928 resultados para Geometrical Isomers
A procedure for the nitration of phenol in a semi-micro scale, followed by separation of the formed orto- and para-nitrophenol isomers by column chromatography, is described. All the experiment, including determination of the melting point of the isolated products, require a period of 4 hours, and it is suitable for organic chemistry laboratory undergraduate courses.
A sodium mordenite zeolite (Na-MOR) was synthesized and modified by dealumination with chloridric acid solution (H-MOR). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Inductive Coupled Plasm (ICP) and Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) techniques were used for sample characterization. The zeolite catalytic behavior was evaluated through toluene disproportionation at 435°C. It was verified that mordenites were very selective for the disproportionation reaction and the samples with higher aluminum content showed larger initial activity, however, these samples showed too a higher deactivation velocity due to a blockage of the unidimensional porous system of the zeolite by coke deposits. The selectivity to xylene isomers was practically not influenced by the Si/Al ratio and changed with the time on stream, due to coke formation. Transition state shape selectivity inside the mordenite pores is also discussed.
The determination of the molecular structure of molecules is of fundamental importance in chemistry. X-rays and electron diffraction methods constitute in important tools for the elucidation of the molecular structure of systems in the solid state and gas phase, respectively. The use of quantum mechanical molecular orbital ab initio methods offer an alternative for conformational analysis studies. Comparison between theoretical results and those obtained experimentally in the gas phase can make a significant contribution for an unambiguous determination of the geometrical parameters. In this article the determination of the molecular structure of the cyclooctane molecule by electron diffraction in the gas phase and ab initio calculations will be addressed, providing an example of a comparative analysis of theoretical and experimental predictions.
Open chain hydroxamic acid (Hx) can exist as Z and E diastereomers of two tautomers, hydroxamic acid and hydroximic acid. The conformational stability of the formohydroxamic acid isomers evaluated by PM3 compared better to ab initio results from the literature than AM1 results. Structural data of the cyclic Hx 2,4-dihydroxy-7-metoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4 H)-one (DIMBOA) obtained by both semiempirical methods compared well to ab initio results. pKa data from the literature for derivatives of the aldolic isomer of DIMBOA were compared to the stability of the anions resulting from the loss of protons of their phenol and hydroxamic acid groups, determined as the difference in heat of formation between anionic and neutral forms, calculated by AM1 and PM3 methods. Good correlations between theoretical and experimental data were obtained for both semiempirical methods.
Diplomityössä on tutkittu radiaalikompressorin juoksupyörän virtauskanavan suunnittelua ja esitelty yleisesti käytetyt suunnittelumenetelmät. Virtauskanavan muodon vaikutukset virtauskenttään on esitetty. Työssä on kehitetty uusi tietokoneohjelma juoksupyörän kolmiulotteisen geometrian luomiseen, yksiulotteisesta suunnittelusta saatujen päämittojen pohjalta. Ohjelmalla luotua juoksupyörän geometriaa voidaan käyttää virtaus- ja lujuusanalyyseissä. Ohjelmaan on myös liitetty kaksiulotteinen kokoonpuristuvan viskoosittoman virtauksen ratkaisija.
A new extraction method for sterols was tested in fruits of Ottonia martiana Miq., a shrub belonging to the family Piperaceae, popularly known as "anestésica" due to the use of its roots and aerial parts, in alcoholic preparations, in treatment of odontological problems. For this purpose, a portable extraction equipment was developed, to operate with liquified gases, which showed to be practical, fast and effective, besides being economical and ecological. In the chromatographic analysis of the extracts obtained in this equipment, it was demonstrated the presence of two sterols, isomers of b-sitosterol and stigmasterol.
The possibility and the usefulness of applying plasma keyhole welding to structural steels with different compositions and material thicknesses, and in various welding positions has been examinated. Single pass butt welding with I groove in flat, horizontal vertical and vertical positions and root welding with V , Y and U grooves of thick plate material in flat position have been studied and the welds with high quality has been obtained. The technological conditions for successful welding are presented. The single and interactive effects of welding parameters on weld quality, especially on surface weld defects, geometrical form errors, internal defects and mechanical properties (strength, ductility, impact toughness, hardness and bendability) of weld joint, are presented. Welding parameter combinations providing the best quality welds are also presented.
This paper describes the analytical methods for determination of total chlorogenic acid (CGA) and their individual isomers. Spectrofotometric methods are adequate for total CGA analysis in green coffee but they can provide inflated results for coffee products. High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with gel permeation column and ultraviolet (UV) monitoring is adequate for the simultaneous analysis of total CGA, alkaloids and sugars in coffee products. HPLC-UV-reversed phase is a simple, rapid and precise method for the determination of the individual isomers of CGA. Gas chromatography (GC) also is applied to the analysis of the individual isomers but phenolic acids need to be derivatized before analysis. Both HPLC- and GC-mass spectrometry provide an unequivocal identification of the individual isomers. The capillary electrophoresis method is simple, rapid and adequate to the simultaneous analysis of polyphenols and xanthines. Advantages and limitations of each method are discussed throughout the text.
