938 resultados para Latitude.


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Sur la base d'une enquête de terrain, les auteures abordent la nécessité de repenser la division du travail tant sur le plan du travail professionnel, que domestique. Elles s'appuient sur l'expérience des TL (transports lausannois) qui ont mis en place une nouvelle gestion des horaires permettant aux conducteurs d'avoir une assez grande latitude sur leurs itinéraires des bus. Le taux d'absentéisme alarmant avait inquiété les dirigeants qui s'attachaient à faire le tour de solutions à même de réduire la fatigue des collaborateurs. Les effets indirects de cette innovation managériale a été de permettre une véritable conciliation vie privée-vie professionnelle avec, cependant, comme effet non voulu un clivage entre anciens et nouveaux - les anciens ayant priorité quant au choix d'itinéraire. Les femmes, minoritaires dans le métier, ont du mal à faire entendre leur voix pour un système qui va clairement dans le sens d'une double activité facilitée. [Auteurs]


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Among the various work stress models, one of the most popular to date is the job demands-­‐control (JDC) model developed by Karasek (1979), which postulates that work-­‐related strain will be the highest under work conditions characterized by high demands and low autonomy. The absence of social support at work will further increase negative outcomes. However, this model does not apply equally to all individuals and to all cultures. In the following studies, we assessed work characteristics, personality traits, culture-­‐driven individual attributes, and work-­‐related health outcomes, through the administration of questionnaires. The samples consist of Swiss (n = 622) and South African (n = 879) service-­‐oriented employees (from health, finance, education and commerce sectors) and aged from 18 to 65 years old. Results generally confirm the universal contribution of high psychological demands, low decision latitude and low supervisor support at work, as well as high neuroticism predict the worse health outcomes among employees in both countries. Furthermore, low neuroticism plays a moderating role between psychological demands and burnout, while high openness and high conscientiousness each play a moderating role between decision latitude and burnout in South Africa. Results also reveal that culture-­‐driven individual attributes play a role in both countries, but in a unique manner and according to the ethnic group of belonging. Given that organizations are increasingly characterized with multicultural employees as well as increasingly adverse and complex job conditions, our results help in identifying more updated and refined dynamics that are key between the employee and the work environment in today's context. -- L'un des modèles sur le stress au travail des plus répandus est celui développé par Karasek (1979), qui postule qu'une mauvaise santé chez les employés résulte d'une combinaison de demandes psychologiques élevées, d'une latitude décisionnelle faible et de l'absence de soutien social au travail. Néanmoins, ce modèle ne s'applique pas de façon équivalente chez tous les individus et dans toutes les cultures. Dans les études présentées, nous avons mesuré les caractéristiques de travail, les traits de personnalité, les traits culturels et les effets lies à la santé à l'aide de questionnaires. L'échantillon provient de la Suisse (n = 622) et de l'Afrique du Sud (n = 879) et comprend des employés de domaines divers en lien avec le service (notamment des secteurs de la santé, finance, éducation et commerce) tous âgés entre 18 et 65 ans. Les résultats confirment l'universalité des effets directs des demandes au travail, la latitude décisionnelle faible, le soutien social faible provenant du supérieur hiérarchique, ainsi que le névrosisme élevé qui contribuent à un niveau de santé faible au travail, et ce, dans les deux pays. De plus, un niveau faible de névrosisme a un effet de modération entre les demandes au travail et l'épuisement professionnel, alors que l'ouverture élevée et le caractère consciencieux élevé modèrent la relation entre la latitude décisionnelle et l'épuisement professionnel en Afrique du Sud. Nous avons aussi trouvé que les traits culturels jouent un rôle dans les deux pays, mais de façon unique et en fonction du groupe ethnique d'appartenance. Sachant que les organisations sont de plus en plus caractérisées par des employés d'origine ethnique variées, et que les conditions de travail se complexifient, nos résultats contribuent à mieux comprendre les dynamiques entre l'employé et l'environnement de travail contemporain. personnalité, différences individuelles, comparaisons culturelles, culture, stress au travail, épuisement professionnel, santé des employés.


