849 resultados para GIBBS SAMPLER
The Burrishoole catchment is situated in County Mayo, on the northwest coast of the Republic of Ireland. Much of the catchment is covered by blanket peat that, in many areas, has become heavily eroded in recent years. This is thought to be due, primarily, to the adverse effects of forestry and agricultural activities in the area. Such activities include ploughing, drainage, the planting and harvesting of trees, and sheep farming, all of which are potentially damaging to such a sensitive landscape if not managed carefully. This article examines the sediment yield and hydrology of the Burrishoole catchment. Flow and sediment concentrations were measured at 8-hourly intervals from 5 February 2001 to 8 November 2001 with an automatic sampler and separate flow gauge, and hourly averages were recorded between 4 July 2002 and 6 September 2002 using an automatic river monitoring system [ARMS]. The authors describe the GIS-based model of soil erosion and transport that was applied to the Burrishoole catchment during this study. The results of these analyses were compared, in a qualitative manner, with the aerial photography available for the Burrishoole catchment to see whether areas that were predicted to contribute large proportions of eroded material to the drainage network corresponded with areas where peat erosion could be identified through photo-interpretation.
Thermoelectric materials have demanded a significant amount of attention for their ability to convert waste heat directly to electricity with no moving parts. A resurgence in thermoelectrics research has led to significant enhancements in the thermoelectric figure of merit, zT, even for materials that were already well studied. This thesis approaches thermoelectric zT optimization by developing a detailed understanding of the electronic structure using a combination of electronic/thermoelectric properties, optical properties, and ab-initio computed electronic band structures. This is accomplished by applying these techniques to three important classes of thermoelectric materials: IV-VI materials (the lead chalcogenides), Half-Heusler’s (XNiSn where X=Zr, Ti, Hf), and CoSb3 skutterudites.
In the IV-VI materials (PbTe, PbSe, PbS) I present a shifting temperature-dependent optical absorption edge which correlates well to the computed ab-initio molecular dynamics result. Contrary to prior literature that suggests convergence of the primary and secondary bands at 400 K, I suggest a higher convergence temperature of 700, 900, and 1000 K for PbTe, PbSe, and PbS, respectively. This finding can help guide electronic properties modelling by providing a concrete value for the band gap and valence band offset as a function of temperature.
Another important thermoelectric material, ZrNiSn (half-Heusler), is analyzed for both its optical and electronic properties; transport properties indicate a largely different band gap depending on whether the material is doped n-type or p-type. By measuring and reporting the optical band gap value of 0.13 eV, I resolve the discrepancy in the gap calculated from electronic properties (maximum Seebeck and resistivity) by correlating these estimates to the electron-to-hole weighted mobility ratio, A, in narrow gap materials (A is found to be approximately 5.0 in ZrNiSn).
I also show that CoSb3 contains multiple conduction bands that contribute to the thermoelectric properties. These bands are also observed to shift towards each other with temperature, eventually reaching effective convergence for T>500 K. This implies that the electronic structure in CoSb3 is critically important (and possibly engineerable) with regards to its high thermoelectric figure of merit.
The application of principles from evolutionary biology has long been used to gain new insights into the progression and clinical control of both infectious diseases and neoplasms. This iterative evolutionary process consists of expansion, diversification and selection within an adaptive landscape - species are subject to random genetic or epigenetic alterations that result in variations; genetic information is inherited through asexual reproduction and strong selective pressures such as therapeutic intervention can lead to the adaptation and expansion of resistant variants. These principles lie at the center of modern evolutionary synthesis and constitute the primary reasons for the development of resistance and therapeutic failure, but also provide a framework that allows for more effective control.
