1000 resultados para Geographic framework
Framework for commissioning needs-led and opportunity-led research
L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és el d'oferir una bona introducció en el que són els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica dins el marc de les bases de dades, atesa la expansió d'aquestes cap a nous reptes de la gestió de la informació en forma de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica.
El projecte consisteix en l'estudi i avaluació de diferents alternatives existents al mercat per a realitzar l'anàlisi i desenvolupament d'un conjunt de components que constitueixin un marc de treball per a simplificar i agilitzar el desenvolupament de la capa de presentació per a les aplicacions de client prim d'un determinat Framework desenvolupades amb la plataforma J2EE i basats en el patró de disseny Model-Vista-Controlador.
En aquest projecte he dissenyat i implementat un marc de treball (framework) de presentació per aplicacions J2EE. Avui en dia, per desenvolupar aplicacions web, estem obligats a que segueixin una sèrie de qualitats per tal de fer-les útils. Aquestes són eficiència, extensibilitat, reutilització i portabilitat. De no ser així, el nostre programari no tindrà lloc al mercat. Per tal d' aconseguir aquestes qualitats, cal seguir les regles establertes i utilitzar frameworks.
A decline in human sperm quality and quantity has been reported in numerous Western countries. This observation was also accompanied by an increase in urogenital malformations. The need for epidemiological studies dealing with unbiased populations in order to understand the causes of these observations is obvious. In Switzerland, the large majority of young men are asked to attend a military camp to be drafted into the army. A few weeks before this camp, conscripts were contacted and invited to participate in a large national study on semen quality. The participation was totally voluntary and anonymous. From September 2005 to June 2007, 770 volunteers filled out a questionnaire, underwent a clinical examination and provided sperm, blood and urine samples. Using self-rated health assessments, the observed cohort could be considered as healthy and no testicular cancer was found. Moreover, the testicular volumes, measured using Prader's orchidometry and ultrasonography, were comparable to those already published for young male populations. The median sperm concentration was 47 x 10(6)/ml, which is close to the concentration reported in Denmark, known to have the highest incidence of testicular cancer in Europe. Statistically significant differences were observed between regions with a lower sperm concentration for men residing in the Alps (43 x 10(6)/ml) and in the Zurich area (36 x 10(6)/ml) compared to men from West Plateau (54 x 10(6)/ml) and from the Jura (54 x 10(6)/ml). Such a regional discrepancy could be related to environmental factors, including endocrine disruptors. In order to confirm such regional differences more volunteers from the already studied regions should be studied and other parts of the country should be investigated. The rather low sperm concentration of Swiss young volunteers should be considered as a national health issue and investigated further.
Delivering Care - Nurse staffing in Northern Ireland is the outcome of a commission undertaken by the PHA Director of Nursing from the DHSSPS Chief Nursing Officer and approved by the Minister of Health in 2014.� The aim of the Delivering Care project is to support the provision of quality care which is safe and effective in hospital and community settings.
Memoria del trabajo de fin de carrera donde se detalla la implementación de un mini gestor de contenidos utilizando el framework Spring.
Diseño de d'jNeko, un framework basado en acciones para la capa de presentación de aplicaciones J2EE.
Aquest document cobrirà diferents aspectes relacionats amb el disseny d'un framework de presentació orientat a aplicacions web. Començarem analitzant quins serien els aspectes o característiques esperades d'una solució d'aquest tipus, sempre des de la subjectivitat i l'experiència, com pot ser el concepte de zero configuration, el qual intenta reduir el nombre de fitxers de configuració necessaris per a la posada en marxa, o el de convention over configuration, el qual intenta reduir el nombre de decisions que els desenvolupadors hagin de prendre, guanyant en flexibilitat però sense perdre flexibilitat, i sobretot permetent al desenvolupador concentrar-se en aquells aspectes que són particulars a la seva solució.
Background: Recently, more clinical trials are being conducted in Africa and Asia, therefore, background morbidity in the respective populations is of interest. Between 2000 and 2007, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative sponsored 19 Phase 1 or 2A preventive HIV vaccine trials in the US, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and India, enrolling 900 healthy HIV-1 uninfected volunteers. Objective To assess background morbidity as reflected by unsolicited adverse events (AEs), unrelated to study vaccine, reported in clinical trials from four continents. Methods All but three clinical trials were double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled. Study procedures and data collection methods were standardized. The frequency and severity of AEs reported during the first year of the trials were analyzed. To avoid confounding by vaccine-related events, solicited reactogenicity and other AEs occurring within 28 d after any vaccination were excluded. Results In total, 2134 AEs were reported by 76% of all participants; 73% of all events were mild. The rate of AEs did not differ between placebo and vaccine recipients. Overall, the percentage of participants with any AE was higher in Africa (83%) compared with Europe (71%), US (74%) and India (65%), while the percentage of participants with AEs of moderate or greater severity was similar in all regions except India. In all regions, the most frequently reported AEs were infectious diseases, followed by gastrointestinal disorders. Conclusions Despite some regional differences, in these healthy participants selected for low risk of HIV infection, background morbidity posed no obstacle to clinical trial conduct and interpretation. Data from controlled clinical trials of preventive interventions can offer valuable insights into the health of the eligible population.
