871 resultados para Flue gas fan


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Vaccination aims at generating memory immune responses able to protect individuals against pathogenic challenges over long periods of time. Subunit vaccine formulations based on safe, but poorly immunogenic, antigenic entities must be combined with adjuvant molecules to make them efficient against infections. We have previously shown that gas-filled microbubbles (MB) are potent antigen-delivery systems. This study compares the ability of various ovalbumin-associated MB (OVA-MB) formulations to induce antigen-specific memory immune responses and evaluates long-term protection toward bacterial infections. When initially testing dendritic cells reactivity to MB constituents, palmitic acid exhibited the highest degree of activation. Subcutaneous immunization of naïve wild-type mice with the OVA-MB formulation comprising the highest palmitic acid content and devoid of PEG2000 was found to trigger the more pronounced Th1-type response, as reflected by robust IFN-γ and IL-2 production. Both T cell and antibody responses persisted for at least 6 months after immunization. At that time, systemic infection with OVA-expressing Listeria monocytgenes was performed. Partial protection of vaccinated mice was demonstrated by reduction of the bacterial load in both the spleen and liver. We conclude that antigen-bound MB exhibit promising properties as a vaccine candidate ensuring prolonged maintenance of protective immunity.


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Following perturbation, an ecosystem (flora, fauna, soil) should evolve as a function of time at a rate conditioned by external variables (relief, climate, geology). More recently, biogeomorphologists have focused upon the notion of co-development of geomorphic processes with ecosystems over very short through to very long (evolutionary) timescales. Alpine environments have been a particular focus of this co-development. However, work in this field has tended to adopt a simplified view of the relationship between perturbation and succession, including: how the landform and ecosystem itself conditions the impact of a perturbation to create a complex spatial response impact; and how perturbations are not simply ecosystem destroyers but can be a significant source of ecosystem resources. What this means is that at the within landform scale, there may well be a complex and dynamic topographic and sedimentological template that co-develops with soil, flora and fauna. Here, we present and test a conceptual model of this template for a subalpine alluvial fan. We combine detailed floristic inventory with soil inventory, determination of edaphic variables and analysis of historical aerial imagery. Spatial variation in the probability of perturbation of sites on the fan surface was associated with down fan variability in the across-fan distribution of fan ages, fan surface channel characteristics and fan surface sedimentology. Floristic survey confirmed that these edaphic factors distinguished site floristic richness and plant communities up until the point that the soil-vegetation system was sufficiently developed to sustain plant communities regardless of edaphic conditions. Thus, the primary explanatory variable was the estimated age of each site, which could be tied back into perturbation history and its spatial expression due to the geometry of the fan: distinct plant communities were emergent both across fan and down fan, a distribution maintained by the way in which the fan dissipates potentially perturbing events.


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The present review summarizes the most relevant results of our research group obtained recently in the field of unimolecular reaction dynamics. The following processes are specifically analyzed: the isomerization, dissociation and elimination in methyl nitrite, the fragmentation reactions of the mercaptomethyl cation, the C-CO dissociation in the acetyl and propionyl radicals, and the decomposition of vinyl fluoride. In all the cases, only state- or energy-selected systems are considered. Special emphasis is paid to the possibility of systems exhibiting non-statistical behavior.


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One of the primary goals for food packages is to protect food against harmful environment, especially oxygen and moisture. The gas transmission rate is the total gas transport through the package, both by permeation through the package material and by leakage through pinholes and cracks. The shelf life of a product can be extended, if the food is stored in a gas tight package. Thus there is a need to test gas tightness of packages. There are several tightness testing methods, and they can be broadly divided into destructive and nondestructive methods. One of the most sensitive methods to detect leaks is by using a non destructive tracer gas technique. Carbon dioxide, helium and hydrogen are the most commonly used tracer gases. Hydrogen is the lightest and the smallest of all gases, which allows it to escape rapidly from the leak areas. The low background concentration of H2 in air (0.5 ppm) enables sensitive leak detection. With a hydrogen leak detector it is also possible to locate leaks. That is not possible with many other tightness testing methods. The experimental work has been focused on investigating the factors which affect the measurement results with the H2leak detector. Also reasons for false results were searched to avoid them in upcoming measurements. From the results of these experiments, the appropriate measurement practice was created in order to have correct and repeatable results. The most important thing for good measurement results is to keep the probe of the detector tightly against the leak. Because of its high diffusion rate, the HZ concentration decreases quickly if holding the probe further away from the leak area and thus the measured H2 leaks would be incorrect and small leaks could be undetected. In the experimental part hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour transmissions through laser beam reference holes (diameters 1 100 μm) were also measured and compared. With the H2 leak detector it was possible to detect even a leakage through 1 μm (diameter) within a few seconds. Water vapour did not penetrate even the largest reference hole (100 μm), even at tropical conditions (38 °C, 90 % RH), whereas some O2 transmission occurred through the reference holes larger than 5 μm. Thus water vapour transmission does not have a significant effect on food deterioration, if the diameter of the leak is less than 100 μm, but small leaks (5 100 μm) are more harmful for the food products, which are sensitive to oxidation.


