957 resultados para Herod I, King of Judea, 73-4 B.C.
As previously shown, higher levels of NOTCH1 and increased NF-kappa B signaling is a distinctive feature of the more primitive umbilical cord blood (UCB) CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), as compared to bone marrow ( BM). Differences between BM and UCB cell composition also account for this finding. The CD133 marker defines a more primitive cell subset among CD34+ HSC with a proposed hemangioblast potential. To further evaluate the molecular basis related to the more primitive characteristics of UCB and CD133+ HSC, immunomagnetically purified human CD34+ and CD133+ cells from BM and UCB were used on gene expression microarrays studies. UCB CD34+ cells contained a significantly higher proportion of CD133+ cells than BM (70% and 40%, respectively). Cluster analysis showed that BM CD133+ cells grouped with the UCB cells ( CD133+ and CD34+) rather than to BM CD34+ cells. Compared with CD34+ cells, CD133+ had a higher expression of many transcription factors (TFs). Promoter analysis on all these TF genes revealed a significantly higher frequency ( than expected by chance) of NF-kappa B-binding sites (BS), including potentially novel NF-kappa B targets such as RUNX1, GATA3, and USF1. Selected transcripts of TF related to primitive hematopoiesis and self-renewal, such as RUNX1, GATA3, USF1, TAL1, HOXA9, HOXB4, NOTCH1, RELB, and NFKB2 were evaluated by real-time PCR and were all significantly positively correlated. Taken together, our data indicate the existence of an interconnected transcriptional network characterized by higher levels of NOTCH1, NF-kappa B, and other important TFs on more primitive HSC sets.
Purpose: To evaluate the expression of NF-kappa B pathway genes in total bone marrow samples obtained from MM at diagnosis using real-time quantitative PCR and to evaluate its possible correlation with disease clinical features and survival. Material and methods: Expression of eight genes related to NF-kappa B pathway (NFKB1, IKB, RANK, RANKL, OPG, IL6, VCAM1 and ICAM1) were studied in 53 bone marrow samples from newly diagnosed MM patients and in seven normal controls, using the Taqman system. Genes were considered overexpressed when tumor expression level was at least four times higher than that observed in normal samples. Results: The percentages of overexpression of the eight genes were: NFKB1 0%, IKB 22.6%, RANK 15.1%, RANKL 31.3%, OPG 7.5%, IL6 39.6%, VCAM1 10% and ICAM1 26%. We found association between IL6 expression level and International Staging System (ISS) (p = 0.01), meaning that MM patients with high ISS scores have more chance of overexpression of IL6. The mean value of ICAM1 relative expression was also associated with the ISS score (p = 0.02). Regarding OS, cases with IL6 overexpression present worse evolution than cases with IL6 normal expression (p = 0.04). Conclusion: We demonstrated that total bone marrow aspirates can be used as a source of material for gene expression studies in MM. In this context, we confirmed that IL6 overexpression was significantly associated with worse survival and we described that it is associated with high ISS scores. Also, ICAM1 was overexpressed in 26% of cases and its level was associated with ISS scores.
CoB, CO(2)B, CoSi, Co(2)Si and CO(5)Si(2)B phases can be formed during heat-treatment of amorphous co-Si-B soft magnetic materials. Thus, it is important to determine their magnetic behavior as a function of applied field and temperature. In this study, polycrystalline single-phase samples of the above phases were produced via arc melting and heat-treatment under argon. The single-phase nature of the samples was confirmed via X-ray diffraction experiments. AC and DC magnetization measurements showed that Co(2)Si and CO(5)Si(2)B phases are paramagnetic. Minor amounts of either Co(2)Si or CoSi(2) in the CoSi-phase sample suggested a paramagnetic behavior of the CoSi-phase, however, it should be diamagnetic as shown in the literature. The diamagnetic behavior of the CoB phase was also confirmed. The paramagnetic behavior of CO(5)Si(2)B is for the first time reported. The magnetization results of the phase CO(2)B have a ferromagnetic signature already verified on previous NMR studies. A detailed set of magnetization measurements of this phase showed a change of the easy magnetization axis starting at 70K, with a temperature interval of about 13K at a very small field of 1 mT. As the strength of the field is increased the temperature interval is enlarged. The strength of field at which the magnetization saturates increases almost linearly as the temperature is increased above 70K. The room temperature total magnetostriction of the CO(2)B phase was determined to be 8 ppm at a field of 1T. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Yellow leaf syndrome was a serious problem in the beginning of the 1990s in Brazil, when yield losses were estimated to be around 50%. The disease is currently endemic, but it is considered potentially important. Previous studies have revealed only the presence of a luteovirus associated with the disease in Brazil. We report that a phytoplasma of 16SrI-B is also associated with this disease. This is the first demonstration of the presence of a group 16SrI-B phytoplasma in association with sugarcane yellow leaf in Brazil.
