458 resultados para Kaya
Saccular intracranial aneurysms are balloon-like dilations of the intracranial arterial wall; their hemorrhage commonly results in severe neurologic impairment and death. We report a second genome-wide association study with discovery and replication cohorts from Europe and Japan comprising 5,891 cases and 14,181 controls with approximately 832,000 genotyped and imputed SNPs across discovery cohorts. We identified three new loci showing strong evidence for association with intracranial aneurysms in the combined dataset, including intervals near RBBP8 on 18q11.2 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, P = 1.1 x 10(-12)), STARD13-KL on 13q13.1 (OR = 1.20, P = 2.5 x 10(-9)) and a gene-rich region on 10q24.32 (OR = 1.29, P = 1.2 x 10(-9)). We also confirmed prior associations near SOX17 (8q11.23-q12.1; OR = 1.28, P = 1.3 x 10(-12)) and CDKN2A-CDKN2B (9p21.3; OR = 1.31, P = 1.5 x 10(-22)). It is noteworthy that several putative risk genes play a role in cell-cycle progression, potentially affecting the proliferation and senescence of progenitor-cell populations that are responsible for vascular formation and repair.
OBJECTIVES Long-term follow-up reports after implantation of the Shelhigh® (Shelhigh, Inc., NJ, USA) No-React® aortic valved conduit used for aortic root replacement do not exist. METHODS Between November 1998 and December 2007, the Shelhigh® No-React® aortic valved conduit was implanted in 291 consecutive patients with a mean age of 69.6 ± 9.1 years, and 33.7% were female (n = 98). Indications were annulo-aortic ectasia (n = 202), aortic valve stenosis combined with ascending aortic aneurysm (n = 67), acute type A aortic dissection (n = 29), endocarditis (n = 26) and other related pathologies (n = 48) including 62 patients with previous cardiac surgery. Data from two cardiac institutions were analysed retrospectively using SPSS (SPSS Software IBM, Inc., 2014, NY, USA). RESULTS Operative mortality was 10% (n = 29). Main cause of death was cardiac failure in 15 patients (51.8%), neurological events in 6 patients (20.7%), respiratory failure in 4 patients (13.8%), bleeding complications in 2 patients (6.9%) and gastrointestinal ischaemia in 2 cases (6.9%). There were 262 hospital survivors and all were entered in the follow-up study (100% complete). During the long-term follow-up (mean 70.3 ± 53.1 in months), a total of 126/262 patients (44.3%) died. Main causes of death in patients after discharge were cardiac (n = 37, 14.1%), neurological (n = 15, 5.7%) respiratory (n = 12, 4.6%), endocarditis (n = 12, 4.6%) and peripheral vascular disease (n = 5, 1.9%). In 29 (11.1%) patients, the cause of death could not be determined. Reoperation was required in 25 (8.6%) patients due to infection of the conduit (n = 9), aortoventricular disconnection (n = 4), pseudoaneurysm formation (n = 4) and structural valve degeneration (n = 8). Reoperations were performed 5.0 ± 3.8 (range 0.1-11.7) years after index surgery. CONCLUSIONS The Shelhigh® No-React® aortic valved conduit showed satisfactory short-term operative results. However, the long-term follow-up revealed a relatively high rate of deaths, which may be explained by the epidemiology of the patient group, but a substantial proportion of deaths could not be clarified. The overall rate of reoperation (8.6%) during the mid-term follow-up is worrisome and the failures due to aortoventricular disconnection, endocarditis and pseudoaneurysm formation remain unexplained. The redo-procedures were technically demanding. We recommend close follow-up of patients with the Shelhigh® No-React® aortic valved conduit, because besides classical structural valve degeneration, unexpected findings may be observed.
The Miocene is the last warm episode in Earth history, and this episode was well recorded in Turkey as shown by plant distribution and inferred numerical temperature values. In this study, Ören-Kultak, Hüssamlar and Karacaagac palynofloras from western Turkey, which are characterized by the thermophilous plants (Engelhardia, Sapotaceae, Cyrillaceae, Avicennia, Arecaceae, Palmae), are described. Age determinations of these palynofloras (middle Burdigalian-Langhian) are strengthened by the mammalian fossil record (MN4-5) and strontium isotope results. Palaeoclimate is humid and warm subtropical during the middle Burdigalian-Langhian time interval in Europe and Turkey. However, temperature difference has been observed between Europe and Turkey during this time interval and it could be explained by the palaeogeographic position of countries. Despite some discrepancies in the climatic values and palaeovegetation groups, warm climatic conditions are recorded, based on the palynofloras, in Turkey (Cayyrhan, Havza, Can, Etili, Gönen, Bigadic, Emet, Kirka and Kestelek, Sabuncubeli, Soma, Tire, Kulogullary, Bascayyr, Hüssamlar and Karacaagac), Greece and elsewhere in Europe throughout the middle Burdigalian-Langhian period. This warming is related to the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum period. Carbon and oxygen isotope values obtained from tooth enamel of Gomphotherium sp. from Kultak and Hüssamlar indicate similar ecological condition during the Burdigalian-Langhian time. This isotopic result and high MAPDRY value from the Kultak locality are in agreement with ecological interpretation of mammalian fossils. Besides, according to the precipitation values, central and northwestern Anatolian sites provide more rainfall during the Burdigalian-Langhian time interval than the western Anatolian sites.
