863 resultados para HCV
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 2 (NS2) is required for HCV polyprotein processing and particle assembly. It comprises an N-terminal membrane domain and a C-terminal, cytosolically oriented protease domain. Here, we demonstrate that the NS2 protease domain itself associates with cellular membranes. A single charged residue in the second α-helix of the NS2 protease domain is required for proper membrane association, NS2 protein stability, and efficient HCV polyprotein processing.
The host's immune response to hepatitis C virus (HCV) can result in the selection of characteristic mutations (adaptations) that enable the virus to escape this response. The ability of the virus to mutate at these sites is dependent on the incoming virus, the fitness cost incurred by the mutation, and the benefit to the virus in escaping the response. Studies examining viral adaptation in chronic HCV infection have shown that these characteristic immune escape mutations can be observed at the population level as human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-specific viral polymorphisms. We examined 63 individuals with chronic HCV infection who were infected from a single HCV genotype 1b source. Our aim was to determine the extent to which the host's immune pressure affects HCV diversity and the ways in which the sequence of the incoming virus, including preexisting escape mutations, can influence subsequent mutations in recipients and infection outcomes. Conclusion: HCV sequences from these individuals revealed 29 significant associations between specific HLA types within the new hosts and variations within their viruses, which likely represent new viral adaptations. These associations did not overlap with previously reported adaptations for genotypes 1a and 3a and possibly reflected a combination of constraint due to the incoming virus and genetic distance between the strains. However, these sites accounted for only a portion of the sites in which viral diversity was observed in the new hosts. Furthermore, preexisting viral adaptations in the incoming (source) virus likely influenced the outcomes in the new hosts.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A is a membrane-associated multifunctional protein harboring serine protease and RNA helicase activities. It is an essential component of the HCV replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention. Here, we show that membrane association and structural organization of HCV NS3-4A are ensured in a cooperative manner by two membrane-binding determinants. We demonstrate that the N-terminal 21 amino acids of NS4A form a transmembrane alpha-helix that may be involved in intramembrane protein-protein interactions important for the assembly of a functional replication complex. In addition, we demonstrate that amphipathic helix alpha(0), formed by NS3 residues 12-23, serves as a second essential determinant for membrane association of NS3-4A, allowing proper positioning of the serine protease active site on the membrane. These results allowed us to propose a dynamic model for the membrane association, processing, and structural organization of NS3-4A on the membrane. This model has implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex, proteolytic targeting of host factors, and drug design.
Background: The CCR5 32-base deletion (CCR5D32), which results into the expression of a non-functioning receptor, has been associated with H CV c learance a nd may influence fibrosis progression i n hepatitis C . We a ssessed t he link between C CR5D32 and c linical outcomes o f HCV. Methods: Genomic D NA was isolated and analyzed b y PCR to i dentify C CR5D32 in 1 303 anti-HCV-positive persons (161 clearers and 1142 chronically infected, 1007 with a liver biopsy). Results: Overall, 200 (15.3%) w ere heterozygote a nd 16 (1.2%) homozygote for CCR5D32. H CV c learance (by univariate) was associated with m ale sex (OR 0.633, 9 5% C I 0.428-0.935, P=0.022), HCV acquisition by blood transfusion (OR 0.360, 95% CI 0.175-0.741, P =0.0056), polymorphisms at IL28B rs12979860 ( OR 0.482, 9 5% C I 0.277-0.839, P =0.0098) a nd rs8099917 ( OR 0.291, 95% CI 0.167-0.508, P=0.000014), but not with CCR5D32. However, CCR5D32 was associated with spontaneous HCV clearance when the 482 females only w ere considered, although the number of homozygotes was small (1/427 chronic vs 3/51 clearers) (OR 24.56, 95% C I 12.5-241.4, P =0.006). T he CCR5D32 deletion was not associated with liver grading and staging scores, fibrosis progression rate, or t herapy response. Conclusions: At v ariance w ith a p revious report (Nattermann et a l, 2011), suggesting that a n on-functional CCR5 m ay hamper H CV clearance, C CR5D32 appeared to b e associated with an increased spontaneous eradication in women (but not men). Given the small number of CCR5D32 homozygote persons, these data need further validation.