936 resultados para Flying Capacitor Multicell Inverter
Flight activity and invasion of houses by Triatoma sordida and T. guasayana were studied in the Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Spontaneous findings of both species in houses were recorded from 1982 to 1989. Light trap collections were performed in 1982, 1983 and 1984, at the woods surrounding the settlements of Amamá (43 houses) and Trinidad (19 houses). Most of the 101 triatomines collected, were unfed and negative for Trypanosoma cruzi. T. guasayana predominated over T. sordida, and both appeared on the lighted screens between 19-31 min (mean 24) after dusk and the catch time was 30-45 min. Although entomological evaluation of 41 houses at Amamá performed in September 1985, just before insecticidal spraying, showed that Triatoma infestans predominated, adults of T. guasayana were collected in sleeping places, in 7 houses (17%). Most triatomines invading houses from then up to 1990 were flying T. guasayana (20/27) and females outnumbered males. Three non infected T. guasayana females were fed on man and two T. guasayana males positive for "T. cruzi like" trypanosomes were unfed. Therefore, visiting hungry adults could transmit T. cruzi to people and introduce wild parasites to the domestic cycle. T. guasayana stands as the main potential substitute of T. infestans in the studied area, and it might play there the same role as T. sordida in Brazil.
La Teoria de la Relativitat General preveu que quan un objecte massiu és sotmès a una certa acceleració en certes condicions ha d’emetre ones gravitacionals. Es tracta d’un tipus d’on altament energètica però que interacciona amb la matèria de manera molt feble i el seu punt d’emissió és força llunyà. Per la qual cosa la seva detecció és una tasca extraordinàriament complicada. Conseqüentment, la detecció d’aquestes ones es creu molt més factible utilitzant instruments situats a l’espai. Amb aquest objectiu, neis la missió LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna). Es tracta aquesta d’una missió conjunta entre la NASA i l’ESA amb llançament previst per 2020-2025. Per reduir els riscs que comporta una primera utilització de tecnologia no testejada, unit a l’alt cost econòmic de la missió LISA. Aquesta missió contindrà instruments molt avançats: el LTP (LISA Technoplogy Package), desenvolupat per la Unió Europea, que provarà la tecnologia de LISA i el Drag Free flying system, que s’encarregarà de provar una sèrie de propulsors (thrusters) utilitzats per al control d’actitud i posició de satèl•lit amb precisió de nanòmetres. Particularment, el LTP, està composat per dues masses de prova separades per 35 centímetres, i d’un interferòmetre làser que mesura la variació de la distància relativa entre elles. D’aquesta manera, el LTP mesurarà les prestacions dels equips i les possibles interferències que afecten a la mesura. Entre les fonts de soroll es troben, entre d’altres, el vent i pressió de radiació solar, les càrregues electrostàtiques, el gradient tèrmic, les fluctuacions de voltatge o les forces internes. Una de les possibles causes de soroll és aquella que serà l’objecte d’estudi en aquest projecte de tesi doctoral: la presència dintre del LTP de camps magnètics, que exerceixen una força sobre les masses de prova, la seva estimació i el seu control, prenent en compte les caracterírstiques magnètiques de l’experiment i la dinàmica del satèl•lit.
We use a difference-in-difference estimator to examine the effects of a merger involving three airlines. The novelty lies in the examination of this operation in two distinct scenarios: (1) on routes where two low-cost carriers and (2) on routes where a network and one of the low-cost airlines had previously been competing. We report a reduction in frequencies but no substantial effect on prices in the first scenario, while in the second we report an increase in prices but no substantial effect on frequencies. These results may be attributed to the differences in passenger types flying on these routes.
Nutritional status relating to flight activity was investigated in natural populations of Triatoma sordida and T. guasayana during the dry season in the Bolivian Chaco. The peak flight activity of both species was unimodal and covered the period 61-180 min after sunset. The weight of insects was used as the indicator of nutritional status. Interspecies comparisons employing the same sex and type of capture showed a higher weight for T. guasayana. No significant difference according to weight was observed between flying insects and those collected in natural ecotopes (hollow trees and bromeliads). More than 87% of insects collected from natural ecotopes displayed flight ability under the study conditions, explaining their tendency to invade artificial structures during the dry season.
