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The cross-sectional stiffness matrix is derived for a pre-twisted, moderately thick beam made of transversely isotropic materials and having rectangular cross sections. An asymptotically-exact methodology is used to model the anisotropic beam from 3-D elasticity, without any further assumptions. The beam is allowed to have large displacements and rotations, but small strain is assumed. The strain energy is computed making use of the beam constitutive law and kinematical relations derived with the inclusion of geometrical nonlinearities and an initial twist. The energy functional is minimized making use of the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM), thereby reducing the cross section to a point on the beam reference line with appropriate properties, forming a 1-D constitutive law. VAM is a mathematical technique employed in the current problem to rigorously split the 3-D analysis of beams into two: a 2-D analysis over the beam cross-sectional domain, which provides a compact semi-analytical form of the properties of the cross sections, and a nonlinear 1-D analysis of the beam reference curve. In this method, as applied herein, the cross-sectional analysis is performed asymptotically by taking advantage of a material small parameter and two geometric small parameters. 3-D strain components are derived using kinematics and arranged in orders of the small parameters. Closed-form expressions are derived for the 3-D non-linear warping and stress fields. Warping functions are obtained by the minimization of strain energy subject to certain set of constraints that render the 1-D strain measures well-defined. The zeroth-order 3-D warping field thus yielded is then used to integrate the 3-D strain energy density over the cross section, resulting in the 1-D strain energy density, which in turn helps identify the corresponding cross-sectional stiffness matrix. The model is capable of predicting interlaminar and transverse shear stresses accurately up to first order.


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Transactivator protein C is required for the expression of bacteriophage Mu late genes from lys, I, P and mom promoters during lytic life cycle of the phage. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom gene by C protein is well understood. C activates transcription at Pmom by initial unwinding of the promoter DNA, thereby facilitating RNA polymerase (RNAP) recruitment. Subsequently, C interacts with the (sic) subunit of RNAP to enhance promoter clearance. The mechanism by which C activates other late genes of the phage is not known. We carried out promoter-polymerase interaction studies with all the late gene promoters to determine the individual step of C mediated activation. Unlike at P-mom, at the other three promoters, RNAP recruitment and closed complex formation are not C dependent. Instead, the action of C at P-lys, P-I, and P-P is during the isomerization from closed complex to open complex with no apparent effect at other steps of initiation pathway. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom and other late promoters by their common activator is different. This distinction in the mode of activation (promoter recruitment and escape versus isomerization) by the same activator at different promoters appears to be important for optimized expression of each of the late genes.


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Chiral metamaterials have recently gained attention due to their applicability in developing polarization devices and in the detection of chiral molecules. A common approach towards fabricating plasmonic chiral nanostructures has been decorating metallic nanoparticles on dielectric chiral scaffolds, such as a helix. This resulted in the generation of a large chiro-optical response over a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has been shown previously that the optical tunability of these chiral metamaterials depends on the geometrical aspects of the overall structure, as well as the nature of the plasmonic constituents. In this study, we have investigated the role of the underlying dielectric scaffold with numerical simulations, and experimentally demonstrated that it is possible to enhance and engineer their chiro-plasmonic response significantly by choosing dielectric scaffolds of appropriate materials.


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We found that Pd(II) ion (M) and the smallest 120 bidentate donor pyrimidine (L-a) self-assemble into a mononuclear M(L-a)(4) complex (1a) instead of the expected smallest M-12(L-a)(24) molecular ball (1), presumably due to the weak coordination nature of the pyrimidine. To construct such a pyrimidine bridged nanoball, we employed a new donor tris(4-(pyrimidin-5-yl)phenyl)amine (L); which upon selective complexation with Pd(II) ions resulted in the formation of a pregnant M24L24 molecular nanoball (2) consisting of a pyrimidine-bridged Pd-12 baby-ball supported by a Pd-12 larger mother-ball. The formation of the baby-ball was not successful without the support of the mother-ball. Thus, we created an example of a self-assembly where the inner baby-ball resembling to the predicted M-12(L-a)(24) ball (1) was incarcerated by the giant outer mother-ball by means of geometrical constraints. Facile conversion of the pregnant ball 2 to a smaller M-12(L-b)(24) ball 3 with dipyridyl donor was achieved in a single step.