Presented here are femtosecond pump-probe studies on the water-solvated 7-azaindole dimer, a model DNA base pair. In particular, studies are presented that further elucidate the nature of the reactive and nonreactive dimers and also provide new insights establishing that the excited state double-proton transfer in the dimer occurs in a stepwise rather than a concerted manner. A major question addressed is whether the incorporation of a water molecule with the dimer results in the formation of species that are unable to undergo excited state double-proton transfer, as suggested by a recent study reported in the literature [Nakajima, A., Hirano, M., Hasumi, R., Kaya, K., Watanabe, H., Carter, C. C., Williamson, J. M. & Miller, T. (1997) J. Phys. Chem. 101, 392–398]. In contrast to this earlier work, our present findings reveal that both reactive and nonreactive dimers can coexist in the molecular beam under the same experimental conditions and definitively show that the clustering of water does not induce the formation of the nonreactive dimer. Rather, when present with a species already determined to be a nonreactive dimer, the addition of water can actually facilitate the occurrence of the proton transfer reaction. Furthermore, on attaining a critical hydration number, the data for the nonreactive dimer suggest a solvation-induced conformational structure change leading to proton transfer on the photoexcited half of the 7-azaindole dimer.
There have been many studies pertaining to the management of herpetic meningoencephalitis (HME), but the majority of them have focussed on virologically unconfirmed cases or included only small sample sizes. We have conducted a multicentre study aimed at providing management strategies for HME. Overall, 501 adult patients with PCR-proven HME were included retrospectively from 35 referral centres in 10 countries; 496 patients were found to be eligible for the analysis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis using a PCR assay yielded herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 DNA in 351 patients (70.8%), HSV-2 DNA in 83 patients (16.7%) and undefined HSV DNA type in 62 patients (12.5%). A total of 379 patients (76.4%) had at least one of the specified characteristics of encephalitis, and we placed these patients into the encephalitis presentation group. The remaining 117 patients (23.6%) had none of these findings, and these patients were placed in the nonencephalitis presentation group. Abnormalities suggestive of encephalitis were detected in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 83.9% of the patients and in electroencephalography (EEG) in 91.0% of patients in the encephalitis presentation group. In the nonencephalitis presentation group, MRI and EEG data were suggestive of encephalitis in 33.3 and 61.9% of patients, respectively. However, the concomitant use of MRI and EEG indicated encephalitis in 96.3 and 87.5% of the cases with and without encephalitic clinical presentation, respectively. Considering the subtle nature of HME, CSF HSV PCR, EEG and MRI data should be collected for all patients with a central nervous system infection.
SNARE proteins have been classified as vesicular (v)- and target (t)-SNAREs and play a central role in the various membrane interactions in eukaryotic cells. Based on the Paramecium genome project, we have identified a multigene family of at least 26 members encoding the t-SNARE syntaxin (PtSyx) that can be grouped into 15 subfamilies. Paramecium syntaxins match the classical build-up of syntaxins, being 'tail-anchored' membrane proteins with an N-terminal cytoplasmic domain and a membrane-bound single C-terminal hydrophobic domain. The membrane anchor is preceded by a conserved SNARE domain of approximately 60 amino acids that is supposed to participate in SNARE complex assembly. In a phylogenetic analysis, most of the Paramecium syntaxin genes were found to cluster in groups together with those from other organisms in a pathway-specific manner, allowing an assignment to different compartments in a homology-dependent way. However, some of them seem to have no counterparts in metazoans. In another approach, we fused one representative member of each of the syntaxin isoforms to green fluorescent protein and assessed the in vivo localization, which was further supported by immunolocalization of some syntaxins. This allowed us to assign syntaxins to all important trafficking pathways in Paramecium.
Acknowledgements: We thank Dr. Tamara Ben-Ari and Dr. Jean-Francois Soussana, from INRA in France, for their valuable contributions to the early development stage of this project. We also owe great thanks to Prof. Ib Skovgaard, University of Copenhagen, for giving essential assistance in developing the methods for decomposing emission changes. We also thank the Centre for Regional Change in the Earth System (CRES, www.cres-centre.dk), and the University of Copenhagen for funding the work.