Los Frameworks constituyen el nuevo paradigma en cuanto al desarrollo de software se refiere. Entre sus principales características se encuentran la facilidad para la reutilización de código. En este marco específico proporcionados por la tecnología usaremos la tecnología JAVA y su extensión en cuanto a la persistencia de datos. El Framework de persistencia es el responsable de gestionar la lógica de acceso a los datos en un SGBD (Sistema de Gestión de Bases de Datos), ya sea de entrada o salida, y ocultando los detalles más pesados relativos a la estructura propia de la Base de Datos utilizada, de manera completa y transparentemente. En conclusión, este proyecto se basa en un análisis del los Frameworks existentes, analizando sus características y profundizando en los detalles concretos de su actividad y manejo en cuanto a la persistencia.
Validated in vitro methods for skin corrosion and irritation were adopted by the OECD and by the European Union during the last decade. In the EU, Switzerland and countries adopting the EU legislation, these assays may allow the full replacement of animal testing for identifying and classifying compounds as skin corrosives, skin irritants, and non irritants. In order to develop harmonised recommendations on the use of in vitro data for regulatory assessment purposes within the European framework, a workshop was organized by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health together with ECVAM and the BfR. It comprised stakeholders from various European countries involved in the process from in vitro testing to the regulatory assessment of in vitro data. Discussions addressed the following questions: (1) the information requirements considered useful for regulatory assessment; (2) the applicability of in vitro skin corrosion data to assign the corrosive subcategories as implemented by the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation; (3) the applicability of testing strategies for determining skin corrosion and irritation hazards; and (4) the applicability of the adopted in vitro assays to test mixtures, preparations and dilutions. Overall, a number of agreements and recommendations were achieved in order to clarify and facilitate the assessment and use of in vitro data from regulatory accepted methods, and ultimately help regulators and scientists facing with the new in vitro approaches to evaluate skin irritation and corrosion hazards and risks without animal data.
Integration in strategic alliances : a conceptual framework of IT use in marketing as NPD key factor
En una economia basada en el coneixement, la innovació del producte es considera un factor clau a l'hora de determinar la competitivitat, la productivitat i el creixement d'una companyia. No obstant això, l'experiència de les companyies demostra la necessitat d'un nou model de gestió de la innovació del producte: una gestió basada en el màrqueting, en què la cooperació i l'ús intensiu de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació (TIC) són especialment importants. En els darrers anys, la bibliografia sobre màrqueting ha analitzat el paper de la cooperació en l'èxit del procés d'innovació. No obstant això, fins ara pocs treballs han estudiat el paper que té l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting en l'èxit del desenvolupament de nous productes (NPD, New Product Development en anglès). És una omissió curiosa, tenint en compte que el nou entorn competitiu és definit per una economia i una societat basades principalment en l'ús intensiu de les TIC i del coneixement. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és investigar el paper que l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting té en el procés de desenvolupament de nous productes, com a element que reforça la integració d'agents al projecte, afavorint l'establiment de relacions dirigides a la cooperació i l'adquisició d'intel·ligència de mercat útil en el procés de desenvolupament de nous productes. L'estudi d'una mostra de 2.038 companyies de tots els sectors de l'activitat econòmica a Catalunya ens permet contrastar hipòtesis inicials i establir un perfil de companyia innovadora basat en les importants relacions que hi ha entre la innovació, l'ús de TIC en el màrqueting i la integració. Sobresurten dues idees en la nostra anàlisi. En primer lloc, l'ús intensiu de les TIC en el màrqueting fa que la companyia sigui més innovadora, ja que percep que el seu ús ajuda a superar barreres a la innovació i accelera els processos, que es tornen més eficients. En segon lloc, incrementant l'ús de les TIC en el màrqueting es fa augmentar la predisposició de la companyia a integrar agents particulars en l'entorn de negoci en el desenvolupament del procés d'innovació i a col·laborar-hi, de manera que es millora el grau d'adaptació del nou producte a les demandes del mercat.
The role of ecology in the evolution and maintenance of arthropod sociality has received increasing research attention in recent years. In some organisms, such as halictine bees, polistine wasps, and social spiders, researchers are investigating the environmental factors that may contribute to high levels of variation in the degree of sociality exhibited both among and within species. Within lineages that include only eusocial members, such as ants and termites, studies focus more on identifying extrinsic factors that may contribute to the dramatic variation in colony size, number of queens, and division of labour that is evident across these species. In this review, I propose a comparative approach that seeks to identify environmental factors that may have a common influence across such divergent social arthropod groups. I suggest that seeking common biogeographic patterns in the distribution of social systems or key social traits may help us to identify ecological factors that play a common role in shaping the evolution of sociality across different organisms. I first review previous studies of social gradients that form along latitudinal and altitudinal axes. Within families and within species, many organisms show an increasing degree of sociality at lower latitudes and altitudes. In a smaller number of cases, organisms form larger groups or found nests cooperatively at higher latitudes and altitudes. I then describe several environmental factors that vary consistently along such gradients, including climate variables and abundance of predators, and outline their proposed role in the social systems of terrestrial arthropods. Finally, I map distributions of a social trait against several climatic factors in five case studies to demonstrate how future comparative studies could inform empirical research.