621 resultados para Instalações eletricas


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With the imposition of the suspension of production and subsequent banning of incandescent light bulbs will be necessary to replace it by other more energy-efficient. Although the main alternative is the compact fluorescent lamp, the environmental impact caused by it due to incorrect disposal and the amount of harmonics included in the network resulting in losses related to the quality of electric power system makes them sought new alternatives for lighting systems that are efficient and have low environmental impact. In this context, the LED (Lighting Emitting Diode), based on solid-state components, is presented as an option for new projects and replacement of existing lighting. In this work we studied aspects of energy, environmental and economic impacts of a possible replacement of conventional lighting systems for new technology. From laboratory tests and surveys of the costs of different types of lamps used for residential lighting, we performed a comparative analysis considering energy and economic aspects which showed that the LED technology, but has a high initial investment, it is best when power quality and environmental preservation are relevant factors in decision making for the choice of technology to be used in the lighting system


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Solar energy can be considered the largest source of energy available on earth and has attracted in recent decades, attention and interest for its rational use. The use of energy sources in a sustainable manner is essential to the survival of future generations, due to the scarcity of natural resources and their exploitation in a disorderly way. Studies related to the applications of renewable sources becomes then relevant, given its great importance as regards the conscious use of resources provided by nature, with the least possible impact on it. The present study presents an evaluation of generation potential and feasibility of implementing a solar photovoltaic connected to the grid and connected to the roofs of some buildings of the Faculty of Engineering of Guaratinguetá - FEG, to supply the demand of electric energy consumption on campus and attempting to inject a possible surplus power generation in local power grid, increasing network capacity and reducing peak loads


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The actual work broaches a study about the collection and treatment of sanitary sewage from the municipality of Ubatuba in its operational aspects and the tariff policy from the service. Themes related to the subject like the history of collection and treatment of sewage, its development in Brazil and its importance for public health and environmental preservation, as well as historical and geographical aspects of Ubatuba/SP, are present in the literature review. The methodology consists in guided visit in the colletion and treatment of sewage facilities and interview with technical managers. With the technical data obtained, it is made a discussion of the results and possible recommendations


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This work discusses about the effects and methods of control and elimination of the currents transients generated by switching capacitor banks, this currents are called inrush currents. Capacitor banks are widely used to compensate a low power factor generated by the widespread use of inductive loads. Currently many of these banks are automatic and therefore the capacitive cells are connected and disconnected according to the inductive loads on the network. However when connecting a capacitor bank to a bus can generate currents transients generated by electromagnetic transients. Aspects of the network, for example, the existence of a bank already connected to the bus, can influence the intensity of this phenomenon. This paper discusses some characteristics of the capacitors and the network to justify and explain the appearance of these transients and discusses its effects on the network and to other equipment. It is concluded that the main cause of this phenomenon is the voltage difference between the capacitor to be connected to the network and the bus, the results of the study were the bases to discuss the traditional methods to mitigate these currents and therefore its negative effects. Although in this paper is yet developed a method of electronic switching that can greatly reduce these transients


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This Graduate Work aims to exhibit the analyze of the applicability of LED technology in a real outdoor lighting situation, and this project’s illumination solution is compared with the initial proposal, the sodium vapor lamps. What is studied is an outdoor area, like the roads and parking lots of a plant. A light planning software is used for this comparison, and the results are displayed instantly, allowing rapid analysis of the project through a simulation. The medium illuminance is the same in both solutions for this case study and minimum rates set as standard were observed then the analysis are appropriate in this project. Various aspects are considered in order to obtain a comprehensive analysis of this project, such as economic, environmental and quality of lighting. LED technology in outdoor lighting is presented in its infancy, but promising. Solid state lamps show great advantages when compared with other technologies, such as discharge lamps, however there are some disadvantages tied to new products that are expected to be overcome with technological development and increased production


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This paper presents a case study in a largebeverage company,which suffers fromlack of inputs. Through 5 Whys analysis,it was possible to find the root causes of the problem: the bad fleet sizing deliveriesand low capacityof storage of inputs. Through the use of simulation, it was possible to determine theactual fleet required, and it was alsoquantified thespace required for thestorage ofloads.Based on these results andconsidering the cost, it waspossible todetermine which the most effective solutions toreducing the initialproblem: the increase of storage capacity, considered the best option, even demanding time, or the increase of the fleet, considered a stopgap measure to partially solve the problem until the first solution is finalized


