958 resultados para Insect dispersal


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Ants are often attracted to diaspores not adapted for dispersal by ants. These diaspores may occasionally benefit from this interaction. We selected six nonmyrmecochorous plant species (Virola oleifera, Eugenia stictosepala, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum, Alchornea glandulosa and Hyeronima alchorneoides) whose diaspores differ in size and lipid content, and investigated how these features affect the outcome of ant-diaspore interactions on the floor of a lowland Atlantic forest of Southeast Brazil. A total of 23 ant species were seen interacting with diaspores on the forest floor. Ants were generally rapid at discovering and cleaning the diaspore pulp or aril. Recruitment rate and ant attendance were higher for lipid-rich diaspores than for lipid-poor ones. Removal rate and displacement distance were higher for small diaspores. The large ponerine ant Pachycondyla striata, one of the most frequent attendants to lipid-rich arillate diaspores, transported the latter into their nests and discarded clean intact seeds on refuse piles outside the nest. Germination tests with cleaned and uncleaned diaspores revealed that the removal of pulp or aril may increase germination success in Virola oleifera, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum and Alchornea glandulosa. Gas chromatography analyses revealed a close similarity in the fatty acid composition of the arils of the lipid-rich diaspores and the elaiosome of a typical myrmecochorous seed (Ricinus communis), corroborating the suggestion that some arils and elaiosomes are chemically similar. Although ant-derived benefits to diaspores - secondary dispersal and/or increased germination - varied among the six plant species studied, the results enhanced the role of ant-diaspore interactions in the post-dispersal fates of nonmyrmecochorous seeds in tropical forests. The size and the lipid-content of the diaspores were shown to be major determinants of the outcome of such interactions.


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Although widespread among fungi, lichens, liverworts, and mosses, seed dispersal mechanisms operated by rain are unusual among flowering plants. Generally speaking, two mechanisms are involved in seed dispersal by rains: the splash-cup and the springboard. Here we describe a new seed dispersal mechanism operated by rain in a Neotropical rainforest herb Bertolonia mosenii Cogniaux (Melastomataceae). The study was carried out at the lowland Atlantic rainforest, southeastern Brazil. We experimentally demonstrate that rain is necessary to release the seeds from the capsules through what we call squirt-corner seed dispersal mechanism: when a raindrop strikes the mature fruit, the water droplet forces the seeds outward to the angles (corners) of the triangular capsule and the seeds are released. As far as we know squirt-corner represents a new rain-operated seed dispersal mechanism, and a novel seed dispersal mode both for Melastomataceae and for flowering plants from Neotropical forests.


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We observed Crested caracaras (Caracara plancus) consuming and dispersing fruits of the palm Attalea phalerata at Pantanal, Brazil. We reviewed the literature of seed dispersal by raptors and suggest that raptors may affect seed dispersal by three different paths: secondary seed dispersal by preying on frugivorous birds, primary seed dispersal of ornithocoric fruits and primary seed dispersal of large, lipid-rich fruits. The latter path may be an important long-distance seed dispersal mechanism for large seeds.


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When the food supply flnishes, or when the larvae of blowflies complete their development and migrate prior to the total removal of the larval substrate, they disperse to find adequate places for pupation, a process known as post-feeding larval dispersal. Based on experimental data of the Initial and final configuration of the dispersion, the reproduction of such spatio-temporal behavior is achieved here by means of the evolutionary search for cellular automata with a distinct transition rule associated with each cell, also known as a nonuniform cellular automata, and with two states per cell in the lattice. Two-dimensional regular lattices and multivalued states will be considered and a practical question is the necessity of discovering a proper set of transition rules. Given that the number of rules is related to the number of cells in the lattice, the search space is very large and an evolution strategy is then considered to optimize the parameters of the transition rules, with two transition rules per cell. As the parameters to be optimized admit a physical interpretation, the obtained computational model can be analyzed to raise some hypothetical explanation of the observed spatiotemporal behavior. © 2006 IEEE.


