938 resultados para HIGH-ENERGY EMISSION
Tese de dout., Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2003
An increasing number of producers, retailers and third-party logistics providers are interested in carrying out energy assessments of their product supply chain. This is due to sensitivity about climate change and carbon emissions, but also to high energy prices. This paper presents an analytical approach developed to measure energy use in logistics activities in product supply chains. The approach (based on the Life Cycle Approach) quantifies energy use in transport and logistics activities at all stages of a product supply chain. The work has demonstrated that such an assessment approach based on the supply chain is useful in comparing the energy use implications of different strategies. This supply chain approach can be used to consider options such as sourcing and distribution centre locations, transport modes, road freight vehicle types and weights, vehicle load factors, empty running, transport distance and the balance between consumer shopping trips and delivery to the home.
Numa sociedade com elevado consumo energético, a dependência de combustíveis fósseis em evidente diminuição de disponibilidades é um tema cada vez mais preocupante, assim como a poluição atmosférica resultante da sua utilização. Existe, portanto, uma necessidade crescente de recorrer a energias renováveis e promover a otimização e utilização de recursos. A digestão anaeróbia (DA) de lamas é um processo de estabilização de lamas utilizado nas Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) e tem, como produtos finais, a lama digerida e o biogás. Maioritariamente constituído por gás metano, o biogás pode ser utilizado como fonte de energia, reduzindo, deste modo, a dependência energética da ETAR e a emissão de gases com efeito de estufa para a atmosfera. A otimização do processo de DA das lamas é essencial para o aumento da produção de biogás. No presente relatório de estágio, as Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNA) foram aplicadas ao processo de DA de lamas de ETAR. As RNA são modelos simplificados inspirados no funcionamento das células neuronais humanas e que adquirem conhecimento através da experiência. Quando a RNA é criada e treinada, produz valores de output aproximadamente corretos para os inputs fornecidos. Uma vez que as DA são um processo bastante complexo, a sua otimização apresenta diversas dificuldades. Foi esse o motivo para recorrer a RNA na otimização da produção de biogás nos digestores das ETAR de Espinho e de Ílhavo da AdCL, utilizando o software NeuralToolsTM da PalisadeTM, contribuindo, desta forma, para a compreensão do processo e do impacto de algumas variáveis na produção de biogás.
Assessment of eating habits in young children from multicultural backgrounds has seldom been conducted. Our objectives were to study the reproducibility and the results of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) developed to assess changes in eating habits of preschool children with a high migrant population, in the context of a multidisciplinary multilevel lifestyle intervention. Three kindergarten classes (53% from migrant backgrounds) in French-speaking Switzerland were randomly selected and included 16 girls and 28 boys (mean age +/- SD, 5.4 +/- 0.7 years). The FFQ was filled out twice within a 4-week interval by the parents. Spearman rank correlations between the first and the second FFQ for the 39 items of the food questions were as follows: low (r < 0.50) for 8 (7 P < .05 and 1 nonsignificant), moderate (0.50 <or= r < 0.70) for 22 (all P < .01), and high (r >or= 0.70) for 9 (all P < .01). In addition, 28 of 39 intraclass correlation coefficients were high (>0.50, all P < .01). Eighty-six percent of the children ate breakfast at home daily, but only 67% had lunch at home. The percentages of children eating at least once a week in front of the TV were as follows: 50% for breakfast, 33% for lunch, 38% for dinner, and 48% for snacks. Forty percent of children asked their parents to buy food previously seen in advertisements and ate fast food between once a week and once a month. Children generally consumed foods with a high-energy content. The FFQ yielded good test-retest reproducibility for most items of the food questions and gave relevant findings about the eating habits of preschool children in areas with a high migrant population.
