904 resultados para Information Science Schools
Informaatiotutkimuksen pääkokoelma sijaitsee pääkirjastossa (Linnassa), jossa painettu yleis- ja käsikirjastokokoelma koostuu noin 4500 nimekkeestä monografioita (painettujen monografiasarjojen osat mukaan lukien). Yleiskokoelmaa on karsittu joiltain osin 2000-luvun alussa. Monografiakokoelmasta kartoitettiin viisi osa-aluetta. Kirjastotyötä käsitteli 42 % kirjoista (1878 nimekettä), joten se oli selvin painopisteala. Kirjastohistoriaa käsitteli 18 % (791 nimekettä) ja kirjastotiedettä yleisesti 12 % kirjoista (521 nimekettä). Tiedonhankinta- ja tiedonhakututkimuksen (8 % / 381 nimekettä) ja tutkimusmenetelmien, bibliometriikan (3 % / 120 nimekettä) osuudet kirjakokoelmasta olivat pienehköjä. Käsikirjaston 218 nimekkeen kokoelma sisälsi bibliografioita (41 nimekettä), luettelointiin ja luokitukseen liittyvää aineistoa, asiasanastoja, tilastoja, käsikirjoja ja erilaisia kirjastojen ja informaatioalan laitosten hakemistoja. Näkyvimmän osan muodosti Encyclopedia of library and information science sarja vuosilta 1968-2003, volyymit 1-73. Painettuja lehtiä oli 15 nimekettä (Asiasana, Bibliophilos, Biblioteksbladet. BBL, College and research libraries CRL, IFLA journal, Informaatiotutkimus, Information world review, International cataloguing and bibliographic control, Kirjastolehti, Library of Congress information bulletin, Managing information, Raamatukogu:RK, Signum, Tietoasiantuntija). Sähkökirjoja kokoelmassa oli 103 nimekettä Ebrary-tietokannassa, 19 nimekettä NetLibrary-tietokannassa, 8 nimekettä MyiLibrary –tietokannassa ja 1 nimeke Taylor & Francis –tietokannassa. Edellä mainittujen lisäksi sähköinen hakuteos Encyclopedia of Information science and Technology. Verkkolehtiä kokoelmassa oli n. 350. Näistä open access lehtiä 210, joista ei saa tilastotietoja. Tietokantoja oli viisi (Ebscohost Academic Search Premier, Emerald Journals, Ebscohost Lista, ScienceDirect ja SpringerLink).
Biology is turning into an information science. The science of systems biology seeks to understand the genetic networks that govern organism development and functions. In this study the chicken was used as a model organism in the study of B cell regulatory factors. These studies open new avenues for plasma cell research by connecting the down regulation of the B cell gene expression program directly to the initiation of plasma cell differentiation. The unique advantages of the DT40 avian B cell model system, specifically its high homologous recombination rate, were utilized to study gene regulation in Pax5 knock out cell lines and to gain new insights into the B cell to plasma cell transitions that underlie the secretion of antibodies as part of the adaptive immune response. The Pax5 transcription factor is central to the commitment, development and maintenance of the B cell phenotype. Mice lacking the Pax5 gene have an arrest in development at the pro-B lymphocyte stage while DT40 cells have been derived from cells at a more mature stage of development. The DT40 Pax5-/- cells exhibited gene expression similarities with primary chicken plasma cells. The expression of the plasma cell transcription factors Blimp-1 and XBP-1 were significantly upregulated while the expression of the germinal centre factor BCL6 was diminished in Pax5-/- cells, and this alteration was normalized by Pax5 re-introduction. The Pax5-deficient cells further manifested substantially elevated secretion of IgM into the supernatant, another characteristic of plasma cells. These results for the first time indicated that the downregulation of the Pax5 gene in B cells promotes plasma cell differentiation. Cross-species meta-analysis of chicken and mouse Pax5 gene knockout studies uncovers genes and pathways whose regulatory relationship to Pax5 has remained unchanged for over 300 million years. Restriction of the hematopoietic stem cell fate to produce T, B and NK cell lineages is dependent on the Ikaros and its molecular partners, the closely related Helios and Aiolos. Ikaros family members are zinc finger proteins which act as transcriptional repressors while helping to activate lymphoid genes. Helios in mice is expressed from the hematopoietic stem cell level onwards, although later in development its expression seems to predominate in the T cell lineage. This study establishes the emergence and sequence of the chicken Ikaros family members. Helios expression in the bursa of Fabricius, germinal centres and B cell lines suggested a role for Helios in the avian B-cell lineage, too. Phylogenetic studies of the Ikaros family connect the expansion of the Ikaros family, and thus possibly the emergence of the adaptive immune system, with the second round of genome duplications originally proposed by Ohno. Paralogs that have arisen as a result of genome-wide duplications are sometimes termed ohnologs – Ikaros family proteins appear to fit that definition. This study highlighted the opportunities afforded by the genome sequencing efforts and somatic cell reverse genetics approaches using the DT40 cell line. The DT40 cell line and the avian model system promise to remain a fruitful model for mechanistic insight in the post-genomic era as well.
