948 resultados para Habitual Parasite
Studies were performed to test the hypothesis that type I hypersensitivity underlies worm induced intestinal fluid secretion and the rapid rejection of Trichinella spiralis from immunized rats, and the two events may be related in a cause-effect manner.^ Two approaches were taken. One was to determine whether inhibition of anaphylaxis-mediated Cl$\sp{-}$ and fluid secretion accompanying a secondary infection impedes worm rejection from immune hosts. The other was to determine whether induction of intestinal fluid secretion in nonimmune hosts interfered with worm establishment. In both studies, fluid secretion was measured volumetrically 30 min after a challenge infection and worms were counted.^ In immunized rats indomethacin did not affect the worm-induced fluid secretion when used alone, despite inhibiting mucosal prostaglandin synthesis. Fluid secretion was reduced by treatment with diphenhydramine and further reduced by the combination of diphenhydramine and indomethacin. The paradoxical effects of indomethacin when used alone compared with its coadministration with diphenhydramine is explained by the enhancing effect of indomethacin on histamine release. Abolishing net fluid secretion in these studies had no effect on rapid worm rejection in immune hosts.^ Worm establishment was reduced in recipients of immune serum containing IgE antibodies. Net intestinal fluid secretion induced in normal rats by PGE$\sb2$, cholera toxin, or hypertonic mannitol solution had no effect on worm establishment compared with untreated controls.^ In a related experiment, worm-induced intestinal fluid secretion and worm rejection in immune rats were partially blocked by concurrent injection with 5-HT$\sb2$ and 5-HT$\sb3$ blockers (Ketanserin and MDL-72222), suggesting that 5-HT is involved. This possible involvement was supported in that treatment of nonimmune rats with 5-HT significantly inhibited worm establishment in the intestine.^ Results indicate that anaphylaxis is the basis for both worm-induced intestinal fluid secretion and rapid rejection of T. spiralis in immune rats, but these events are independent of one another. 5-HT is a possible mediator of worm rejection, however, its mechanism of action is related to something other than fluid secretion. ^
Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite which has emerged as an important cause of bovine abortion worldwide. Abortion is usually triggered by reactivation of dormant bradyzoites during pregnancy and subsequent congenital infection of the foetus, where the central nervous system appears to be most frequently affected. We here report on an organotypic tissue culture model for Neospora infection which can be used to study certain aspects of the cerebral phase of neosporosis within the context of a three-dimensionally organised neuronal network. Organotypic slice cultures of rat cortical tissue were infected with N. caninum tachyzoites, and the kinetics of parasite proliferation, as well as the proliferation-inhibitory effect of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), were monitored by either immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and a quantitative PCR-assay using the LightCycler instrument, respectively. In addition, the neuronal cytoskeletal elements, namely glial acidic protein filaments as well as actin microfilament bundles were shown to be largely colocalising with the pseudocyst periphery. This organotypic culture model for cerebral neosporosis provides a system, which is useful to study the proliferation, ultrastructural characteristics, development, and the interactions of N. caninum within the context of neuronal tissue, which at the same time can be modulated and influenced under controlled conditions, and will be useful in the future to gain more information on the cerebral phase of neosporosis.
Performing a prospective memory task repeatedly changes the nature of the task from episodic to habitual. The goal of the present study was to investigate the neural basis of this transition. In two experiments, we contrasted event-related potentials (ERPs) evoked by correct responses to prospective memory targets in the first, more episodic part of the experiment with those of the second, more habitual part of the experiment. Specifically, we tested whether the early, middle, or late ERP-components, which are thought to reflect cue detection, retrieval of the intention, and post-retrieval processes, respectively, would be changed by routinely performing the prospective memory task. The results showed a differential ERP effect in the middle time window (450 - 650 ms post-stimulus). Source localization using low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography analysis (LORETA) suggests that the transition was accompanied by an increase of activation in the posterior parietal and occipital cortex. These findings indicate that habitual prospective memory involves retrieval processes guided more strongly by parietal brain structures. In brief, the study demonstrates that episodic and habitual prospective memory tasks recruit different brain areas.
