992 resultados para Hypertension, drug therapy
RESUMO - Assistimos hoje a um contexto marcado (i) pelo progressivo envelhecimento das sociedades ocidentais, (ii) pelo aumento da prevalência das doenças crónicas, de que as demências são um exemplo, (iii) pelo significativo aumento dos custos associados a estas patologias, (iv) por orçamentos públicos fortemente pressionadas pelo controlo da despesa, (v) por uma vida moderna que dificulta o apoio intergeracional, tornando o suporte proporcionado pelos filhos particularmente difícil, (vi) por fortes expectativas relativamente à prestação de cuidados de saúde com qualidade. Teremos assim de ser capazes de conseguir melhorar os serviços de saúde, ao mesmo tempo que recorremos a menos recursos financeiros e humanos, pelo que a inovação parece ser crítica para a sustentabilidade do sistema. Contudo a difusão das Assistive Living Technologies, apesar do seu potencial, tem sido bastante baixa, nomeadamente em Portugal. Porquê? Hamer, Plochg e Moreira (2012), no editorial do International Journal of Healthcare Management, enquadram a Inovação como “podendo ser imprevisível e mesmo dolorosa, pelo que talvez possamos não ficar surpreendidos se surgirem resistências e que, inovações bastante necessárias, capazes de melhorar os indicadores de saúde, tenham sido de adoção lenta ou que tenham mesmo sido insustentáveis”. Em Portugal não há bibliografia que procure caracterizar o modelo de difusão da inovação em eHealth ou das tecnologias de vivência assistida. A bibliografia internacional é igualmente escassa. O presente projeto de investigação, de natureza exploratória, tem como objetivo principal, identificar barreiras e oportunidades para a implementação de tecnologias eHealth, aplicadas ao campo das demências. Como objetivos secundários pretendemse identificar as oportunidades e limitações em Portugal: mapa de competências nacionais, e propor medidas que possa acelerar a inovação em ALT, no contexto nacional. O projeto seguirá o modelo de um estudo qualitativo. Para o efeito foram conduzidas entrevistas em profundidade junto de experts em ALT, procurando obter a visão daqueles que participam do lado da Oferta- a Indústria; do lado da Procura- doentes, cuidadores e profissionais de saúde; bem como dos Reguladores. O instrumento utilizado para a recolha da informação pretendida foi o questionário não estruturado. A análise e interpretação da informação recolhida foram feitas através da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados da Análise de Conteúdo efetuada permitiram expressar a dicotomia barreira/oportunidade, nas seguintes categorias aqui descritas como contextos (i) Contexto Tecnológico, nas subcategorias de Acesso às Infraestruturas; Custo da Tecnologia; Interoperabilidade, (ii) Contexto do Valor Percecionado, nas subcategorias de Utilidade; Eficiência; Divulgação, (iii) Contexto Político, compreendendo a Liderança; Organização; Regulação; Recursos, (iv) Contexto Sociocultural, incluindo nomeadamente Idade; Literacia; Capacidade Económica, (v) Contexto Individual, incluindo como subcategorias, Capacidade de Adaptação a Novas tecnologias; Motivação; Acesso a equipamentos (vi) Contexto Específico da Doença, nomeadamente o Impacto Cognitivo; Tipologia Heterogénea e a Importância do Cuidador. Foi proposto um modelo exploratório, designado de Modelo de Contextos e Forças, que estudos subsequentes poderão validar. Neste modelo o Contexto Tecnológico é um Força Básica ou Fundamental; o Contexto do Valor Percecionado, constitui-se numa Força Crítica para a adoção de inovação, que assenta na sua capacidade para oferecer valor aos diversos stakeholders da cadeia de cuidados. Temos também o Contexto Político, com capacidade de modelar a adoção da inovação e nomeadamente com capacidade para o acelerar, se dele emitir um sinal de urgência para a mudança. O Contexto Sociocultural e Individual expressam uma Força Intrínseca, dado que elas são características internas, próprias e imutáveis no curto-prazo, das sociedade e das pessoas. Por fim há que considerar o Contexto Específico da Doença, nesta caso o das demências. Das conclusões do estudo parece evidente que as condições tecnológicas estão medianamente satisfeitas em Portugal, com evidentes progressos nos últimos anos (exceção para a interoperabilidade aonde há necessidade de maiores progressos), não constituindo portanto barreira à introdução de ALT. Aonde há necessidade de investir é nas áreas do valor percebido. Da análise feita, esta é uma área que constitui uma barreira à introdução e adoção das ALT em Portugal. A falta de perceção do valor que estas tecnologias trazem, por parte dos profissionais de saúde, doentes, cuidadores e decisores políticos, parece ser o principal entrave à sua adoção. São recomendadas estratégias de modelos colaborativos de Investigação e Desenvolvimento e de abordagens de cocriação com a contribuição de todos os intervenientes na cadeia de cuidados. Há também um papel que cabe ao estado no âmbito das prioridades e da mobilização de recursos, sendo-lhe requerida a expressão do