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The pre-slaughter moment begins with the animal´s loading on the farm and ends up in its drain. It is a period in which the animal is under physical stress caused by hunger, thirst, fatigue, injuries, and extremes of temperature and psychological stress, due to restraint, handling, innovation and fear. Stress and inappropriate handling bring bad consequences for the final product´s quality, requiring better handling conditions, facilities and equipment. Examples of consequences of mishandling: meat with abnormal color, DFD meat (dark, firm and dry), reduced product´s shelf life, bruises and broken bones in carcasses. The operators should be trained and oriented on the basic principles of biology, behavior and management of cattle. At every step of the pre-slaughter moment, the animals should be handled calmly and quietly to avoid excitement and stress. Operators should avoid shouting, whistling or any noise since cattle have very sensitive ears and can become stressed. If the animals refuse to move, the cause of the problem should be determined


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Devido à falta de intalações para o treinamento e desenvolvimento de equipes locais, Presidente Prudente está novamente perdendo oportunidades de uma evolução, um destaque no cenário do futebol. Com isto, a criação do Centro de Formação de Atletas de Futebol tem como finalidade de melhor atender e aperfeiçoar as habilidades dos atletas com instalações esportivas, mas também tendo estruturas de suporte visando atingir a sua proposta social com a preocupação com o bem estar dos mesmos, ensinamento de valores, áreas de ensino e cuidados médicos. Também, pretende-se desenvolver um trabalho com a comunidade carente, no sentido de proporcionar a prática de futebol recreativo através de projetos sociais atendendo centenas de crianças de diversos municípios da região... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Discussões a respeito de propostas de intervenção em espaços ur-banos que possuem valores culturais para a comunidade têm sido um tema bastante explorado por arquitetos e urbanistas contemporâneos. Muitos são os teóricos que se ocuparam do assunto – as primeiras teorias de restaura-ção do patrimônio arquitetônico construído datam do século 18 – mas, até hoje, não se pôde estabelecer um consenso sobre como se deve ou não proceder na concepção de projetos dessa natureza. Este trabalho trata de um espaço ocioso na área central do municí-pio de Bariri, interior do estado de São Paulo, onde se deram as atividades de uma indústria de óleos vegetais de grande expressão na cidade, entre as décadas de 1960 a 1980. Mesmo depois de a fábrica ter entrado em proces-so de falência, seus equipamentos e edificações permaneceram no terreno, e, até hoje, parte considerável de seu patrimônio construído ainda continua lá. Porém, nunca se deu outro uso para o espaço, sendo que, atualmente, as instalações se encontram em processo de ruína. Sabe-se que áreas desocu-padas inseridas na malha urbana podem levar a uma degradação do espaço, devido à falta do cuidado mantido pela presença humana, causando, diversas vezes, a perda do controle pelo poder público, e incidentes provocados pela falta de segurança. A Indústria Resegue de Óleos Vegetais (IROV) teve considerável importância histórica para o município, sendo um dos maiores símbolos da atividade econômica dos imigrantes sírios na cidade. Foi responsável pelo emprego de muitos trabalhadores e por grande movimentação financeira na época em que esteve em funcionamento. Além disso, seu espaço físico im-ponente está presente no cognitivo da maioria dos habitantes baririenses, compondo, de maneira significativa, a identidade visual de Bariri. Sendo as-sim, trata-se de uma área de interesse cultural... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Therebar of aluminum 1350 AA produced by CBA are used inthe manufacture of wires and cables for electric power transmission, which marketshows increasingly favorableto aluminum due to itslow densityand high electrical conductivity, but to ensure that this materialmeets all specifications of projectsfor electricity transmission, it must have homogeneity in the chemicaland mechanicalproperties.One of the points of improvement in the process of rod production isreducing the high variation of the limitof tensile strengthalong the coils, therefore, this work seeks a better understanding of the factors that significantly influence the mechanical properties of rebar, specifically assessing the influence oftemperatureat the output of the coils, which can cause a recovery effect on the material andif thereare relevantdifferences between the two modes of rebar production: auto and manual.Samples of six coils have been specifically produced forthis study, which weresubsequently subjected to different annealing temperatures for one hour and ten minutes, similar to what occurs in the output of the coil from the machine. The tensile tests showed that aluminum 1350 AA is significantly influenced by temperature, whose behavior was very similar to that presented in the literature. It was found that the phenomenon of recovery occurred more significantly at high temperatures. Through the optical electron microscope Zeiss, 18 surface maps were made with 100x magnification for each sample in different conditions and the images were analyzed using entropy and fractal dimension, aiming to relate the condition of surface hardening on mechanical property of the samples in that condition. The results showed that these methods can be applied, provided they do not have any kind of imperfection on the surface, once they can influence the results. The study concluded that a more efficient cooling is required in ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Leaking of hydrocarbon in fuel underground storage tanks constitute object of concern for urban environmental management, because therefore they provoke damages to the physical, biological and socioeconomic environment. Though laws that regulate this essential activity exist, aiming at to prevent contamination with hydrocarbon, we observe that this still happens. This fact evidences that the selection of places for installation of gas stations has not considered the characteristics of the natural environment, implying in more critical consequences associated to the leaking. The objective of this work is to elaborate a chart applied to the gas stations in Rio Claro/SP. The determination of the Index of Environmental Sensitivity for elaboration of such chart was carried through breaking the selection of factors of Environmental Sensitivity of physical, biological and socioeconomic environment. The balance of these factors was given by means of Ad hoc consultation. The crossing of the information was carried through using the method of overlapping of overlays. The result is a chart that shows us areas with classes of high, middle and low Environmental Sensitivity. One gives credit that this type of material can be used as criterion in the selection of adjusted areas for installations of new gas stations and management of the already installed gas stations. The diagnosis of the current situation of the gas stations in the area and recommendations had also been elaborated.


