558 resultados para Fibrin clot


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Critical lower limb ischemia is a severe disease. A common approach is infrainguinal bypass. Synthetic vascular prosthesis, are good conduits in high-flow low-resistance conditions but have difficulty in their performance as small diameter vessel grafts. A new approach is the use of native decellularized vascular tissues. Cell-free vessels are expected to have improved biocompatibility when compared to synthetic and are optimal natural 3D matrix templates for driving stem cell growth and tissue assembly in vivo. Decellularization of tissues represent a promising field for regenerative medicine, with the aim to develop a methodology to obtain small-diameter allografts to be used as a natural scaffold suited for in vivo cell growth and pseudo-tissue assembly, eliminating failure caused from immune response activation. Material and methods. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells isolated from human umbilical cord tissue were expanded in advanced DMEM. Immunofluorescence and molecular characterization revealed a stem cell profile. A non-enzymatic protocol, that associate hypotonic shock and low-concentration ionic detergent, was used to decellularize vessel segments. Cells were seeded cell-free scaffolds using a compound of fibrin and thrombin and incubated in DMEM, after 4 days of static culture they were placed for 2 weeks in a flow-bioreactor, mimicking the cardiovascular pulsatile flow. After dynamic culture, samples were processed for histological, biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Discussion. Histology showed that the dynamic culture cells initiate to penetrate the extracellular matrix scaffold and to produce components of the ECM, as collagen fibres. Sirius Red staining showed layers of immature collagen type III and ultrastructural analysis revealed 30 nm thick collagen fibres, presumably corresponding to the immature collagen. These data confirm the ability of cord-derived cells to adhere and penetrate a natural decellularized tissue and to start to assembly into new tissue. This achievement makes natural 3D matrix templates prospectively valuable candidates for clinical bypass procedures


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Auswirkungen einer hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Therapie in Kombination mit chirurgischer Hämatomentfernung auf funktionelle und histologische Defizite nach akutem subduralem Hämatom der Ratte: Die Zeit bis zur Behandlung eines akuten subduralen Hämatoms stellt eine der wichtigsten prognosebestimmenden Faktoren für die Mortalität und Morbidität der Patienten dar. Ein unbehandeltes akutes subdurales Hämatom im Rahmen eines schweren Schädelhirntraumas geht mit einer Sterblichkeit von weit über 50% einher. Selbst bei zeitiger chirurgischer Entlastung versterben noch ca. 30% der Patienten als Folge der Hirnschädigung. Um Therapieoptionen zur Verbesserung der schlechten Prognose nach akutem subduralem Hämatom liefern zu können, wurde in dieser Studie die frühe Therapie mit hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Lösungen (HHT) sowie die Kombination mit chirurgischer Evakuation des Hämatoms untersucht. In dem genutzten Tiermodell wurde ein subdurales Hämatom über die Infusion von 400 µl autologen venösen Blutes erreicht. Je nach Gruppe erhielten die Ratten 30 Minuten nach ASDH eine HHT oder isotonische Kochsalzlösung und ggf. eine chirurgische Entfernung des Hämatoms eine Stunde nach Induktion. Die Studie war in zwei Teile getrennt. Die akute Studie welche den intraoperativen Verlauf von Blutwerten, intrakraniellem Druck zerebralem Perfusionsdruck und zerebralem Blutfluss untersuchte und die chronische Studie welche über Verhaltenstests (Neuroscore, Beamwalk, Open Field) die funktionellen und histologischen Ergebnisse im Verlauf von 12 Tage betrachtete. Im Ergebnis konnten durch eine HHT eine Reduktion der intrakraniellen Hypertension erreicht werden. Im Langzeit Verlauf schnitten alle Behandlungen besser ab als die unbehandelte Gruppe. In Bezug auf die neurologische Erholung und das histologische Defizit zeigten die mit einer HHT behandelten Tiere jedoch die besten Ergebnisse. rnEine frühe chirurgische Intervention ist eine protektive Maßnahme bezogen auf die funktionelle Defizite und den histologischen Schaden nach akutem subduralem Hämatom, aber frühe hypertone / hyperonkotische Behandlung ist in diesem Modell sogar noch effektiver. Eine frühe Behandlung mit hypertonen / hyperonkotischen Lösungen stellt somit eine vielversprechende, sichere und kausale Therapieoption zur Verbesserung der Prognose nach akutem subduralem Hämatom dar. rn