sentido de urgência para que esta mudança aconteça. Foram também identificadas oportunidades em diversas áreas, como na prevenção, no diagnóstico, na compliance medicamentosa, na terapêutica, na monitorização, no apoio à vida diária e na integração social. O que é necessário é que as soluções encontradas constituam respostas àquilo que são as verdadeiras necessidades dos intervenientes e não uma imposição tecnológica que só por si nada resolve. Do estudo resultou também a perceção de que há que (i) continuar a trabalhar no sentido de aproximar a comunidade científica, da clínica e do doente, (ii) fomentar a colaboração entre centros, com vista à criação de escala a nível global. Essa colaboração já parece acontecer a nível empresarial, tendo sido identificadas empresas Portuguesas com vocação global. A qualidade individual das instituições de ensino, dos centros de investigação, das empresas, permite criar as condições para que Portugal possa ser país um piloto e um case-study internacional em ALT, desde que para tal pudéssemos contar com um trabalho colaborativo entre instituições e com decisões políticas arrojadas.
RESUMO - A (não) adesão à terapêutica é um problema mundial que, para além de afetar diretamente a saúde dos indivíduos, afeta também os recursos económicos e sociais. Apesar da importância em aderir à terapêutica, largamente fundamentada na evidência científica, facto é que, em muitos casos, os doentes não o fazem. Assim, estudar as questões relacionadas com a adesão tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais relevância e atualmente constitui um desafio para os sistemas de saúde, pois os mecanismos envolvidos no comportamento de adesão dos indivíduos são complexos. Deste modo, com este estudo pretendeu-se caracterizar uma amostra de indivíduos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e relacionar o seu nível de adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa com os fatores de não adesão. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACES) Almada e Seixal e nele participaram 151 diabéticos tipo 2. Para a recolha de dados utilizou-se o Questionário de Identificação de Fatores de Não Adesão adaptado de Cabral e Silva (2010) e a Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos de Delgado e Lima (2001). Os resultados mostraram um perfil de participantes maioritariamente idosos, reformados, do género feminino, casados, com o ensino primário completo, rendimento mensal entre 301-1000 euros e tendencialmente aderentes à terapêutica medicamentosa. O (i) esquecimento, o (ii) preço da medicação, o (iii) número elevado de medicamentos para tomar de uma vez só, não perceber bem o que deve tomar e como e (v) adormecer antes da toma foram os fatores de não adesão relatados com mais frequência. Foram encontradas relações significativas entre o nível de adesão e o esquecimento, o preço da medicação o número elevado de medicamentos para tomar de uma vez só e adormecer antes da toma. Não encontrámos relações significativas entre o nível de adesão e os dados sociodemográficos, os fatores terapêuticos e o fator de não adesão “não perceber bem o que deve tomar e como”. No presente estudo são discutidos os resultados obtidos, consideradas algumas limitações e efetuadas propostas de investigações futuras.
Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation is frequently used in patients experiencing severe ventricular dysfunction following maximal drug therapy. However, even with the improvement of percutaneous insertion techniques, the procedure has always been followed by vascular, infectious, and neurological complications. This article describes a case of paraplegia due to intraaortic balloon counterpulsation in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the behavior of blood pressure during exercise in patients with hypertension controlled by frontline antihypertension drugs. METHODS: From 979ergometric tests we retrospectively selected 49 hipertensive patients (19 males). The age was 53±12 years old and normal range rest arterial pressure (<=140/90 mmHg) all on pharmacological monotherapy. There were 12 on beta blockers; 14 on calcium antagonists, 13 on diuretics and 10 on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. Abnormal exercise behhavior of blood pressure was diagnosed if anyone of the following criteria was detected: peak systolic pressure above 220 mmHg, raising of systolic pressure > or = 10 mmHg/MET; or increase of diastolic pressure greater than 15 mmHg. RESULTS: Physiologic response of arterial blood pressure occurred in 50% of patients on beta blockers, the best one (p<0.05), in 36% and 31% on calcium antagonists and on diuretics, respectively, and in 20% on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, the later the leastr one (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Beta-blockers were more effective than calcium antagonists, diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in controlling blood pressure during exercise, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors the least effective drugs.