A model system for studying the evolution of resistance and control of therapeutic failure is the treatment of chronic HIV-1 infection by broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb) therapy. A relatively recent discovery is that a minority of HIV-infected individuals can produce broadly neutralizing antibodies, that is, antibodies that inhibit infection by many strains of HIV. Passive transfer of human antibodies for the prevention and treatment of HIV-1 infection is increasingly being considered as an alternative to a conventional vaccine. However, recent evolution studies have uncovered that antibody treatment can exert selective pressure on virus that results in the rapid evolution of resistance. In certain cases, complete resistance to an antibody is conferred with a single amino acid substitution on the viral envelope of HIV.
The challenges in uncovering resistance mechanisms and designing effective combination strategies to control evolutionary processes and prevent therapeutic failure apply more broadly. We are motivated by two questions: Can we predict the evolution to resistance by characterizing genetic alterations that contribute to modified phenotypic fitness? Given an evolutionary landscape and a set of candidate therapies, can we computationally synthesize treatment strategies that control evolution to resistance?
To address the first question, we propose a mathematical framework to reason about evolutionary dynamics of HIV from computationally derived Gibbs energy fitness landscapes -- expanding the theoretical concept of an evolutionary landscape originally conceived by Sewall Wright to a computable, quantifiable, multidimensional, structurally defined fitness surface upon which to study complex HIV evolutionary outcomes.
To design combination treatment strategies that control evolution to resistance, we propose a methodology that solves for optimal combinations and concentrations of candidate therapies, and allows for the ability to quantifiably explore tradeoffs in treatment design, such as limiting the number of candidate therapies in the combination, dosage constraints and robustness to error. Our algorithm is based on the application of recent results in optimal control to an HIV evolutionary dynamics model and is constructed from experimentally derived antibody resistant phenotypes and their single antibody pharmacodynamics. This method represents a first step towards integrating principled engineering techniques with an experimentally based mathematical model in the rational design of combination treatment strategies and offers predictive understanding of the effects of combination therapies of evolutionary dynamics and resistance of HIV. Preliminary in vitro studies suggest that the combination antibody therapies predicted by our algorithm can neutralize heterogeneous viral populations despite containing resistant mutations.
Análise global da estabilidade termodinâmica de misturas: um estudo com o método do conjunto gerador
O cálculo do equilíbrio de fases é um problema de grande importância em processos da engenharia, como, por exemplo, na separação por destilação, em processos de extração e simulação da recuperação terciária de petróleo, entre outros. Mas para resolvê-lo é aconselhável que se estude a priori a estabilidade termodinâmica do sistema, a qual consiste em determinar se uma dada mistura se apresenta em uma ou mais fases. Tal problema pode ser abordado como um problema de otimização, conhecido como a minimização da função distância do plano tangente à energia livre de Gibbs molar, onde modelos termodinâmicos, de natureza não convexa e não linear, são utilizados para descrevê-lo. Esse fato tem motivado um grande interesse em técnicas de otimização robustas e eficientes para a resolução de problemas relacionados com a termodinâmica do equilíbrio de fases. Como tem sido ressaltado na literatura, para proporcionar uma completa predição do equilíbrio de fases, faz-se necessário não apenas a determinação do minimizador global da função objetivo do teste de estabilidade, mas também a obtenção de todos os seus pontos estacionários. Assim, o desenvolvimento de metodologias para essa tarefa desafiadora tem se tornado uma nova área de pesquisa da otimização global aplicada à termodinâmica do equilíbrio, com interesses comuns na engenharia química e na engenharia do petróleo. O foco do presente trabalho é uma nova metodologia para resolver o problema do teste de estabilidade. Para isso, usa-se o chamado método do conjunto gerador para realizar buscas do tipo local em uma rede de pontos previamente gerada por buscas globais efetuadas com uma metaheurística populacional, no caso o método do enxame de partículas.Para se obter mais de um ponto estacionário, minimizam-se funções de mérito polarizadas, cujos pólos são os pontos previamente encontrados. A metodologia proposta foi testada na análise de quatorze misturas polares previamente consideradas na literatura. Os resultados mostraram que o método proposto é robusto e eficiente a ponto de encontrar, além do minimizador global, todos os pontos estacionários apontados previamente na literatura, sendo também capaz de detectar, em duas misturas ternárias estudadas, pontos estacionários não obtidos pelo chamado método de análise intervalar, uma técnica confiável e muito difundida na literatura. A análise do teste de estabilidade pela simples utilização do método do enxame de partículas associado à técnica de polarização mencionada acima, para a obtenção de mais de um ponto estacionário (sem a busca local feita pelo método do conjunto gerador em uma dada rede de pontos), constitui outra metodologia para a resolução do problema de interesse. Essa utilização é uma novidade secundária deste trabalho. Tal metodologia simplificada exibiu também uma grande robustez, sendo capaz de encontrar todos os pontos estacionários pesquisados. No entanto, quando comparada com a abordagem mais geral proposta aqui, observou-se que tal simplificação pode, em alguns casos onde a função de mérito apresenta uma geometria mais complexa, consumir um tempo de máquina relativamente grande, dessa forma é menos eficiente.