The aim of this thesis is to identify the relationship between subjective well-being and economic insecurity for public and private sector workers in Ireland using the European Social Survey 2010-2012. Life satisfaction and job satisfaction are the indicators used to measure subjective well-being. Economic insecurity is approximated by regional unemployment rates and self-perceived job insecurity. Potential sample selection bias and endogeneity bias are accounted for. It is traditionally believed that public sector workers are relatively more protected against insecurity due to very institution of public sector employment. The institution of public sector employment is made up of stricter dismissal practices (Luechinger et al., 2010a) and less volatile employment (Freeman, 1987) where workers are subsequently less likely to be affected by business cycle downturns (Clark and Postal-Vinay, 2009). It is found in the literature that economic insecurity depresses the well-being of public sector workers to a lesser degree than private sector workers (Luechinger et al., 2010a; Artz and Kaya, 2014). These studies provide the rationale for this thesis in testing for similar relationships in an Irish context. Sample selection bias arises when a selection into a particular category is not random (Heckman, 1979). An example of this is non-random selection into public sector employment based on personal characteristics (Heckman, 1979; Luechinger et al., 2010b). If selection into public sector employment is not corrected for this can lead to biased and inconsistent estimators (Gujarati, 2009). Selection bias of public sector employment is corrected for by using a standard Two-Step Heckman Probit OLS estimation method. Following Luechinger et al. (2010b), the propensity for individuals to select into public sector employment is estimated by a binomial probit model with the inclusion of the additional regressor Irish citizenship. Job satisfaction is then estimated by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) with the inclusion of a sample correction term similar as is done in Clark (1997). Endogeneity is where an independent variable included in the model is determined within in the context of the model (Chenhall and Moers, 2007). The econometric definition states that an endogenous independent variable is one that is correlated with the error term (Wooldridge, 2010). Endogeneity is expected to be present due to a simultaneous relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction whereby both variables are jointly determined (Theodossiou and Vasileiou, 2007). Simultaneity, as an instigator of endogeneity, is corrected for using Instrumental Variables (IV) techniques. Limited Information Methods and Full Information Methods of estimation of simultaneous equations models are assed and compared. The general results show that job insecurity depresses the subjective well-being of all workers in both the public and private sectors in Ireland. The magnitude of this effect differs among sectoral workers. The subjective well-being of private sector workers is more adversely affected by job insecurity than the subjective well-being of public sector workers. This is observed in basic ordered probit estimations of both a life satisfaction equation and a job satisfaction equation. The marginal effects from the ordered probit estimation of a basic job satisfaction equation show that as job insecurity increases the probability of reporting a 9 on a 10-point job satisfaction scale significantly decreases by 3.4% for the whole sample of workers, 2.8% for public sector workers and 4.0% for private sector workers. Artz and Kaya (2014) explain that as a result of many austerity policies implemented to reduce government expenditure during the economic recession, workers in the public sector may for the first time face worsening perceptions of job security which can have significant implications for their well-being (Artz and Kaya, 2014). This can be observed in the marginal effects where job insecurity negatively impacts the well-being of public sector workers in Ireland. However, in accordance with Luechinger et al. (2010a) the results show that private sector workers are more adversely impacted by economic insecurity than public sector workers. This suggests that in a time of high economic volatility, the institution of public sector employment held and was able to protect workers against some of the well-being consequences of rising insecurity. In estimating the relationship between subjective well-being and economic insecurity advanced econometric issues arise. The results show that when selection bias is corrected for, any statistically significant relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction disappears for public sector workers. Additionally, in order to correct for endogeneity bias the simultaneous equations model for job satisfaction and job insecurity is estimated by Limited Information and Full Information Methods. The results from two different estimators classified as Limited Information Methods support the general findings of this research. Moreover, the magnitude of the endogeneity-corrected estimates are twice as large as those not corrected for endogeneity bias which is similarly found in Geishecker (2010, 2012). As part of the analysis into the effect of economic insecurity on subjective well-being, the effects of other socioeconomic variables and work-related variables are examined for public and private sector workers in Ireland.
The construction industry is one of the largest consumers of raw materials and energy and one of the highest contributor to green-houses gases emissions. In order to become more sustainable it needs to reduce the use of both raw materials and energy, thus lim-iting its environmental impact. Developing novel technologies to integrate secondary raw materials (i.e. lightweight recycled aggre-gates and alkali activated “cementless” binders - geopolymers) in the production cycle of concrete is an all-inclusive solution to im-prove both sustainability and cost-efficiency of construction industry. SUS-CON “SUStainable, Innovative and Energy-Efficiency CONcrete, based on the integration of all-waste materials” is an European project (duration 2012-2015), which aim was the inte-gration of secondary raw materials in the production cycle of concrete, thus resulting in innovative, sustainable and cost-effective building solutions. This paper presents the main outcomes related to the successful scaling-up of SUS-CON concrete solutions in traditional production plants. Two European industrial concrete producers have been involved, to design and produce both pre-cast components (blocks and panels) and ready-mixed concrete. Recycled polyurethane foams and mixed plastics were used as aggre-gates, PFA (Pulverized Fuel Ash, a by-product of coal fuelled power plants) and GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag, a by-product of iron and steel industries) as binders. Eventually, the installation of SUS-CON concrete solutions on real buildings has been demonstrated, with the construction of three mock-ups located in Europe (Spain, Turkey and Romania)