807 resultados para International economic relations


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The establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) is a strategy for economic development that was introduced almost fifty years ago and is nowadays employed in a large number of countries. While the number of EPZs including several variants such as Special Economic Zone (SEZs) has increased continuously, general interest in EPZs has declined over the years in contrast to earlier heated debates regarding the efficacy of the strategy and its welfare effects especially on women workers. This article re-evaluates the historical trajectories and outstanding labour and gender issues of EPZs on the basis of the experiences of South Korea, Bangladesh and India. The findings suggest the necessity of enlarging our analytical scope with regard to EPZs, which are inextricably connected with external employment structures, whether outside the EPZ but within the same country, or outside the EPZ and its host country altogether.


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The paper investigates the possibility of constructing a new measurement for analysing international fragmentation of the production process. It asserts that the current usage of relevant data, whether the trade shares of parts and components or the index of Vertical Specialisation, is quite unsatisfactory for measuring the phenomenon, since they critically lack the overall perspective of the entire structure of production chains.  The new measurement is formulated such that it captures every aspect of the vertical sequence of production linkages. It is based on the input-output model of Average Propagation Lengths, recently developed by Eric Dietzenbacher and others, which show the average number of production stages that are passed through for an exogenous change in one industry to affect another. By applying this model to the data of the Asian International Input-Output Tables, the index is able to measure the international dimension of production sharing and division of labour in East Asia.


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Trade affects the internal location of industry in two ways: it induces firms to specialize and it expands the set of markets that firms serve. If there are industry-specific external economies, firms in related industries will spatially agglomerate (Hanson 1996a). In the context of economic integration, diminished barriers to trade affect industry location particularly in less developed countries. As described below, regional agreements in North America and Europe have caused frontier regions to expand. These regions, which include border regions and port cities, have advantages over internal regions in terms of access to foreign markets. Since trade liberalization induces many firms in developing countries to participate in production networks and to specialize in labor-intensive activities such as assembling and processing of foreign-made components, their inputs as well as final products need to be carried across borders. Therefore, the best industry location, one that minimizes transport costs, is likely to shift to frontier regions. In East Asia, China has developed rapidly since it opened up to international trade. Simultaneously, a large amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) has been attracted and industry agglomerations have been formed in coastal regions, that is, frontier regions linked to the global market by sea, leaving many internal regions behind. Similarly, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV) have joined AFTA and/or the WTO and liberalized international trade since the 1990s. Moreover, transport infrastructures such as the East-West Economic Corridor, the Southern Economic Corridor, and the North-South Economic Corridor have been built and narrowed economic distances in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). As a result, frontier regions are likely to increase their location advantages and lure labor-intensive operations from neighboring countries. It is expected that, as has happened in North America and Europe, economic integration in East Asia will significantly affect internal geography in CLMV. In this study, I first review theories relevant to economic integration and industry location within a country. In particular, emphasis is placed on the new economic geography (NEG). Secondly, empirical results for North America and Europe are surveyed since they have preceded East Asia in regional integration and a substantial number of studies have been conducted on these regions. The final section summarizes and discusses implications for internal geography in CLMV.


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Spatial data are being increasingly used in a wide range of disciplines, a fact that is clearly reflected in the recent trend to add spatial dimensions to the conventional social sciences. Economics is by no means an exception. On one hand, spatial data are indispensable to many branches of economics such as economic geography, new economic geography, or spatial economics. On the other hand, macroeconomic data are becoming available at more and more micro levels, so that academics and analysts take it for granted that they are available not only for an entire country, but also for more detailed levels (e.g. state, province, and even city). The term ‘spatial economics data’ as used in this report refers to any economic data that has spatial information attached. This spatial information can be the coordinates of a location at best or a less precise place name as is used to describe administrative units. Obviously, the latter cannot be used without a map of corresponding administrative units. Maps are therefore indispensible to the analysis of spatial economic data without absolute coordinates. The aim of this report is to review the availability of spatial economic data that pertains specifically to Laos and academic studies conducted on such data up to the present. In regards to the availability of spatial economic data, efforts have been made to identify not only data that has been made available as geographic information systems (GIS) data, but also those with sufficient place labels attached. The rest of the report is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the maps available for Laos, both in hard copy and editable electronic formats. Section 3 summarizes the spatial economic data available for Laos at the present time, and Section 4 reviews and categorizes the many economic studies utilizing these spatial data. Section 5 give examples of some of the spatial industrial data collected for this research. Section 6 provides a summary of the findings and gives some indication of the direction of the final report due for completion in fiscal 2010.


