810 resultados para Grupo Focal
A diffractive microlens with a cascade focal plane along the main optical axis of the device is fabricated using a low-cost technique mainly including single mask ultraviolet (UV) photolithography and dual-step KOH:H2O etching. Based on the evolutionary behavior of converse pyramid-shaped microholes (CPSMs) preshaped over a {100}-oriented silicon wafer in KOH etchant, the first-step KOH etching is performed to transfer initial square micro-openings in a SiO2 film grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and patterned by single mask UV-photolithography, into CPSMs with needed dimension. After completely removing a thinned SiO2 mask, basic annular phase steps with a relatively steep sidewall and scheduled height can be shaped in the overlapped etching region between the neighboring silicon concave-arc microstructures evolved from CPSMs through the second-step KOH etching. Morphological measurements demonstrate a desirable surface of the silicon microlens with a roughness in nanometer scale and the feature height of the phase steps formed in the submicrometer range. Conventional optics measurements of the plastic diffractive microlens obtained by further hot embossing the fine microrelief phase map over the nickel mask made through a common electrochemical method indicate a highly efficient cascaded focusing performance.
Algumas práticas agrícolas como o plantio direto pode afetar a lixiviação. Para estudar os efeitos desta prática, foi instalado um experimento de campo na área do Núcleo de Agronomia da Alta Mogiana, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas/Ribeirão Preto, de onde foram coletadas amostras de solos e água para estudos de herbicidas do grupo das triazinas: atrazina, simazina e ametrina. Foi instalado um experimento em área de cana colhida mecanicamente plantada com amendoim em diferentes sistemas de cultivo (plantio direto e plantio convencional) nas quais a cada 10 cm. foram retiradas amostras de solos até atingir 90 cm. Determinaram-se os seguintes parâmetros em laboratório: a) Densidade do solo, b) Porosidade total c) Microporosidade e d) Macroporosidade. Amostras de água coletada a cada três meses em poços da Prefeitura Municipal de Ribeirão Preto foram analisadas por GC-MS (cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massa). Não houve efeito dos sistemas de plantio na macro, micro e porosidade total. Houve apenas diferença significativa na densidade, sendo maior na camada superficial nos solos com plantio direto. Em todas as amostras de poços coletadas não foram detectados resíduos de triazinas, no limite de quantificação de 10 mg/L. Foram também reconstituídos os solos em colunas em laboratório e observou-se o movimento de atrazina e simazina no máximo até 20cm de profundidade. Não foi encontrado nenhum herbicida abaixo dos 20 cm. Para melhor entender os resultados, foi utilizado o simulador CMLS-94 "Chemical Movement in Layered Soils" e observou-se também que praticamente não houve diferença entre os resultados obtidos pelas simulações realizadas para plantios direto e convencional com relação à lixiviação das triazinas e que os valores de simulação indicaram que os produtos alcançam profundidades máximas de um metro, bem mais do que o encontrado nas colunas em laboratório.
Uma metodologia de intervenção de grupo foi testada de grupo foi testada em 11 organizacoes rurais de base familiar, formada por nove associacoes de agricultores tradicionais, uma associacao de assentamento de reforma agraria e uma central de associacoes, sendo todas situadas em tres municipios do Estado de Goias. A metodologia constitui-se das seguintes etapas de intervencoes: apresentacao da proposta de trabalho, motivacao em nucleacao do grupo; diagnostico da organizacao; planejamento estrategico participativo (PEP), bem como a execução das propostas e acoes estrategicas; desenvolvimento e capacitacao dos agricultores e avaliação final da gestao das organizacoes. Este trabalho discutiu cada uma dessa etapas, e suas principais caracteristicas são: a construcao de objetivos compartilhados e a possibilidade de os membros da organização se desenvolverem como equipe trabalho e de participarem do desenvolvimento local. Dentre os resultados parciais obtidos ate o momento, destacaram-se: a producao e a comercializacao de doces e temperos caseiros; criacao e comercializacsao de frango caipira; implantacao de viveiro de mudas de plantas nativas; desenvolvimento de grupo de jovens rurais; implementacao de lavoura comunitaria, compra coletiva de produtos domesticos e insumos agricolas. Conclui-se que a referida metodologia favorece a dinamica do funcionamento das organizacoes rurais, mas não assegura a manutencao da coesao grupal, em caso de afastamento da equipe do projeto, no inicio de execução das propostas estrategicas, em face das dificuldades advindas do meio ambiente.