In the present dissertation, multilingual thesauri were approached as cultural products and the focus was twofold: On the empirical level the focus was placed on the translatability of certain British-English social science indexing terms into the Finnish language and culture at a concept, a term and an indexing term level. On the theoretical level the focus was placed on the aim of translation and on the concept of equivalence. In accordance with modern communicative and dynamic translation theories the interest was on the human dimension. The study is qualitative. In this study, equivalence was understood in a similar way to how dynamic, functional equivalence is commonly understood in translation studies. Translating was seen as a decision-making process, where a translator often has different kinds of possibilities to choose in order to fulfil the function of the translation. Accordingly, and as a starting point for the construction of the empirical part, the function of the source text was considered to be the same or similar to the function of the target text, that is, a functional thesaurus both in source and target context. Further, the study approached the challenges of multilingual thesaurus construction from the perspectives of semantics and pragmatics. In semantic analysis the focus was on what the words conventionally mean and in pragmatics on the ‘invisible’ meaning - or how we recognise what is meant even when it is not actually said (or written). Languages and ideas expressed by languages are created mainly in accordance with expressional needs of the surrounding culture and thesauri were considered to reflect several subcultures and consequently the discourses which represent them. The research material consisted of different kinds of potential discourses: dictionaries, database records, and thesauri, Finnish versus British social science researches, Finnish versus British indexers, simulated indexing tasks with five articles and Finnish versus British thesaurus constructors. In practice, the professional background of the two last mentioned groups was rather similar. It became even more clear that all the material types had their own characteristics, although naturally not entirely separate from each other. It is further noteworthy that the different types and origins of research material were not used to represent true comparison pairs, and that the aim of triangulation of methods and material was to gain a holistic view. The general research questions were: 1. Can differences be found between Finnish and British discourses regarding family roles as thesaurus terms, and if so, what kinds of differences and which are the implications for multilingual thesaurus construction? 2. What is the pragmatic indexing term equivalence? The first question studied how the same topic (family roles) was represented in different contexts and by different users, and further focused on how the possible differences were handled in multilingual thesaurus construction. The second question was based on findings of the previous one, and answered to the final question as to what kinds of factors should be considered when defining translation equivalence in multilingual thesaurus construction. The study used multiple cases and several data collection and analysis methods aiming at theoretical replication and complementarity. The empirical material and analysis consisted of focused interviews (with Finnish and British social scientists, thesaurus constructors and indexers), simulated indexing tasks with Finnish and British indexers, semantic component analysis of dictionary definitions and translations, coword analysis and datasets retrieved in databases, and discourse analysis of thesauri. As a terminological starting point a topic and case family roles was selected. The results were clear: 1) It was possible to identify different discourses. There also existed subdiscourses. For example within the group of social scientists the orientation to qualitative versus quantitative research had an impact on the way they reacted to the studied words and discourses, and indexers placed more emphasis on the information seekers whereas thesaurus constructors approached the construction problems from a more material based solution. The differences between the different specialist groups i.e. the social scientists, the indexers and the thesaurus constructors were often greater than between the different geo-cultural groups i.e. Finnish versus British. The differences occurred as a result of different translation aims, diverging expectations for multilingual thesauri and variety of practices. For multilingual thesaurus construction this means severe challenges. The clearly ambiguous concept of multilingual thesaurus as well as different construction and translation strategies should be considered more precisely in order to shed light on focus and equivalence types, which are clearly not self-evident. The research also revealed the close connection between the aims of multilingual thesauri and the pragmatic indexing term equivalence. 2) The pragmatic indexing term equivalence is very much context-depended. Although thesaurus term equivalence is defined and standardised in the field of library and information science (LIS), it is not understood in one established way and the current LIS tools are inadequate to provide enough analytical tools for both constructing and studying different kinds of multilingual thesauri as well as their indexing term equivalence. The tools provided in translation science were more practical and theoretical, and especially the division of different meanings of a word provided a useful tool in analysing the pragmatic equivalence, which often differs from the ideal model represented in thesaurus construction literature. The study thus showed that the variety of different discourses should be acknowledged, there is a need for operationalisation of new types of multilingual thesauri, and the factors influencing pragmatic indexing term equivalence should be discussed more precisely than is traditionally done.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Brazilian scientific output exhibited a 4-fold increase in the last two decades because of the stability of the investment in research and development activities and of changes in the policies of the main funding agencies. Most of this production is concentrated in public universities and research institutes located in the richest part of the country. Among all areas of knowledge, the most productive are Health and Biological Sciences. During the 1998-2002 period these areas presented heterogeneous growth ranging from 4.5% (Pharmacology) to 191% (Psychiatry), with a median growth rate of 47.2%. In order to identify and rank the 20 most prolific institutions in these areas, searches were made in three databases (DataCAPES, ISI and MEDLINE) which permitted the identification of 109,507 original articles produced by the 592 Graduate Programs in Health and Biological Sciences offered by 118 public universities and research institutes. The 20 most productive centers, ranked according to the total number of ISI-indexed articles published during the 1998-2003 period, produced 78.7% of the papers in these areas and are strongly concentrated in the Southern part of the country, mainly in São Paulo State.
