958 resultados para LEAK DETECTORS


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El treball presentat ve motivat per la necessitat d’instal•lació d’un pàrquing públic i privat de nova construcció a nivell d’il•luminació i ventilació. Per poder satisfer les necessitats del nostre client d’estalvi energètic i confort en l’edifici es decideix d’implementar una instal•lació immòtica que és l’aplicació de tècniques de gestió i control automatitzat a un edifici terciari amb bus de comunicació KNX/EIB. Per a la il•luminació s’han utilitzat fluorescents amb balasts DALI, que permeten la seva regulació i control, per així poder adequar en tot moment l’encesa i intensitat de llum d’aquests. En quant a la ventilació s’han utilitzat variadors de freqüència per també poder optimitzar el funcionament dels ventiladors podent posar-los en marxa quan realment sigui necessari i a la potència que calgui. Per enllaçar tots els elements de la instal•lació, detectors i actuadors, sorgeig la necessitat d’implementar xarxes de comunicació com el KNX/EIB, DALI, Modbus i Ethernet. Per gestionar variables, comunicacions i controlar elements, s´hi han implementen dos autòmats programables a més d’un PC integrat per la visualització i el control del pàrquing. S’ha aconseguit de realitzar un pàrquing totalment automàtic on no és necessaria l’actuació dels operaris i amb les principals càrregues elèctriques totalment regulables en potència. S’ha comprovat que la instal•lació funciona per sota de la potència nominal de les càrregues amb l’estalvi energètic que això suposa.


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The RPC Detector Control System (RCS) is the main subject of this PhD work. The project, involving the Lappeenranta University of Technology, the Warsaw University and INFN of Naples, is aimed to integrate the different subsystems for the RPC detector and its trigger chain in order to develop a common framework to control and monitoring the different parts. In this project, I have been strongly involved during the last three years on the hardware and software development, construction and commissioning as main responsible and coordinator. The CMS Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) system consists of 912 double-gap chambers at its start-up in middle of 2008. A continuous control and monitoring of the detector, the trigger and all the ancillary sub-systems (high voltages, low voltages, environmental, gas, and cooling), is required to achieve the operational stability and reliability of a so large and complex detector and trigger system. Role of the RPC Detector Control System is to monitor the detector conditions and performance, control and monitor all subsystems related to RPC and their electronics and store all the information in a dedicated database, called Condition DB. Therefore the RPC DCS system has to assure the safe and correct operation of the sub-detectors during all CMS life time (more than 10 year), detect abnormal and harmful situations and take protective and automatic actions to minimize consequential damages. The analysis of the requirements and project challenges, the architecture design and its development as well as the calibration and commissioning phases represent themain tasks of the work developed for this PhD thesis. Different technologies, middleware and solutions has been studied and adopted in the design and development of the different components and a big challenging consisted in the integration of these different parts each other and in the general CMS control system and data acquisition framework. Therefore, the RCS installation and commissioning phase as well as its performance and the first results, obtained during the last three years CMS cosmic runs, will be


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Avalanche photodiodes operated in the Geiger mode present very high intrinsic gain and fast time response, which make the sensor an ideal option for those applications in which detectors with high sensitivity and velocity are required. Moreover, they are compatible with conventional CMOS technologies, allowing sensor and front-end electronics integration within the pixel cell. Despite these excellent qualities, the photodiode suffers from high intrinsic noise, which degrades the performance of the detector and increases the memory area to store the total amount of information generated. In this work, a new front-end circuit that allows low reverse bias overvoltage sensor operation to reduce the noise in Geiger mode avalanche photodiode pixel detectors is presented. The proposed front-end circuit also enables to operate the sensor in the gated acquisition mode to further reduce the noise. Experimental characterization of the fabricated pixel with the conventional HV-AMS 0.35µm technology is also presented in this article.


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In the present work, a method was developed and validated for the quantification of benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) in the fruits of Carica papaya. The quantification of this compound was carried out by gas chromatography (GC) with selective detectors - nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD) and flame photometric detector (FPD). The performance of these detectors showed a higher sensitivity of the NPD with a broader linear range of detection. The LOD/LOQ were 0.038/0.100 µg/mL for NPD and 5.78/19.29 µg/mL for FPD. The recovery of the method for BITC was 90,64%. An average value of BITC concentration in all the analyzed samples was 16,23 µg BITC/g.