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The gas-phase ion-molecule reactions of the Me3SiN(H)SiMe2+ ion, obtained by electron ionization from Me3SiN(H)SiMe3, have been studied in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer in order to understand the mechanistic details of an important chemical system presently used in film formation. This silyl cation has been observed to undergo addition reactions at electron rich centers to form stable adducts that may undergo further methane elimination in the case of alcohols and amines. The most important feature of these reactions is the fact that a metathesis type reaction can be observed in the presence of H2O, and other hydrogen labile substrates like alcohols, leading to the formation of the corresponding oxygen-containing ion, i.e. Me3SiOSiMe2+. For alcohols (ROH), facile formation of a tertiary product ion, presumably corresponding to an Me3Si-O-Si(Me)=O+-R structure with elimination of an amine reveals the strong tendency of these nitrogen-containing ions to undergo metathesis type reactions with oxygen containing substrates.


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Neste Oil has introduced plant oils and animal fats for the production of NExBTL renewable diesel, and these raw materials differ from the conventional mineral based oils. One subject of new raw materials study is thermal degradation, or in another name pyrolysis, of these organic oils and fats. The aim of this master’s thesis is to increase knowledge on thermal degradation of these new raw materials, and to identify possible gaseous harmful thermal degradation compounds. Another aim is to de-termine the health and environmental hazards of identified compounds. One objective is also to examine the formation possibilities of hazardous compounds in the produc-tion of NExBTL-diesel. Plant oils and animal fats consist mostly of triglycerides. Pyrolysis of triglycerides is a complex phenomenon, and many degradation products can be formed. Based on the literature studies, 13 hazardous degradation products were identified, one of which was acrolein. This compound is very toxic and dangerous to the environment. Own pyrolysis experiments were carried out with rapeseed and palm oils, and with a mix-ture of palm oil and animal fat. At least 12 hazardous compounds, including acrolein, were analysed from the gas phase. According to the experiments, the factors which influence on acrolein formation are the time of the experiment, the sphere (air/hydrogen) in which the experiment is carried out, and the characteristics of the used oil. The production of NExBTL-diesel is not based on pyrolysis. This is why thermal degradation is possible only when abnormal process conditions prevail.


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Hajupäästöillä tarkoitetaan tavallisesti teollisen toiminnan aiheuttamia hajuaineiden päästöjä ympäristöön. Suomessa ympäristölainsäädäntö ei varsinaisesti kiellä hajuaineiden päästöjä mutta edellyttää kuitenkin, ettei niistä aiheudu merkittävää viihtyvyyshaittaa. Tässä työssä tutkittiin hajupäästöjä Saint-Gobain Rakennustuotteet Oy:n Hyvinkään lasivillatehtaalla. Tavoitteena työssä oli selvittää, mikä on tehtaan aiheuttamien päästöjen hajuvaikutus, ja mitä hajuyhdisteitä valmistusprosessissa muodostuu. Lisäksi työssä selvitettiin miten hajupäästöjä pystyttäisiin vähentämään. Työn kokeellisten tutkimusten aikana kerättiin tietoa hajun esiintymisestä valitulta tarkasteluajanjaksolta sekä mitattiin mm. tehtaan savukaasujen hajupitoisuutta ja koostumusta. Mittauksissa kaasunäytteiden hajupitoisuudeksi saatiin 170 HY/m3, joka kuvaa suhteellisen mietoa hajua. Näytteistä analysoidut haihtuvat orgaaniset yhdisteet olivat suurelta osin peräisin lasivillan valmistuksessa käytetystä sideaineesta, jota lisätään tuotteen joukkoon kuidutusvaiheessa. Ympäristöstä otetuista näytteistä ei kuitenkaan havaittu piipun yhdisteitä, mikä viittaisi siihen, että mittausjaksonaikana tehtaan päästöjen leviäminen ympäristöön on tapahtunut melko pieninä pitoisuuksina. Lisäksi on mahdollista, että ulkoilmassa yhdisteissä tapahtuu kemiallista muutuntaa ja hajontaa, jonka seurauksena yhdisteet muuttuvat. Tehtaan hajuhaitat vaikuttaisivat tutkimustulosten mukaan johtuvan savupainumaksi kutsutusta ilmiöstä. Savupainumaan vaikuttavat kaasun lämpömäärä sekä ympäristön olosuhteet ja topografia. Hajuhaittojen poistamiseksi olisi muodostuvia hajuyhdisteitä pystyttävä vähentämään 95-100 %.


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One of the main industries which form the basis of Russian Economical structure is oil and gas. This industry is also playing a significant role for CIS countries. Oil and gas industry is developing intensively attracting foreign investments. This situation is providing sustainable development of machinery production for hazardous areas. Operating in oil and gas areas is always related with occurrence of explosion gas atmospheres. Machines for hazardous areas must be furnished with additional protection of different types. Explosion protection is regulated with standards according to which equipment must be manufactured. In Russia and CIS countries explosion-proof equipment must be constructed in compliance with GOST standards. To confirm that equipment is manufactured according to standards’ requirements and is safe and reliable it must undergo the approval procedure. Certification in Russia is governed by Federal Laws and legislation. Each CIS country has its own approval certificates and permissions for operating in hazardous areas.