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In this paper we calculate the escape fraction (f(esc)) of ionizing photons from starburst galaxies. Using 2D axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations, we study superbubbles created by overlapping supernovae in OB associations. We calculate the escape fraction of ionizing photons from the centre of the disc along different angles through the superbubble and the gas disc. After convolving with the luminosity function of OB associations, we show that the ionizing photons escape within a cone of similar to 40 degrees, consistent with observations of nearby galaxies. The evolution of the escape fraction with time shows that it falls initially as cold gas is accumulated in a dense shell. After the shell crosses a few scaleheights and fragments, the escape fraction through the polar regions rises again. The angle-averaged escape fraction cannot exceed similar to1 - cos (1 rad)] = 0.5 from geometrical considerations (using the emission cone opening angle). We calculate the dependence of the time-and angle-averaged escape fraction on the mid-plane disc gas density (in the range n(0) = 0.15-50 cm(-3)) and the disc scaleheight (between z(0) = 10 and 600 pc). We find that the escape fraction is related to the disc parameters (the mid-plane disc density and scaleheight) roughly so that f(esc)(alpha)n(0)(2)z(0)(3) (with alpha approximate to 2.2) is a constant. For discs with a given warm neutral medium temperature, massive discs have lower escape fraction than low-mass galaxies. For Milky Way ISM parameters, we find f(esc) similar to 5 per cent, and it increases to approximate to 10 per cent for a galaxy 10 times less massive. We discuss the possible effects of clumpiness of the ISM on the estimate of the escape fraction and the implications of our results for the reionization of the Universe.


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Experimental charge density analysis combined with the quantum crystallographic technique of X-ray wavefunction refinement (XWR) provides quantitative insights into the intra-and intermolecular interactions formed by acetazolamide, a diuretic drug. Firstly, the analysis of charge density topology at the intermolecular level shows the presence of exceptionally strong interaction motifs such as a DDAA-AADD (D-donor, A-acceptor) type quadruple hydrogen bond motif and a sulfonamide dimer synthon. The nature and strength of intra-molecular S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding have been characterized using descriptors from the multipole model (MM) and XWR. Although pure geometrical criteria suggest the possibility of two intra-molecular S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonded ring motifs, only one of them satisfies the ``orbital geometry'' so as to exhibit an interaction in terms of an electron density bond path and a bond critical point. The presence of `s-holes' on the sulfur atom leading to the S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bond has been visualized on the electrostatic potential surface and Laplacian isosurfaces close to the `reactive surface'. The electron localizability indicator (ELI) and Roby bond orders derived from the `experimental wave function' provide insights into the nature of S center dot center dot center dot O chalcogen bonding.


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While absorption and emission spectroscopy have always been used to detect and characterize molecules and molecular complexes, the availability of ultrashort laser pulses and associated computer-aided optical detection techniques allowed study of chemical processes directly in the time domain at unprecedented time scales, through appearance and disappearance of fluorescence from participating chemical species. Application of such techniques to chemical dynamics in liquids, where many processes occur with picosecond and femtosecond time scales lead to the discovery of a host of new phenomena that in turn led to the development of many new theories. Experiment and theory together provided new and valuable insight into many fundamental chemical processes, like isomerization dynamics, electron and proton transfer reactions, vibrational energy and phase relaxation, photosynthesis, to name just a few. In this article, we shall review a few of such discoveries in attempt to provide a glimpse of the fascinating research employing fluorescence spectroscopy that changed the field of chemical dynamics forever.


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Maximum, spreading of liquid drops impacting on solid surfaces textured with unidirectional parallel grooves is studied for drop Weber number in the range 1-100 focusing on the role of texture geometry and wettability. The maximum spread factor of impacting drops measured perpendicular to grooves; beta(m,perpendicular to) is seen to be less than, that:measured parallel to grooves, beta(m,perpendicular to).The difference between beta(m,perpendicular to), and beta(m,parallel to) increases with drop impact velocity. This deviation of beta(m,perpendicular to) from beta(m,parallel to) is analyzed by considering the possible mechanisms, correspond, ing to experimental observations (1) impregnation of drop into the grooves, (2) convex shape of liquid vapor interface near contact line at maximum spreading, and (3) contact line pinning of spreading drop at the pillar edges by incorporating them into an energy conservation-based model. The analysis reveals that contact line pinning offers a physically meaningful justification of the observed: deviation of beta(m,perpendicular to) from beta(m,parallel to) compared to other possible candidates. A unified model, incorporating all the above-mentioned mechanisms, is formulated, which predicts beta(m,perpendicular to) on several groove-textured surfaces made of intrinsically hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials with an average error of 8.3%. The effect of groove-texture geometrical parameters,on maximum drop spreading is explained using this unified model. A special case of the unified model, with contact line pinning, absent, predicts beta(m,parallel to) with an average error of 6.3%.


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This paper reveals an early quasi-saturation (QS) effect attributed to the geometrical parameters in shallow trench isolation-type drain-extended MOS (STI-DeMOS) transistors in advanced CMOS technologies. The quasi-saturation effect leads to serious g(m) reduction in STI-DeMOS. This paper investigates the nonlinear resistive behavior of the drain-extended region and its impact on the particular behavior of the STI-DeMOS transistor. In difference to vertical DMOS or lateral DMOS structures, STI-DeMOS exhibits three distinct regions of the drain extension. A complete understanding of the physics in these regions and their impact on the QS behavior are developed in this paper. An optimization strategy is shown for an improved g(m) device in a state-of-the-art 28-nm CMOS technology node.