We study the entanglement in a chain of harmonic oscillators driven out of equilibrium by preparing the two sides of the system at different temperatures, and subsequently joining them together. The steady state is constructed explicitly and the logarithmic negativity is calculated between two adjacent segments of the chain. We find that, for low temperatures, the steady-state entanglement is a sum of contributions pertaining to left-and right-moving excitations emitted from the two reservoirs. In turn, the steady-state entanglement is a simple average of the Gibbs-state values and thus its scaling can be obtained from conformal field theory. A similar averaging behaviour is observed during the entire time evolution. As a particular case, we also discuss a local quench where both sides of the chain are initialized in their respective ground states.
Biochemical energy is the fundamental element that maintains both the adequate turnover of the biomolecular structures and the functional metabolic viability of unicellular organisms. The levels of ATP, ADP and AMP reflect roughly the energetic status of the cell, and a precise ratio relating them was proposed by Atkinson as the adenylate energy charge (AEC). Under growth-phase conditions, cells maintain the AEC within narrow physiological values, despite extremely large fluctuations in the adenine nucleotides concentration. Intensive experimental studies have shown that these AEC values are preserved in a wide variety of organisms, both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Here, to understand some of the functional elements involved in the cellular energy status, we present a computational model conformed by some key essential parts of the adenylate energy system. Specifically, we have considered (I) the main synthesis process of ATP from ADP, (II) the main catalyzed phosphotransfer reaction for interconversion of ATP, ADP and AMP, (III) the enzymatic hydrolysis of ATP yielding ADP, and (IV) the enzymatic hydrolysis of ATP providing AMP. This leads to a dynamic metabolic model (with the form of a delayed differential system) in which the enzymatic rate equations and all the physiological kinetic parameters have been explicitly considered and experimentally tested in vitro. Our central hypothesis is that cells are characterized by changing energy dynamics (homeorhesis). The results show that the AEC presents stable transitions between steady states and periodic oscillations and, in agreement with experimental data these oscillations range within the narrow AEC window. Furthermore, the model shows sustained oscillations in the Gibbs free energy and in the total nucleotide pool. The present study provides a step forward towards the understanding of the fundamental principles and quantitative laws governing the adenylate energy system, which is a fundamental element for unveiling the dynamics of cellular life.