In Central Amazon, Brazil, the tabanid Phorcotabanus cinereus (Wiedemann) was recorded attacking the native duck Cairina moschata (Linnaeus) (Anseriformes, Anatidae). The flight and behavior of the tabanid during the attacks and the host's defenses were videotaped and analyzed in slow motion. The tabanid was recorded flying rapidly around the heads of the ducks before landing. Landing always took place on the beak, and then the tabanid walked to the fleshy caruncle on the basal part of the beak to bite and feed. Firstly the duck defends itself through lateral harsh head movements, and then, when it is being bitten, it defends itself by rubbing its head on the body, or dipping the head into water, when swimming. If disturbed, the fly resumed the same pattern of flight as before and would generally try to land again on the same host and bite in the same place. This feeding activity was observed predominantly between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm and always in open areas, near aquatic environments, from June 1996 to January 1997, the dry season in Central Amazon. To test the attractiveness of other animals to P. cinereus, mammals, caimans and domestic and wild birds were placed in suitable habitat and the response of P. cinereus observed. P. cinereus did not attack these animals, suggesting that this species has a preference for ducks, which are plentiful in the region.
Epidemiological studies of malaria or other vector-transmitted diseases often consider vectors as passive actors in the complex life cycle of the parasites, assuming that vector populations are homogeneous and vertebrate hosts are equally susceptible to being infected during their lifetime. However, some studies based on both human and rodent malaria systems found that mosquito vectors preferentially selected infected vertebrate hosts. This subject has been scarcely investigated in avian malaria models and even less in wild animals using natural host-parasite associations. We investigated whether the malaria infection status of wild great tits, Parus major, played a role in host selection by the mosquito vector Culex pipiens. Pairs of infected and uninfected birds were tested in a dual-choice olfactometer to assess their attractiveness to the mosquitoes. Plasmodium-infected birds attracted significantly fewer mosquitoes than the uninfected ones, which suggest that avian malaria parasites alter hosts' odours involved in vector orientation. Reaction time of the mosquitoes, that is, the time taken to select a host, and activation of mosquitoes, defined as the proportion of individuals flying towards one of the hosts, were not affected by the bird's infection status. The importance of these behavioural responses for the vector is discussed in light of recent advances in related or similar model systems.
Feathers confer protection against biophysical agents and determine flying ability. The geometry and arrangement of the barbs, together with the keratin and pigments deposited in the feathers, determine the mechanical stability of the vane, and its stiffness and resistance to abrasive agents. In colour-polymorphic species, individuals display alternative colour morphs, which can be associated with different foraging strategies. Each morph may therefore require specific flying abilities, and their feathers may be exposed to different abrasive agents. Feathers of differently coloured individuals may thus have a specific structure, and colour pigments may help resist abrasive agents and improve stiffness. We examined these predictions in the barn owl (Tyto alba), a species for which the ventral body side varies from white to dark reddish pheomelanic, and in the number and size of black spots located at the tip of the feathers. White and reddish birds show different foraging strategies, and the size of black feather spots is associated with several phenotypic attributes. We found that birds displaying a darker reddish coloration on the ventral body side deposit more melanin pigments in their remiges, which also have fewer barbs. This suggests that wear resistance increases with darkness, whereas feathers of lighter coloured birds may bend less easily. Accordingly, individuals displaying a lighter reddish coloration on the ventral body side, and those displaying larger black spots, displayed more black transverse bars on their remiges: as larger-spotted individuals are heavier and longer-winged birds also have more transverse bars, these bars may reduce feather bending when flying. We conclude that differently coloured individuals produce wing feathers of different strengths to adopt alternative behavioural and life history strategies
Rhodnius barretti , a new triatomine species, is described based on adult specimens collected in rainforest environments within the Napo ecoregion of western Amazonia (Colombia and Ecuador). R. barretti resembles Rhodnius robustus s.l. , but mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences reveal that it is a strongly divergent member of the “robustus lineage”, i.e., basal to the clade encompassing Rhodnius nasutus , Rhodnius neglectus , Rhodnius prolixus and five members of the R. robustus species complex. Morphometric analyses also reveal consistent divergence from R. robustus s.l. , including head and, as previously shown, wing shape and the length ratios of some anatomical structures. R. barretti occurs, often at high densities, in Attalea butyracea and Oenocarpus bataua palms. It is strikingly aggressive and adults may invade houses flying from peridomestic palms. R. barretti must therefore be regarded as a potential Trypanosoma cruzi vector in the Napo ecoregion, where Chagas disease is endemic.