The Brazilian market has been showing a growing concern with nutritional values of oil components of foods. Chemical interesterification is a promising alternative to the current processes of modifying the consistency of oils. Chemical interesterification of deodorized palm oil was studied on a laboratory scale. The best results were obtained with 0.4% MeONa and heating for 20 min at 100 °C. These conditions are based on the largest variation in triacylglycerols as compared to a control. The trisaturated values varied from 6.2 to 9.9%, showing that the consistency of the oil improved for it to be used in margarines, without the formation of trans isomers.
Se describen los domos graníticos de la cuenca del río Ridaura. Sus caraterísticas geométricas se relacionan estrechamente con la disposición de las fracturas. Su génesis deriva de una fase subsuperficial, bajo un manto de alteración, presumiblemente desarrollada durante el Plioceno, y una fase de exhumación torrencial, que comprende desde el Plioceno terminal hasta la actualidad
In this paper, we present view-dependent information theory quality measures for pixel sampling and scene discretization in flatland. The measures are based on a definition for the mutual information of a line, and have a purely geometrical basis. Several algorithms exploiting them are presented and compare well with an existing one based on depth differences
The effects of exohedral moieties and endohedral metal clusters on the isomerization of M3N@Ih-C80 products from the Prato reaction through [1,5]-sigmatropic rearrangement were systematically investigated by using three types of fulleropyrrolidine derivatives and four different endohedral metal clusters. As a result, all types of derivatives provided the same ratios of the isomers for a given trimetallic nitride template (TNT) as the thermodynamic products, thus indicating that the size of the endohedral metal clusters inside C80 was the single essential factor in determining the equilibrium between the [6,6]-isomer (kinetic product) and the [5,6]-isomer. In all the derivatives, the [6,6]- and [5,6]-Prato adducts with larger metal clusters, such as Y3N and Gd3N, were equally stable, which is in good agreement with DFT calculations. The reaction rate of the rearrangement was dependent on both the substituent of exohedral functional groups and the endohedral metal-cluster size. Further DFT calculations and 13C NMR spectroscopic studies were employed to rationalize the equilibrium in the rearrangement between the [6,6]- and [5,6]-fulleropyrrolidines
The decaffeinated coffee market has been expanding increasingly in the last years. During decaffeination, aroma precursors and bioactive compounds may be extracted. In the present study we evaluate the changes in the chemical composition of C. arabica and C. canephora produced by decaffeination using dichloromethane. A significant change in the chemical composition of both C. arabica and C. canephora species was observed, with differences between species and degrees of roasting. Major changes were observed in sucrose, protein and trigonelline contents after decaffeination. Changes in the levels of total chlorogenic acids and in their isomers distribution were also observed. Lipids and total carbohydrates were not affected as much. The sensory and biological implications of these changes need to be investigated.
The set of initial conditions for which the pseudoclassical evolution algorithm (and minimality conservation) is verified for Hamiltonians of degrees N (N>2) is explicitly determined through a class of restrictions for the corresponding classical trajectories, and it is proved to be at most denumerable. Thus these algorithms are verified if and only if the system is quadratic except for a set of measure zero. The possibility of time-dependent a-equivalence classes is studied and its physical interpretation is presented. The implied equivalence of the pseudoclassical and Ehrenfest algorithms and their relationship with minimality conservation is discussed in detail. Also, the explicit derivation of the general unitary operator which linearly transforms minimum-uncertainty states leads to the derivation, among others, of operators with a general geometrical interpretation in phase space, such as rotations (parity, Fourier).
This work presents a study about the elimination of anticancer drugs, a group of pollutants considered recalcitrant during conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment, using a biological treatment based on the fungus Trametes versicolor. A 10-L fluidized bed bioreactor inoculated with this fungus was set up in order to evaluate the removal of 10 selected anticancer drugs in real hospital wastewater. Almost all the tested anticancer drugs were completely removed from the wastewater at the end of the batch experiment (8 d) with the exception of Ifosfamide and Tamoxifen. These two recalcitrant compounds, together with Cyclophosphamide, were selected for further studies to test their degradability by T. versicolor under optimal growth conditions. Cyclophosphamide and Ifosfamide were inalterable during batch experiments both at high and low concentration, whereas Tamoxifen exhibited a decrease in its concentration along the treatment. Two positional isomers of a hydroxylated form of Tamoxifen were identified during this experiment using a high resolution mass spectrometry based on ultra-high performance chromatography coupled to an Orbitrap detector (LTQ-Velos Orbitrap). Finally the identified transformation products of Tamoxifen were monitored in the bioreactor run with real hospital wastewater