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Toxic baits are the most used control method for leaf-cutting ants due to their high effectiveness and because they are considered the safest for humans. Taking into account that the importance of leaf-cutting ants as pests, knowing the process by which dispersal and worker contamination is achieved becomes essential to understand several aspects about the functioning of a bait-borne AI (active ingredient) used in toxic baits. It has been established that an effective toxic bait should have a delayed- action AI, but its dispersion among the different sizes of workers is unknown. Workers of different sizes are involved in quite different tasks such foraging, cultivation of symbiotic macrofungus or control of deleterious microfungi. Therefore, we prepared a toxic bait containing the delayed-action AI sulfluramid and a dye (Rhodamine B) as an AI tracer in order to study dispersal and contamination in colonies, evaluated at different periods and in relation to different workers' sizes. Both field and laboratory colonies were evaluated. The great level of contamination, about 50% at 24 hours, in all sizes of workers demonstrates that worker contact with toxic bait is intense within this period. The distribution in field and laboratory colonies was similar. This contamination pattern is probably enough to cause the colony to die because of contamination of smaller workers, leading to the loss of control of the aggressive microfungi, which can quickly overgrow the symbiotic fungus culture. The dispersal dynamics of AI in leaf-cutting ant workers is important for investigations on the mode of action of this insecticide in the colony, and as a reference in future studies, such as those attempting to reduce the concentration of AIs in baits to reduce their environmental impact, or for facilitation of new AI screening.


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We show for the first time that the ventral diverticulum of the mosquito gut (impermeable sugar storage organ) harbors microorganisms. The gut diverticulum from newly emerged and non-fed Aedes aegypti was dissected under aseptic conditions, homogenized and plated on BHI medium. Microbial isolates were identified by sequencing of 16S rDNA for bacteria and 28S rDNA for yeast. A direct DNA extraction from Ae. aegypti gut diverticulum was also performed. The bacterial isolates were: Bacillus sp., Bacillus subtilis and Serratia sp. The latter was the predominant bacteria found in our isolations. The yeast species identified was Pichia caribbica.


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In this study, we used data from both experiments and mathematical simulations to analyze the consequences of the interacting effects of intraguild predation (IGP), cannibalism and parasitism occurring in isolation and simultaneously in trophic interactions involving two blowfly species under shared parasitism. We conducted experiments to determine the short-term response of two blowfly species to these interactions with respect to their persistence. A mathematical model was employed to extend the results obtained from these experiments to the long-term consequences of these interactions for the persistence of the blowfly species. Our experimental results revealed that IGP attenuated the strength of the effects of cannibalism and parasitism between blowfly host species, increasing the probability of persistence of both populations. The simulations obtained from the mathematical model indicated that IGP is a key interaction for the long-term dynamics of this system. The presence of different species interacting in a tri-trophic system relaxed the severity of the effects of a particular interaction between two species, changing species abundances and promoting persistence through time. This pattern was related to indirect interactions with a third species, the parasitoid species included in this study. © 2012 The Society of Population Ecology and Springer Japan.