OBJECTIVE: The biventricular pacing (BVP) approach has good results in the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF) in patients (pts) with disorders of intraventricular conduction. METHODS: We have applied BVP to 28 pts, with left ventricular pacing using minitoracotomy in 3 pts and the transvenous aproach via coronary sinus in 25 pts. The mean duration of the QRS complexes was 187 ms, in the presence of the left branch block in 22 pts, and right branch block + divisional hemiblock in 6 pts. All pts had been considerated candidates to cardiac transplantation, and were under optimized drug therapy. Sixteen pts were in Functional Class (NYHA) IV, and 12 in class III. The ejection fraction varied from 22 to 46% (average = 34%). The pacing mode employed was biventricular triple-chamber in 22 pts, and bi-ventricular dual-chamber in 6 pts (one with ICD). RESULTS: The pts were followed up for a period that ranged from 10 days to 14 months (mean 5 months). All pts presented clinical improvement after implant, chaging the NYHA Functional Class at the end of follow-up to Class I (9pts), Class II (10 pts) and Class III (6 pts). The initial mean ejection fraction have-raised to 37%. Two pts died suddenly. One patient died due to a pulmonary fungal infection. CONCLUSION: Ventricular resynchronization through BVP, improved significantly the Functional Class and, therefore, the quality of life. Assessments of myocardial function acutely performed do not reflect the clinical improvement observed.
OBJECTIVE: To compare blood pressure response to dynamic exercise in hypertensive patients taking trandolapril or captopril. METHODS: We carried out a prospective, randomized, blinded study with 40 patients with primary hypertension and no other associated disease. The patients were divided into 2 groups (n=20), paired by age, sex, race, and body mass index, and underwent 2 symptom-limited exercise tests on a treadmill before and after 30 days of treatment with captopril (75 to 150 mg/day) or trandolapril (2 to 4 mg/day). RESULTS: The groups were similar prior to treatment (p<0.05), and both drugs reduced blood pressure at rest (p<0.001). During treatment, trandolapril caused a greater increase in functional capacity (+31%) than captopril (+17%; p=0.01) did, and provided better blood pressure control during exercise, observed as a reduction in the variation of systolic blood pressure/MET (trandolapril: 10.7±1.9 mmHg/U vs 7.4±1.2 mmHg/U, p=0.02; captopril: 9.1±1.4 mmHg/U vs 11.4±2.5 mmHg/U, p=0.35), a reduction in peak diastolic blood pressure (trandolapril: 116.8±3.1 mmHg vs 108.1±2.5 mmHg, p=0.003; captopril: 118.2±3.1 mmHg vs 115.8±3.3 mmHg, p=0.35), and a reduction in the interruption of the tests due to excessive elevation in blood pressure (trandolapril: 50% vs 15%, p=0.009; captopril: 50% vs 45%, p=0.32). CONCLUSION: Monotherapy with trandolapril is more effective than that with captopril to control blood pressure during exercise in hypertensive patients.
OBJECTIVE: To study the differences between fluvastatin and pravastatin regarding LDL susceptibility to oxidation, plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides (TG) in hypercholesterolemic patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: A double-blind randomized parallel study was conducted that included 41 hypercholesterolemic outpatients with CHD treated at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. The inclusion criteria were LDL-C above 100 mg/dL and triglycerides below 400 mg/dL based on 2 measures. After 4 weeks on a low cholesterol diet, those patients that fullfilled the inclusion criteria were randomized into 2 groups: the fluvastatin group (fluvastatin 40 mg/day) and the pravastatin group (pravastatin 20 mg/day), for 24 weeks of treatment. LDL susceptibility to oxidation was analyzed with copper-induced production of conjugated dienes (Cu2+) and water-soluble free radical initiator azo-bis (2'-2'amidinopropanil) HCl (AAPH). Spectroscopy nuclear magnetic resonance was used for determination of lipids. RESULTS: After 24 weeks of drug therapy, fluvastatin and pravastatin significantly reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation as demonstrated by the reduced rate of oxidation (azo and Cu) and by prolonged azo-induced lag time (azo lag). The TC, LDL-C, and TG reduced significantly and HDL-C increased significantly. No differences between the drugs were observed. CONCLUSION: In hypercholesterolemic patients with CHD, both fluvastatin and pravastatin reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation.