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We examine changes in the location of economic activity in Cambodia between 1998 and 2008 in terms of employment growth. During this period, Cambodia joined ASEAN and increased trade with neighboring countries. Drawing on the predictions of the new economic geography, we focus on frontier regions such as border regions and international port cities. We examine the changing state of manufacturing in Cambodia from its initial concentration in Greater Phnom Penh to its growth in the frontier regions. The results suggest that economic integration and concomitant trade linkages may lead to the industrial development of frontier regions as well as the metropolitan areas in Cambodia.


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This paper investigates how exchange rates affect the utilization of a free trade agreement (FTA) scheme in trading. Changes in exchange rates affect FTA utilization by two ways. The first way is by changing the excess profits gained by utilizing the FTA scheme, and the second way is by promoting the compliance of rules of origin. Our theoretical models predict that the depreciation of exporters' currency against that of importers enhances the likelihood of FTA utilization through those two channels. Furthermore, our empirical analysis, which is based on rich tariff-line-level data on the utilization of FTA schemes in Korea's imports from ASEAN countries, supports the theoretical prediction. We also show that the effects are smaller for more differentiated products.


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The Geographical Simulation Model developed by IDE-JETRO (IDE-GSM) is a computer simulation model based on spatial economics. IDE-GSM enables us to predict the economic impacts of various trade and transport facilitation measures. Here, we mainly compare the prioritized projects of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) and the Comprehensive Asia Development Plan (CADP). MPAC focus on specific hard or soft infrastructure projects that connect one ASEAN member state to another while the CADP emphasizes the importance of economic corridors or linkages between a large cluster and another cluster. As compared with MPAC projects, the simulation analysis shows that CADP projects have much larger positive impacts on ASEAN countries.