Le but de cette thèse était d’étudier la dynamique de croissance par pulvérisation par plasma RF magnétron des couches minces à base d’oxyde de zinc destinées à des applications électroniques, optoélectroniques et photoniques de pointe. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mis au point plusieurs diagnostics permettant de caractériser les espèces neutres et chargées dans ce type de plasmas, notamment la sonde électrostatique, la spectroscopie optique d’émission et d’absorption, ainsi que la spectrométrie de masse. Par la suite, nous avons tenté de corréler certaines caractéristiques physiques de croissance des couches de ZnO, en particulier la vitesse de dépôt, aux propriétés fondamentales du plasma. Nos résultats ont montré que l’éjection d’atomes de Zn, In et O au cours de la pulvérisation RF magnétron de cibles de Zn, ZnO et In2O3 n’influence que très peu la densité d’ions positifs (et donc la densité d’électrons en supposant la quasi-neutralité) ainsi que la fonction de distribution en énergie des électrons (populations de basse et haute énergie). Cependant, le rapport entre la densité d’atomes d’argon métastables (3P2) sur la densité électronique décroît lorsque la densité d’atomes de Zn augmente, un effet pouvant être attribué à l’ionisation des atomes de Zn par effet Penning. De plus, dans les conditions opératoires étudiées (plasmas de basse pression, < 100 mTorr), la thermalisation des atomes pulvérisés par collisions avec les atomes en phase gazeuse demeure incomplète. Nous avons montré que l’une des conséquences de ce résultat est la présence d’ions Zn+ suprathermiques près du substrat. Finalement, nous avons corrélé la quantité d’atomes de Zn pulvérisés déterminée par spectroscopie d’émission avec la vitesse de dépôt d’une couche mince de ZnO mesurée par ellipsométrie spectroscopique. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence que ce sont majoritairement les atomes de Zn (et non les espèces excitées et/ou ioniques) qui gouvernent la dynamique de croissance par pulvérisation RF magnétron des couches minces de ZnO.
The emission features of laser ablated graphite plume generated in a helium ambient atmosphere have been investigated with time and space resolved plasma diagnostic technique. Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to reveal the velocity distribution of different species ejected during ablation. At lower values of laser fluences only a slowly propagating component of C2 is seen. At high fluences emission from C2 shows a twin peak distribution in time. The formation of an emission peak with diminished time delay giving an energetic peak at higher laser fluences is attributed to many body recombination. It is also observed that these double peaks get modified into triple peak time of flight distribution at distances greater than 16 mm from the target. The occurrence of multiple peaks in the C2 emission is mainly due to the delays caused from the different formation mechanism of C2 species. The velocity distribution of the faster peak exhibits an oscillating character with distance from the target surface.
Light emitting polymers (LEP) have drawn considerable attention because of their numerous potential applications in the field of optoelectronic devices. Till date, a large number of organic molecules and polymers have been designed and devices fabricated based on these materials. Optoelectronic devices like polymer light emitting diodes (PLED) have attracted wide-spread research attention owing to their superior properties like flexibility, lower operational power, colour tunability and possibility of obtaining large area coatings. PLEDs can be utilized for the fabrication of flat panel displays and as replacements for incandescent lamps. The internal efficiency of the LEDs mainly depends on the electroluminescent efficiency of the emissive polymer such as quantum efficiency, luminance-voltage profile of LED and the balanced injection of electrons and holes. Poly (p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and regio-regular polythiophenes are interesting electro-active polymers which exhibit good electrical conductivity, electroluminescent activity and high film-forming properties. A combination of Red, Green and Blue emitting polymers is necessary for the generation of white light which can replace the high energy consuming incandescent lamps. Most of these polymers show very low solubility, stability and poor mechanical properties. Many of these light emitting polymers are based on conjugated extended chains of alternating phenyl and vinyl units. The intra-chain or inter-chain interactions within these polymer chains can change the emitted colour. Therefore an effective way of synthesizing polymers with reduced π-stacking, high solubility, high thermal stability and high light-emitting efficiency is still a challenge for chemists. New copolymers have to be effectively designed so as to solve these issues. Hence, in the present work, the suitability of a few novel copolymers with very high thermal stability, excellent solubility, intense light emission (blue, cyan and green) and high glass transition temperatures have been investigated to be used as emissive layers for polymer light emitting diodes.