Com o virar do século a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) decidiu que era propício e muito simbólico dar um novo impulso à própria Organização e comprometeu-se a combater a pobreza e as doenças que vitimam milhões de crianças em todo o mundo, a maioria das quais com menos de cinco anos, devido a causas totalmente evitáveis como a malária, a diarreia e a pneumonia. Assim, a 8 de Setembro de 2000, 189 Estados membros das ONU adoptaram os “Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio” (ODM) surgidos da Declaração do Milénio. Foram definidos oito objectivos — cada um deles, um compromisso específico para inverter a propagação da pobreza e das doenças — que são suportados por um Plano de Acção com 18 metas quantificáveis para combater a pobreza, a fome, a doença, o analfabetismo, a discriminação contra a mulher e a degradação ambiental. Muitas das metas dos ODM reflectem um nível de ambição modesto em termos de desenvolvimento humano que os países da ONU se comprometeram a atingir até 2015. Os Objectivos representam igualmente uma parceria entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento tendo em vista criar um clima a nível nacional e mundial conducente ao desenvolvimento e à eliminação da pobreza. Essa parceria atribui responsabilidades muito claras aos países ricos em termos de prestação de mais ajuda; estabelecimento de regras comerciais mais justas; e alívio significativo da dívida dos países em desenvolvimento. Por seu turno os países em desenvolvimento comprometem-se a vencer o desafio que os ODM colocam. Cabo Verde aceitou o desafio lançado pela ONU para implementar um conjunto de acções estratégicas para que até o ano 2015 um conjunto de objectivos e metas seja realizado. Essa assumpção impõe a integração das metas e indicadores ODM nas políticas públicas nacionais.
Esta dissertação coloca em evidência o valor das “Paisagens Naturais” como recursos turísticos, sendo o estudo de caso é o parque natural de Serra da Malagueta, em Cabo Verde, ilha de Santiago. A consciencialização da necessidade de preservar os valores naturais (assumida na actividade turística a partir de 1993, com elaboração da Agenda 21), necessidades psicológicas de encontrar alternativas para lazer e recreio diferentes das dos centros urbanos, necessidade de contacto com formas simples de viver e a busca de uma maior interacção com a Natureza, são factores que influenciaram o surgimento do turismo sustentável, o que valorizou a “Paisagem Natural” que pode ser encontrado nos parques naturais. Os componentes dos parques naturais constituem ofertas potenciais para actividades alternativas de lazer e recreio, daí utilizadas para diversas actividades turísticas de Natureza. A sua concretização implica a intervenção humana para ordenar os usos relativamente às componentes naturais, o que implica a criação de serviços básicos (informação, alojamento, restauração, animação cultural, ambiental). Tal tem conduzido a que alguns parques naturais tenham evoluído de simples recurso natural para destinos turísticos. A sua gestão como destinos turísticos deve complementar a gestão dos processos naturais que ali têm origem, por isso no seu planeamento devem ser incluídas acções de formação dos intervenientes. Este procedimento aumentará a eficácia das actividades turísticas e minimizar-se-á os aspectos negativos, que poderão advir do uso público dos parques naturais, de modo a serem pólos de desenvolvimento local pela sua diferenciação como produtos turísticos, relativamente aos convencionais. Esta deve ser uma das vias a ser seguida em Cabo Verde, pois predomina o turismo de sol e praia. O turismo cultural e de Natureza aparecem como “produtos secundários”, o que não tem favorecido a integração dos diversos parques naturais. Contudo, é frequente encontrar alguns operadores turísticos nacionais a enviarem os turistas aos parques naturais para visitas, mas alguns são usados só como pontos de passagem. Tal deve-se à inexistência de ofertas de alojamento, restauração e animação, o que não tem trazido nenhum benefício para as comunidades locais, situação verificada no parque natural de Serra da Malagueta, objecto deste estudo. Para inverter esta tendência as intervenções devem passar pela instalação dos serviços em falta, regulamentar as actividades do turismo de Natureza, envolver a população local e promover o conhecimento do parque natural junto dos consumidores turísticos.
Protomeliturga turnerae (Ducke, 1907) represents the monotypic tribe Protomeliturgini (Andrenidae, Panurginae). The species is oligolectic on flowers of Turnera L. (Turneraceae). A survey of bees on flowers of Turneraceae and of material in entomological collections showed that P. turnerae is common and endemic in Northeastern Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to Alagoas. In João Pessoa, Paraíba, we studied the reproductive biology and mating behavior of P. turnerae and its relations to plants. At the study site, the species was univoltine with males emerging 5-8 days before the females. Soon after emergence the males established territories on flowers of Turnera subulata Smith which they occupied during several days. Parts of each territory overlapped with those of 1 to 3 other males. On the average, a territory comprised 124 flowers, 59 being shared with other males. Males showed two mating strategies: patrolling the flowers of T. subulata in which females collected pollen or waiting in a specific flower inside the territory for arriving females. P. turnerae showed multiple mating. On the average, a male mated 7 times a day, each copula lasting 3 to 25 sec. We observed 2 to 3 males attempting to copulate with the same female. At the end of anthesis of T. subulata the males stopped flying activity and remained inside flowers until their closure.
