903 resultados para Involuntary autobiographical memories


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This paper uses autobiographical stories to explore various aspects of institutional violence. The stories are taken from a range of institutional settings including schools, academia and commercial enterprises. Each story is used in a dynamic interplay with extant theories and explanations of violence in a mutually explorative and informing manner. Each tale intersects with a different set of issues relating to organisations and violence. The stories and the analysis cohere around the central notion that there exist economies of violence in which violence is exchanged, transacted and within which it circulates. Such economies are constituted and legitimated by discourses, the economy shifts and alters as the surrounding discourses change.


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Cued recall with an extralist cue poses a challenge for contemporary memory theory in that there is a need to explain how episodic and semantic information are combined. A parallel activation and intersection approach proposes one such means by assuming that an experimental cue will elicit its preexisting semantic network and a context cue will elicit a list memory. These 2 sources of information are then combined by focusing on information that is common to the 2 sources. Two key predictions of that approach are examined: (a) Combining semantic and episodic information can lead to item interactions and false memories, and (b) these effects are limited to memory tasks that involve an episodic context cue. Five experiments demonstrate such item interactions and false memories in cued recall but not in free association. Links are drawn between the use of context in this setting and in other settings.


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The outreach social work service is one of the dominant youth work approaches in dealing with delinquents and youths 'at-risk' in Hong Kong. Yet this approach presents particular challenges. Outreach social workers usually play an active role in initiating and establishing contacts with young people, yet young people are reluctant to engage with the outreach social workers and are resistant towards therapeutic change. To date, little is known about what strategies and techniques are most effective in dealing with client resistance in this context. The aims of this paper are to gain a better understanding of the common resistant behaviours that outreach social workers usually encounter in their day-to-day practice, and to investigate how the outreach social workers respond to their clients' resistance with reference to case examples given in the in-depth interviews. The findings of this study provide evidence that whilst client resistance is common in the outreach social work setting, social workers' patience as well as sensitivity are essential in resolving resistance and building up a rapport with clients.


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Objective/Hypothesis: The purpose of this study was to examine respiratory function in a group of patients with muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) Design: Cross-sectional analytical study. Methods: Participants included 15 people with a diagnosis of MTD referred to speech pathology for management of their voice disorder, fiberoptic evidence of glottal or supraglottic constriction during phonation with or without posterior chink, or bowing combined and deviation in perceptual voice quality. A second group of 15 participants with no history of voice disorder served as healthy controls,. Baseline pulmonary function test measures included forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), FVC, FEF25 to 75, FIF50, FEV1/FVC, ratio and FEF50/FIF50 ratio. Hypertonic saline challenge test measures included FEV1 and FIF50 after provocation, close response slope, and provocation dose. Results: Compared with healthy controls, participants with MTD demonstrated a higher prevalence of glottal constriction during inspiration after provocation with nebulized hypertonic saline as demonstrated by a reduction in FIF50 after the hypertonic saline challenge. There was no significant difference between the MTD and healthy control groups in baseline pulmonary function testing. Participants with MTD demonstrated a higher prevalence than healthy controls of abnormal glottic closure during inspiration similar to paradoxical vocal fold movement (PVFM). This suggests that they either had previously undiagnosed coexisting PVFM or that the condition of MTD could be expanded to include descriptions of aberrant glottic function during respiration. This study enhances the understanding of PVFM and MTD by combining research advances made in the fields of otolaryngology and respiratory medicine.


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Esta pesquisa parte do interesse de análise da contribuição da missionária Ana Wollerman para o crescimento da denominação batista no sul de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1948 a 1978. A memória religiosa e autobiográfica da missionária apresenta experiências com o sagrado que marcam divisores de fases e temporalidades no seu recorte biográfico e que influenciam decisivamente na postura ministerial adotada. As entrevistas com algumas pessoas que participaram das comunidades afetivas existentes e os registros nas atas lidas constatam em grande parte os dados coletados pela memória. Ana Wollerman, filha de descendentes de alemães nos E.U.A., graduou-se em Artes e pósgraduou- se em Educação Religiosa. Veio para o Brasil inicialmente como missionária sem depender do sustento financeiro de uma Junta Missionária, fundou diversas escolas de ensino primário, trabalhou na implantação de diversas igrejas e dedicou grande parte de seus esforços no ensino ministerial. Foi responsável pela ajuda financeira no sustento de mais de uma dezena de jovens nos Seminários de Curitiba-PR, no IBER-RJ e no Seminário do Sul-RJ. Contribuiu também para que fossem destinadas grandes ofertas para a construção do Seminário Teológico Batista em Dourados. O trabalho procura seguir uma metodologia ainda em construção no que se refere à memória religiosa e utiliza o referencial teórico de Maurice Halbwachs para apresentar as memórias individuais e construção da memória coletiva, bem como tem apoio no próprio Halbwachs ao trabalhar a leitura da formação das comunidades afetivas. Aliado a estas questões se presta como um primeiro tratado sobre a historiografia da denominação batista em Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul, reunindo aspectos da sua gênese e do seu desenvolvimento. O resgate e a valorização da memória do sujeito-objeto em questão, ainda em vida constitui também no reconhecimento que a academia pode prestar às pessoas e às comunidades que se dedicam à construção de um mundo melhor.(AU)