O Lixão de Canabrava situado a 10 km do centro de Salvador, Estado da Bahia - Brasil recebeu por mais de 30 anos os resíduos da cidade. Cerca de 8.000.000 m3 de lixo foram depositados em uma área de 66 hectares compreendida entre a Planta A (15 anos de deposição) e Planta B (30 anos de deposição), sem que houvesse uma metodologia, planejamento e monitoramento adequados. A decomposição e transformação da matéria orgânica desses materiais geraram um líquido escuro, de cheiro forte, conhecido como chorume, rico em matéria orgânica, contendo metais pesados e outros elementos químicos. O estudo realizado em 7 perfis, situados no interior da Planta A (SCB1), na encosta da Planta A (SCB2, SCB3 e SCB4), na Planta B (CCL) e dois perfis, em tese, sem presença de lixo (SCB5 e CCB) indicou que o chorume produzido na área tem provocado diversas mudança físicas e químicas nos solos e sedimentos oriundos do Grupo Barreiras. Tais modificações foram observadas através das características naturais desses solos, que indicou elevação do pH, aumento de cátions básicos e alta percentagem de saturação por bases, além disso, com as extrações parciais e totais realizadas nas amostras, pôde-se evidenciar concentrações bastante elevadas de metais pesados na maioria dos solos, principalmente arsênio, cromo, ferro e manganês. Esses metais oriundos da decomposição dos resíduos e dos solos e sedimentos transformados pelo chorume estão sendo lixiviados para o lençol freático, rios e lagos próximos, já que os solos em questão apresentam textura arenosa e baixa capacidade de troca catiônica. Avalia-se também que esse estudo possa servir para identificar graus de contaminação em solos e como procedimento para monitoramento de aterros sanitários.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different concentrations of normobaric oxygen (NBO) on neurological function and the expression of caspase-3 and -9 in a rat model of acute cerebral ischaemia. Sprague-Dawley rats (n=120) were randomly divided into four groups (n=30 per group), including 3 groups given NBO at concentrations of 33%, 45% or 61% and one control group given air (21% oxygen). After 2 h of ischaemic occlusion, each group was further subdivided into six subgroups (n=5) during reperfusion according to the duration (3, 6, 12, 24, 48 or 72 h) and concentration of NBO (33%, 45% or 61%) or air treatment. The Fluorescence Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry were used to detect caspase-3 and -9 mRNA and protein relative expression respectively. The Neurologic Impairment Score (NIS) was significantly lower in rats given 61% NBO ≥3 h after reperfusion when compared to the control group (P<0.05, Mann–Whitney U). NBO significantly reduced caspase-3 and -9 mRNA and protein expression when compared to the control group at all NBO concentrations and time points (P<0.05, ANOVA). The expression of caspase-3 and -9 was lower in the group given 61% NBO compared any other group, and this difference was statistically significant when compared to the group given 33% NBO for ≥48 h and the control group (both P<0.05, ANOVA). These findings indicate that NBO may inhibit the apoptotic pathway by reducing caspase-3 and -9 expression, thereby promoting neurological functional recovery after stroke.
53 hojas : ilustraciones.
[96] hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
The concept of focal therapy is rapidly evolving and gaining popularity from both physician and patient perspectives. We review the rationale, candidate selection, and results of the first clinical studies of focal cryoablation for selected patients with low volume and low- to low-moderate-risk features of prostate cancer as an alternative to whole-gland treatment. In spite of improved understanding of the tumor biology of early stage disease, we currently have limited tools to select appropriate patients with low- to low-moderate risk unifocal or unilateral prostate cancer who may be amenable to focal therapy. From a technical point, a number of ablative treatment options for focal therapy are available, with cryoablation having the most clinical experience. Recently, several reports have been published from single and multi-institutional studies that discuss focal therapy as a reasonable balance between cancer control and quality-of-life outcomes. Retrospective pathologic data from large prostatectomy series, however, do not clearly reveal valid and reproducible criteria to select appropriate candidates for focal cryoablation because of the complexity of tumorigenesis in early stage disease. At this time, a more feasible option remains hemiablation of the prostate with reasonable certainty about the absence of clinically significant cancer lesion(s) on the contralateral side of the prostate based on three-dimensional transperineal prostate biopsy mapping studies. Minimally invasive, parenchyma-preserving cryoablation can be considered as a potential feasible option in the treatment armamentarium of early stage, localized prostate cancer in appropriately selected candidates. There is a need to further test this technique in randomized, multicenter clinical trials.
Focal therapy (FT) for the management of clinically localized prostate cancer (PCa) is growing from a concept to reality because of increased interest of both patients and physicians. Selection protocols, however, are yet to be established. We discuss the role of prostate biopsy in candidate selection for FT and highlight the different strategies and technical aspects of the use of prostate biopsy in this setting. In our opinion, prostate biopsy plays a major role in the selection process and tailoring appropriate treatment strategy to the patient. FT necessitates dedicated biopsy schemes that would reliably predict the extent, nature, and location of PCa in selected patients. Currently, there is insufficient scientific evidence to propose a specific biopsy scheme that could fit every candidate, providing accurate characterization of the disease in the individual patient. Further research is necessary to establish solid selection protocols that would reliably identify appropriate candidates for FT of PCa.