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Studio prospettico su 75 pazienti con malattia paranale di Crohn che ha come obiettivo quello di confrontare i risultati tra le nuove terapie medico-chirurgiche emergenti. La prima procedura è comune a tutti i pazienti e consiste in un intervento di incisione degli ascessi, fistulectomia e posizionamento di setoni di drenaggio nei tramiti fistolosi per il controllo della sepsi.Successivamente i pazienti vengono divisi in cinque gruppi e sottoposti ai trattamenti per la chiusura dei tramiti fistolosi: terapia sistemica con Infliximab,terapia sistemica con Adalimumab,confezionamento di Flap endoanale, instillazione di colla di fibrina o posizionamento di protesi biologiche. Abbiamo osservato una chiusura completa dei tramiti fistolosi nel 60% dei pazienti trattati con Infliximab, 53% di quelli trattati con Adalimumab, 40% di quelli in terapia con colla di fibrina, 80% di quelli sottoposti a Flap endoanale e 60% di quelli trattati con protesi biologiche. Gli ottimi risultati raggiunti in con le diverse metodiche di trattamento chirurgico locale rappresentano una valida alternativa alla terapia con farmaci biologici. Tali nuove metodiche risultano anzi fondamentali per il trattamento di quei pazienti che dopo una terapia con farmaci biologici non hanno raggiunto una completa risoluzione del quadro (rescue therapy). Terapia biologica e nuove tecniche chirurgiche risultano pertanto complementari, la prima contribuendo al miglioramento della qualità della mucosa del canale anale e del retto basso sulla quale risulta quindi più agevole agire con le seconde con una percentuale di successo sempre maggiore.


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A 52-yr-old man presented with hematuria and clot retention. He had undergone simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation with exocrine pancreas bladder drainage 16 yr ago. The patient suffered from progressive transplant kidney failure with gradually decreasing urine output and needed hemodialysis every other day. Gross hematuria persisted after removal of all blood clots. Cystoscopy showed multiple small, flat ulcers of the bladder mucosa. Some bled discretely and were coagulated cautiously. However, hematuria was refractory to multiple urological interventions, which eventually necessitated an enteric diversion of the exocrine pancreas. Hematuria ceased following an uneventful postoperative course.


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HP802-247 is a new-generation, allogeneic tissue engineering product consisting of growth-arrested, human keratinocytes (K) and fibroblasts (F) delivered in a fibrin matrix by a spray device.


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Coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) stabilizes fibrin fibers and is therefore a major player in the maintenance of hemostasis. FXIII is activated by thrombin resulting in cleavage and release of the FXIII activation peptide (AP-FXIII). The objective of this study was to characterize the released AP-FXIII and determine specific features that may be used for its specific detection. We analyzed the structure of bound AP-FXIII within the FXIII A-subunit and interactions of AP-FXIII by hydrogen bonds with both FXIII A-subunit monomers. We optimized our previously developed AP-FXIII ELISA by using 2 monoclonal antibodies. We determined high binding affinities between the antibodies and free AP-FXIII and demonstrated specific binding by epitope mapping analyses with surface plasmon resonance and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Because the structure of free AP-FXIII had been characterized so far by molecular modeling only, we performed structural analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance. Recombinant AP-FXIII was largely flexible both in plasma and water, differing significantly from the rigid structure in the bound state. We suggest that the recognized epitope is either occluded in the noncleaved form or possesses a structure that does not allow binding to the antibodies. On the basis of our findings, we propose AP-FXIII as a possible new marker for acute thrombotic events.


