991 resultados para Karl Philipp Moritz
Ludwig Geiger
Ludwig Geiger
Ludwig Geiger
Ludwig Geiger
BACKGROUND: Lack of adaptive and enhanced maladaptive coping with stress and negative emotions are implicated in many psychopathological disorders. We describe the development of a new scale to investigate the relative contribution of different coping styles to psychopathology in a large population sample. We hypothesized that the magnitude of the supposed positive correlation between maladaptive coping and psychopathology would be stronger than the supposed negative correlation between adaptive coping and psychopathology. We also examined whether distinct coping style patterns emerge for different psychopathological syndromes. METHODS: A total of 2200 individuals from the general population participated in an online survey. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory revised (OCI-R) and the Paranoia Checklist were administered along with a novel instrument called Maladaptive and Adaptive Coping Styles (MAX) questionnaire. Participants were reassessed six months later. RESULTS: MAX consists of three dimensions representing adaptive coping, maladaptive coping and avoidance. Across all psychopathological syndromes, similar response patterns emerged. Maladaptive coping was more strongly related to psychopathology than adaptive coping both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. The overall number of coping styles adopted by an individual predicted greater psychopathology. Mediation analysis suggests that a mild positive relationship between adaptive and certain maladaptive styles (emotional suppression) partially accounts for the attenuated relationship between adaptive coping and depressive symptoms. LIMITATIONS: Results should be replicated in a clinical population. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that maladaptive and adaptive coping styles are not reciprocal. Reducing maladaptive coping seems to be more important for outcome than enhancing adaptive coping. The study supports transdiagnostic approaches advocating that maladaptive coping is a common factor across different psychopathologies.
J. S.
Der Irrtum gehört bekanntlich zum allgemeinen Teil des Privatrechts. Der im 19. Jh. geschmiedeter Irrtumsbegriff erscheint jedoch gegenüber dem römischen Errorsbegriff viel geringer. Die Auswirkungen des Letzteren gehen über das gesamte Privatrecht weit hinaus. Diese Anschauung – einer das Menschenleben allumfassenden «Welt des Irrtums» (Goethe) – vertrat Philipp Lotmar (1850-1922) als er sein Werk «Das römische Recht vom error» schrieb. Der Gelehrte wollte ein gänzliches System formulieren, deren Vollständigkeit und universales Charakter die Mängel der früheren Darstellungen – vor allem deren von Savigny (1840) und Zitelmann (1879) – erfüllen würde. Dazu sollte anhand der römischen Quellen der Begriff von Error und seine Rechtsfolgen für das ganze Privatrecht und darüber hinaus neu bestimmt werden. Lotmar’s posthumes Manuskript bildet jetzt Gegenstand eines Editionsprojektes an der Universität Bern.
A. L.
Victor Nordheimer
Julius Goldstein
Carl Maien