999 resultados para Funcionário com deficiência
The law that justifies the inclusion of people with disability in schools and companies has been in force since the end of the 1980thies. In view of its coercion, people with disabilities have been enrolled at schools and been employed in companies. This research attempts to analyze the inclusion process according to Axel Honneth's Social Recognition Theory. Backed by his three dimension recognition process, we show firstly that inclusion signifies a process of individuation and social inclusion. Then, we study the law in force, its goals and strategies of achievement. We show that recognition's approach allows interpreting the law of inclusion more generously - in a less positivistic way. Finally, we approach the conditions for schools and companies to accomplish the law of inclusion so conceived.
The curricula study allows the verification of trends, concepts and the identification of teaching practices, enabling the planning and implementation of changes when necessary. The material presented here is part of the results obtained in a postgraduate research that deals with the training of psychologists to work with people with disabilities, which appealed to the document analysis. To accomplish this task it was used a methodological procedure named searching through radical, which allowed greater agility to the search, enabling the quick identification of the courses containing topics of interest for research, facilitating their selection to study. The use of document analysis as a methodology allowed both the collection and organization of information that were diffused, providing them new configuration as source of information, as the processing and interpretation of the raw data, giving them direction and adding them value. In 36 courses, 35 had at least one subject related to persons with disabilities, and the sum of these resulted in 85 subjects for analysis. The interpretation of data obtained through reading the menus brought information about prevalent intentions on the menus of the subjects, to research in the area, teaching procedures, techniques and possibilities of action and insertion of psychologists in different contexts in which they can deal with disability. In a positive perspective, the results showed that there seems to be a tendency to enhance the interface of psychology with other knowledge areas to understand the issues related to disability.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the responses of sugar cane subject to water stress by photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a, b, total a + b, ratio chlorophylls a/b and carotenoids) and verify the use of SPAD index as a cultivar differentiation tool. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, where four cultivars (IACSP95-5000, RB835054, RB928064 and SP80-3280) were grown in pots. After 65 days of planting, two treatments were implemented, i.e., with no stress (-D) and with water stress (D +). Cultivars of sugar cane respond differently in relation to photosynthetic pigments when subjected to water deficit. Cultivars IACSP95-5000 and RB928064 have less effect of drought, that is attributed to the ability of maintaining the chlorophyll and carotenoid content, as well as higher SPAD index values under this condition. Water stress affects with more intensity the cultivars RB835054 and SP80-3280 due to higher reductions in photosynthetic pigments and SPAD index. SPAD index is correlated with chlorophyll and carotenoid content in sugar cane and can be used as a technique for selecting tolerant cultivars to drought in breeding programs.
The aim of this work was to study the physiological responses of three contrasting cultivars of sugar cane subject to water stress and rewatering, The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, where the cultivars SP83-2847, SP80-1842 and SP81-3250 were grown in pots. The first assessment was done after 85 days of planting, then two treatments were implemented, i.e. without water stress (-D) and with water stress (+D) by withholding water for 15 days and rewatering imposed for 12 days after the stress period. Cultivars SP81-3250 and SP80-1842 showed a higher decline in the F-v/F-m ratio, leaf relative water content (RWC), leaf water potential (Psi(w)), SPAD index and photosynthetic pigments due to water deficit. Drought caused less damage in the physiology of the variety SP83-2847, and it still showed rapid recovery during rewatering, including for the stomatal conductance (gs), so this variety had better adaptation under this condition. The traits F-v/F-m, Psi(w), RWC, SPAD index and photosynthetic pigments present as potential physiological indicators in order to select tolerant sugar cane cultivars to water deficit. The trait gs is more effective in differentiating the tolerant cultivars during rewatering.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The paper aims to describe the steps undertaken in the development of a training program to prepare the physical education teacher to meet the demand of inclusion of students with disabilities. Seventeen physical education teachers who worked in public schools, from 1st to 5th grade, participated in the first step. The Data were collected through focus group. The analysis was performed in categories. Two teachers participated in Stage 2, which consists of 28 classes that there was a student with disabilities enrolled. The reports focus group identified eight different subcategories of difficulties: 1 ) Training , 2) Administrative-school issue ; 3 ) Student ; 4 ) Diagnosis ; 5 ) Family ; 6 ) Teaching resource ; 7 ) Strategies ; 8 ) Physical Education. The filming analysis enabled to identify difficulties and success situations of each teacher. The identification of the difficulties pointed out ways to prepare Physical Education teachers, and based on such difficulties actionsand contents that include a training program may be stipulated.
The professional development of teachers to work with children with disabilities is a recurring theme in the literature, as it is one of the keys to effective educational inclusion. However, studies carried out so far have mainly focused on training elementary school teachers. Given this context, this study sought to investigate: the occurrence of articles whose main objective is professional development for teachers of early childhood education to work with children with disabilities; and the methodology used in the professional development programs assessed by those papers. Articles published from 1990 to 2012, in the following journals, were analyzed: Educação e Pesquisa (USP), Revista Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, Pro-Posições (Unicamp), Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial e Revista Educação Especial (UFSM). After selecting the journals, the titles of all articles published within the period considered were read. Articles deemed relevant articles were read in full, and analyzed, according to the purposes of this research. The results indicated that within the period considered, and based on the journals chosen for investigation, there were no specific articles on the subject directly, although there have been articles that touch on the issue. This literature review emphasizes the importance of expanding research on the subject, in order to widen knowledge in the area, especially knowledge aimed at contributing to early childhood education and the professional development of its teachers.
The way one conceives disabled people seems to influence the actions directed toward them. Occupational therapists constitute a part of health professionals that direct their actions based on a comprehensive view of disability. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the conception of disability from the standpoint of occupational therapists. Fifteen university teachers of Occupational Therapy undergraduate courses participated in this study: seven from public universities and eight from private institutions, located in mid-sized municipalities in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected by means of a scale denominated “Escala de Avaliação da Concepção de Deficiência” (Rating Scale for Conception of Disability). The results show that the subjects tend to follow interactional, social conceptions of disability. This study yields contributions to understand the conception of disability held by teachers of Occupational Therapy. This conception certainly guides their teaching performance and affects the training of future professionals.
Objetivou-se verificar sob a ótica do professor se a Avaliação de Habilidades Motoras e de Processo – Versão Escolar (School - Version of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills - School-AMPS) aplicada aos alunos com deficiência física prediz o desempenho do aluno observado em sala de aula. Participaram dez crianças com deficiência física, entre quatro e oito anos de idade, e seus respectivos educadores. Os dados foram coletados por meio da observação das crianças em ambiente clínico durante a realização de tarefas pré-determinadas, com base na versão brasileira da School-AMPS. Aos educadores foi apresentado um relatório de avaliação da criança e aplicado um questionário composto por três questões. Os dados foram analisados de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. Os resultados apontaram que a School-AMPS possibilitou identificar se o desempenho da criança foi, na sua maioria, considerado deficitário, satisfatório ou intermediário e, sobretudo, possibilitou analisar o desempenho a partir da percepção da relação existente entre demandas da pessoa, da tarefa e do ambiente. Os educadores consideraram que o relatório de avaliação apresentado prediz de forma compatível o desempenho do aluno observado em sala de aula. Consideraram viáveis os recursos pedagógicos adaptados e as sugestões de estratégias para minimizar e/ou superar as dificuldades observadas no desempenho do aluno. Conclui-se que a versão brasileira da School-AMPS tem potencial como medida de desempenho funcional em crianças com deficiência física, entre quatro e oito anos de idade, e pode contribuir para a atuação do terapeuta ocupacional no contexto escolar.