Newsletter of Chapman University's Leatherby Libraries. Volume 1, Issue 1.
Newsletter of Chapman University's Leatherby Libraries. Volume 2, Issue 1.
Newsletter of Chapman University's Leatherby Libraries. Volume 1, Issue 2.
Newsletter of Chapman University's Leatherby Libraries. Volume 2, Issue 2.
Newsletter of Chapman University's Leatherby Libraries. Volume 3, Issue 1.
This is the first issue of the Leatherby Letters presented in digital format.
À paraître en décembre 2007.
Ce mémoire examine l'adoption des téléphones mobiles et l'utilisation des messages texte (SMS) par les adolescents chinois, selon la théorie des usages et gratifications et de la recherche sur la communication par ordinateur. Certains champs particuliers de l'utilisation des messages textes par les adolescents chinois, comme le contrôle parental, la circulation des chaînes de messages, la popularité des messages de salutations et l'utilisation répandue des émoticônes ont été étudiés. La fonction sociale des SMS, plus particulièrement des pratiques sociales et des relations émotionnelles des adolescents chinois, a également été explorée. Cette étude est basée sur un sondage réalisé sur le terrain auprès de 100 adolescents chinois. Elle révèle que chez les adolescents chinois, les deux principales raisons pour l'adoption du téléphone mobile sont l'influence parentale et le besoin de communication sociale. Quant à l'utilisation des messages texte, elle répond à sept usages et gratifications : la flexibilité, le coût modique, l’intimité, éviter l'embarras, le divertissement, l'engouement et l'évasion. Il a également été observé que les messages texte jouent un rôle positif dans la construction et l'entretien des relations sociales des adolescents chinois.
Cette recherche se propose d’étudier, d’un point de vue de la problématique et de la méthodologie relative à l’ergonomie humain-machine, la manière dont les e-portfolios de présentation peuvent s’insérer dans le milieu universitaire. Un e-portfolio est généralement défini comme étant une collection d’informations qui illustre la scolarité, l’apprentissage ou la vie professionnelle d’une personne à travers une sélection de résultats marquants au cours de formations ou d’études, mais aussi qui regroupe les réflexions personnelles de l’apprenant sur son apprentissage, son parcours, la planification d’une carrière ou la construction d’un CV. Tout au long de cette étude nous avons chercher à comprendre à travers une analyse ciblée des besoins comment l’apprenant peut mettre en avant une démarche réflexive tout au long de son parcours. Il s’agit aussi de comprendre comment les e-portfolios de présentation pourraient se démarquer et offrir un véritable outil de placement aux étudiants comme aux recruteurs. Pour tenter de répondre à ces questions, nous avons procédé à des entretiens avec les recruteurs et les étudiants en vue de comprendre leurs attentes. L’ensemble des informations recueillies on permis de créer une maquette fonctionnelle sur laquelle ils ont pu interagir. Les éléments d’analyse issus de ces rencontres et des tests d’utilisabilité de l’outil nous ont permis de mettre sur pied une maquette finale.
L’évolution technologique et l'accroissement de la population vieillissante sont deux tendances majeures de la dernière décennie. Durant cette période, la prolifération ubiquitaire de la téléphonie mobile a changé les habitudes de communication des gens. Le changement constant des appareils téléphoniques portatifs, l'augmentation des fonctions, la diversité iconographique, la variété des interfaces et la complexité de navigation exigent aujourd’hui non seulement plus de temps d'adaptation et d’apprentissage, mais représentent aussi un effort cognitif important. Les technologies d'information et de communication (TIC) sont devenues des outils incontournables de la vie moderne. Pour les personnes âgées, cet univers en perpétuelle mutation avec ces nouveaux appareils représente un obstacle à l’accès à l’information et contribue ainsi au gap générationnel. Le manque de référence et de soutien et les déficiences physiques ou cognitives, que certaines personnes développent en vieillissant, rendent l'usage de ce type d’objet souvent impossible. Pourtant, les produits intelligents plus accessibles, tant au niveau physique que cognitif sont une réelle nécessité au sein de notre société moderne permettant aux personnes âgées de vivre de manière plus autonome et « connectée ». Cette recherche a pour but d'exposer les défis d'usage des téléphones portables existants et d'identifier en particulier les problèmes d’usage que les personnes âgées manifestent. L’étude vise la tranche de population qui est peu habituée aux technologies de communications qui ne ciblent le plus souvent que les plus jeunes et les professionnels. C’est en regardant les habitudes d’usage, que la recherche qualitative nous permettra d’établir un profil des personnes âgées par rapport au TIC et de mieux comprendre les défis liés à la perception, compréhension et l’usage des interfaces de téléphones portables.