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Eusociality is taxonomically rare, yet associated with great ecological success. Surprisingly, studies of environmental conditions favouring eusociality are often contradictory. Harsh conditions associated with increasing altitude and latitude seem to favour increased sociality in bumblebees and ants, but the reverse pattern is found in halictid bees and polistine wasps. Here, we compare the life histories and distributions of populations of 176 species of Hymenoptera from the Swiss Alps. We show that differences in altitudinal distributions and development times among social forms can explain these contrasting patterns: highly social taxa develop more quickly than intermediate social taxa, and are thus able to complete the reproductive cycle in shorter seasons at higher elevations. This dual impact of altitude and development time on sociality illustrates that ecological constraints can elicit dynamic shifts in behaviour, and helps explain the complex distribution of sociality across ecological gradients.


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Geographical Distribution and Alti-latitudinal Dispersion of Some Genera and Species of the Tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) - With the currently known distribution of genera and species of the tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919, maps and diagrams were prepared, showing the geographical area occupied by the species and their respective dispersion in grades of latitude and altitude. Two genera are not treated: Panstrongylus Berg, 1879, already published and Triatoma Laporte, 1832, that is being published partially in several articles. Genus Eratyrus Stal, 1859, has two species, while Dipetalogaster Usinger, 1939, Mepraia Mazza, Gajardo & Joerg, 1940, Paratriatoma Barber, 1938 and recently created genus Hermanlentia Jurberg & Galvão, 1997, have only one each. The study of these maps and diagrams permits a better knowledge about some ecological requirements of Chagas' disease vectors and detects gaps in the geographical distribution, where the species were not found but probably they could be prevalent


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Skin cancer is the diagnosis for about a quarter of all patients with cancer and because most of the work is done on an outpatient basis the true extent of the disease has largely gone unrecognised. Skin cancers are related to ultraviolet radiation exposure. Geographic latitude as well as attitude affects the amount of ultraviolet exposure and the risk of skin cancer, with people from Northern Ireland exposing themselves to higher levels of ultraviolet radiation when on holiday abroad and artificially from sunbeds. Ozone depletion is known to increase the risk of ultraviolet exposure and skin cancer. The majority of people living in Northern Ireland have pale skin and are at increased risk of developing skin cancer, as are some patients with an increased genetic risk for cancer. Some pre-existing skin lesions are known to increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Data collection on the incidence of non melanoma skin cancer in Northern Ireland was not available before the establishment of the Cancer Registry in 1993. There is however good data on the incidence of melanoma before that period. In 1974 there were 39 cases in melanoma in Northern Ireland, by 2000 this had risen by almost 500% to 185 cases. åÊ


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Antennal sensilla patterns were used to analyze population variation of domestic Rhodnius prolixus from six departments and states representing three biogeographical regions of Colombia and Venezuela. Discriminant analysis of the patterns of mechanoreceptors and of three types of chemoreceptors on the pedicel and flagellar segments showed clear differentiation between R. prolixus populations east and west of the Andean Cordillera. The distribution of thick and thin-walled trichoids on the second flagellar segment also showed correlation with latitude, but this was not seen in the patterns of other sensilla. The results of the sensilla patterns appear to be reflecting biogeographic features or population isolation rather than characters associated with different habitats and lend support to the idea that domestic R. prolixus originated in the eastern region of the Andes.


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In order to evaluate the taeniosis-cysticercosis complex in a population of a peasants' settlement, located at Teodoro Sampaio, state of São Paulo, Brazil (longitude 52° 36'12 ", latitude 22° 17'12 ") a series of laboratory markers were determined. After signing an informed consent, participants answered a standardized questionnaire. To determine anti-Taenia solium cysticercus antibodies, the samples were tested by enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay using 18-and 14-kDa antigen proteins from vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps (VF-Tcra). The reactive and inconclusive ELISA samples were tested by immunoblotting. Total IgE levels were determined by chemmiluminescence's assay and hemogram by flow cytometer flux counter. A total of 84 individuals, 5.9% presented anti-T. solium cysticercus antibodies in ELISA and 3.6% were strongly reactive in the 18/14 kDa immunoblotting confirmatory test. All of the individuals with positive antibodies showed elevated Total IgE levels. We conclude that the frequency of anti-T. solium cysticercus antibodies in this population is higher than other regions considered endemic in São Paulo. Thus, it is important to carry out surveys in Peasants' settlement areas with the objective of establishing public health measures for prevention and control of infectious diseases such as taeniosis-cysticercosis.