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection induces a state of oxidative stress by affecting mitochondrial-respiratory-chain activity. By using cell lines inducibly expressing different HCV constructs, we showed previously that viral-protein expression leads to severe impairment of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and to major reliance on nonoxidative glucose metabolism. However, the bioenergetic competence of the induced cells was not compromised, indicating an efficient prosurvival adaptive response. Here, we show that HCV protein expression activates hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) by normoxic stabilization of its alpha subunit. In consequence, expression of HIF-controlled genes, including those coding for glycolytic enzymes, was significantly upregulated. Similar expression of HIF-controlled genes was observed in cell lines inducibly expressing subgenomic HCV constructs encoding either structural or nonstructural viral proteins. Stabilization and transcriptional activation of HIF-1alpha was confirmed in Huh-7.5 cells harboring cell culture-derived infectious HCV and in liver biopsy specimens from patients with chronic hepatitis C. The HCV-related HIF-1alpha stabilization was insensitive to antioxidant treatment. Mimicking an impairment of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by treatment of inducible cell lines with oligomycin resulted in stabilization of HIF-1alpha. Similar results were obtained by treatment with pyruvate, indicating that accumulation of intermediate metabolites is sufficient to stabilize HIF-1alpha. These observations provide new insights into the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C and, possibly, the HCV-related development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, as a result of the progression towards cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Additionally, HCV seems to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) due to its association with insulin resistance, diabetes and steatosis. HCV infection represents an initial step in the chronic inflammatory cascade, showing a direct role in altering glucose metabolism. After achieving sustained virological response, the incidence of insulin resistance and diabetes dramatically decrease. HCV core protein plays an essential role in promoting insulin resistance and oxidative stress. On the other hand, atherosclerosis is a common disease in which the artery wall thickens due to accumulation of fatty deposits. The main step in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques is the oxidation of low density lipoprotein particles, together with the increased production of proinflammatory markers [tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-18 or C-reactive protein]. The advent of new direct acting antiviral therapy has dramatically increased the sustained virological response rates of hepatitis C infection. In this scenario, the cardiovascular risk has emerged and represents a major concern after the eradication of the virus. Consequently, the number of studies evaluating this association is growing. Data derived from these studies have demonstrated the strong link between HCV infection and the atherogenic process, showing a higher risk of coronary heart disease, carotid atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease and, ultimately, CVD-related mortality.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: While several risk factors for the histological progression of chronic hepatitis C have been identified, the contribution of HCV genotypes to liver fibrosis evolution remains controversial. The aim of this study was to assess independent predictors for fibrosis progression. METHODS: We identified 1189 patients from the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort database with at least one biopsy prior to antiviral treatment and assessable date of infection. Stage-constant fibrosis progression rate was assessed using the ratio of fibrosis Metavir score to duration of infection. Stage-specific fibrosis progression rates were obtained using a Markov model. Risk factors were assessed by univariate and multivariate regression models. RESULTS: Independent risk factors for accelerated stage-constant fibrosis progression (>0.083 fibrosis units/year) included male sex (OR=1.60, [95% CI 1.21-2.12], P<0.001), age at infection (OR=1.08, [1.06-1.09], P<0.001), histological activity (OR=2.03, [1.54-2.68], P<0.001) and genotype 3 (OR=1.89, [1.37-2.61], P<0.001). Slower progression rates were observed in patients infected by blood transfusion (P=0.02) and invasive procedures or needle stick (P=0.03), compared to those infected by intravenous drug use. Maximum likelihood estimates (95% CI) of stage-specific progression rates (fibrosis units/year) for genotype 3 versus the other genotypes were: F0-->F1: 0.126 (0.106-0.145) versus 0.091 (0.083-0.100), F1-->F2: 0.099 (0.080-0.117) versus 0.065 (0.058-0.073), F2-->F3: 0.077 (0.058-0.096) versus 0.068 (0.057-0.080) and F3-->F4: 0.171 (0.106-0.236) versus 0.112 (0.083-0.142, overall P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a significant association of genotype 3 with accelerated fibrosis using both stage-constant and stage-specific estimates of fibrosis progression rates. This observation may have important consequences for the management of patients infected with this genotype.