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Tropical rain forest conservation requires a good understanding of plant-animal interactions. Seed dispersal provides a means for plant seeds to escape competition and density-dependent seed predators and pathogens and to colonize new habitats. This makes the role and effectiveness of frugivorous species in the seed dispersal process an important topic. Northern pigtailed macaques (Macaca leonina) may be effective seed dispersers because they have a diverse diet and process seeds in several ways (swallowing, spitting out, or dropping them). To investigate the seed dispersal effectiveness of a habituated group of pigtailed macaques in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, we examined seed dispersal quantity (number of fruit species eaten, proportion in the diet, number of feces containing seeds, and number of seeds processed) and quality (processing methods used, seed viability and germination success, habitat type and distance from parent tree for the deposited seeds, and dispersal patterns) via focal and scan sampling, seed collection, and germination tests. We found thousands of seeds per feces, including seeds up to 58 mm in length and from 88 fruit species. Importantly, the macaques dispersed seeds from primary to secondary forests, via swallowing, spitting, and dropping. Of 21 species, the effect of swallowing and spitting was positive for two species (i. e., processed seeds had a higher % germination and % viability than control seeds), neutral for 13 species (no difference in % germination or viability), and negative (processed seeds had lower % germination and viability) for five species. For the final species, the effect was neutral for spat-out seeds but negative for swallowed seeds. We conclude that macaques are effective seed dispersers in both quantitative and qualitative terms and that they are of potential importance for tropical rain forest regeneration. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Background: Functional redundancy has been debated largely in ecology and conservation, yet we lack detailed empirical studies on the roles of functionally similar species in ecosystem function. Large bodied frugivores may disperse similar plant species and have strong impact on plant recruitment in tropical forests. The two largest frugivores in the neotropics, tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) and muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides) are potential candidates for functional redundancy on seed dispersal effectiveness. Here we provide a comparison of the quantitative, qualitative and spatial effects on seed dispersal by these megafrugivores in a continuous Brazilian Atlantic forest. Methodology/Principal Findings: We found a low overlap of plant species dispersed by both muriquis and tapirs. A group of 35 muriquis occupied an area of 850 ha and dispersed 5 times more plant species, and 13 times more seeds than 22 tapirs living in the same area. Muriquis dispersed 2.4 times more seeds in any random position than tapirs. This can be explained mainly because seed deposition by muriquis leaves less empty space than tapirs. However, tapirs are able to disperse larger seeds than muriquis and move them into sites not reached by primates, such as large forest gaps, open areas and fragments nearby. Based on published information we found 302 plant species that are dispersed by at least one of these megafrugivores in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Conclusions/Significance: Our study showed that both megafrugivores play complementary rather than redundant roles as seed dispersers. Although tapirs disperse fewer seeds and species than muriquis, they disperse larger-seeded species and in places not used by primates. The selective extinction of these megafrugivores will change the spatial seed rain they generate and may have negative effects on the recruitment of several plant species, particularly those with large seeds that have muriquis and tapirs as the last living seed dispersers. © 2013 Bueno et al.


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Enterococcus faecium has emerged as one of the most important pathogens in healthcare-associated infections worldwide due to its intrinsic and acquired resistance to many antibiotics, including vancomycin. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is an alternative therapeutic platform that is currently under investigation for the control and treatment of infections. PDT is based on the use of photoactive dye molecules, widely known as photosensitizer (PS). PS, upon irradiation with visible light, produces reactive oxygen species that can destroy lipids and proteins causing cell death. We employed Galleria mellonella (the greater wax moth) caterpillar fatally infected with E. faecium to develop an invertebrate host model system that can be used to study the antimicrobial PDT (alone or combined with antibiotics). In the establishment of infection by E. faecium in G. mellonella, we found that the G. mellonella death rate was dependent on the number of bacterial cells injected into the insect hemocoel and all E. faecium strains tested were capable of infecting and killing G. mellonella. Antibiotic treatment with ampicillin, gentamicin or the combination of ampicillin and gentamicin prolonged caterpillar survival infected by E. faecium (P = 0.0003, P = 0.0001 and P = 0.0001, respectively). In the study of antimicrobial PDT, we verified that methylene blue (MB) injected into the insect followed by whole body illumination prolonged the caterpillar survival (P = 0.0192). Interestingly, combination therapy of larvae infected with vancomycin-resistant E. faecium, with antimicrobial PDT followed by vancomycin, significantly prolonged the survival of the caterpillars when compared to either antimicrobial PDT (P = 0.0095) or vancomycin treatment alone (P = 0.0025), suggesting that the aPDT made the vancomycin resistant E. faecium strain more susceptible to vancomycin action. In summary, G. mellonella provides an invertebrate model host to study the antimicrobial PDT and to explore combinatorial aPDT-based treatments.