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Le modèle de l'agence et le phénomène d'agentification du service public correspondant au cours de ces deux dernières décennies s'inscrit à l'origine dans les réformes associées à la Nouvelle Gestion Publique, dans une visée d'amélioration de la performance du secteur public, par une plus grande efficacité managériale (eg Pollitt et al., 2001). Le modèle est basé sur une logique contractuelle: l'autorité politique attribue un mandat à l'agence, l'agence délivre les prestations attendues ; celle-ci est ensuite contrôlée sur ses résultats. Afin de délivrer les prestations de manière efficiente et efficace, l'agence doit bénéficier d'une latitude et flexibilité substantielle dans l'utilisation de ces ressources, c'est-à-dire d'un affranchissement (partiel) des règles et procédures bureaucratiques (eg Bouckaert, 2003).


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Definición de una ontología que permita representar los aspectos relacionados con el ámbito turístico permitiendo definir la latitud y longitud de la información asociada.


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The object of the present work was to identify the larval habitats of Culex eduardoi and to determine the microenvironmental conditions related to their presence in different artificial freshwater environments (temporary, semi-permanent, irrigation ditches, and drainage ditches) in tillable areas of Chubut Province, Argentina. This report represents the first record of Cx. eduardoi from this Province and extends its range to latitude 45°S. Immature stages of Cx. eduardoi were found in 8 out of 109 (7.3 %) freshwater habitats and were significantly more prevalent in semi-permanent water bodies. Positive sites had significantly larger surface areas and more vegetation cover than negative sites.


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Attempts over the past 50 years to explain variation in the abundance, distribution and diversity of plant secondary compounds gave rise to theories of plant defense. Remarkably, few phylogenetically robust tests of these long-standing theories have been conducted. Using >50 species of milkweed (Asclepias spp.), we show that variation among plant species in the induction of toxic cardenolides is explained by latitude, with higher inducibility evolving more frequently at lower latitudes. We also found that: (1) the production of cardenolides showed positive-correlated evolution with the diversity of cardenolides, (2) greater cardenolide investment by a species is accompanied by an increase in an estimate of toxicity (measured as chemical polarity) and (3) instead of trading off, constitutive and induced cardenolides were positively correlated. Analyses of root and shoot cardenolides showed concordant patterns. Thus, milkweed species from lower latitudes are better defended with higher inducibility, greater diversity and added toxicity of cardenolides.


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At the latitude of the Thor-Odin dome (British Columbia) the Columbia River Detachment defines the eastern margin of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex and localizes in a 1 km thick muscovite-bearing quartzite mylonite. We present a combined Ar-40/Ar-39, (micro) structural, and oxygen isotope study of the deformation history in the detachment and evaluate the spatial and temporal relationships between microstructure formation and localization of strain. High-precision Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology from different levels in the mylonite delineates a pattern of increasingly younger (49.0 to 47.9 Ma) deformation ages in deeper levels of the mylonitic footwall. The correlation of Ar-40/Ar-39 ages with decreasing deformation temperatures (similar to 550 degrees-400 degrees C) in the top 200 m of the mylonite indicates that deformation migrated downward from the contact with the hanging wall. Strain localization was diachronous in progressively deeper levels of the footwall and was likely controlled by fluid-assisted strain hardening due to advective heat removal and contemporaneous reaction weakening due to dissolution-reprecipitation of white mica. The observed constant high-stress microstructures across the entire detachment indicate that flow stress was buffered by the interplay of strain rate and temperature, where high strain rates at elevated temperature produced the same microstructure as lower strain rates under decreasing temperature conditions. The combined data suggest that the complex interplay among temporally nonuniform rates of footwall exhumation, heat advection, and embrittlement by meteoric fluids strongly determines the thermomechanical behavior of extensional detachments.