Most of what we know about mitochondrial biogenesis stems from work in yeast and mammals, which are quite closely related. To understand the conserved features of mitochondria and the evolutionary forces that shaped it, it is important to study a more diverse group of eukaryotes. The parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei and its relatives are excellent systems to do so, since they appear to have diverged from other eukaryotes very early in evolution. This is reflected in a number of unique and extreme features in their mitochondrial biology, including a single continuous mitochondrion that contains a one unit mitochondrial genome that is physically connected across the two membranes with the basal body of the flagellum. Moreover, many mitochondrial transcripts have to be extensively edited in order to become functional mRNAs and organellar translation requires extensive import of cytosolic tRNAs. In my talk I will focus on the discovery and characterization of the elusive mitochondrial protein import system of the mitochondrial outer membrane of trypanosomes. In addition I will present data on a central outer membrane component of the mitochondrial genome inheritance system of T. brucei and compare it to the better characterized system of yeast. - I hope that I can convince you in my talk, that a better understanding of the mitochondrial biology in T. brucei will provide insights into both fundamentally conserved and fundamentally diverged aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis and thus of the evolutionary hstory of mitochondria in general.
Both predators and parasites can elicit behavioral and physiological responses in prey and hosts, respectively. These responses may involve the reallocation of resources and may thus limit each other. We investigated the effects of concurrent pre-laying exposure of great tit females (Parus major) to both a simulated predation risk and a nest-based ectoparasite, the hen flea (Ceratophyllus gallinae), on nestling growth and development. We manipulated perceived predation risk using models and vocalizations of sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus). At the start of incubation, we swapped whole clutches between treated and untreated nests to separate pre-laying maternal effects from posthatching effects. Since costs and benefits of maternal responses to parasites need to be assessed under parasite pressure, we infested half of the rearing nests with hen fleas. Parasites had negative effects on mass gain and wing growth, both via maternal effects and via direct exposure of nestlings, whereas maternal predation risk had no significant effect. The interaction between predator and parasite treatments was not significant and, thus, suggests the absence of a trade-off between the 2 stressors operating at the level of maternal effects. Alternatively, the complexity of the design, despite a relatively large sample size, may have limited the power for detection of this expected trade-off.
Most of what we know about mitochondrial biogenesis stems from work in yeast and mammals, which are quite closely related. To understand the conserved features of mitochondria and the evolutionary forces that shaped it, it is important to study a more diverse group of eukaryotes. The parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei and its relatives are excellent systems to do so, since they appear to have diverged from other eukaryotes very early in evolution. This is reflected in a number of unique and extreme features in their mitochondrial biology, including a single continuous mitochondrion that contains a one unit mitochondrial genome that is physically connected across the two membranes with the basal body of the flagellum. Moreover, many mitochondrial transcripts have to be extensively edited in order to become functional mRNAs and organellar translation requires extensive import of cytosolic tRNAs. In my talk I will focus on the discovery and characterization of the elusive mitochondrial protein import system of the mitochondrial outer membrane of trypanosomes. In addition I will present data on a central outer membrane component of the mitochondrial genome inheritance system of T. brucei and compare it to the better characterized system of yeast. - I hope that I can convince you in my talk, that a better understanding of the mitochondrial biology in T. brucei will provide insights into both fundamentally conserved and fundamentally diverged aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis and thus of the evolutionary history of mitochondria in general.
Interactions between stressors contribute to the recently reported increase in losses of honey bee colonies. Here we demonstrated that a synergistic effect on mortality by the low toxic, commonly used neonicotinoid thiacloprid and the nearly ubiquitous gut parasite Nosemaceranae is dependent on the pesticide dose. Furthermore, thiacloprid had a negative influence on N.ceranae reproduction. Our results highlight that interactions among honey bee health stressors can be dynamic and should be studied across a broader range of combinations.