Using a reflector insert, the original HM-3 lithotripter field at 20 kV was altered significantly with the peak positive pressure (p(+)) in the focal plane increased from 49 to 87 MPa while the -6 dB focal width decreased concomitantly from 11 to 4 mm. Using the original reflector, p(+) of 33 MPa with a -6 dB focal width of 18 mm were measured in a pre-focal plane 15-mm proximal to the lithotripter focus. However, the acoustic pulse energy delivered to a 28-mm diameter area around the lithotripter axis was comparable ( approximately 120 mJ). For all three exposure conditions, similar stone comminution ( approximately 70%) was produced in a mesh holder of 15 mm after 250 shocks. In contrast, stone comminution produced by the modified reflector either in a 15-mm finger cot (45%) or in a 30-mm membrane holder (14%) was significantly reduced from the corresponding values (56% and 26%) produced by the original reflector (no statistically significant differences were observed between the focal and pre-focal planes). These observations suggest that a low-pressure/broad focal width lithotripter field will produce better stone comminution than its counterpart with high-pressure/narrow focal width under clinically relevant in vitro comminution conditions.
The growth of stem cells can be modulated by physical factors such as extracellular matrix nanotopography. We hypothesize that nanotopography modulates cell behavior by changing the integrin clustering and focal adhesion (FA) assembly, leading to changes in cytoskeletal organization and cell mechanical properties. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) cultured on 350 nm gratings of tissue-culture polystyrene (TCPS) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) showed decreased expression of integrin subunits alpha2, alpha , alpha V, beta2, beta 3 and beta 4 compared to the unpatterned controls. On gratings, the elongated hMSCs exhibited an aligned actin cytoskeleton, while on unpatterned controls, spreading cells showed a random but denser actin cytoskeleton network. Expression of cytoskeleton and FA components was also altered by the nanotopography as reflected in the mechanical properties measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation. On the rigid TCPS, hMSCs on gratings exhibited lower instantaneous and equilibrium Young's moduli and apparent viscosity. On the softer PDMS, the effects of nanotopography were not significant. However, hMSCs cultured on PDMS showed lower cell mechanical properties than those on TCPS, regardless of topography. These suggest that both nanotopography and substrate stiffness could be important in determining mechanical properties, while nanotopography may be more dominant in determining the organization of the cytoskeleton and FAs.
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a histological lesion with many causes, including inherited genetic defects, with significant proteinuria being the predominant clinical finding at presentation. Mutations in COL4A3 and COL4A4 are known to cause Alport syndrome (AS), thin basement membrane nephropathy, and to result in pathognomonic glomerular basement membrane (GBM) findings. Secondary FSGS is known to develop in classic AS at later stages of the disease. Here, we present seven families with rare or novel variants in COL4A3 or COL4A4 (six with single and one with two heterozygous variants) from a cohort of 70 families with a diagnosis of hereditary FSGS. The predominant clinical finding at diagnosis was proteinuria associated with hematuria. In all seven families, there were individuals with nephrotic-range proteinuria with histologic features of FSGS by light microscopy. In one family, electron microscopy showed thin GBM, but four other families had variable findings inconsistent with classical Alport nephritis. There was no recurrence of disease after kidney transplantation. Families with COL4A3 and COL4A4 variants that segregated with disease represent 10% of our cohort. Thus, COL4A3 and COL4A4 variants should be considered in the interpretation of next-generation sequencing data from such patients. Furthermore, this study illustrates the power of molecular genetic diagnostics in the clarification of renal phenotypes.
Four pigs, three with focal infarctions in the apical intraventricular septum (IVS) and/or left ventricular free wall (LVFW), were imaged with an intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) transducer. Custom beam sequences were used to excite the myocardium with focused acoustic radiation force (ARF) impulses and image the subsequent tissue response. Tissue displacement in response to the ARF excitation was calculated with a phase-based estimator, and transverse wave magnitude and velocity were each estimated at every depth. The excitation sequence was repeated rapidly, either in the same location to generate 40 Hz M-modes at a single steering angle, or with a modulated steering angle to synthesize 2-D displacement magnitude and shear wave velocity images at 17 points in the cardiac cycle. Both types of images were acquired from various views in the right and left ventricles, in and out of infarcted regions. In all animals, acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) and shear wave elasticity imaging (SWEI) estimates indicated diastolic relaxation and systolic contraction in noninfarcted tissues. The M-mode sequences showed high beat-to-beat spatio-temporal repeatability of the measurements for each imaging plane. In views of noninfarcted tissue in the diseased animals, no significant elastic remodeling was indicated when compared with the control. Where available, views of infarcted tissue were compared with similar views from the control animal. In views of the LVFW, the infarcted tissue presented as stiff and non-contractile compared with the control. In a view of the IVS, no significant difference was seen between infarcted and healthy tissue, whereas in another view, a heterogeneous infarction was seen to be presenting itself as non-contractile in systole.