963 resultados para LAN houses
Introduction. Current times are distinguished, among other things, by the instability of the events, facts and ideas that follow one another vertiginously. The circumstances that surround our society are extremely changing, as well as the way of understanding things and assessing recent developments. The material world dominates over human life. Productive tasks take first place. Appearances are unstable and the ephemeral confirms its power in the 21st century’s mentality. We are immersed in the aesthetics of seduction and image. And in human life, the expansion of needs in all walks of life has become part of the structure of human beings’ existence in the current world. The consumerist fever, the euphoria for new things have made the sense of life virtually insubstantial. All this hardly fits into the nature of healthcare professions. In our case, nursing science has scarce support in our society for continuing the research about the meaning of being a nurse that the reality of the profession requires...
Peer reviewed
Children Report on End of Life and Palliative Care in Ireland, Volume 1.
Between May 1920 and March 1923, there were seventy-three houses belonging to the County Cork establishment burnt down by IRA and anti-treaty forces. More houses were destroyed by this method in Cork than in any other Irish county in the same timeframe. The establishment were targeted by the IRA for their political, military and social persuasions that were essentially in opposition to the nationalist movement. The motivations behind these burnings is examined, the main reasons being reprisals for actions taken by Crown forces, military reasons, loyalty of house owners to the British government and agrarianism. The geographical distribution of these burnings is also provided to reveal how active individual IRA brigades were that operated within the county. Though there were few areas of the county left unaffected by the occurrence of arson attacks, there were higher concentrations of burnings in some areas. The house burnings in County Cork did not conform to the national pattern of house burnings and the reasons for this are explored. This study argues that the presence of Crown forces in Cork and their implementation of an official reprisal policy in January 1921 escalated military conflict, and arson attacks became a key tactic utilised by IRA forces in response to this policy. The aftermath of house burnings for members of the establishment is revealed through the various compensation committees that were formed after both the War of Independence and Civil War. Key sources for this study included personal papers of both the establishment and military figures, IRA witness statements, local and national newspapers, the 1901 and 1911 Irish Censuses, Colonial Office Papers, compensation claims filed with the British government and Irish Free State, and others from archives throughout Ireland and the United Kingdom.
Los adelantos de la tecnología permiten que las comunicaciones tengan lugar a través de grandes distancias cada vez con mayor facilidad. Los computadores hablan a los computadores; la gente habla a los computadores y los computadores hablan a la gente. Este rápido cambio ha forzado a muchos de los medios corrientes de información hasta sus límites tecnológicos. Nuevas ideas de diseño y conceptos tecnológicos revolucionarios están surgiendo en todas partes, y con ellos la necesidad evidente de mejores sistemas de comunicación que brinden confiabilidad, seguridad y rápido desempeño, siendo nuestro objetivo brindar un conocimiento de los mismos.
Shows cadastral and topographic data (land tracts with proprietors' names) in unurbanized areas.
Partial cadastral map showing zoning boundary.