Background:Heart failure and atrial fibrillation (AF) often coexist in a deleterious cycle.Objective:To evaluate the clinical and echocardiographic outcomes of patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction and AF treated with radiofrequency (RF) ablation.Methods:Patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction [ejection fraction (EF) <50%] and AF refractory to drug therapy underwent stepwise RF ablation in the same session with pulmonary vein isolation, ablation of AF nests and of residual atrial tachycardia, named "background tachycardia". Clinical (NYHA functional class) and echocardiographic (EF, left atrial diameter) data were compared (McNemar test and t test) before and after ablation.Results:31 patients (6 women, 25 men), aged 37 to 77 years (mean, 59.8±10.6), underwent RF ablation. The etiology was mainly idiopathic (19 p, 61%). During a mean follow-up of 20.3±17 months, 24 patients (77%) were in sinus rhythm, 11 (35%) being on amiodarone. Eight patients (26%) underwent more than one procedure (6 underwent 2 procedures, and 2 underwent 3 procedures). Significant NYHA functional class improvement was observed (pre-ablation: 2.23±0.56; postablation: 1.13±0.35; p<0.0001). The echocardiographic outcome also showed significant ventricular function improvement (EF pre: 44.68%±6.02%, post: 59%±13.2%, p=0.0005) and a significant left atrial diameter reduction (pre: 46.61±7.3 mm; post: 43.59±6.6 mm; p=0.026). No major complications occurred.Conclusion:Our findings suggest that AF ablation in patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction is a safe and highly effective procedure. Arrhythmia control has a great impact on ventricular function recovery and functional class improvement.
Background:Chemotherapy with anthracyclines and trastuzumab can cause cardiotoxicity. Alteration of cardiac adrenergic function assessed by metaiodobenzylguanidine labeled with iodine-123 (123I-mIBG) seems to precede the drop in left ventricular ejection fraction.Objective:To evaluate and to compare the presence of cardiovascular abnormalities among patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy with anthracyclines and trastuzumab, and only with anthracycline.Methods:Patients with breast cancer were analyzed clinical, laboratory, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic and cardiac sympathetic activity. In scintigraphic images, the ratio of 123I-mIBG uptake between the heart and mediastinum, and the washout rate were calculated. The variables were compared between patients who received anthracyclines and trastuzumab (Group 1) and only anthracyclines (Group 2).Results:Twenty patients, with mean age 57 ± 14 years, were studied. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction by echocardiography was 67.8 ± 4.0%. Mean washout rate was 28.39 ± 9.23% and the ratio of 123I-mIBG uptake between the heart and mediastinum was 2.07 ± 0.28. Of the patients, 82% showed an increased in washout rate, and the ratio of 123I-mIBG uptake between the heart and mediastinum decreased in 25%. Concerning the groups, the mean washout rate of Group 1 was 32.68 ± 9.30% and of Group 2 was 24.56 ± 7.72% (p = 0,06). The ratio of 123I-mIBG uptake between the heart and mediastinum was normal in all patients in Group 2, however, the Group 1, showed 50% the ratio of 123I-mIBG uptake between the heart and mediastinum ≤ 1.8 (p = 0.02).Conclusion:In women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy, assessment of cardiac sympathetic activity with 123I-mIBG appears to be an early marker of cardiotoxicity. The combination of chemotherapy showed higher risk of cardiac adrenergic hyperactivity.
Abstract Casual blood pressure measurements have been extensively questioned over the last five decades. A significant percentage of patients have different blood pressure readings when examined in the office or outside it. For this reason, a change in the paradigm of the best manner to assess blood pressure has been observed. The method that has been most widely used is the Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring - ABPM. The method allows recording blood pressure measures in 24 hours and evaluating various parameters such as mean BP, pressure loads, areas under the curve, variations between daytime and nighttime, pulse pressure variability etc. Blood pressure measurements obtained by ABPM are better correlated, for example, with the risks of hypertension. The main indications for ABPM are: suspected white coat hypertension and masked hypertension, evaluation of the efficacy of the antihypertensive therapy in 24 hours, and evaluation of symptoms. There is increasing evidence that the use of ABPM has contributed to the assessment of blood pressure behaviors, establishment of diagnoses, prognosis and the efficacy of antihypertensive therapy. There is no doubt that the study of 24-hour blood pressure behavior and its variations by ABPM has brought more light and less darkness to the field, which justifies the title of this review.