The coreid Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas, 1852) is commonly found in corn (Zea mays L.) fields in Brazil, and it has been observed flying and landing on objects or persons near these fields. During January, 1995, this behavior was studied in corn plantations. Results indicated that the bugs concentrated on objects (plastic cylinders traps) introduced into their habitat and that their number increased during the first 24 hs. However, as time passed (8 days), this possible territorial or recognition behavior gradually decreased, and tended to disappear.
Due to the importance of some Pleurosticti Scarabaeidae as agricultural pests allied to information absence on the species that occur in Brazilian Central-West region, on studies occurrence, biology and behavior on this group of scarabs were conducted. Biology and behavioral studies started with Liogenys fuscus Blanchard, 1850 (Melolonthinae), a very common species and were developed in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul. Adult beetles were collected from light traps from February 2005 to January 2007, at the experimental farm of the Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul in Aquidauana (UEMS). In the laboratory adults were placed in plastic containers with soil with sprouts of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf (Poaceae). Eggs were transferred to a climatized chamber at 26 ± 1º C with a 12hourlight, 12hour darkness photoperiod cycle. Adult flight activity occurred in August and in September to December from 06:00 pm to 06:00 am, with the largest number of individuals flying from 07:00 to 10:00 pm. Eggs measured 1 x 1.5 mm and were laid individually or in groups in soil chambers; eggs were initially white and became yellow near hatching. The embryonic period lasted 14.3 days; first, second and third instars lasted 28.5, 48.8, and 68.2 days, respectively. The prepupal period lasted 120.2 days and the prepupa stayed inactive in soil. The mean duration of pupal stage was 27.5 days and the mean longevity of adults was 23.6 days. In laboratory the calling behavior between males and females was observed; copulation lasted, in mean, 25 minutes.
Com o virar do século a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) decidiu que era propício e muito simbólico dar um novo impulso à própria Organização e comprometeu-se a combater a pobreza e as doenças que vitimam milhões de crianças em todo o mundo, a maioria das quais com menos de cinco anos, devido a causas totalmente evitáveis como a malária, a diarreia e a pneumonia. Assim, a 8 de Setembro de 2000, 189 Estados membros das ONU adoptaram os “Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio” (ODM) surgidos da Declaração do Milénio. Foram definidos oito objectivos — cada um deles, um compromisso específico para inverter a propagação da pobreza e das doenças — que são suportados por um Plano de Acção com 18 metas quantificáveis para combater a pobreza, a fome, a doença, o analfabetismo, a discriminação contra a mulher e a degradação ambiental. Muitas das metas dos ODM reflectem um nível de ambição modesto em termos de desenvolvimento humano que os países da ONU se comprometeram a atingir até 2015. Os Objectivos representam igualmente uma parceria entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento tendo em vista criar um clima a nível nacional e mundial conducente ao desenvolvimento e à eliminação da pobreza. Essa parceria atribui responsabilidades muito claras aos países ricos em termos de prestação de mais ajuda; estabelecimento de regras comerciais mais justas; e alívio significativo da dívida dos países em desenvolvimento. Por seu turno os países em desenvolvimento comprometem-se a vencer o desafio que os ODM colocam. Cabo Verde aceitou o desafio lançado pela ONU para implementar um conjunto de acções estratégicas para que até o ano 2015 um conjunto de objectivos e metas seja realizado. Essa assumpção impõe a integração das metas e indicadores ODM nas políticas públicas nacionais.
The importance of age and feeding on the performance of Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), a parasitoid of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) was investigated in the laboratory. Groups of female parasitoids were subject to the following treatments: a group fed during one, five and ten days after emergence of adults with coffee borer larvae; another group fed only with honey solution during five days after emergence; and as a control, a third group was kept without food for five days. At the end of each treatment, survivorship, parasitoid activity (walking and flying capacity in an arena), search capacity for finding coffee borer-infested berries, host feeding and oviposition (on immature hosts), were assessed. Unfed females showed a significant decrease in survivorship compared to individuals that were fed. The type of meal (insects or honey) did not significantly influence parasitoid activity, search and oviposition capacities. Females fed with honey solution significantly consumed less immature coffee borers. Younger females (one day old) walked and flew out of the arena significantly faster than older ones (5 and 10 days old). Implications of these results are discussed on the performance of C. stephanoderis as a biological control agent of the coffee berry borer.