A mutagenicidade do material particulado é atribuída primeiramente aos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA). Investigamos a atividade mutagênica do material particulado (MP2,5) em amostras coletadas em três pontos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. As coletas foram realizadas com auxílio de um amostrador de grande volume na Avenida Brasil, no campus da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e no Túnel Rebouças em filtros de fibra de vidro. Metade de cada filtro foi submetido à extração por sonicação com o solvente diclorometano. Seis HPA foram identificados e quantificados por cromatografia gasosa com espectrometria de massa (GC/MS). Após a análise química as concentrações dos HPA obtidos foram correlacionados ao fatores físicos, além de ser realizado avaliação de risco para cada HPA estudado. Linhagens de Salmonella typhimurium (TA98 e derivadas TA98/1.8-DNP6, YG1021 e YG1024) foram utilizadas no ensaio de mutagenicidade e tratadas (10-50 g/placa) com extrato orgânico na presença e na ausência de metabolização exógena. Células de raiz de cebola foram tratadas com extratos orgânicos nas concentrações (5-25g/mL). A alta umidade encontrada no Túnel Rebouças pode ter influenciado na deposição de cinco dos seis HPA estudados em material particulado. Além disso, em diferentes condições de tráfego, motoristas de ônibus que cruzam a Avenida Brasil e o Rebouças túnel estão expostos ao risco induzidos por HPA na ordem de 10-6. Mutagenicidade foi detectada tanto na presença quanto na ausência de metabolização, para as linhagens YG1021 e YG1024 nos três pontos, sugerindo a presença de nitro e amino derivados de HPA. As amostras do Túnel Rebouças apresentaram os maiores valores para rev/g e rev/m3. Estes resultados podem estar relacionados ao longo trajeto e a restrita ventilação. Efeito citotóxico foi detectado pelo ensaio Allium cepa nos três pontos de monitoramento. Além disso os extratos orgânicos provenientes das coletas da Avenida Brasil, UERJ e do Túnel Rebouças induziram efeito clastogênico em células de raiz de Allium cepa
Abundance and species variations of the macrofauna associated with the roots of Pistia stratiotes of Ayamé II lake and Comoé river were studied during one year. Samples of plants were collected by hand once a month within a sampler of 1 m2 of surface.
The temporal variation of components of a moderately diverse (H=1.46) tropical estuarine fish assemblage (long. 146°30'E, lat. 8°45'S) was directed by salinities that had been determined by local oceanographic and probably topographic conditions. For this assemblage, two types of intrayear component profiles are predicted. Pooled data (1988-91) reveal a large component of regular/resident species (43%) in an assemblage which has been under a narrow temperature regime «5T). These results facilitate a discussion on the relevance and usefulness of three hypotheses often cited in studies concerning species diversity and component characteristics of the subtropical/tropical coastal nonreef fish assemblages. Manifestations of the assemblage are reflected in catch composition and weights of 39 trials conducted for a selective prawning gear whose performance in bycatch reduction, mainly for finfishes, is judged by an index, E, we have previously proposed. This gear is capable of harvesting the prawn while conserving the demersal fish. Behavioral responses to netting of the prawns and the finfishes, especially the nearshore surface schoolers such as leiognathids, are discussed from several points of view. An adaptation in terms of group selection for leiognathids of their locking mechanism of median fin spines has been interpreted. For the purpose of bycatch reduction or E enhancement, suggestions for improvements in net design and trawl configuration by considering the behavioral features of fish are made. Our original formula of E is modified for general use. Bycatch problems in the regional prawn fisheries and their possible impacts on fishery planning and development in Papua New Guinea as a developing country are discussed. The gear tested may offer enormous ecological and economic benefits. The gear is multipurpose, extremely simple, and can also be used as a biological sampler.
