711 resultados para Klein, Melanie


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare myocardial blood flow (MBF) and myocardial flow reserve (MFR) estimates from rubidium-82 positron emission tomography ((82)Rb PET) data using 10 software packages (SPs) based on 8 tracer kinetic models. BACKGROUND: It is unknown how MBF and MFR values from existing SPs agree for (82)Rb PET. METHODS: Rest and stress (82)Rb PET scans of 48 patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease were analyzed in 10 centers. Each center used 1 of 10 SPs to analyze global and regional MBF using the different kinetic models implemented. Values were considered to agree if they simultaneously had an intraclass correlation coefficient >0.75 and a difference <20% of the median across all programs. RESULTS: The most common model evaluated was the Ottawa Heart Institute 1-tissue compartment model (OHI-1-TCM). MBF values from 7 of 8 SPs implementing this model agreed best. Values from 2 other models (alternative 1-TCM and Axially distributed) also agreed well, with occasional differences. The MBF results from other models (e.g., 2-TCM and retention) were less in agreement with values from OHI-1-TCM. CONCLUSIONS: SPs using the most common kinetic model-OHI-1-TCM-provided consistent results in measuring global and regional MBF values, suggesting that they may be used interchangeably to process data acquired with a common imaging protocol.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the morphometric and allometric relations of Iguaçu surubim (Steindachneridion melanodermatum) cultivated in net cages. One hundred and twenty specimens were cultivated at a density of 50 fish per square meter in three 6 m³ net cages. Fish were fed three times a day with commercial feed. Thirty fish were evaluated at 60, 120, 180, and 360 days of cultivation as to the variables: total body, head, clean trunk, viscera, skin, and fin weight; total, standard, and head length; and head and body height. The Iguaçu surubim shows later development of the clean trunk and early development of the other body parts.


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Bacillus subtilis is the best-characterized member of the Gram-positive bacteria. Its genome of 4,214,810 base pairs comprises 4,100 protein-coding genes. Of these protein-coding genes, 53% are represented once, while a quarter of the genome corresponds to several gene families that have been greatly expanded by gene duplication, the largest family containing 77 putative ATP-binding transport proteins. In addition, a large proportion of the genetic capacity is devoted to the utilization of a variety of carbon sources, including many plant-derived molecules. The identification of five signal peptidase genes, as well as several genes for components of the secretion apparatus, is important given the capacity of Bacillus strains to secrete large amounts of industrially important enzymes. Many of the genes are involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites, including antibiotics, that are more typically associated with Streptomyces species. The genome contains at least ten prophages or remnants of prophages, indicating that bacteriophage infection has played an important evolutionary role in horizontal gene transfer, in particular in the propagation of bacterial pathogenesis.


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Im Zuge der weltweit steigenden Attraktivität des Islam zeichnet sich ab, daß Globalisierungs- wie Lokalisierungsprozesse zu einer Diversifizierung und Modernisierung des Islam führen. Darüber hinaus ist zu beobachten, daß unter Bezug auf den Islam sozialer Wandel initiiert wird. An diesen Prozessen sind Frauen zentral beteiligt, und zwar nicht nur als Symbole, sondern als Akteurinnen, die die islamische Praxis und Moral gezielt in ihren Alltag einbinden. Das Buch zeigt verschiedene Facetten dieser weiblichen Involvierung auf, wie sie gegenwärtig in Asien, Afrika und Europa in unterschiedlichen Lebenszusammenhängen zu finden sind.


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We wished to evaluate the potential of iontophoresis to promote the delivery of antisense oligonucleotides (ODN) directed at the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-R2 receptor (KDR/Flk) to the cornea of the rat eye. Fluorescence (CY5)-labeled ODNs in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (20 microM) were locally administered to rat eyes, and their fate within the anterior segment was studied. Thirty-four male, 5-week-old Wistar rats were used for all experiments. The rats were divided in four groups. In group I (12 rats, 12 eyes), the ODNs (20 microM) were delivered by iontophoresis (300 microA for 5 minutes) using a specially designed corneal applicator. In group II (12 rats, 12 eyes), the ODNs (20 microM) were delivered using the same applicator, but no electrical current was applied. In group III (6 rats, 6 eyes), a corneal neovascular reaction was induced prior to the application of ODNs (20 microM), and iontophoresis electrical current was delivered as for group I rats. Group IV (4 rats, 4 eyes) received ODN (60 microM) iontophoresis application (300 microA for 5 minutes) and were used for ODN integrity studies. The animals were killed 5 minutes, 90 minutes, and 24 hours after a single ODN application and studied. Topically applied ODNs using the same iontophoresis applicator but without current do not penetrate the cornea and remain confined to the superficial epithelial layer. ODNs delivered with transcorneoscleral iontophoresis penetrate into all corneal layers and are also detected in the iris. In corneas with neovascularization, ODNs were particularly localized within the vascular endothelial cells of the stroma. ODNs extracted from eye tissues 24 hours after iontophoresis remained unaltered. The iontophoresis current did not cause any detectable ocular damage under these conditions. Iontophoresis promotes the delivery of ODNs to the anterior segment of the eye, including all corneal layers. Iontophoresis of ODNs directed at VEGF-R2 may be used for the design of specific antiangiogenic strategy in diseases of the cornea.