Pectin can be used as a natural emulsifier in food formulations. In this study, textured soybean protein (TSP), used as an emulsifier in commercial sausages, was partially replaced by a mixture containing pectin and isolated soybean proteins, which were either extruded (EXT) or not extruded (MIX), and the chemical and sensory characteristics of samples were evaluated after 60 days of storage at 4 degrees C. Responses such as oxidation measured by PV and TBARS, hardness, color, pH and sensory characteristics were compared with those of a commercial sausage (CON). The mixture containing highly methyl-esterified pectin, textured soybean proteins and isolated soybean proteins, as emulsifier agent, reduced the hardness (EXT: 21.69 +/- 0.98 and MIX: 20.17 +/- 2.76 N) and the pH (EXT: 5.46 +/- 0.03 and MIX: 5.29 +/- 0.01) of the samples and increased the concentration of peroxides (EXT: 0.10 +/- 0.01 and MIX: 0.15 +/- 0.01 meq/kg) when compared with samples formulated only with TSP (28.57 +/- 2.54 N, pH of 6.92 +/- 0.04 and PV = 0.07 +/- 0.01 meq/kg). These effects were likely caused by the anionic character of the emulsifier. However, no sensory difference was observed between the sausages containing highly methyl-esterified pectin, textured soybean proteins and isolated soybean proteins submitted to the extrusion process (EXT) and the control sausages, suggesting that the formulation proposed in this study can be a potential alternative for the further development of sausages that have functional properties or are free of artificial additives.
The objective was to use natural pigments to replace sodium erythorbate (NaEry), a synthetic compound used as an antioxidant in sausage formulations, and to evaluate the oxidative stability of the samples. Six assays were prepared in which sodium erythorbate (ERY) at 0.05 g/100 g was substituted by norbixin (NOR), lycopene (LYC), zeaxanthin (ZEA), beta-carotene (CAR) or dextrose (used as a control (CON)). Physical, chemical, color, texture and sensory parameters were measured on the first day and after 45 days of storage at 4 degrees C. All pigments used in the sausage formulations were able to maintain the oxidative stability of the sausages (MDA equivalents <038 mg/kg). Zeaxanthin and norbixin were the most efficient antioxidants of those tested. This antioxidant effect might be associated with the intermediate polarities of these two compounds, which would allow them to concentrate in the membrane lipids or emulsion interface, where lipid oxidation is most prevalent. Other volatile secondary products of oxidation besides MDA should be evaluated in further studies involving natural pigments and sensory oxidative stability. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A CE method is described for the enantioselective analysis of propranolol (Prop) and 4-hydroxypropranolol (4-OH-Prop) in liquid Czapek medium with application in the study of the enantioselective biotransformation of Prop by endophytic fungi. The electrophoretic conditions previously optimized were as follows: an uncoated fused-silica capillary, 4%w/v carboxymethyl-beta-CD in 25 mmol/L triethylamine/phosphoric acid (H(3)PO(4)) buffer at pH 9 as running electrolyte and 17 kV of voltage. UV detection was carried out at 208 nm. Liquid-liquid extraction using diethyl ether: ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v) as extractor solvent was employed for sample preparation. The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range of 0.25-10.0 mu g/mL for each 4-OH-Prop enantiomer and 0.10-10.0 mu g/mL for each Prop enantiomer (r >= 0.995). Within-day and between-day relative standard deviations and relative errors for precision and accuracy were lower than 15% for all the enantiomers. Finally, the validated method was used to evaluate Prop biotransformation in its mammalian metabolite 4-OH-Prop by some selected endophytic fungi. The screening of five strains of endophytic fungi was performed and all of them could biotransform Prop to some extent. Specifically, Glomerella cingulata (VA1) biotransformed 47.8% of (-)-(S)-Prop to (-)-(S)-4-OH-Prop with no formation of (+)-(R)4-OH-Prop in 72 h of incubation.