Este estudo tem o objetivo de analisar processos cognitivos na Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), presentes em duas interpretações da música Aquarela. Os processos cognitivos foram investigados à luz da corporificação, da metáfora conceptual (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002), da metonímia conceptual (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2003; EVANS; GREEN, 2006; KÖVECSES, 2010) e da iconicidade cognitiva (WILCOX, 2000; QUADROS, 2004; WILCOX, 2004). Além desses processos de construção de sentidos, analisam-se os esquemas imagéticos (EVANS; GREEN, 2006; GIBBS; COLSTON apud GEERAERTS, 2006) que lhes fundamentam. A partir dessa fundamentação, foram encontrados nas intepretações sinais categorizados icônico-metonímicos, icônico-metonímico-corporificados, de acordo com Nunes (2014), e icônicos-corporificados. Verificaram-se os esquemas imagéticos subjacentes aos sinais e classificadores. Considerando-se que esses sinais e classificadores estão presentes em interpretações de uma música, analisam-se também procedimentos e técnicas utilizados em traduções e interpretações em Libras. A partir da análise, constatou-se, entre os processos cognitivos subjacentes às interpretações da música, que as principais metáforas conceptuais subjacentes à letra de Aquarela em português mantêm-se nas interpretações em Libras. Contudo, na versão em Libras, uma nova metáfora foi postulada. Assim, buscou-se, com esta pesquisa, fornecer questionamentos sobre processos cognitivos em sinais e classificadores em interpretações na Libras
Neste trabalho, a partição iônica e o potencial de membrana em um eritrócito são analisados via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann modificada, considerando as interações não eletrostáticas presentes entre os íons e macromoléculas, assim como, o potencial β. Este potencial é atribuído à diferença de potencial químico de referência entre os meios intracelular e extracelular e ao transporte ativo de íons. O potencial de Gibbs-Donnan via equação de Poisson-Boltzmann na presença de carga fixa em um sistema contendo uma membrana semipermeável também é estudado. O método de aproximação paraboloide em elementos finitos em um sistema estacionário e unidimensionalé aplicado para resolver a equação de Poisson-Boltzmann em coordenadas cartesianas e esféricas. O parâmetro de dispersão relativo às interações não eletrostáticas écalculado via teoria de Lifshitz. Os resultados em relação ao potencial de Gibbs-Donnan mostram-se adequados, podendo ser calculado pela equação de Poisson-Boltzmann. No sistema contendo um eritrócito, quando o potencial β é considerado igual a zero, não se verifica a diferença iônica observada experimentalmente entre os meios intracelular e extracelular. Dessa forma, os potenciais não eletrostáticos calculados via teoria de Lifshitz têm apenas uma pequena influência no que se refere à alta concentração de íon K+ no meio intracelular em relação ao íon Na+
Particle flux in the ocean reflects ongoing biological and geological processes operating under the influence of the local environment. Estimation of this particle flux through sediment trap deployment is constrained by sampler accuracy, particle preservation, and swimmer distortion. Interpretation of specific particle flux is further constrained by indeterminate particle dispersion and the absence of a clear understanding of the sedimentary consequences of ecosystem activity. Nevertheless, the continuous and integrative properties of the particle trap measure, along with the logistic advantage of a long-term moored sampler, provide a set of strategic advantages that appear analogous to those underlying conventional oceanographic survey programs. Emboldened by this perception, several stations along the coast of Southern California and Mexico have been targeted as coastal ocean flux sites (COFS).
We introduce the Pitman Yor Diffusion Tree (PYDT) for hierarchical clustering, a generalization of the Dirichlet Diffusion Tree (Neal, 2001) which removes the restriction to binary branching structure. The generative process is described and shown to result in an exchangeable distribution over data points. We prove some theoretical properties of the model and then present two inference methods: a collapsed MCMC sampler which allows us to model uncertainty over tree structures, and a computationally efficient greedy Bayesian EM search algorithm. Both algorithms use message passing on the tree structure. The utility of the model and algorithms is demonstrated on synthetic and real world data, both continuous and binary.
This paper proposes a Bayesian method for polyphonic music description. The method first divides an input audio signal into a series of sections called snapshots, and then estimates parameters such as fundamental frequencies and amplitudes of the notes contained in each snapshot. The parameter estimation process is based on a frequency domain modelling and Gibbs sampling. Experimental results obtained from audio signals of test note patterns are encouraging; the accuracy is better than 80% for the estimation of fundamental frequencies in terms of semitones and instrument names when the number of simultaneous notes is two.