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The most general black M5-brane solution of eleven-dimensional supergravity (with a flat R4 spacetime in the brane and a regular horizon) is characterized by charge, mass and two angular momenta. We use this metric to construct general dual models of large-N QCD (at strong coupling) that depend on two free parameters. The mass spectrum of scalar particles is determined analytically (in the WKB approximation) and numerically in the whole two-dimensional parameter space. We compare the mass spectrum with analogous results from lattice calculations, and find that the supergravity predictions are close to the lattice results everywhere on the two dimensional parameter space except along a special line. We also examine the mass spectrum of the supergravity Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes and find that the KK modes along the compact D-brane coordinate decouple from the spectrum for large angular momenta. There are however KK modes charged under a U(1)×U(1) global symmetry which do not decouple anywhere on the parameter space. General formulas for the string tension and action are also given.


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We study large N SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in three and four dimensions using a one-parameter family of supergravity models which originate from non-extremal rotating D-branes. We show explicitly that varying this angular momentum parameter decouples the Kaluza-Klein modes associated with the compact D-brane coordinate, while the mass ratios for ordinary glueballs are quite stable against this variation, and are in good agreement with the latest lattice results. We also compute the topological susceptibility and the gluon condensate as a function of the "angular momentum" parameter.


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SEPServer is a three-year collaborative project funded by the seventh framework programme (FP7-SPACE) of the European Union. The objective of the project is to provide access to state-of-the-art observations and analysis tools for the scientific community on solar energetic particle (SEP) events and related electromagnetic (EM) emissions. The project will eventually lead to better understanding of the particle acceleration and transport processes at the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. These processes lead to SEP events that form one of the key elements of space weather. In this paper we present the first results from the systematic analysis work performed on the following datasets: SOHO/ERNE, SOHO/EPHIN, ACE/EPAM, Wind/WAVES and GOES X-rays. A catalogue of SEP events at 1 AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68-MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and electron recordings of the events by SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM are presented. A total of 115 energetic particle events have been identified and analysed using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) for protons and time-shifting analysis (TSA) for electrons and protons in order to infer the SEP release times at the Sun. EM observations during the times of the SEP event onset have been gathered and compared to the release time estimates of particles. Data from those events that occurred during the European day-time, i.e., those that also have observations from ground-based observatories included in SEPServer, are listed and a preliminary analysis of their associations is presented. We find that VDA results for protons can be a useful tool for the analysis of proton release times, but if the derived proton path length is out of a range of 1 AU < s[3 AU, the result of the analysis may be compromised, as indicated by the anti-correlation of the derived path length and release time delay from the asso ciated X-ray flare. The average path length derived from VDA is about 1.9 times the nominal length of the spiral magnetic field line. This implies that the path length of first-arriving MeV to deka-MeV protons is affected by interplanetary scattering. TSA of near-relativistic electrons results in a release time that shows significant scatter with respect to the EM emissions but with a trend of being delayed more with increasing distance between the flare and the nominal footpoint of the Earth-connected field line.