The main focus and concerns of this PhD thesis is the growth of III-V semiconductor nanostructures (Quantum dots (QDs) and quantum dashes) on silicon substrates using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique. The investigation of influence of the major growth parameters on their basic properties (density, geometry, composition, size etc.) and the systematic characterization of their structural and optical properties are the core of the research work. The monolithic integration of III-V optoelectronic devices with silicon electronic circuits could bring enormous prospect for the existing semiconductor technology. Our challenging approach is to combine the superior passive optical properties of silicon with the superior optical emission properties of III-V material by reducing the amount of III-V materials to the very limit of the active region. Different heteroepitaxial integration approaches have been investigated to overcome the materials issues between III-V and Si. However, this include the self-assembled growth of InAs and InGaAs QDs in silicon and GaAx matrices directly on flat silicon substrate, sitecontrolled growth of (GaAs/In0,15Ga0,85As/GaAs) QDs on pre-patterned Si substrate and the direct growth of GaP on Si using migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE) and MBE growth modes. An efficient ex-situ-buffered HF (BHF) and in-situ surface cleaning sequence based on atomic hydrogen (AH) cleaning at 500 °C combined with thermal oxide desorption within a temperature range of 700-900 °C has been established. The removal of oxide desorption was confirmed by semicircular streaky reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) patterns indicating a 2D smooth surface construction prior to the MBE growth. The evolution of size, density and shape of the QDs are ex-situ characterized by atomic-force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The InAs QDs density is strongly increased from 108 to 1011 cm-2 at V/III ratios in the range of 15-35 (beam equivalent pressure values). InAs QD formations are not observed at temperatures of 500 °C and above. Growth experiments on (111) substrates show orientation dependent QD formation behaviour. A significant shape and size transition with elongated InAs quantum dots and dashes has been observed on (111) orientation and at higher Indium-growth rate of 0.3 ML/s. The 2D strain mapping derived from high-resolution TEM of InAs QDs embedded in silicon matrix confirmed semi-coherent and fully relaxed QDs embedded in defectfree silicon matrix. The strain relaxation is released by dislocation loops exclusively localized along the InAs/Si interfaces and partial dislocations with stacking faults inside the InAs clusters. The site controlled growth of GaAs/In0,15Ga0,85As/GaAs nanostructures has been demonstrated for the first time with 1 μm spacing and very low nominal deposition thicknesses, directly on pre-patterned Si without the use of SiO2 mask. Thin planar GaP layer was successfully grown through migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE) to initiate a planar GaP wetting layer at the polar/non-polar interface, which work as a virtual GaP substrate, for the GaP-MBE subsequently growth on the GaP-MEE layer with total thickness of 50 nm. The best root mean square (RMS) roughness value was as good as 1.3 nm. However, these results are highly encouraging for the realization of III-V optical devices on silicon for potential applications.
The current energy requirements system used in the United Kingdom for lactating dairy cows utilizes key parameters such as metabolizable energy intake (MEI) at maintenance (MEm), the efficiency of utilization of MEI for 1) maintenance, 2) milk production (k(l)), 3) growth (k(g)), and the efficiency of utilization of body stores for milk production (k(t)). Traditionally, these have been determined using linear regression methods to analyze energy balance data from calorimetry experiments. Many studies have highlighted a number of concerns over current energy feeding systems particularly in relation to these key parameters, and the linear models used for analyzing. Therefore, a database containing 652 dairy cow observations was assembled from calorimetry studies in the United Kingdom. Five functions for analyzing energy balance data were considered: straight line, two diminishing returns functions, (the Mitscherlich and the rectangular hyperbola), and two sigmoidal functions (the logistic and the Gompertz). Meta-analysis of the data was conducted to estimate k(g) and k(t). Values of 0.83 to 0.86 and 0.66 to 0.69 were obtained for k(g) and k(t) using all the functions (with standard errors of 0.028 and 0.027), respectively, which were considerably different from previous reports of 0.60 to 0.75 for k(g) and 0.82 to 0.84 for k(t). Using the estimated values of k(g) and k(t), the data were corrected to allow for body tissue changes. Based on the definition of k(l) as the derivative of the ratio of milk energy derived from MEI to MEI directed towards milk production, MEm and k(l) were determined. Meta-analysis of the pooled data showed that the average k(l) ranged from 0.50 to 0.58 and MEm ranged between 0.34 and 0.64 MJ/kg of BW0.75 per day. Although the constrained Mitscherlich fitted the data as good as the straight line, more observations at high energy intakes (above 2.4 MJ/kg of BW0.75 per day) are required to determine conclusively whether milk energy is related to MEI linearly or not.
Periplasmic chaperone/usher machineries are used for assembly of filamentous adhesion organelles of Gram-negative pathogens in a process that has been suggested to be driven by folding energy. Structures of mutant chaperone-subunit complexes revealed a final folding transition (condensation of the subunit hydrophobic core) on the release of organelle subunit from the chaperone-subunit pre-assembly complex and incorporation into the final fibre structure. However, in view of the large interface between chaperone and subunit in the pre-assembly complex and the reported stability of this complex, it is difficult to understand how final folding could release sufficient energy to drive assembly. In the present paper, we show the X-ray structure for a native chaperone-fibre complex that, together with thermodynamic data, shows that the final folding step is indeed an essential component of the assembly process. We show that completion of the hydrophobic core and incorporation into the fibre results in an exceptionally stable module, whereas the chaperone-subunit preassembly complex is greatly destabilized by the high-energy conformation of the bound subunit. This difference in stabilities creates a free energy potential that drives fibre formation.
Most gram-negative pathogens express fibrous adhesive virulence organelles that mediate targeting to the sites of infection. The F1 capsular antigen from the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis consists of linear fibers of a single subunit (Caf1) and serves as a prototype for nonpilus organelles assembled via the chaperone/usher pathway. Genetic data together with high-resolution X-ray structures corresponding to snapshots of the assembly process reveal the structural basis of fiber formation. Comparison of chaperone bound Caf1 subunit with the subunit in the fiber reveals a novel type of conformational change involving the entire hydrophobic core of the protein. The observed conformational change suggests that the chaperone traps a high-energy folding intermediate of Caf1. A model is proposed in which release of the subunit allows folding to be completed, driving fiber formation.
For decades regulators in the energy sector have focused on facilitating the maximisation of energy supply in order to meet demand through liberalisation and removal of market barriers. The debate on climate change has emphasised a new type of risk in the balance between energy demand and supply: excessively high energy demand brings about significantly negative environmental and economic impacts. This is because if a vast number of users is consuming electricity at the same time, energy suppliers have to activate dirty old power plants with higher greenhouse gas emissions and higher system costs. The creation of a Europe-wide electricity market requires a systematic investigation into the risk of aggregate peak demand. This paper draws on the e-Living Time-Use Survey database to assess the risk of aggregate peak residential electricity demand for European energy markets. Findings highlight in which countries and for what activities the risk of aggregate peak demand is greater. The discussion highlights which approaches energy regulators have started considering to convince users about the risks of consuming too much energy during peak times. These include ‘nudging’ approaches such as the roll-out of smart meters, incentives for shifting the timing of energy consumption, differentiated time-of-use tariffs, regulatory financial incentives and consumption data sharing at the community level.
The feasibility to synthesize, in large quantity, pure and non-toxic tetrahedrite compounds using high-energy mechanical-alloying from only elemental precursors is reported in the present paper for the first time. Our processing technique allows a better control of the final product composition and leads to high thermoelectric performances (ZT of 0.75 at 700 K), comparable to that reported on sealed tube synthesis samples. Combined with spark plasma sintering, the production of highly pure and dense samples is achieved in a very short time, at least 8 times shorter than in conventional liquid-solid-vapor synthesis process. The process described in this paper is a promising way to produce high performance tetrahedrite materials for cost-effective and large-scale thermoelectric applications.
A full description of the 5.5-yr low excitation events in. Carinae is presented. We show that they are not as simple and brief as previously thought, but a combination of two components. The first, the slow variation component, is revealed by slow changes in the ionization level of circumstellar matter across the whole cycle and is caused by gradual changes in the wind wind collision shock-cone orientation, angular opening and gaseous content. The second, the collapse component, is restricted to around the minimum, and is due to a temporary global collapse of the wind-wind collision shock. High-energy photons (E > 16 eV) from the companion star are strongly shielded, leaving the Weigelt objects at low-ionization state for more than six months. High-energy phenomena are sensitive only to the collapse, low energy only to the slow variation and intermediate energies to both components. Simple eclipses and mechanisms effective only near periastron (e. g. shell ejection or accretion on to the secondary star) cannot account for the whole 5.5-yr cycle. We find anti-correlated changes in the intensity and the radial velocity of P Cygni absorption profiles in Fe II lambda 6455 and He I lambda 7065 lines, indicating that the former is associated to the primary and the latter to the secondary star. We present a set of light curves representative of the whole spectrum, useful for monitoring the next event (2009 January 11).
In this paper, we present multiband optical polarimetric observations of the very-high energy blazar PKS 2155-304 made simultaneously with a HESS/Fermi high-energy campaign in 2008, when the source was found to be in a low state. The intense daily coverage of the data set allowed us to study in detail the temporal evolution of the emission, and we found that the particle acceleration time-scales are decoupled from the changes in the polarimetric properties of the source. We present a model in which the optical polarimetric emission originates at the polarized mm-wave core and propose an explanation for the lack of correlation between the photometric and polarimetric fluxes. The optical emission is consistent with an inhomogeneous synchrotron source in which the large-scale field is locally organized by a shock in which particle acceleration takes place. Finally, we use these optical polarimetric observations of PKS 2155-304 at a low state to propose an origin for the quiescent gamma-ray flux of the object, in an attempt to provide clues for the source of its recently established persistent TeV emission.