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La societat actual es caracteritza pel seu ús intensiu i extensiu de les telecomunicacions, que ha esdevingut possible gràcies a la microelectrònica i altres tecnologies. Abans, la microelectrònica ja havia deixat la seva empremta en l’automatització i la computació, on la reducció de costos que hi aportava havia anat fent viables cada vegada més aplicacions. Aquest fet ha esdevingut particularment clar en l’automoció on fa relativament pocs anys els elements electrònics tenien un rol marginal i ara constitueixen una part important de tota mena de vehicles. Però mentre aquestes aplicacions afectaven principalment les màquines, les telecomunicacions involucren majoritàriament les persones i això ha implicat un esforç tecnològic addicional per aconseguir que els nous dispositius fossin assequibles per a molt usuaris.Aquest cicle “nova tecnologia que permet noves aplicacions que redueixen el cost de la tecnologia i això fa viables noves aplicacions”, no queda tancat dins cap àmbit d’aplicació sinó que té una dimensió totalment transversal. Els sensors, molts d’ells basats en tecnologies microelectròniques, són un paradigma del caràcter transversal de la tecnologia fins el punt que han esdevingut omnipresents, també en aplicacions alimentàries, tot i que encara hi hagi molts reptes per afrontar.En aquesta ponència s’exposaran en primer lloc els fonaments dels sensors i alguns dels avenços tecnològics que han marcat la seva evolució en els darrers anys. Després es revisaran algunes de les aplicacions actuals dels sensors en la indústria alimentària i els factors singulars que per una banda requereixen la incorporació de nous sensors i que per altra impedeixen que aquesta incorporació es pugui fer mitjançant la simple adaptació de solucions aplicades en altres indústries. Finalment, s’exposaran algunes tendències que es preveu que poden influir notablement en una major implantació dels sensors actuals i en el desenvolupament de nous sensors.


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Since the introduction of GC there has been an ongoing interest in reducing time of analysis resulting in new terms and definitions such as ultra fast gas chromatography (UF-GC). One of the most used definitions describes UF-GC as a technique that combines the employment of short narrow bore column with very fast temperature programming rates producing chromatographic peaks in the range of 50 ms and allowing separations times in 1-2 min or less. This paper summarizes the analytical approaches, the main parameters involved and the instrumentation towards UF-GC.


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Raman imaging spectroscopy is a highly useful analytical tool that provides spatial and spectral information on a sample. However, CCD detectors used in dispersive instruments present the drawback of being sensitive to cosmic rays, giving rise to spikes in Raman spectra. Spikes influence variance structures and must be removed prior to the use of multivariate techniques. A new algorithm for correction of spikes in Raman imaging was developed using an approach based on comparison of nearest neighbor pixels. The algorithm showed characteristics including simplicity, rapidity, selectivity and high quality in spike removal from hyperspectral images.


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The interest in the use of evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) for the analysis of different classes of natural products has grown over the years. This is because this detector has become an excellent alternative compared to other types of detectors, such as the refractive index detector and the ultraviolet (UV) detector. This review describes the basic principles of ELSD functioning and discusses the advantages and disadvantages in using an ELSD for the analysis of organic compounds. Additionaly, an overview, covering the last 23 years, of ELSD applications in natural products analysis (saponins, terpenes, carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, peptides, polyketides, coumarins and iridoids) is presented and discussed.


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The volatile oils of Dalbergia frutescens were obtained by hydrodistillation on a Clevenger-modified apparatus for every month of one year and assessed on GC/MS and GC/FID detectors for qualitative and quantitative analyses. The influence on content of volatile oils was directly proportional to the environmental variables, temperature and cloudiness, and inversely proportional to precipitation. Among the volatile compounds detected, linalool, β-damascenone, α-ionone, geranyl acetone and β-ionone were the main components, of which β-damascenone and β-ionone were found at the highest concentrations.