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The objective of this paper was to show the potential additional insight that result from adding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to plant performance evaluation criteria, such as effluent quality (EQI) and operational cost (OCI) indices, when evaluating (plant-wide) control/operational strategies in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The proposed GHG evaluation is based on a set of comprehensive dynamic models that estimate the most significant potential on-site and off-site sources of CO2, CH4 and N2O. The study calculates and discusses the changes in EQI, OCI and the emission of GHGs as a consequence of varying the following four process variables: (i) the set point of aeration control in the activated sludge section; (ii) the removal efficiency of total suspended solids (TSS) in the primary clarifier; (iii) the temperature in the anaerobic digester; and (iv) the control of the flow of anaerobic digester supernatants coming from sludge treatment. Based upon the assumptions built into the model structures, simulation results highlight the potential undesirable effects of increased GHG production when carrying out local energy optimization of the aeration system in the activated sludge section and energy recovery from the AD. Although off-site CO2 emissions may decrease, the effect is counterbalanced by increased N2O emissions, especially since N2O has a 300-fold stronger greenhouse effect than CO2. The reported results emphasize the importance and usefulness of using multiple evaluation criteria to compare and evaluate (plant-wide) control strategies in a WWTP for more informed operational decision making


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Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a novel combustion technology with inherent separation of the greenhouse gas CO2. The technique typically employs a dual fluidized bed system where a metal oxide is used as a solid oxygen carrier that transfers the oxygen from combustion air to the fuel. The oxygen carrier is looping between the air reactor, where it is oxidized by the air, and the fuel reactor, where it is reduced by the fuel. Hence, air is not mixed with the fuel, and outgoing CO2 does not become diluted by the nitrogen, which gives a possibility to collect the CO2 from the flue gases after the water vapor is condensed. CLC is being proposed as a promising and energy efficient carbon capture technology, since it can achieve both an increase in power station efficiency simultaneously with low energy penalty from the carbon capture. The outcome of a comprehensive literature study concerning the current status of CLC development is presented in this thesis. Also, a steady state model of the CLC process, based on the conservation equations of mass and energy, was developed. The model was used to determine the process conditions and to calculate the reactor dimensions of a 100 MWth CLC system with bunsenite (NiO) as oxygen carrier and methane (CH4) as fuel. This study has been made in Oxygen Carriers and Their Industrial Applications research project (2008 – 2011), funded by the Tekes – Functional Material program. I would like to acknowledge Tekes and participating companies for funding and all project partners for good and comfortable cooperation.


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The quenching of the photoluminescence of Si nanopowder grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition due to pressure was measured for various gases ( H2, O2, N2, He, Ne, Ar, and Kr) and at different temperatures. The characteristic pressure, P0, of the general dependence I(P)=I0exp(-P/P0) is gas and temperature dependent. However, when the number of gas collisions is taken as the variable instead of pressure, then the quenching is the same within a gas family (mono- or diatomic) and it is temperature independent. So it is concluded that the effect depends on the number of gas collisions irrespective of the nature of the gas or its temperature


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Urinalysis of acetone is important to monitor workers occupationally exposed to acetone and/or isopropanol, as well as in diagnosis of some diseases related to lipid metabolism impairment. This work shows a sensitive, simple and rapid static headspace-gas chromatographic procedure for quantitative determination of acetone in urine. The method was applied to measure acetone in 207 samples from general population volunteers, resulting in a mean level of 1.12 mg/L (± 0.47) and a range of 0.20 - 1.95 mg/L. The method is reproducible and reliable, making it suitable for routine analysis of acetone in urine.


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The presence of illicit drugs such as cocaine and marijuana in US paper currency is very well demonstrated. However, there is no published study describing the presence of cocaine and/or other illicit drugs in Brazilian paper currency. In this study, Brazilian banknotes were collected from nine cities, extracted and analyzed by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, in order to investigate the presence of cocaine. Bills were extracted with deionized water followed by ethyl acetate. Results showed that 93% of the bills presented cocaine in a concentration range of 2.38-275.10 µg/bill.


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The environmental impact of landfill is a growing concern in waste management practices. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of the solutions implemented to alter the issue is of importance. The objectives of the study were to provide an insight of landfill advantages, and to consolidate landfill gas importance among others alternative fuels. Finally, a case study examining the performances of energy production from a land disposal at Ylivieska was carried out to ascertain the viability of waste to energy project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. The study was conducted in two parts; the first was the review of literatures focused on landfill gas developments. Specific considerations were the conception of mechanism governing the variability of gas production and the investigation of mathematical models often used in landfill gas modeling. Furthermore, the analysis of two main distributed generation technologies used to generate energy from landfill was carried out. The review of literature revealed a high influence of waste segregation and high level of moisture content for waste stabilization process. It was found that the enhancement in accuracy for forecasting gas rate generation can be done with both mathematical modeling and field test measurements. The result of the case study mainly indicated the close dependence of the power output with the landfill gas quality and the fuel inlet pressure.