989 resultados para Istanbul-Gravat
Incripción en la parte superior: "Tº 4ª, pag. 395"
Basado en la litografía de Bichebois pero más simplificada: "Vue prise de la rive gauche du Guadalaviar. Tomada de la ribera izquierda del Guadalaviar à Paris, chez Bulla éditeur, rue Tiquetonne, 18. Lith. par Bichebois et Dumouza. Fig. par Bayot. Imp. Lemercier Bernard et C."
Resumen: Descripción: vista tomada desde la plaza del mercado con la Lonja a la derecha y la iglesia de los Santos Juanes a la izqda.
Resumen: Descripción: vista de la Catedral y la calle del Miguelete
Variante de la xilografía de: Pannemarker, Adolphe François. "Recuerdos de un viaje por España. Tercera y cuarta parte...". Madrid, 1850. Pág. 104
Inscripción en la parte superior: "Valenza". En la parte inferior marca tipográfica: "C 4"
Inscripción en la parte inferior: "Vista de la ciudad de Valencia, tomada desde Sn. Pío V"
Inscripción en la parte superior derecha en el interior de una cartela donde se exponen las tierras que riega la acequia de Alzira: "1.Presa y principios de la Azequia Real 2. Derramadero de las aguas sobrantes 3. Minas nombradas Alcabones..."
La mencionada batalla se produjo en 1839
The present work is focused on studying two issues: the “teamwork” generic competence and the “academic motivation”. Currently the professional profile of engineers has a strong component of teamwork. On the other hand, motivational profile of students determines their tendencies when they come to work in team, as well as their performance at work. In this context we suggest four hypotheses: (H1) students improve their teamwork capacity by specific training and carrying out a set of activities integrated into an active learning process; (H2) students with higher mastery motivation have better attitude towards team working; (H3) students with higher mastery motivation obtain better results in academic performance; and (H4) students show different motivation profiles in different circumstances: type of courses, teaching methodologies, different times of the learning process. This study was carried out with computer science engineering students from two Spanish universities. The first results point to an improvement in teamwork competence of students if they have previously received specific training in facets of that competence. Other results indicate that there is a correlation between the motivational profiles of students and their perception about teamwork competence. Finally, and contrary to the initial hypothesis, these profiles appear to not influence significantly the academic performance of students.
Resumen: Descripción: vista de la torre de Santa Catalina
Inscripción en la parte inferior izquierda: "Valencial"
Huella recortada
Resumen: Descripción: vista tomada desde el plano del Real
Resumen: Descripción: vista de Valencia tomada desde el plano del Real