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En su proceso de crecimiento, las ciudades de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) han tenido una vinculación histórica con la dinámica de implementación de herramientas, metodologías y proyectos urbanos, gestados en otros contextos, especialmente desde Europa (UE) y Estados Unidos (EE.UU). Desde la época colonial hasta hoy, la mayor parte de las ciudades de ALC han experimentado diversos tipos de influencia urbana externa, que han dejado huellas tangibles. Esta influencia ha ido variando a través de los años, desde la implantación directa de un modelo urbano, propia de la época colonial; hasta la importación de modelos urbanos total o parcialmente, de manera autónoma y ajena al origen de este. Actualmente, en ALC se han generado diversas iniciativas para abordar las necesidades urbanas desde sus especificidades, pero los instrumentos y proyectos vanguardistas utilizados en países desarrollados, siguen teniendo mayor fuerza de atracción y diseminación que las iniciativas vecinas. Se observa que las ciudades intermedias, que crecen con mayor velocidad que las grandes ciudades, también participan activamente en este proceso, aunque con otras limitaciones y condicionantes, diferentes a las encontradas en las grandes ciudades de la Región. ¿Por qué se produce esta dinámica?, ¿quiénes participan?, ¿cuáles son sus procesos?, ¿responden a las necesidades del complejo y diverso contexto urbano latinoamericano? Las Ciudades Intermedias Latinoamericanas ante los Modelos Urbanos Externos, es una investigación que aborda la dinámica de implementación de modelos de desarrollo urbanos1 exógenos, en ciudades emergentes que, en su proceso de crecimiento, tienden a repetir patrones de las grandes ciudades, y que en sí mismas, representan una oportunidad ante los desequilibrios territoriales de ALC. Esta dinámica, ha sido abordada por investigadores de diversas disciplinas, cuyos puntos de vista en muchas ocasiones no coinciden, pero revelan que estamos frente a una discusión de larga data, entre las visiones modernistas y las visiones identitarias de la historia urbana de ALC. Por ello, el trabajo recoge la evolución de los procesos de toma de decisiones, desarrollados bajo un efecto cascada (Global, Internacional, Regional, Nacional, Subnacional, Local), donde actualmente el nivel Local asciende a espacios del nivel Regional (ALC) e Internacional; pasando de meros receptores de políticas generadas en un plano superior derivadas de las relaciones geopolíticas y geoeconómicas de escala mundial; a ser sujetos proactivos del desarrollo de sus territorios. Para observar la concatenación de este proceso macro-disciplinar-micro (grosso modo), se plantea una herramienta metodológica de triangulación, desde la que se pueda visualizar el contexto en el que se produce la dinámica y como éste la condiciona. Con dicha metodología se abordará ALC como caso de estudio general, haciendo una aproximación al detalle en dos casos particulares: Ciudad Guayana (República Bolivariana de Venezuela) y Santiago de los Caballeros (República Dominicana). Estos casos, sumados a las observaciones de actores vinculados a la dinámica de transferencia de modelos urbanos, coadyuvarán en este esfuerzo de aproximación, para definir con más claridad un proceso que se incrementa y complejiza, en medio de la denominada “era de las ciudades”. ABSTRACT In its growth process, the cities of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have had a historical link with the dynamics of implementation tools and engendered in other contexts, especially from Europe (EU) and the US methodologies (USA). From colonial times until today, most LAC cities have experienced various types of external urban influence that have left tangible traces. This influence has varied over the years, since the introduction of direct, typical of the colonial era; to import all or part independently and outside the origin of this urban model. Currently, in LAC they have generated various initiatives to address urban needs from its specificities, but notes that the instruments used in cutting-edge projects and developed countries, are still more attractive force and spread to neighboring initiatives. It is observed that the intermediate cities, which grow faster than big cities are also actively involved in this process, although with different constraints and other limitations to the big cities of the region. Why this dynamic occurs?, Who ?, which involved processes are ?, respond to the needs of complex and diverse Latin American urban context? Intermediate Latin American cities to external urban models, is a research that addresses the dynamics of exogenous implementation of urban development models in emerging cities in their growth process, they tend to repeat patterns of large cities, and represent a shot at LAC regional imbalances. This dynamic has been addressed by researchers from various disciplines, whose views often do not match, but show that we are facing a long-standing debate between modernists and identity visions on urban history of ALC. Therefore, the work shows the evolution of the processes of decision making, developed under a (global, international, regional, national, subnational, local) cascade effect, which currently stands at the Local level Regional level spaces (ALC) and International, from mere recipients of policies generated on a higher plane derived from the geopolitical and geo-economic relations worldwide; to be proactive in the development of their territories subject. To observe this process concatenation macro-micro-discipline (roughly), a triangulation methodology tool, from which it can view the context in which the dynamic occurs and how it affects what arises. ALC will address her as if general study, making an approach to detail two particular cases: Ciudad Guayana (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) and Santiago de los Caballeros (Dominican Republic). These cases, together with the comments of stakeholders involved in the dynamics of transfer of urban models, will assist in this effort approach to define more clearly a process that increases and more complex, amid the so-called "era of the cities".


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This paper investigates the EU’s international positioning in terms of innovative capabilities and global market performance by using most recent quantitative data on a wide branch of indicators. The EU’s performance is compared to the standings of its most important economic competitors and emerging economic powerhouses: the USA, Japan, China, Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa. By doing so, this paper offer insightful and deep information about the EU’s power to compete and rank in international economic affairs. It will be proofed that the European Union ranks in many of the indicators related to innovative capabilities in good position and the EU’s overall global market performance is excellent, whereas the BRICS are underachieving.