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Este estudo tem por finalidade promover a reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica, analisando-a por meio do registro de um projeto de leitura e escrita, desenvolvido junto a uma turma de 4ª série (atual 5º ano) do Ensino Fundamental, realizado em uma Escola da Rede Pública Estadual de SP, Iracema de Barros Bertolaso, no município de Mauá. Tem também, a intenção de sensibilizar educadores sobre a importância do trabalho compartilhado com os alunos, do respeito às ideias infantis e da convicção do quanto se faz necessário atrelar o ensino e a aprendizagem ao prazer. O projeto em questão deu origem ao livro Histórias hilárias de uma 4ª série (e outros resgates), editado pela SCORTECCI e lançado no ano de 2008. Para reconstruir essa história, foram recuperados os registros de percurso do trabalho docente realizado por mim no ano de 2006 e realizado o levantamento de documentos como fotos, relatos, produções de alunos e matérias publicadas em jornais das quais os mesmos participaram. A pesquisa me levou a uma reaproximação com alguns ex alunos para compor, também por meio de entrevistas, este quadro onde o intento é dimensionar o alcance do trabalho realizado. Retratar a própria prática e coloca-la em situação de pesquisa configurou-se em ferramenta valiosa para a reconstrução do sentido de nossas ações à medida que nos ofereceu dados significativos a reflexão. Vincular esta análise ao estudo da trajetória formativa pessoal, feita por meio da abordagem biográfica, permitiu-nos ampliar nossa compreensão do quanto, e em que medida, trazemos para o exercício docente as influência do vivido. Acreditamos que a análise da trajetória formativa pessoal e da experiência vivida junto a um grupo de alunos, nesta pesquisa, justifica-se à medida que contribui para os estudos que se ocupam desta questão.


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While most of the research in Knowledge Management (KM) has focused on business communities, there is a breadth of potential applications of KM theory and practice to wider society. This paper explores the potential of KM for rural communities, specifically for those that want to preserve their social history and collective memories (what we call heritage) to enrich the lives of others. In KM terms, this is a task of accumulating and recording knowledge (using KM techniques such as story-telling and communities of practice) to enable its retention for future use (by interested people perhaps through KM systems). We report a case study of Cardrona, a valley of approximately 120 people in New Zealand's South Island. Realising that time would erode knowledge of their community a small, motivated group of residents initiated a KM programme to create a legacy for a wider community including younger generations, tourists and scholars. This paper applies KM principles to rural communities that want to harness their collective knowledge for wider societal gain, and develops a community-based framework to inform such initiatives. As a result, we call for a wider conceptualisation of KM to include motives for managing knowledge beyond business performance to accommodate community (cKM). © 2010 Operational Research Society.


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Recent research findings have illustrated that false memories induced in the laboratory can be dissociated from the beliefs that the events had in fact occurred. In this study we assessed whether this dissociability is a quality peculiar to false memory, or whether it represents a general characteristic of autobiographical memory. To this end we examined whether people can be induced to stop believing in memories for true experiences. Participants observed and performed simple actions, and were later falsely informed that they had not performed some of them-that false memories for these actions had been implanted through the use of fabricated evidence. Before and after receiving this misinformation, participants rated their belief in and memory of performing those actions, other actions that they had also performed, and actions that they had not performed. Whereas the misinformation substantially undermined participants' beliefs in the specific performed actions about which they had been misinformed, it had little effect on their endorsement of remembering those actions. The misinformation thus boosted the proportion of occasions in which participants rated their memories as stronger than their beliefs, and it weakened the correlation between belief and memory ratings. Thus, this study provides the first experimental demonstration of non-believed memories of true experiences. We discuss our findings with reference to the small literature concerning the use of socially-communicated misinformation to undermine event memories, and with reference to the structure of autobiographical memory. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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When people receive descriptions or doctored photos of events that never happened, they often come to remember those events. But if people receive both a description and a doctored photo, does the order in which they receive the information matter? We asked people to consider a description and a doctored photograph of a childhood hot air balloon ride, and we varied which medium they saw first. People who saw a description first reported more false images and memories than did people who saw a photo first, a result that fits with an anchoring account of false childhood memories. © 2010 The Psychonomic Society, Inc.