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Työssä käytiin läpi Porvoon jalostamon haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden päästömääritysmenetelmiä ja arvioitiin nykyisin käytössä olevien sekä uusien menetelmien soveltuvuutta Porvoon jalostamon päästömääritykseen. Nykyisten menetelmien arviointia tehtiin käymällä läpi eri alueiden 2000-luvun päästömäärät sekä vertaamalla päästömääriä muiden jalostamojen vastaaviin päästömääriin. Haihtuvista orgaanisista yhdisteistä puhuttaessa jätetään yleisesti metaani määritelmän ulkopuolelle ja käytetään termiä NMVOC-yhdisteet. Työssä laskettiin arvio Porvoon jalostamon metaanin päästömäärälle ja arvioitiin sen vaikutusta NMVOC-kokonaispäästömäärään. Metaanin kokonaispäästömäärien havaittiin olevan noin kymmenen kertaa haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden päästömääriä pienempiä, ja näin ollen niiden lisäämisellä NMVOC-päästöihin ei ole juuri vaikutusta. Myös menetelmien investointi- ja käyttökustannuksia, sekä pidemmän aikavälin kustannuksia arvioitiin. Kustannuksiltaan tällä hetkellä Porvoon jalostamolla käytössä olevat menetelmät ovat kustannustehokkaita. Uusista menetelmistä DIAL, SOF ja OGI ovat kustannuksiltaan huomattavasti kalliimpia, myös pitkän aikavälin vertailulla. Nykyisten menetelmien vuosittaiset kustannukset aiheutuvat mittausten vaatimista henkilötyötunneista. Uusista menetelmistä SOF ja DIAL vaativat ulkopuolisten mittaajien käyttämistä. Massavirran määrityksen suhteen vielä kehitysvaiheessa olevalla OGI-kameralla mitatessa voidaan käyttää mittaajina omaa henkilökuntaa. Toisin kuin DIAL- ja SOF-menetelmien laitteistot, OGI-kamera ostetaan omaksi ja näin ollen sitä voidaan käyttää tarpeen vaatiessa vuoden ympäri esimerkiksi suurien vuotajien paikallistamiseen ja LDAR-kiristysohjelman tukena. Tarkastelun perusteella olisi suositeltavaa tarkastaa nykyisin käytettävistä laskentamenetelmistä erityisesti prosessi- ja säiliöalueen sekä jätevesijärjestelmä päästömäärät käyttäen tarkempia DIAL-, SOF- tai myöhemmin OGI-menetelmiä ja muokata laskentamenetelmiä vastamaan näillä määritettyjä päästömääriä.


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Persistent luminescence materials can store energy from solar radiation or artificial lighting and release it over a period of several hours without a continuous excitation source. These materials are widely used to improve human safety in emergency and traffic signalization. They can also be utilized in novel applications including solar cells, medical diagnostics, radiation detectors and structural damage sensors. The development of these materials is currently based on methods based on trial and error. The tailoring of new materials is also hindered by the lack of knowledge on the role of their intrinsic and extrinsic lattice defects in the appropriate mechanisms. The goal of this work was to clarify the persistent luminescence mechanisms by combining ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations with selected experimental methods. The DFT approach enables a full control of both the nature of the defects and their locations in the host lattice. The materials studied in the present work, the distrontium magnesium disilicate (Sr2MgSi2O7) and strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4) are among the most efficient persistent luminescence hosts when doped with divalent europium Eu2+ and co-doped with trivalent rare earth ions R3+ (R: Y, La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Lu). The polycrystalline materials were prepared with the solid state method and their structural and phase purity was confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction. Their local crystal structure was studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The crystal and electronic structure of the nondoped as well as Eu2+, R2+/3+ and other defect containing materials were studied using DFT calculations. The experimental trap depths were obtained using thermoluminescence (TL) spectroscopy. The emission and excitation of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ were also studied. Significant modifications in the local crystal structure due to the Eu2+ ion and lattice defects were found by the experimental and DFT methods. The charge compensation effects induced by the R3+ co-doping further increased the number of defects and distortions in the host lattice. As for the electronic structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 and SrAl2O4, the experimental band gap energy of the host materials was well reproduced by the calculations. The DFT calculated Eu2+ and R2+/3+ 4fn as well as 4fn-15d1 ground states in the Sr2MgSi2O7 band structure provide an independent verification for an empirical model which is constructed using rather sparse experimental data for the R3+ and especially the R2+ ions. The intrinsic and defect induced electron traps were found to act together as energy storage sites contributing to the materials’ efficient persistent luminescence. The calculated trap energy range agreed with the trap structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 obtained using TL measurements. More experimental studies should be carried out for SrAl2O4 to compare with the DFT calculations. The calculated and experimental results show that the electron traps created by both the rare earth ions and vacancies are modified due to the defect aggregation and charge compensation effects. The relationships between this modification and the energy storage properties of the solid state materials are discussed.