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The EU enlargement is scheduled to take place in 2004. After this date, it should be a priority for the EU to develop a coherent and comprehensive policy towards its nearest neighbours, i.e. countries bordering the Member States, which cannot join the EU in the nearest future due to their location or weaknesses of their political and economic systems. There are at least three reasons for this. Firstly, good relations with neighbours will underlie the broadly understood security of the Community. Relations with the nearest neighbours will determine both military security of the EU (including the combating of terrorism) and its ability to prevent other threats such as illegal migration, smuggling, etc. Secondly, good economic relations with neighbours may contribute to the Member States' economic growth in the longer term. And finally, the EU's ability to develop an effective and adequate policy towards its nearest neighbours will demonstrate its competence as a subject of international politics. In other words, the EU will not be recognised as a reliable political player in the global scene until it develops an effective strategy for its neighbourhood.


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The high hopes for rapid convergence of Eastern and Southern EU member states are increasingly being disappointed. With the onset of the Eurocrisis convergence has given way to divergence in the southern members, and many Eastern members have made little headway in closing the development gap. The EU´s performance compares unfavourably with East Asian success cases as well as with Western Europe´s own rapid catch-up to the USA after 1945. Historical experience indicates that successful catch up requires that less-developed economies to some extent are allowed to free-ride on an open international economic order. However, the EU´s model is based on the principle of a level-playing field, which militates against such a form of economic integration. The EU´s developmental model thus contrasts with the various strategies that have enabled successful catch up of industrial latecomers. Instead the EU´s current approach is more and more reminiscent of the relations between the pre-1945 European empires and their dependent territories. One reason for this unfortunate historical continuity is that the EU appears to have become entangled in its own myths. In the EU´s own interpretation, European integration is a peace project designed to overcome the almost continuous warfare that characterised the Westphalian system. As the sovereign state is identified as the root cause of all evil, any project to curtail its room of manoeuvre must ultimately benefit the common good. Yet, the existence of a Westphalian system of nation states is a myth. Empires and not states were the dominant actors in the international system for at least the last three centuries. If anything, the dawn of the age of the sovereign state in Western Europe occurred after 1945 with the disintegration of the colonial empires and thus historically coincided with the birth of European integration.


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The European Parliament has proposed the creation of a body to monitor foreign – in particular Chinese – investment in the EU. The initiative, driven by fears of unfair competition and a hidden political agenda behind Chinese investments, should be rejected. There are better ways to promote openness and transparency in Sino-European economic relations.


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Foreword. The Foreign Trade Association, which represents the European and international distribution and retail sector, commissioned this study in light of the importance of China as a sourcing country and its attractiveness as a rapidly growing consumer market. We believe that open borders and free trade can contribute to a broader choice and lower costs for consumers and create growth and employment in both Europe and China. This independent study aims to provide an in-depth contribution on the status of bilateral economic exchanges and persistent trade barriers that exist between the European Union and China. The second objective of the report is to encourage a frank and open dialogue, based on a scientific evaluation and without prejudice, on the possibility of a preferential trade agreement between the two sides. This study should be read by anyone who is interested in economic relations between the EU and China and in trade policy in general. The report provides many interesting findings and raises a number of surprising points. Overall, this study is one of the most significant contributions to the discourse on EU-China relations in recent years. We hope that this study will stimulate fresh thoughts on the benefits of closer future cooperation between two regions that have been interlinked since the times of antiquity and the first Silk Road.


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Chinese elites do not treat Europe as an equal partner and are convinced that China holds the upper hand over Europe. They see a growing asymmetry in bilateral relations. China’s sense of its own potential is boosted by internal divisions within the European Union. At the same time, Europe is China’s key economic partner and an ‘economic pillar’ supporting China’s growth on the international stage. Beijing strives to maintain Europe’s open attitude towards the Chinese economy, in particular its exports, technology transfer to China, location of investments and diversification of China’s currency reserves. Cooperation with Europe and support from Europe are necessary to enable China to improve its position in the international economic and financial system, mainly in order to legitimise China’s actions in the area of multilateralism and global governance. Similarly, Beijing attaches great importance to maintaining Europe’s non-involvement in two issues: China’s core interests and Chinese-American relations.


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Presentation of the main findings of the first ESIL IEL IG Conference in Göttingen in March 2014. The conference provided a thorough overview over all of the current legal issues relating to preferentialism. Particularly the discussions on the role of academia in solving these new challenges in global trade regulation were perceived as fruitful and inspiring.