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Os frutos cítricos são afetados por diversas doenças, especialmente as fúngicas, as quais afetam a produtividade e a qualidade, principalmente quando se visa ao mercado de frutas frescas, seja para o mercado interno, seja para a exportação. Dentre as doenças fúngicas que ocorrem na fase de pós-colheita, destaca-se o bolor verde, causado por Penicillium digitatum. As medidas de controle baseiam-se, principalmente, no tratamento de frutos com diferentes combinações de fungicidas no packing-house. Devido às restrições quanto à presença de resíduos de fungicidas em frutos de citros e ao crescente desenvolvimento de linhagens resistentes dos patógenos a tais fungicidas, torna-se necessária a busca de alternativas de controle, como o controle biológico. Portanto, este trabalho teve por objetivos: (i) verificar o efeito antagônico de agentes de controle biológico (ACBs), sendo 06 isolados de Saccharomyces cerevisiae e 13 isolados de Bacillus subtilis contra P. digitatum; (ii) estudar as interações in vitro entre ACBs e o fitopatógeno; (iii) verificar o efeito da integração dos antagonistas com bicarbonato de sódio e cera de carnaúba no controle do bolor verde. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos isolados bacterianos e todos os isolados de levedura inibiram o crescimento micelial do fitopatógeno. Somente um isolado de Bacillus subtilis (ACB-84) foi capaz de inibir a germinação de P. digitatum com 72% de inibição, enquanto ACB-K1 e ACB-CR1 (S. cerevisiae) foram os mais eficientes com inibições de 78 e 85,7%, respectivamente; a adição de sacarose (a 0,5%) favoreceu ainda mais a inibição da germinação dos conídios pelos isolados da levedura. Os resultados de controle in vivo mostraram a viabilidade de S. cerevisiae ACB-K1 e ACB-CR1 para o controle de P. digitatum, em frutos de lima-ácida 'Tahiti' e laranja 'Hamlin', respectivamente; a associação de bicarbonato de sódio com agentes de biocontrole não resultou em melhorias no controle curativo do bolor verde; cera de carnaúba (18% de SST) favoreceu a atividade antagonística de S. cerevisiae, e tal efeito dependeu da variedade dos frutos cítricos em estudo e do isolado da levedura utilizado para o biocontrole.


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We explore the possible association between the microquasar LSI +61°303 and the EGRET source 2CG 135+01/3EG J0241+6103 by studying, with a detailed numerical model, whether this system can produce the emission and the variability detected by EGRET (>100 MeV) through inverse Compton (IC) scattering. Our numerical approach considers a population of relativistic electrons entrained in a cylindrical inhomogeneous jet, interacting with both the radiation and the magnetic fields, taking into account the Thomson and Klein-Nishina regimes of interaction. Our results reproduce the observed spectral characteristics and variability at γ-rays, thus strengthening the identification of LSI +61°303 as a high-energy γ-ray source.


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Biogeochemical cycles and sedimentary records in lakes are related to climate controls on hydrology and catchment processes. Changes in the isotopic imposition of the diatom frustules (δ 18 O diatom and δ 13 C diatom ) in lacustrine sediments can be used to reconstruct palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes. The Lago Chungará (Andean Altiplano, 18°15 ′ S, 69°10 ′ W, 4520 masl) diatomaceous laminated sediments are made up of white and green multiannual rhythmites. White laminae were formed during short-term diatom super-blooms, and are composed almost exclusively of large-sized Cyclostephanos andinus.These diatoms bloom during mixing events when recycled nutrients from the bottom waters are brought to the surface and/or when nutrients are introduced from the catchment during periods of strong runoff. Conversely, the green laminae are thought to have been deposited over several years and are composed of a mixture of diatoms (mainly smaller valves of C. andinus and Discostella stelligera ) and organic matter. These green laminae reflect the lake's hydrological recovery from a status favouring the diatom super-blooms (white laminae) towards baseline conditions. δ 18 O diatom and δ 13 C diatom from 11,990 to 11,530 cal years BP allow us to reconstruct shifts in the precipitation/evaporation ratio and changes in the lake water dissolved carbon concentration, respectively. δ 18 O diatom values indicate that white laminae formation occurred mainly during low lake level stages, whereas green laminae formation generally occurred during high lake level stages. The isotope and chronostratigraphical data together suggest that white laminae deposition is caused by extraordinary environmental events. El Niño-Southern Oscillation and changes in solar activity are the most likely climate forcing mechanisms that could trigger such events, favouring hydrological changes at interannual-to-decadal scale. This study demonstrates the potential for laminated lake sediments to document extreme pluriannual events.


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Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 51 anos de idade, branca, com diagnóstico estabelecido de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico associado a evidência radiológica de fibrose pulmonar grave. A epidemiologia das manifestações pleuropulmonares do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, dando ênfase à fibrose pulmonar, é discutida.


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Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, com 55 anos de idade, branco, com diagnóstico radiológico e histopatológico pós-cirúrgico de cisto hidático pulmonar gigante. A epidemiologia, fisiopatologia e características radiológicas desta doença são discutidas.


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Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente branco, de quatro anos de idade, com comprometimento neurológico progressivo. Tomografia computadorizada do crânio e ressonância magnética evidenciaram lesão expansiva no tronco cerebral. Subseqüentemente, foi feito diagnóstico histopatológico de gliossarcoma. Trata-se de um tumor raro do sistema nervoso central que, na grande maioria dos casos, acomete pacientes acima dos 40 anos de idade e tem localização supratentorial. Há poucos casos relatados de gliossarcomas em crianças, sobretudo na região infratentorial. Dados epidemiológicos, assim como achados mais freqüentes na tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, são discutidos.