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In hospitals, health professionals may face different situations and problems. By following them, it is remarkable that one of the difficulties is related to the support provided by the facilities to carry out their work. This also affects the quality of treatment offered to patients. One of the points of improvement that could be studied is hospital beds. The Fawler's simplest hospital bed type, used in most Brazilian public hospitals, is designed with an ergonomic average height that offers a default position for analysis and treatment of patients. There is no possibility of adjusting the height of those beds, and hence there is a limitation in this regard since that height is fixed, but the physical structures of the workers and patients may vary widely and there may be a conflict when there are people too large or small involved in this process. Beyond that, studies by experts show that beds with height adjustment decreases the muscular effort and improve the movement quality of the spine of nursing staff, reducing the force on certain vertebrae and also the ergonomic risk. Of course, patient comfort is also affected accordingly. As the beds made with height adjustment are very expensive, this study aims to design a device to adapt the not adjustable beds. The project must be viable from an economic and mechanic standpoint, being able to adapt both old and new simplest Fawler hospital bed models, since their dimensions are similar. The final result shows that it is possible to adapt such beds using the designed concept at a viable cost. Furthermore, this concept could be applied in other bed types or objects that have hollow feet


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The increasing rate of traffic accidents, followed by the high rate of mortality due to these occurrences, favored to the classification of traffic accidents as a public health problem in Brazil. These accidents consume a significant portion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), especially related to the victims. Considering this scenery with many tragedies and resources being spent only in the end, this paper seeks to examine the influence of federal highways lighting by reducing the number of accidents. Federal Highways sections that received lighting were taken up for study, therefore a survey of statistical data has been raised considering the accidents before and after the route had been illuminated. Taking advantage of the results obtained, an economic analysis has been made considering the amounts consumed by traffic accidents versus the values required for the installation of lighting on highways


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This paper aims to develop a web application for viewing Atmospheric Electrical Discharge, plotting marks on a map, using as base data provided by SIMEPAR. The developed system uses techniques and tools which enable the creation of Web system without requiring the use of plugins or external software, running on virtually all web browsers and platforms. This tool aims to aid meteorologists monitor agile discharges and help society at large to prevent accidents caused by this phenomenon of nature


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The electrical substations have the goal to transmit, distribute and change the characteristics of electrical energy transmission networks of dealers to the end user with a high rate of reliability and continuously. For this it’s necessary to accomplish a gathering of datas from the local dealers where will be installed the substation to make a good electric project. This work has the objective to gather all the contents relatives to electric project of substation that are scattered in the literature, in order to organize and develop a basic guide that presents a methodology to dimension electrical equipments that belong to an industrial substation at 15 kV. In addition to elaborate a basic guide, this work aids to specify electrical equipments installed in the substation, bringing information and comparisons to know and determinate the kind of equipments that will be used, in a correct and coherent way with the national and international rules. Ultimately, after determined, got and specified all the equipments that belongs to an industrial substation, the work mention in global manner how to calculate the dimension of substation physical arrangement, determining all the least and required dimensions of each cubicle