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It is shown that for a particle with suitable angular moments in the screened Coulomb potential or isotropic harmonic potential, there still exist closed orbits rather than ellipse, characterized by the conserved aphelion and perihelion vectors, i.e. extended Runge-Lenz vector, which implies a higher dynamical symmetry than the geometrical symmetry O-3. The closeness of a planar orbit implies the radial and angular motional frequencies are commensurable.


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A material model, whose framework is parallel spring-bundles oriented in 3-D space, is proposed. Based on a discussion of the discrete schemes and optimum discretization of the solid angles, a 3-D network cell consisted of one-dimensional components is developed with its geometrical and physical parameters calibrated. It is proved that the 3-D network model is able to exactly simulate materials with arbitrary Poisson ratio from 0 to 1/2, breaking through the limit that the previous models in the literature are only suitable for materials with Poisson ratio from 0 to 1/3. A simplified model is also proposed to realize high computation accuracy within low computation cost. Examples demonstrate that the 3-D network model has particular superiority in the simulation of short-fiber reinforced composites.


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The transition process of the thermocapillary convection from a steady and axisymmetric mode to the oscillatory mode in a liquid bridge with a fixed aspect ratio and varied volume ratio was studied experimentally. To ensure the surface tension to play an important role in the ground-based experiment, the geometrical configuration of the liquid bridge was so designed that the associated dynamic Bond number Bd ≈ 1. The velocity fields were measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique to effectively distinguish the different flow modes during the transition period in the experiments. Our experiments showed that as the temperature difference increased the slender and fat bridges presented quite different features on the evolution in their flow feature: for the former the thermocapillary convection transformed from a steady and axisymmetric pattern directly into an oscillatory one; but for the latter a transition flow status, characterized by an axial asymmetric steady convection, appeared before reaching the oscillatory mode. Experimental observations agree with the results of numerical simulations and it is obvious that the volume of liquid bridge is a sensitive geometric parameter. In addition, at the initial stage of the oscillation, for the former a rotating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 1 was observed while for the latter a pulsating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2 emerged, and then with further increase of the temperature difference, the pulsating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 2 evolved into a rotating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2.


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The performance of 23 kinds of waveriders, derived from different conical flowfields, is analyzed by the numerical computation under the conditions of fight speed of Mach 6, attack angle of 0° and flight altitude of 30 km. These results indicate that the performance is influenced by the shapes and the width to height ratios (W/H ) of generating cones. The geometrical parameter and the lift coefficient are proportional to W/H, while the drag coefficient and the lift to drag ratio (L/D ) have extreme values. Considering the base drag and the computation errors, the waverider with the highest L/D is cut from the elliptical cone’s flowfield (W/H = 1.5―1.618), and the configuration with the lowest drag can also be obtained at W/H = 1:1.5. Accordingly, good suggestions are proposed for practical design based on these computational results.


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A dimensionless number, termed response number in the present paper, is suggested for the dynamic plastic response of beams and plates made of rigid-perfectly plastic materials subjected to dynamic loading. It is obtained at dimensional reduction of the basic governing equations of beams and plates. The number is defined as the product of the Johnson's damage number and the square of the half of the slenderness ratio for a beam; the product of the damage number and the square of the half of the aspect ratio for a plate or membrane loaded dynamically. Response number can also be considered as the ratio of the inertia force at the impulsive loading to the plastic limit load of the structure. Three aspects are reflected in this dimensionless number: the inertia of the applied dynamic loading, the resistance ability of the material to the deformation caused by the loading and the geometrical influence of the structure on the dynamic response. For an impulsively loaded beam or plate, the final dimensionless deflection is solely dependent upon the response number. When the secondary effects of finite deflections, strain-rate sensitivity or transverse shear are taken into account, the response number is as useful as in the case of simple bending theory. Finally, the number is not only suitable to idealized dynamic loads but also applicable to dynamic loads of general shape.


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This paper first presents a stochastic structural model to describe the random geometrical features of rock and soil aggregates. The stochastic structural model uses mixture ratio, rock size and rock shape to construct the microstructures of aggregates,and introduces two types of structural elements (block element and jointed element) and three types of material elements (rock element, soil element, and weaker jointed element)for this microstructure. Then, continuum-based discrete element method is used to study the deformation and failure mechanism of rock and soil aggregate through a series of loading tests. It is found that the stress-strain curve of rock and soil aggregates is nonlinear, and the failure is usually initialized from weaker jointed elements. Finally, some factors such as mixture ratio, rock size and rock shape are studied in detail. The numerical results are in good agreement with in situ test. Therefore, current model is effective for simulating the mechanical behaviors of rock and soil aggregates.