Purpose: Recent reports have suggested that intraabdominal postoperative infection is associated with higher rates of overall and local recurrence and cancer-specific mortality. However, the mechanisms responsible for this association are unknown. We hypothesized that the greater inflammatory response in patients with postoperative intraabdominal infection is associated to an increase in local and systemic angiogenesis. Methods: We designed a prospective cohorts study with matched controls. Patients with postoperative intra-abdominal infection (abscess and/or anastomotic leakage) (group 1; n=17) after elective colorectal cancer resection operated on for cure were compared to patients with an uncomplicated postoperative course (group 2; n=17). IL-6 and VEGF levels were determined by ELISA in serum and peritoneal fluid at baseline, 48 hours and postoperative day 4 or at the time the peritoneal infection occurred. Results: No differences were observed in age, gender, preoperative CEA, tumor stage and location and type of procedure performed. Although there were no differences in serum IL-6 levels at 48 hours, this pro-inflammatory cytokine was higher in group 1 on postoperative day 4 (group 1: 21533 + 27900 vs. group 2: 1130 + 3563 pg/ml; p < 0.001). Serum VEGF levels were higher in group 1 on postoperative day 4 (group 1: 1212 + 1025 vs. group 2: 408 + 407 pg/ml; p < 0.01). Peritoneal fluid VEGF levels were also higher in group 1 at 48 hours (group 1: 4857 + 4384 vs. group 2: 630 + 461 pg/ml; p < 0.001) and postoperative day 4 (group 1: 32807 + 98486 vs. group 2: 1002 + 1229 pg/ml; p < 0.001). A positive correlation between serum IL-6 and VEGF serum levels was observed on postoperative day 4 (r=0.7; p<0.01). Conclusions: These results suggest that not only the inflammatory response but also the angiogenic pathways are stimulated in patients with intra-abdominal infection after surgery for colorectal cancer. The implications of this finding on long-term follow-up need to be evaluated.
Beta-lactams active against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) must resist penicillinase hydrolysis and bind penicillin-binding protein 2A (PBP 2A). Cefamandole might share these properties. When tested against 2 isogenic pairs of MRSA that produced or did not produce penicillinase, MICs of cefamandole (8-32 mg/L) were not affected by penicillinase, and cefamandole had a > or =40 times greater PBP 2A affinity than did methicillin. In rats, constant serum levels of 100 mg/L cefamandole successfully treated experimental endocarditis due to penicillinase-negative isolates but failed against penicillinase-producing organisms. This suggested that penicillinase produced in infected vegetations might hydrolyze the drug. Indeed, cefamandole was slowly degraded by penicillinase in vitro. Moreover, its efficacy was restored by combination with sulbactam in vivo. Cefamandole also uniformly prevented MRSA endocarditis in prophylaxis experiments, a setting in which bacteria were not yet clustered in the vegetations. Thus, while cefamandole treatment was limited by penicillinase, the drug was still successful for prophylaxis of experimental MRSA endocarditis.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) induces chronic infection in 50% to 80% of infected persons; approximately 50% of these do not respond to therapy. We performed a genome-wide association study to screen for host genetic determinants of HCV persistence and response to therapy. METHODS: The analysis included 1362 individuals: 1015 with chronic hepatitis C and 347 who spontaneously cleared the virus (448 were coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]). Responses to pegylated interferon alfa and ribavirin were assessed in 465 individuals. Associations between more than 500,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and outcomes were assessed by multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Chronic hepatitis C was associated with SNPs in the IL28B locus, which encodes the antiviral cytokine interferon lambda. The rs8099917 minor allele was associated with progression to chronic HCV infection (odds ratio [OR], 2.31; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.74-3.06; P = 6.07 x 10(-9)). The association was observed in HCV mono-infected (OR, 2.49; 95% CI, 1.64-3.79; P = 1.96 x 10(-5)) and HCV/HIV coinfected individuals (OR, 2.16; 95% CI, 1.47-3.18; P = 8.24 x 10(-5)). rs8099917 was also associated with failure to respond to therapy (OR, 5.19; 95% CI, 2.90-9.30; P = 3.11 x 10(-8)), with the strongest effects in patients with HCV genotype 1 or 4. This risk allele was identified in 24% of individuals with spontaneous HCV clearance, 32% of chronically infected patients who responded to therapy, and 58% who did not respond (P = 3.2 x 10(-10)). Resequencing of IL28B identified distinct haplotypes that were associated with the clinical phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: The association of the IL28B locus with natural and treatment-associated control of HCV indicates the importance of innate immunity and interferon lambda in the pathogenesis of HCV infection.