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This study focused on representing spatio-temporal patterns of fungal dispersal using cellular automata. Square lattices were used, with each site representing a host for a hypothetical fungus population. Four possible host states were allowed: resistant, permissive, latent or infectious. In this model, the probability of infection for each of the healthy states (permissive or resistant) in a time step was determined as a function of the host's susceptibility, seasonality, and the number of infectious sites and the distance between them. It was also assumed that infected sites become infectious after a pre-specified latency period, and that recovery is not possible. Several scenarios were simulated to understand the contribution of the model's parameters and the spatial structure on the dynamic behaviour of the modelling system. The model showed good capability for representing the spatio-temporal pattern of fungus dispersal over planar surfaces. With a specific problem in mind, the model can be easily modified and used to describe field behaviour, which can contribute to the conservation and development of management strategies for both natural and agricultural systems. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Recent studies have shown that ingestion by the army worm Spodoptera frugiperda of Cry1Ac toxin from Bt cotton promotes histochemical and ultrastructural changes in the digestive cells of the predatory pentatomid bug Podisus nigrispinus. Therefore, mindful of the changes in the midgut of the predator, which represents the first line of defence in this insect, our aim was to test the hypothesis that the consumption of Bt cotton-fed S. frugiperda by P. nigrispinus might lead to alterations in components of the immune system of P. nigrispinus. The Cry1Ac toxin level in the leaves of Bt cotton, nitric oxide, phenoloxidase activity, and total proteins were quantified by ELISA. Total and differential hemocyte counts were evaluated, and hemocyte ultrastructure analysis was undertaken. We found that ingestion of the prey fed daily with approximately 23 ± 0.70 ng g-1 Cry1Ac by wet weight of leaves, and expressed by the Bt cotton, induces small ultrastructural changes in the predator's granulocytes and plasmatocytes. However, these changes did not affect the total number and differential and humoral variables analyzed for the bug's hemocytes. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 25 world's hotspots for biodiversity, has experienced dramatic changes in its landscape. While the loss of species diversity is well documented, functional diversity has not received the same amount of attention. In this study, we evaluated functional diversity of insects in streams utilizing three indices: functional diversity (FD), functional dispersion (FDis), and functional divergence (FDiv), seeking to understand the roles of three predictor sets in explaining functional patterns: (1) bioclimatic and landscape variables; (2) spatial variables; and (3) local environmental variables. We determined the amount of variation in different measures of functional diversity that was explained by each predictor set and their interplays using variation partitioning. Our study showed that variation in functional diversity is better explained by a set of variables linked to different scales dependent on spatial structures, indicating the importance of landscape and mainly environmental variables in the functional organization of aquatic insect communities, and that the relative importance of predictor sets depends on the indices considered. Variation in FD was better explained by the interplay among the three predictor sets and by local environmental variables, whereas variation in FDis was better explained by spatial variables and by the interplay between environmental and spatial variables. Variation in FDiv was not significantly explained by any predictors. Our study adds more evidence on the harmful effects caused by landscape changes on biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest, suggesting that these effects also influence the functional organization of stream insect communities. © 2013 The Author(s) Journal compilation © 2013 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.


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Mistletoes represent the best example of specialization in seed dispersal, with a reduced assemblage of dispersal agents. Specific dispersal requirements mediated by the specificity of seed deposition site have apparently led to the evolution of such close relationships between mistletoes and certain frugivores. Here, we provide evidences for another case of specialization involving epiphytic cacti in the genus Rhipsalis, and small Neotropical passerines Euphonia spp., which also act as the main seed dispersers of mistletoes in the family Viscaceae. With field observations, literature search, and observations on captive birds, we demonstrated that Rhipsalis have specific establishment requirements, and euphonias are the most effective dispersers of Rhipsalis seeds in both quantitative and qualitative aspects, potentially depositing seeds onto branches of host plants. We interpret the similar dispersal systems of Rhipsalis and Viscaceae mistletoes, which involve the same dispersal agents, similar fruit morphologies, and fruit chemistry as convergent adaptive strategies that enable seeds of both groups to reach adequate microsites for establishment in host branches. © 2013 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.