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INTRODUCTION: Intracisternal blood injection is the most common applied experimental subarachnoid bleeding technique in rabbits. The model comprises examiner-dependent variables and does not closely represent the human pathophysiological sequelae of ruptured cerebral aneurysm. The degree of achieved delayed cerebral vasospasm (DCVS) in this model is often mild. The aim of this study was to characterize and evaluate the feasibility of a clinically more relevant experimental SAH in vivo model. SAH was performed by arterial blood shunting from the subclavian artery into the great cerebral cistern. A total of five experiments were performed. Intracranial pressure (ICP), arterial blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blood gas analysis, and neurological status were monitored throughout the experiments. SAH induced vasoconstriction of the basilar artery was 52.1±3.4% on day 3 compared to baseline (P<0.05). Post-mortem gross examination of the brain showed massive blood clot accumulation around the brainstem and ventral surface of the brain. The novel technique offers an examiner independent SAH induction and triggers high degrees of delayed cerebral vasospasm. The severity of vasospasm attained offers a unique opportunity to evaluate future therapeutic treatment options.


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The plasmin-antiplasmin system plays a key role in blood coagulation and fibrinolysis. Plasmin and (2)-antiplasmin are primarily responsible for a controlled and regulated dissolution of the fibrin polymers into soluble fragments. However, besides plasmin(ogen) and (2)-antiplasmin the system contains a series of specific activators and inhibitors. The main physiological activators of plasminogen are tissue-type plasminogen activator, which is mainly involved in the dissolution of the fibrin polymers by plasmin, and urokinase-type plasminogen activator, which is primarily responsible for the generation of plasmin activity in the intercellular space. Both activators are multidomain serine proteases. Besides the main physiological inhibitor (2)-antiplasmin, the plasmin-antiplasmin system is also regulated by the general protease inhibitor (2)-macroglobulin, a member of the protease inhibitor I39 family. The activity of the plasminogen activators is primarily regulated by the plasminogen activator inhibitors 1 and 2, members of the serine protease inhibitor superfamily.


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Cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a frequent but unpredictable complication associated with poor outcome. Current vasospasm therapies are suboptimal; new therapies are needed. Clazosentan, an endothelin receptor antagonist, has shown promise in phase 2 studies, and two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trials (CONSCIOUS-2 and CONSCIOUS-3) are underway to further investigate its impact on vasospasm-related outcome after aSAH. Here, we describe the design of these studies, which was challenging with respect to defining endpoints and standardizing endpoint interpretation and patient care. Main inclusion criteria are: age 18-75 years; SAH due to ruptured saccular aneurysm secured by surgical clipping (CONSCIOUS-2) or endovascular coiling (CONSCIOUS-3); substantial subarachnoid clot; and World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grades I-IV prior to aneurysm-securing procedure. In CONSCIOUS-2, patients are randomized 2:1 to clazosentan (5 mg/h) or placebo. In CONSCIOUS-3, patients are randomized 1:1:1 to clazosentan 5, 15 mg/h, or placebo. Treatment is initiated within 56 h of aSAH and continued until 14 days after aSAH. Primary endpoint is a composite of mortality and vasospasm-related morbidity within 6 weeks of aSAH (all-cause mortality, vasospasm-related new cerebral infarction, vasospasm-related delayed ischemic neurological deficit, neurological signs or symptoms in the presence of angiographic vasospasm leading to rescue therapy initiation). Main secondary endpoint is extended Glasgow Outcome Scale at week 12. A critical events committee assesses all data centrally to ensure consistency in interpretation, and patient management guidelines are used to standardize care. Results are expected at the end of 2010 and 2011 for CONSCIOUS-2 and CONSCIOUS-3, respectively.


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In tissue engineering, a variety of methods are commonly used to evaluate survival of cells inside tissues or three-dimensional (3D) carriers. Among these methods confocal laser scanning microscopy opened accessibility of 3D tissue using live cell imaging into the tissue or 3D scaffolds. However, although this technique is ideally applied to 3D tissue or scaffolds with thickness up to several millimetres, this application is surprisingly rare and scans are often done on slices with thickness <20 μm. Here, we present novel protocols for the staining of 3D tissue (e.g. intervertebral disc tissue) and scaffolds, such as fibrin gels or alginate beads.