An experimental design optimization (Box-Behnken design, BBD) was used to develop a CE method for the simultaneous resolution of propranolol (Prop) and 4-hydroxypropranolol enantiomers and acetaminophen (internal standard). The method was optimized using an uncoated fused silica capillary, carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin (CM-beta-CD) as chiral selector and triethylamine/phosphoric acid buffer in alkaline conditions. A BBD for four factors was selected to observe the effects of buffer electrolyte concentration, pH, CM-beta-CD concentration and voltage on separation responses. Each factor was studied at three levels: high, central and low, and three center points were added. The buffer electrolyte concentration ranged from 25 to 75 mM, the pH ranged from 8 to 9, the CM-beta-CD concentration ranged from 3.5 to 4.5%w/v, and the applied run voltage ranged from 14 to 20 W. The responses evaluated were resolution and migration time for the last peak. The obtained responses were processed by Minitab (R) to evaluate the significance of the effects and to find the optimum analysis conditions. The best results were obtained using 4%w/v CM-beta-CD in 25 mM triethylamine/H(3)PO(4) buffer at pH 9 as running electrolyte and 17 kV of voltage. Resolution values of 1.98 and 1.95 were obtained for Prop and 4-hydroxypropranolol enantiomers, respectively. The total analysis time was around of 15 min. The BBD showed to be an adequate design for the development of a CE method, resulting in a rapid and efficient optimization of the pH and concentration of the buffer, cyclodextrin concentration and applied voltage.
Background/purpose: Vitamins C and its derivatives, mainly due to their antioxidant properties, are being used in cosmetic products to protect and to reduce the signs of ageing. However, there are no studies comparing the effects of vitamin C [ascorbic acid (AA)] and its derivatives, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (MAP) and ascorbyl tetra-isopalmitate (ATIP), when vehiculated in topical formulations, mainly using objective measurements, which are an important tool in clinical efficacy studies. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the in vitro antioxidant activity of AA and its derivatives, MAP and ATIP, as well as their in vivo efficacy on human skin, when vehiculated in topical formulations. Methods: The study of antioxidant activity in vitro was performed with an aqueous and a lipid system. The in vivo methodology consisted of the application of these formulations on human volunteers` forearm skin and the analysis of the skin conditions after 4-week period daily applications in terms of transepidermal water loss (TEWL), stratum corneum moisture content and viscoelasticity using a Tewameter (R), Corneometer (R) and Cutometer (R), respectively. Results: In vitro experiments demonstrated that in an aqueous system, AA had the best antioxidant potential, and MAP was more effective than ATIP, whereas in the lipid system ATIP was more effective than MAP. In in vivo studies, all formulations enhanced stratum corneum moisture content after a 4-week period daily applications when compared with baseline values; however, only the formulation containing AA caused alterations in TEWL values. The formulations containing MAP caused alterations in the viscoelastic-to-elastic ratio, which suggested its action in the deeper layers of the skin. Conclusion: AA and its derivates presented an in vitro antioxidant activity but AA had the best antioxidant effect. In in vivo efficacy studies, only the formulation containing AA caused alterations in TEWL values and the formulation containing MAP caused alterations in the viscoelastic-to-elastic ratio. This way, vitamin C derivatives did not present the same effects of AA on human skin; however, MAP showed other significant effect-improving skin hydration, which is very important for the normal cutaneous metabolism and also to prevent skin alterations and early ageing.
Almazoles A (1) and B (2) are formed in seven steps from phenylalanine without any racemization. The key step is the N-acylation of the isoxazol-5(2H)-one (5) with the phthalimide-protected amino acid, and photolysis of the product at 300 nm in acetone.