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Reaktorisydämen valvonnalla varmistetaan, että polttoaineelta vaaditut termiset marginaalit toteutuvat ja polttoaineen suojakuori säilyy ehjänä. Olkiluodon kiehutusvesilaitoksen nykyinen sydämen valvontajärjestelmä koostuu SIMULATE-3-sydänsimulaattoriohjelmasta, reaktorisydämen instrumentoinnista, termisen tehon laskentaohjelmasta, tiedonkeruuohjelmista ja käynnistysautomatiikasta. Uusi järjestelmä koostuu näiden lisäksi GARDEL-ohjelmasta, joka on kehitetty kevytvesireaktoreiden sydämen käytön suunnitteluun ja valvontaan. GARDEL käyttää laskentaan samoja ohjelmia, jotka ovat jo Olkiluodon kiehutusvesilaitoksella käytössä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli verrata nykyistä ja uutta sydämen valvontajärjestelmää Olkiluodon kiehutusvesilaitoksella. Työssä tutkittiin LPRM-detektorien kalibroinnin jälkeisen datan käsittelyä, palamapäivitystä, stabiilisuuslaskentaa ja adaptiivisia menetelmiä. Järjestelmien vertailuun käytettiin Olkiluoto 2 -laitosyksiköltä käyttöjaksolta 31 (2011–2012) saatuja laskentuloksia. Tulosten perusteella havaittiin uuden järjestelmän laskennassa yksittäisiä virheitä, jotka tulee korjata. Lisäksi uuden järjestelmän toiminnasta tarvitaan lisäselvitystä.


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Chylous ascites is a rare clinical entity. In infancy it is less commom still. The etiology of most of them is usually congenital or idiopathic; trauma is a less frequent cause. It has been implicated in about 10% of all cases 1-5. There have been less than one hundred cases published in the English literature, including 12 in children. We report a pediatric case of chylous ascites as a result of blunt abdominal trauma managed by ligation of the lymphatic leak.


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Personalised ubiquitous services have rapidly proliferated due technological advancements in sensing, ubiquitous and mobile computing. Evolving societal trends, business and the economic potential of Personal Information (PI) have overlapped the service niches. At the same time, the societal thirst for more personalised services has increased and are met by soliciting deeper and more privacy invasive PI from customers. Consequentially, reinforcing traditional privacy challenges and unearthed new risks that render classical safeguards ine ective. The absence of solutions to criticise personalised ubiquitous services from privacy perspectives, aggravates the situation. This thesis presents a solution permitting users' PI, stored in their mobile terminals to be disclosed to services in privacy preserving manner for personalisation needs. The approach termed, Mobile Electronic Personality Version 2 (ME2.0), is compared to alternative mechanisms. Within ME2.0, PI handling vulnerabilities of ubiquitous services are identi ed and sensitised on their practices and privacy implications. Vulnerability where PI may leak through covert solicits, excessive acquisitions and legitimate data re-purposing to erode users privacy are also considered. In this thesis, the design, components, internal structures, architectures, scenarios and evaluations of ME2.0 are detailed. The design addresses implications and challenges leveraged by mobile terminals. ME2.0 components and internal structures discusses the functions related to how PI pieces are stored and handled by terminals and services. The architecture focusses on di erent components and their exchanges with services. Scenarios where ME2.0 is used are presented from di erent environment views, before evaluating for performance, privacy and usability.


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The thoracic esophageal perforations frequently complicate with fistula when submitted to primary suture. The use of autogenous tissues, like pleura, to reinforce the primary suture has proved to be useful in reduce the incidence of fistulas or at least the severity of the leaks in case they occur. The mortality has reduced too, consequently. A case of an extensive esophageal perforation is presented, where the use of pleural wrap to reinforce the esophagorrafy was very important to contain the leak and to permit a good evolution of the patient.