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The aims of this study were to characterise the ground-level larval habitats of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, to determine the relationships between habitat characteristics and larval abundance and to examine seasonal larval-stage variations in Córdoba city. Every two weeks for two years, 15 larval habitats (natural and artificial water bodies, including shallow wells, drains, retention ponds, canals and ditches) were visited and sampled for larval mosquitoes. Data regarding the water depth, temperature and pH, permanence, the presence of aquatic vegetation and the density of collected mosquito larvae were recorded. Data on the average air temperatures and accumulated precipitation during the 15 days prior to each sampling date were also obtained. Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae were collected throughout the study period and were generally most abundant in the summer season. Generalised linear mixed models indicated the average air temperature and presence of dicotyledonous aquatic vegetation as variables that served as important predictors of larval densities. Additionally, permanent breeding sites supported high larval densities. In Córdoba city and possibly in other highly populated cities at the same latitude with the same environmental conditions, control programs should focus on permanent larval habitats with aquatic vegetation during the early spring, when the Cx. quinquefasciatus population begins to increase.


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BACKGROUND Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are repetitive sequences derived from ancestral germ-line infections by exogenous retroviruses and different HERV families have been integrated in the genome. HERV-Fc1 in chromosome X has been previously associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) in Northern European populations. Additionally, HERV-Fc1 RNA levels of expression have been found increased in plasma of MS patients with active disease. Considering the North-South latitude gradient in MS prevalence, we aimed to evaluate the role of HERV-Fc1on MS risk in three independent Spanish cohorts. METHODS A single nucleotide polymorphism near HERV-Fc1, rs391745, was genotyped by Taqman chemistry in a total of 2473 MS patients and 3031 ethnically matched controls, consecutively recruited from: Northern (569 patients and 980 controls), Central (883 patients and 692 controls) and Southern (1021 patients and 1359 controls) Spain. Our results were pooled in a meta-analysis with previously published data. RESULTS Significant associations of the HERV-Fc1 polymorphism with MS were observed in two Spanish cohorts and the combined meta-analysis with previous data yielded a significant association [rs391745 C-allele carriers: pM-H = 0.0005; ORM-H (95% CI) = 1.27 (1.11-1.45)]. Concordantly to previous findings, when the analysis was restricted to relapsing remitting and secondary progressive MS samples, a slight enhancement in the strength of the association was observed [pM-H = 0.0003, ORM-H (95% CI) = 1.32 (1.14-1.53)]. CONCLUSION Association of the HERV-Fc1 polymorphism rs391745 with bout-onset MS susceptibility was confirmed in Southern European cohorts.


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Neste artigo, investiga-se a dinâmica do processo decisório conduzido por grupos de trabalho ao longo do tempo em ambientes com diferentes latitudes de ação (graus de liberdade para a atuação dos gestores distintos). O objetivo é verificar a influência do tempo e do ambiente nos processos decisórios em grupo. O tema é enfocado a partir de uma revisão teórica considerando três tópicos - o processo decisório conduzido por grupos, a influência do tempo nesses processos e a influência do ambiente nesses processos -, os quais dão origem às hipóteses a serem testadas. Na pesquisa de campo, de natureza quantitativa, utiliza-se o método survey e os dados foram coletados com 89 grupos da disciplina Jogos de Empresa, em um curso de graduação em Administração de Empresas. Para o tratamento dos dados, utilizou-se a modelagem por equações estruturais via partial least square para avaliação das relações entre os construtos. Como resultado, constatou-se influência temporal na associação entre qualidade do processo decisório e resultados organizacionais, reduzindo-se o efeito do perfil dos grupos. Já as relações interpessoais, independente do ambiente, influenciaram nos processos de planejamento e execução das decisões. Concluiu-se que diferentes relações entre perfil dos gestores, qualidade do processo e resultados são observadas pela incorporação simultânea das dimensões temporal e ambiental como contingências na análise do processo decisório em grupo.