Suite à un accident exposant à du sang (piqûre; coupure), provenant d'un patient infecté, le risque d'infection par VIH est d'environ 0,3% et par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) d'environ 0,5%. Chez les personnes vaccinées avec une réponse immunitaire adéquate (titre d'anticorps HBs >100 mUI/ml), aucune infection professionnelle par hépatite B n'a été reconnue en Suisse. La plupart des infections par VIH et VHB peuvent être prévenues par un traitement d'urgence et une prophylaxie postexpositionnelle (PEP). Il n'y a actuellement aucune prophylaxie postexpositionnelle pour le VHC. En cas de transmission de VHC, un traitement rapide par peginterféron et ribavirine est à envisager. Chaque hôpital et cabinet médical doivent mettre sur pied un système pour assurer une prise en charge optimale et en urgence des blessures par piqûres ou coupures. Lors de blessures accidentelles avec du sang de patients séropositifs pour le VIH et dans des situations complexes, il est recommandé de consulter un médecin du personnel ou un infectiologue expérimenté. The risk of infection after an occupational needle stick injury with blood from an infected source patient is approximately 0.3% for HIV and 0.5% for hepatitis C virus (HCV). In Switzerland no cases of occupational HBV infection have been recorded in fully vaccinated persons with a documented adequate vaccine response (HBsantibody titer >100 mIU/mL). Most occupational HIV und HBV infections can be prevented by appropriate emergency measures and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). No HCV-PEP is currently available. Early therapy with peginterferon and ribavirin should be considered in cases of occupational HCV seroconversion. Every hospital and office practice should establish a system for 24 h/24 h emergency management of occupational needle stick injuries. In the setting of an HIV-seropositive source patient and in complex situations, early consultation with a specialist in occupational medicine or infectious diseases should be considered.
Viruses have evolved strategies to overcome the antiviral effects of the host at different levels. Besides specific defence mechanisms, the host responds to viral infection via the interferon pathway and also by RNA interference (RNAi). However, several viruses have been identified that suppress RNAi. We addressed the question of whether hepatitis C virus (HCV) suppresses RNAi, using cell lines constitutively expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and inducibly expressing HCV proteins. It was found that short interfering RNA-mediated GFP gene silencing was inhibited when the entire HCV polyprotein was expressed. Further studies showed that HCV structural proteins, and in particular envelope protein 2 (E2), were responsible for this inhibition. Co-precipitation assays demonstrated that E2 bound to Argonaute-2 (Ago-2), a member of the RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC. Thus, HCV E2 that interacts with Ago-2 is able to suppress RNAi.
Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) plays an essential role in the formation of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex. It is an integral membrane protein that has been only poorly characterized to date. It is believed to comprise a cytosolic N-terminal part, a central part harboring four transmembrane passages, and a cytosolic C-terminal part. Here, we describe an amphipathic alpha-helix at the C terminus of NS4B (amino acid residues 229 to 253) that mediates membrane association and is involved in the formation of a functional HCV replication complex.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), represented by nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B), belongs to a class of integral membrane proteins termed tail-anchored proteins. Its membrane association is mediated by the C-terminal 21 amino acid residues, which are dispensable for RdRp activity in vitro. For this study, we investigated the role of this domain, termed the insertion sequence, in HCV RNA replication in cells. Based on a structural model and the amino acid conservation among different HCV isolates, we designed a panel of insertion sequence mutants and analyzed their membrane association and RNA replication. Subgenomic replicons with a duplication of an essential cis-acting replication element overlapping the sequence that encodes the C-terminal domain of NS5B were used to unequivocally distinguish RNA versus protein effects of these mutations. Our results demonstrate that the membrane association of the RdRp is essential for HCV RNA replication. Interestingly, certain amino acid substitutions within the insertion sequence abolished RNA replication without affecting membrane association, indicating that the C-terminal domain of NS5B has functions beyond serving as a membrane anchor and that it may be involved in critical intramembrane protein-protein interactions. These results have implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex and provide new insights into the expanding spectrum of tail-anchored proteins.