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Decompressive craniectomy (DC) lowers intracranial pressure and improves outcome in patients with malignant middle cerebral artery stroke. Its usefulness in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is unclear. The aim of this study was to analyze feasibility and safety of DC without clot evacuation in ICH.


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A 2-year-old, female goat from Connecticut was submitted for necropsy with a 5-day history of pyrexia and intermittent neurologic signs, including nystagmus, seizures, and circling. Postmortem examination revealed suppurative meningitis. Histologic examination of the brain revealed that the meninges were diffusely infiltrated by moderate numbers of lymphocytes, macrophages, and fibrin, with scattered foci of dense neutrophilic infiltrate. Culture of pus and brainstem yielded typical mycoplasma colonies. DNA sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene revealed 99% sequence homology with Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies capri and Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides Large Colony biotype, which are genetically indistinguishable and likely to be combined as a single subspecies labeled M. mycoides subsp. capri. The present case is unusual in that not only are mycoplasma an uncommon cause of meningitis in animals, but additionally, in that all other reported cases of mycoplasma meningitis in goats, systemic lesions were also present. In the present case, meningitis was the only lesion, thus illustrating the need to consider mycoplasma as a differential diagnosis for meningitis in goats.


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Lesions of the rotator cuff (RC) are among the most frequent tendon injuries. In spite of the developments in both open and arthroscopic surgery, RC repair still very often fails. In order to reduce the failure rate after surgery, several experimental in vitro and in vivo therapy methods have been developed for biological improvement of the reinsertion. This article provides an overview of the current evidence for augmentation of RC reconstruction with growth factors. Furthermore, potential future therapeutic approaches are discussed. We performed a comprehensive search of the PubMed database using various combinations of the keywords "tendon," "rotator cuff," "augmentation," "growth factor," "platelet-rich fibrin," and "platelet-rich plasma" for publications up to 2011. Given the linguistic capabilities of the research team, we considered publications in English, German, French, and Spanish. We excluded literature reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor.


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Ilio-femoral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has a high rate of long-term morbidity in the form of the postthrombotic syndrome (PTS). Therefore, management of acute thrombosis should not only focus on the prevention of acute complications such as propagation or embolisation of the initial clot but also on preventing PTS and recurrent thrombosis. Contemporary catheter-based treatments of deep vein thrombosis have proven to be safe and effective in selected patients. Current guidelines recommend medical therapy with anticoagulation alone for all but the most severe, limb-threatening thrombosis. They additionally allow for consideration of catheter-based treatment in patients with acute DVT and low risk of bleeding complications to prevent PTS. Recent studies favoring interventional therapy have not been included in these guidelines. Data on long-term outcome is expected to be published soon, clarifying and very likely strengthening the role of catheter-based treatments in the management of acute ilio-femoral DVT.


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OBJECTIVE: The study was conducted to determine activation of coagulation in patients undergoing open and endovascular infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR). METHODS: In a prospective, comparative study, 30 consecutive patients undergoing open repair (n = 15) or EVAR (n = 15) were investigated. Blood samples to determine fibrinopeptide A, fibrin monomer, thrombin-antithrombin complex, and D-dimer were taken up to 5 days postoperatively. Routine hematologic and hematochemical parameters as well as clinical data were collected. RESULTS: Both groups showed comparable demographic variables. Operating time was longer in open repair (249 +/- 77 minutes vs 186 +/- 69 minutes, P < .05). Perioperatively elevated markers of coagulation were measured in both groups. Fibrinopeptide A levels did not differ significantly between the groups (P = .55). The levels of fibrin monomer and thrombin-antithrombin complex were significantly higher in patients undergoing EVAR (P < .0001), reflecting increased thrombin activity and thrombin formation compared with open surgery. The D-dimer level did not differ significantly between the groups. These results were also valid after correction for hemodilution. CONCLUSION: These data suggest increased procoagulant activity in EVAR compared with open surgery. A procoagulant state may favor possible morbidity derived from micro- and macrovascular thrombosis, such as in myocardial infarction, multiple organ dysfunction, venous thrombosis and thromboembolism, or disseminated intravascular coagulation.