The 12-membered macrocyclic ligand 1-thia-4,7, 10-triazacyclododecane ([12]aneN(3)S) has been synthesised, although upon crystallization from acetonitrile a product in which carbon dioxide had added to one secondary amine in the macrocyclic ring (H[12]aneN(3)SCO(2). H2O) was isolated and subsequently characterised by X-ray crystallography. The protonation constants for [12]aneN(3)S and stability constants with Zn(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) and Cu(II) have been determined either potentiometrically or spectrophotometrically in aqueous solution, and compared with those measured or reported for the ligands 1-oxa-4,7,10-triazacyclododecane ([12]aneN(3)O) and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane ([12]aneN(4)). The magnitudes of the stability constants are consistent with trends observed previously for macrocyclic ligands as secondary amine donors are replaced with oxygen and thioether donors although the stability constant for the [Hg([12]aneN(4))](2+) complex has been estimated from an NMR experiment to be at least three orders of magnitude larger than reported previously. Zinc(II), mercury(II), lead(II), copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes of [12]aneN(3)S have been isolated and characterised by X-ray crystallography. In the case of copper(II), two complexes [Cu([12]aneN(3)S)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) and [Cu-2([12]aneN(3)S)(2)(OH)(2)](ClO4)(2) were isolated, depending on the conditions employed. Molecular mechanics calculations have been employed to investigate the relative metal ion size preferences of the [3333], asym-[2424] and sym-[2424] conformation isomers. The calculations predict that the asym-[2424] conformer is most stable for M-N bond lengths in the range 2.00-2.25 Angstrom whilst for the larger metal ions the [3333] conformer is dominant. The disorder seen in the structure of the [Zn([12]aneN(3)S)(NO3)](+) complex is also explained by the calculations. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A surfactant-mediated solution route for the obtainment of nanosized rare-earth orthophosphates of different compositions (LaPO(4):Eu(3+), (Y,Gd)PO(4):Eu(3+),LaPO(4):Tm(3+), YPO(4):Tm(3+), and YbPO(4):Er(3+)) is presented, and the implications of the morphology control on the solids properties are discussed. The solids are prepared in water-in-heptane microemulsions, using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and 1-butanol as the surfactant and cosurfactant; the alteration of the starting microemulsion composition allows the obtainment of similar to 30 nm thick nanorods with variable length. The morphology and the structure of the solids were evaluated through scanning electron microscopy and through powder X-ray diffractometry; dynamic light scattering and thermal analyses were also performed. The obtained materials were also characterized through vibrational (FTIR) and luminescence spectroscopy (emission/excitation, luminescence lifetimes, chromaticity, and quantum efficiency), where the red, blue, and upconversion emissions of the prepared phosphors were evaluated.
Nucleoside diphosphate kinases play a crucial role in the purine-salvage pathway of trypanosomatid protozoa and have been found in the secretome of Leishmania sp., suggesting a function related to host-cell integrity for the benefit of the parasite. Due to their importance for housekeeping functions in the parasite and by prolonging the life of host cells in infection, they become an attractive target for drug discovery and design. In this work, we describe the first structural characterization of nucleoside diphosphate kinases b from trypanosomatid parasites (tNDKbs) providing insights into their oligomerization, stability and structural determinants for nucleotide binding. Crystallographic studies of LmNDKb when complexed with phosphate, AMP and ADP showed that the crucial hydrogen-bonding residues involved in the nucleotide interaction are fully conserved in tNDKbs. Depending on the nature of the ligand, the nucleotide-binding pocket undergoes conformational changes, which leads to different cavity volumes. SAXS experiments showed that tNDKbs, like other eukaryotic NDKs, form a hexamer in solution and their oligomeric state does not rely on the presence of nucleotides or mimetics. Fluorescence-based thermal-shift assays demonstrated slightly higher stability of tNDKbs compared to human NDKb (HsNDKb), which is in agreement with the fact that tNDKbs are secreted and subjected to variations of temperature in the host cells during infection and disease development. Moreover, tNDKbs were stabilized upon nucleotide binding, whereas HsNDKb was not influenced. Contrasts on the surface electrostatic potential around the nucleotide-binding pocket might be a determinant for nucleotide affinity and protein stability differentiation. All these together demonstrated the molecular adaptation of parasite NDKbs in order to exert their biological functions intra-parasite and when secreted by regulating ATP levels of host cells.
An Escherichia coli cell-free transcription/translation system was used to explore the high-level incorporation Of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) into proteins by replacing tyrosine with DOPA in the reaction mixtures. ESI-MS showed specific incorporation of DOPA in place of tyrosine. More than 90% DOPA incorporation at each tyrosine site was achieved, allowing the recording of clean N-15-HSQC NMR spectra. A redox-staining method specific for DOPA was shown to provide a sensitive and generally applicable method for assessing the cell-free production of proteins. Of four proteins produced in soluble form in the presence of tyrosine, two resulted in insoluble aggregates in the presence of high levels of DOPA. DOPA has been found in human proteins, often in association with various disease states that implicate protein aggregation and/or misfolding. Our results suggest that misfolded and aggregated proteins may result, in principle, from ribosome-mediated misincorporation of intracellular DOPA accumulated due to oxidative stress. High-yield cell-free protein expression systems are uniquely suited to obtain rapid information on solubility and aggregation of nascent polypeptide chains.