The expression of interleukin 7 receptor alpha(high) (IL-7Ralpha(high)) discriminates between activated CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+) T cells [IL-7Ralpha(high) and forkhead box P3-negative (FoxP3(-))] and regulatory T cells (IL-7Ralpha(low) and FoxP3(+)). The IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population has been shown to be expanded in the blood and tissues of patients after kidney transplantation and to contain alloreactive T cells (activated T cells). In the present study, we analyzed the distribution of IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cells in the blood of 53 patients after liver transplantation. The IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population was significantly expanded (P < 0.0001) in stable transplant recipients versus healthy donors. However, the magnitude of the expansion was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in liver transplant recipients with no hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in comparison with those with a preexisting HCV infection. Interestingly, effective suppression of HCV viremia after antiviral therapy was associated with an increase in the IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population to levels comparable to those of liver transplant recipients not infected with HCV. The present results indicate that (1) the IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population is expanded after liver transplantation, (2) it is a valuable immunological marker for monitoring activated and potential alloreactive CD4 T cells in liver transplantation, and (3) a preexisting HCV infection negatively influences the expansion of this population in liver transplant recipients.
Great progress has been made over the past years in elucidating the structure and function of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins, most of which are now actively being pursued as antiviral targets. The structural proteins, which form the viral particle, include the core protein and the envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2. The nonstructural proteins include the p7 viroporin, the NS2 protease, the NS3-4A complex harboring protease and NTPase/RNA helicase activities, the NS4B and NS5A proteins, and the NS5B RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. NS4B is a master organizer of replication complex formation while NS5A is a zinc-containing phosphoprotein involved in the regulation of HCV RNA replication versus particle production. Core to NS2 make up the assembly module while NS3 to NS5B represent the replication module (replicase). However, HCV proteins exert multiple functions during the viral life cycle, and these may be governed by different structural conformations and/or interactions with viral and/or cellular partners. Remarkably, each viral protein is anchored to intracellular membranes via specific determinants that are essential to protein function in the cell. This review summarizes current knowledge of the structure and function of the HCV proteins and highlights recent advances in the field.
Elevated serum ferritin levels may reflect a systemic inflammatory state as well as increased iron storage, both of which may contribute to an unfavorable outcome of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). We therefore performed a comprehensive analysis of the role of serum ferritin and its genetic determinants in the pathogenesis and treatment of CHC. To this end, serum ferritin levels at baseline of therapy with pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin or before biopsy were correlated with clinical and histological features of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, including necroinflammatory activity (N = 970), fibrosis (N = 980), steatosis (N = 886), and response to treatment (N = 876). The association between high serum ferritin levels (> median) and the endpoints was assessed by logistic regression. Moreover, a candidate gene as well as a genome-wide association study of serum ferritin were performed. We found that serum ferritin ≥ the sex-specific median was one of the strongest pretreatment predictors of treatment failure (univariate P < 0.0001, odds ratio [OR] = 0.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.34-0.60). This association remained highly significant in a multivariate analysis (P = 0.0002, OR = 0.35, 95% CI = 0.20-0.61), with an OR comparable to that of interleukin (IL)28B genotype. When patients with the unfavorable IL28B genotypes were stratified according to high versus low ferritin levels, SVR rates differed by > 30% in both HCV genotype 1- and genotype 3-infected patients (P < 0.001). Serum ferritin levels were also independently associated with severe liver fibrosis (P < 0.0001, OR = 2.67, 95% CI = 1.68-4.25) and steatosis (P = 0.002, OR = 2.29, 95% CI = 1.35-3.91), but not with necroinflammatory activity (P = 0.3). Genetic variations had only a limited impact on serum ferritin levels. Conclusion: In patients with CHC, elevated serum ferritin levels are independently associated with advanced liver fibrosis, hepatic steatosis, and poor response to interferon-alpha-based therapy.
With the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), HIV infection has become a chronic disease. Various end-stage organ failures have now become common co-morbidities and are primary causes of mortality in HIV-infected patients. Solid-organ transplantation therefore has been proposed to these patients, as HIV infection is not anymore considered an absolute contraindication. The initial results of organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients are encouraging with no differences in patient and graft survival compared with non-HIV-infected patients. The use of immunosuppressive drug therapy in HIV-infected patients has so far not shown major detrimental effects, and some drugs in combination with HAART have even demonstrated possible beneficial effects for specific HIV settings. Nevertheless, organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients remains a complex intervention, and more studies will be required to clarify open questions such as long-term effects of drug interactions between antiretroviral and immunosuppressive drugs, outcome of recurrent HCV infection in HIV-infected patients, incidence of graft rejection, or long-term graft and patient survival. In this article, we first review the immunological pathogenesis of HIV infection and the rationale for using immunosuppression combined with HAART. We then discuss the most recent results of solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients.