997 resultados para IPS Empress II®
Calf serum and fetal bovine serum present great variability as to its growth promoting efficiency (GPE). As supplement of culture media to cultivate cells of animal origin they stimulate the "in vitro" multiplication and maintain cell viability. When fourteen lots of calf sera of variable GPE had the total protein contents as well as the percentages of serum fractions determined, no significant differences that could possibly explain the variability of the GPE were observed. Evaluation of the antiproteolytic activity of nineteen lots of calf serum and eighteen serum lots of younger calves showed that the former exhibited lower antiproteolytic titers (1:40 to 1:80) than the latter (1:80 to 1:160). Twelve lots of fetal bovine serum studied in parallel, showed the highest concentration of antiproteolytic factors, with titers equal to 1:320. Sera of bovine origin, but not fetal sera, are usually heat-inactivated, what was demonstrated to be responsible for the decrease of the antiproteolytic activity of 75% of the lots tested. This could explain the inability of certain heat-inactivated sera in promoting multiplication of some cells "in vitro", as verified with primary monkey kidney cells. The results obtained in this study indicated the convenience of submiting each lot of serum to be introduced in cell culture to previous determination of its characteristics, such as growth promoting efficiency, antiproteolytic activity and also toxicity, absence of extraneous agents, etc., in order to minimize the possibility of using serum lots of questionable quality, thus preventing not only the loss of cell lines, but also undesirable and sometimes expensive delays.
Molybdenum and tungsten complexes containing the pypzH (3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazole) ligand as a chelating bidentate are prepared: [Mo(CO)(4)(pypzH)], cis-[MoBr(eta(3)-allyl)(CO)(2)(pypzH)], cis-[MoCl(eta(3)-methallyl)(CO)(2)(pypzH)], [MI2(CO)(3)(pypzH)] (M = Mo, W) from [Mo(CO)(4)(NBD)] or the adequate bis(acetonitrile) complexes. The deprotonation of the molybdenum allyl or methallyl complexes affords the bimetallic complexes [cis-{Mo(eta(3)-allyl)(CO)(2)(mu(2)-pypz)}](2) or [cis-{Mo(eta(3)-methallyl)(CO)(2)(mu(2)-pypz)}](2) (mu(2)-pypz = mu(2)-3-(2-pyridyl-kappa N-1) pyrazolate-2 kappa N-1). The allyl complex was subjected to an electrochemical study, which shows a marked connection between both metallic centres through the bridging pyridylpyrazolates.
New cationic ruthenium(II) complexes with the formula [Ru(eta(5)-C5H5)(LL)(1-BuIm)] [Z], with (LL) = 2PPh(3) or DPPE, and Z = CF3SO3-, PF6-, BPh4-, have been synthesized and fully characterized. Spectroscopic and electrochemical studies revealed that the electronic properties of the coordinated 1-butylimidazole were clearly influenced by the nature of the phosphane coligands (LL) and also by the different counter ions. The solid state structures of the six complexes determined by X-ray crystallographic studies, confirmed the expected distorted three-legged piano stool structure. However the geometry of the 1-butylimidazole ligand was found considerably different in all six compounds, being governed by the stereochemistry of the mono and bidentate coligands (PPh3 or DPPE).
A new family of "RuCp" (Cp=eta(5)-C5H5) derivatives with bidentate N,O and N,N'-heteroaromatic ligands revealed outstanding cytotoxic properties against several human cell lines namely, A2780, A2780CisR, HT29, MCF7, MDAMB231, and PD. IC50 values were much lower than those found for cisplatin. Crystal structure of compound 4 was determined by X-ray diffraction studies. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations performed for compound 1 showed electronic flow from the ruthenium center to the coordinated bidentate ligand, in agreement with the electrochemical studies and the existence of a metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) band evidenced by spectroscopic data.
The present investigation was carried out on a sample of 840 children (5 to 16 years old) from ten small towns of the State of Bahia in northeastern Brazil. The objetive was to study, by using a cross sectional methodology, the evolution of schistosomiasis morbidity (hepatic and splenic enlargement) in children, and the role of the intensity of S. mansoni infection in this process. The children were analised in three age groups (5 to 8, to 12 and 13 to 16 years old) and classified as uninfected, mildly infected, moderately infected and heavily infected according to the number of eggs in the stool. In children aged 5 to 8 years, increasing egg counts were not associated with increasing frequencies of hepatic or splenic enlargement. In the 9 to 12 years old group and association was observed with the prevalence of hepatic enlargement, but not with the prevalence of spleen enlargement. In the oldest group, 13 to 16 years old, an association was observed with the prevalence of enlargement of both organs. It was evident that in this population schistosomiasis morbidity develops in the early period of life as a gradual process starting with liver enlargement and followed by spleen enlargement some years later. It was found that the intensity of infection has a fundamental role in this process, although there is a latent period of some years before clinical splenomegaly appears in moderate-heavily infected children. The Authors suggest that the prevalence of splenomegaly in the 13 to 16 years old group is a good measure of the community level of schistosomiasis morbidity and could be used to measure the impact of control programs.
A presente comunicação irá incidir numa investigação realizada ao longo do ano letivo de 2013/2014, no âmbito da unidade curricular “Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II”, do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, que teve como objetivo a compreensão das estratégias de cálculo mental utilizadas pelos alunos, nas diversas operações, envolvendo números naturais, e o modo como estas se desenvolvem, contemplando as seguintes questões: i) Qual a importância da implementação de uma rotina de cálculo mental?; ii) Que estratégias de cálculo mental usam os alunos?; iii) De que modo podem evoluir essas estratégias?; iv) Qual a importância da discussão oral das estratégias utilizadas? A metodologia seguiu o paradigma interpretativo, assumindo uma natureza qualitativa. Optou-se pela combinação de várias técnicas de recolha de dados: observação, entrevista e análise documental. Foram analisadas as tiras de cálculo mental de duas alunas do 3.º ano ao longo de toda a intervenção e, recorrendo às notas de campo efetuadas durante a partilha de estratégias, foram ainda analisadas as estratégias utilizadas pela turma no início, meio e fim da implementação. Por último, foi aplicada uma entrevista a essas duas alunas, a qual permitiu a identificação das estratégias utilizadas, na mesma tira, por cada uma das estudantes.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro
Para aprimorar a sensibilidade e a especificidade da reação de hemaglutina-ção indireta no diagnóstico da doença de Chagas, foram utilizados eritrocitos sensibilizados com antígeno de epimastigotas de diferentes amostras (clones Al.7, B12, Cl e cepas D150 e Y), de tripomastigotas metacíclicos de cultura (TMC) e de tri-pomastigotas de cultura de células (TCC) do Trypanosoma cruzi. Foram titulados 132 soros de indivíduos chagásicos e 161 soros de não chagásicos, diagnosticados pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), considerada como reação de referência no cálculo dos índices de co-positividade (i.c.p.), co-negatividade (i.c.n.) e concordância. Utilizando o título discriminante (T.D.) de 1:40, os antígenos da cepa Y e do clone B12 apresentaram valores elevados para os três índices calculados, indicando boa sensibilidade e especificidade em relação à RIFI. Os antígenos dos clones Al .7 e Cl apresentaram baixa especificidade considerando o T.D. de 1:40, mas ocorreu um aumento acentuado para o i.c.n. considerando o T.D. de 1:80, indicando um aumento de especificidade relativa sem alteração significativa da sensibilidade relativa. Com os antígenos T.M.C, e T.C.C, foram observados títulos mais baixos e valores menores para o i.c.p., indicando pouca sensibilidade em relação à RIFI.
A comparison of two different standardized reagent procedures for the passive haemagglutination test (PHA) in the detection of specific antibody to Cysticercus cellulosae in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was carried out. The formaldehyde-treated group O Rh-human red blood cells (HuRBC) and glutaraldehyde-treated sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were the supplies for the reagents preparation and, in the tests, they were designated as PHA-1 and PHA-2, respectively. For both reagents the cells were coated with the cysticerci total saline extract (TS) antigen. PHA-1 and PHA-2 were assessed in a total of 204 CSF from patients with neurocysticercosis, from non-related infections and from healthy individuals. The positivity and specificity indices obtained were respectively 81.7% and 94.4% for PHA-1 and for PHA-2, 88.7% and 96.6%. Since no significant differences were observed between the results provided by two reagents, at level of significance of 0.05, either processes of cell sensitization can alternatively be used according to the own laboratory convenience.
Realizou-se o estudo do estado nutricional através da antropometria com o objetivo de descrever a prevalência e a forma da Desnutrição Protéico-Energética em seis cidades da região do Polonoroeste. O exame antropométrico foi aplicado em um grupo de 573 crianças de 3 a 72 meses de idade, de ambos os sexos. Para o tratamento dos dados coletados utilizou-se as classificações propostas por GOMEZ e por WATERLOW, sendo ainda realizada a distribuição do peso e a altura por faixas de percentis. A prevalência de desnutrição encontrada, segundo a classificação de GOMEZ, foi de 51,0%, sendo que o maior percentual foi constatado na cidade de Jauru (79,2%) e o menor na cidade de Araputanga (31,3%). Quanto à forma de desnutrição a de maior prevalência foi a desnutrição pregressa, mostrando com isso um comprometimento acentuado da estatura, confirmado através da distribuição por percentis.
Sixteen S. mansoni infected and untreated patients (5 with recent infection and 11 with chronic disease) were evaluated for their in vitro natural killer (NK) activity against the NK sensitive target K562 cell line. NK levels in 9 out of 11 patients (82%) with chronic disease were significantly lower (mean = 15 ± 6%),compared with patients recently infected (mean = 41 ± 9% p < 0.001) and with the control group (mean = 38 ± 13% p < 0.001). However, both patients and controls NK activity was stimulated by soluble adult worm antigens (SAWA), indicating that NK function even in the chronic stage of the infection is able to respond to the parasite antigens. These results suggest the possibility of NK cell participation as effector mechanism against S. mansoni.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
Geophysical data acquired on the conjugate margins system of the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia (GLWS) is unique in its ability to address fundamental questions about rifting (i.e. crustal thinning, the nature of the continent-ocean transition zone, the style of rifting and subsequent evolution, and the connection between deep and surface processes). While the Gulf of Lion (GoL) was the site of several deep seismic experiments, which occurred before the SARDINIA Experiment (ESP and ECORS Experiments in 1981 and 1988 respectively), the crustal structure of the West Sardinia margin remains unknown. This paper describes the first modeling of wide-angle and near-vertical reflection multi-channel seismic (MCS) profiles crossing the West Sardinia margin, in the Mediterranean Sea. The profiles were acquired, together with the exact conjugate of the profiles crossing the GoL, during the SARDINIA experiment in December 2006 with the French R/V L'Atalante. Forward wide-angle modeling of both data sets (wide-angle and multi-channel seismic) confirms that the margin is characterized by three distinct domains following the onshore unthinned, 26 km-thick continental crust : Domain V, where the crust thins from 26 to 6 km in a width of about 75 km; Domain IV where the basement is characterized by high velocity gradients and lower crustal seismic velocities from 6.8 to 7.25 km/s, which are atypical for either crustal or upper mantle material, and Domain III composed of "atypical" oceanic crust.The structure observed on the West Sardinian margin presents a distribution of seismic velocities that is symmetrical with those observed on the Gulf of Lion's side, except for the dimension of each domain and with respect to the initiation of seafloor spreading. This result does not support the hypothesis of simple shear mechanism operating along a lithospheric detachment during the formation of the Liguro-Provencal basin.
Avaliação do II Curso de Saúde Pública da Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal: um estudo de caso
Os cursos de especialização em Saúde Pública atualmente existentes entre nós, com seu formato diferencial de curta duração e alta abrangência, constituem uma realidade recente em nosso país, contando com pouco mais de dez anos. No Distrito Federal, realizaram-se nove deles, dos quais seis com a atuação diretiva e docente dos autores. Com vistas a incorporar tal experiência acumulada como contribuição para com futuras iniciativas a respeito, apresentam-se os resultados obtidos com avaliação terminal procedida em um deles, executada segundo o modelo atualmente recomendado pela Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. Foi ela aplicada em amostra randômica de alunos, docentes e coordenadores, na busca de identificação de apreciações positivas e negativas, sobretudo dos aspectos operacional, administrativo, metodológico e institucional do mesmo. Em meio a percepções e formulações heterogêneas e pluralistas, obtiveram maiores freqüências em suas respectivas distribuições, por um lado, a adequação do trabalho de campo, baseado na utilização de quatro regionais, acompanhadas pelos alunos após cada área temática e, por outro, a preocupação para com a fragilidade de decisão institucional quanto a oferta e manutenção do curso, bem como quanto ao aproveitamento dos egressos para consolidação do sistema de saúde do Distrito Federal. Tais aspectos merecem, ao final, destacada discussão.