial-accelerometers during daytime, one on the waist and the other on the dominant arm. The accelerometry scores from level 0 (=immobile) up to level 9 (=maximal intensity) were recorded. The activities of subjects were classified into eight categories: walking at two speeds on a horizontal treadmill (A & B), ambling (C), self-care tasks (D), desk work (E), meals (F), reading (G), watching TV (H). RESULTS: There was a significant relationship between the accelerometry scores from the waist (ACwaist) and that from the wrist (ACwrist) over the daytime period (R(2)=0.64; P<0.001). The ACwrist was systematically higher than the ACwaist during sedentary activities, whereas it was the reverse for walking activities. ACwrist to ACwaist ratio of activities E-H were above 1.0 and for walking activities (A-C) were below 1.0. A multiple regression analysis for predicting daytime energy expenditure revealed that the explained variance improved by 2% only when the ACwrist was added as a second predictor in addition to the ACwaist. This indicates that the effect of the ACwrist for predicting energy expenditure was of limited importance in our conditions of measurement. CONCLUSIONS: The acceleration of the upper limbs which includes fidgeting is more elevated than that of the whole body for sitting/lying down activities. However, their contribution to energy expenditure is lower than whole body trunk movements, thus indicating that the weight-bearing locomotion activities may be a key component of NEAT. However, its contribution may depend on the total duration of the upper limb movements during the course of the day.


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Directional selection for parasite resistance is often intense in highly social host species. Using a partial cross-fostering experiment we studied environmental and genetic variation in immune response and morphology in a highly colonial bird species, the house martin (Delichon urbica). We manipulated intensity of infestation of house martin nests by the haematophagous parasitic house martin bug Oeciacus hirundinis either by spraying nests with a weak pesticide or by inoculating them with 50 bugs. Parasitism significantly affected tarsus length, T cell response, immunoglobulin and leucocyte concentrations. We found evidence of strong environmental effects on nestling body mass, body condition, wing length and tarsus length, and evidence of significant additive genetic variance for wing length and haematocrit. We found significant environmental variance, but no significant additive genetic variance in immune response parameters such as T cell response to the antigenic phytohemagglutinin, immunoglobulins, and relative and absolute numbers of leucocytes. Environmental variances were generally greater than additive genetic variances, and the low heritabilities of phenotypic traits were mainly a consequence of large environmental variances and small additive genetic variances. Hence, highly social bird species such as the house martin, which are subject to intense selection by parasites, have a limited scope for immediate microevolutionary response to selection because of low heritabilities, but also a limited scope for long-term response to selection because evolvability as indicated by small additive genetic coefficients of variation is weak.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: little is known regarding the reproducibility of body fat measuring devices; hence, we assessed the between and within-device reproducibility, and the within-day variability of body fat measurements. METHODS: body fat percentage was measured twice on seventeen female students aged between 18 and 20 with a body mass index of 21.9 ± 2.5 kg/m2 (mean ± SD) using seven bipolar bioelectrical impedance devices. Each participant was also measured each hour between 7:00 and 22:00. RESULTS: the correlation between first and second measurements was very high (Spearman r between 0.985 and 1.000, p<0.001), as well as between devices (Spearman r between 0.916 and 0.991, p<0.001). Repeated measurements analysis showed no differences were between devices (p=0.59) or readings (first vs. second: p=0.74). Conversely, significant differences were found between assessment periods throughout the day, measurements made in the morning being lower than those made in the afternoon (F test for repeated values= 6.58, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: the between and within-device reproducibility for measuring body fat is high, enabling the use of multiple devices in a single study. Conversely, small but significant changes in body fat measurements occur during the day, urging body fat measurements to be performed at fixed times.


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Discrepancies appear in studies comparing fat oxidation between men and women. Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole-body fat oxidation kinetics between genders during exercise, using a sinusoidal (SIN) model. Twelve men and 11 women matched for age, body mass index, and aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen uptake and maximal power output per kilogram of fat-free mass (FFM)) performed submaximal incremental tests (Incr) with 5-min stages and a 7.5% maximal power output increment on a cycle ergometer. Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry, and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model, which includes 3 independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation) that account for the main quantitative characteristics of kinetics, was used to mathematically describe fat oxidation kinetics and to determine the intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation (MFO). During Incr, women exhibited greater fat oxidation rates from 35% to 85% maximal oxygen uptake, MFO (6.6 ± 0.9 vs. 4.5 ± 0.3 mg·kg FFM-1·min-1), and Fatmax (58.1% ± 1.9% vs. 50.0% ± 2.7% maximal oxygen uptake) than men (p < 0.05). While men and women showed similar global shapes of fat oxidation kinetics in terms of dilatation and symmetry (p > 0.05), the fat oxidation curve tended to be shifted toward higher exercise intensities in women (rightward translation, p = 0.08). These results support the idea that women have a greater reliance on fat oxidation than men during submaximal exercise, but also indicate that this greater fat oxidation is shifted toward higher exercise intensities in women than in men.


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Genome-wide association studies have identified 32 loci influencing body mass index, but this measure does not distinguish lean from fat mass. To identify adiposity loci, we meta-analyzed associations between ∼2.5 million SNPs and body fat percentage from 36,626 individuals and followed up the 14 most significant (P < 10(-6)) independent loci in 39,576 individuals. We confirmed a previously established adiposity locus in FTO (P = 3 × 10(-26)) and identified two new loci associated with body fat percentage, one near IRS1 (P = 4 × 10(-11)) and one near SPRY2 (P = 3 × 10(-8)). Both loci contain genes with potential links to adipocyte physiology. Notably, the body-fat-decreasing allele near IRS1 is associated with decreased IRS1 expression and with an impaired metabolic profile, including an increased visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, risk of diabetes and coronary artery disease and decreased adiponectin levels. Our findings provide new insights into adiposity and insulin resistance.